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Emilia Kaneko
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A Sacrifice worth making? Empty A Sacrifice worth making?

Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:39 pm
Splatter Puzzle (C):

”Huh? Where am I”? Emi states quietly as she smells the musk and filth in this random room. Her eyes glancing around trying to take in the surroundings, realizing how groggy she is she takes a deep breath to try and move around. The kunoichi’s arms pull her down as she goes to stand-up… understanding now that she is chained to a wall in an unknown place. ”This, this is not good”. As her brows furrowed, she looked around to see if there was something she could use to break the chains – though they didn’t seem to be that sturdy, and they extended long enough to allow her to form hand seals.
”Hm? Who’s there? Emi’s mind was racing as she heard some other noise coming from the room. She hadn’t been able to see anyone else a moment ago.. but it could have been due to her grogginess. From what the young girl could tell currently, there seemed to be multiple people chained up with her.. though she didn’t really recognize anyone currently. ”Hello?! Can y’all, hear me”? Just as Emi finished her sentence she could hear a voice come over what sounded like an intercom. She wouldn’t be able to tell where it was originating from or anything.
A sinister sort of laugh came across as the voice began to speak. ”Tonight… we play a little game. A game, that will force one of you to sacrifice your own life to save the others. There will be four obstacles for you to complete in order to survive this game. The first task is to get out of the chains Good luuuuck. Hehehe”.
As the voice faded and the intercom went off – Emi finished off a set of hand seals and her right hand began glow with lightning chakra forming around it. She would slice through the left chain and then turn her body clockwise to allow her right hand to cut the other chain in half.  So her left hand was completely free and her right hand still had a chain hooked to it. The young genin would step forward and head in the direction of the others to offer assistance if they needed it. Not that she thought they would – but it was still nice of her to offer.
Emi allowed her eyes to gaze upon the room in its entirety to try and see where they needed to go next. She wasn’t sure what would await them in the next trap, but whatever it was wouldn’t be like this she was sure. ”By the way, my name is Emi. Also, it looks like the only way out of this room is through that door over there”. The kunoichi allowed her right hand to point towards the door that she saw. Once the group was ready to head out together, they would push through at the same time and overcome whatever obstacles this creepy man or woman had put in their way

WC - 495 | AP - 40 Chidori
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:24 pm
Isemori blinked witha yawn, still out of it, thinking that he was still in his room. "Go back to bed, Itsuki," Isemori said, in a tired stupor only to have his eyes open wide; feeling a puddle of something cold, wet, and possibly gross. That was when he also began to notice he actually wasn't in his room at all. He looked around confused, seeing a bunch of other people like him chained up as well. "What th- What the hell!? Where am I!!!!!???" He shouted, trying to yank the chains from the wall, with no avail. That was when a sinister laugh came from nowhere. "Tonight... we play a little game. A game, that will force one of you to sacrifice your own life to save the others. There will be four obstacles for you to complete in order to survive this game. The first task is to get out chains Good Luuuuck. Hehehe." 

The voice said, cutting off from the intercom. Ise with an angry face and said, "Just wait til I find you! I'll make sure you regret messing with an Uchiha!" Ise said, continuing to pull on the chains. As he continued to pull on the one holding his right arm, it had broke free from the wall, and then eventually the other. If he had a jutsu that could have allowed him to break free from the chains, he would have used it by now, so he had to rely on brute strength to try and pry the last chain out from the wall. As he tried pulling on the chain, one of the other captors that was stuck with him and broke free from a really cool lightning style jutsu, and offered to help him as well as the others that were in the room with them. "Nice to meet ya Emi!" The young Uchiha said, while trying to pull on the chain, however, it was stuck in the wall good, unlike the other one. 

"Would ya mind helping me out? I can't get this other chain loose," He said in a disgruntled tone of voice as he continued to keep pulling on the chain; still to no avail. As he continued to try and pull the chain out, he wondered to himself if what guy said would actually come true. Ise wasn't about let anyone die, if he could help it. But first, he had to break the final chain in order to get out of here, along with the others. 

WC: 417
Reminisce Uchiha
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A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:56 pm
A little dust tickled the end of her nose, causing her to wake up in a fit of soft sneezes, that seemed to echo loudly around her. Opening her eyelids to discover that she was in an unfamiliar place. Rem rubbed at her eyes in disbelief. "What is this-" her words spaced out in a sleepy tone as she begin to realize that she might be in some sort of trouble.

The cold floor felt very uncomfortable against the bareness of her pale legs. Drawing her attention to the heavy chain that seemed to be connected tightly around her ankle. "Uh no. . "

She turns her attention to the voice that was speaking in confusion. So there was other people here too, that had no idea what was going on. It was a relief to know that she wasn't completely alone, but at the same time felt bad that more than one person was dragged into this deadly looking situation.

"The first step is to find a way to get out of this chain" The kunoichi spoke softly to herself, gently tugging at the chain as it rattled against the concrete wall that it was connected to. Before she could even begin to operate her escape, there was a static buzz of some sort of intercom that was followed with a voice. The voice cackled deviously, before continuing on about having to go through deadly tests to be free. The mention of there having to be a sacrifice caused a shiver to travel down the back of her neck. "So this is no joke." She said with a slight shake of her voice.

Rem knew that she couldn't lose her cool, she might still be behind on her journey, but there was no way that the kunoichi would allow herself to look weak.

Her attention was then brought to the sound of what seemed to be electricity, that ended with the echoing sound of something shattering to the ground. Almost as if one of the other prisoners managed to break free some their shackles. This gave her some encouragement that she needed. Withdrawing a kunai hidden within, it was a surprise that she still had one in the first place, Rem used it to pry open the shackle at her ankle.

There was a bit of a struggle, with the clumsy accident of her recieving a cut, but in the end the shackle broke free and fell to the floor. Rem took the time to rub at her ankle before attempting to stand up. So far so good. Her legs had the strength to hold her up and she was determined to continue these tests.

Not long after getting free from the shackles, Rem was greeted by another kunoichi by the name of Emi. She returned the greeting by announcing her name as well. "You can call me Rem. I'm ready to proceed with you." Then there was the voice of another male in the distance.

{TWC: 496}
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:43 am


When had there ever existed a time when it didn't feel as though he was rushing towards something he didn't see? Didn't understand? Had he become so comfortable with the uncertainty of what was to come that it now wrapped itself around him like a blanket he could use to slumber?

A dull ache pulled his consciousness forward, no longer allowed to swill in the familiar darkness. It started slowly; a twitch of a finger, the shifting of his head, the sensation of his hair shifting over his face. Eventually, one eye cracked open to glean the shadowy outlines of a set of figures across from him, lingering around the walls of his vision like stalking figures. "Ah. So we are here again." A soft groan escaped from Yuuma as he made to tug his wrist and found it restrained- bounds in a cold iron that chaffed at his skin, his body hanging from a pair of manacles attached to a wall at his back that he had slumped down against despite the length of the chains not quite allowing him to reach the ground. A moment longer, and he'd find his footing to stand. A few painfully slow blinks would bring him to wake, glancing around the room with no real ability to make out much aside from few noises that sounded alien to his rousing mind. "Words? Voices? There are others?"

Yuuma found himself without the ability to speak out for some time, gathering his senses. It was then he heard the hiss-pop of the hidden intercom flicker to life before a sinister voice presented itself in full mirth. Just as the others heard, so did he: A game. A life. A choice.

"Mmm," he hummed out loud for the first time, closing his eyes and straightening his back. Now his mind drifted, but not with the haze of sleep. The leisure of a restful wake had been replaced with the focused centering of his mind. A mental cold shower. Each of the others in the room spoke in various states of confusion. Some quiet and contemplative, other explosive and angered. Understandable reactions. Then came the brilliant crackle of lightning that prompted Yuuma to open his eyes. "Chidori," he thought to himself. "An impressive lightning attack." He'd note the one who made the display by their illuminated appearance in the pale blue light of the ability before it sliced through the chain.

"Emi. Rem. A loud boy. What an interesting bunch."

In a few silent movements, he'd form a small set of hand seals before the ball of energy appeared at the end of one of his pointer fingers, betraying his presence with the others for the first time before he'd bring his hands to a cross. A careful maneuver of the chains would see that ball of light turn into a small beam, shooting through the chains to the manacles and freeing him from the wall, and allowing him to retrieve a kunai from his pouch. "Glad I still have these," he mumbled to himself.

Stepping forward, the cuffs of the shackles would be loosened and clatter to the ground as he approached the three of them, taking a moment to look down at each of them, recognizing them as Hoshi ninja but not by name. They all looked much younger than him- they must also be Genin though from a class after his own. In this moment, Yuuma made a decision about their dilemma he would keep to himself, instead offering them a strained but pleasant smile- the best one might expect in circumstances like this. "A pleasure to meet all of you," he started with a bow of his head, not totally convinced he wasn't simply imagining these three people. "My name is Yuuma Fujiwara, and I will do my best to keep you safe."

To those who had followed the most recent exams, they might recognize the name as a local shinobi who had placed third in the competition, having surrendered his spot in the final match under unknown circumstances. Within the view of the three of them, and without any great hurry, he would perform a set of seals that those familiar with the Shadow Clone jutsu would recognize the completion seal before a duo puff of smoke apparated behind the older shinobi, a set of clones melding into existence from the ethereal that bore a resemblance to their creator. Unbeknownst to Yuuma, however, was that the resemblance was that of a horrific one.

Tainted by the energies of the dream, the clones appeared with faces of skewed flesh. Sockets sewn shut with trails of blackened twin and their lips in a similar manner, and yet any of the three that gazed upon these clones directly might feel as though the clone was looking back at them. The backdrop of the nightmares gave little credit to the comforting smile Yuuma offer to them as a hand was pushed in the direction of the door. "Shall we meet our trial?"

WC: 839

-Spirit Gun used.
-Shadow Clone used.
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:13 pm
It seemed as though there were four of them in here in total… four people and four tasks. Emi still wasn’t sure whether it was true or not that there needed to be a sacrifice for everyone to get out, though if there needed to be one… who out of this group would step up? As Emi was really starting to feel much better and fully get out of her grogginess, she noticed that each and every person seemed to be able to get out of their restraints. The other girl had used a kunai to pry the chain off her ankle.. ”Way to be creative..” Another one of the ninja had used some sort of jutsu that allowed him to get both chains loose.. then he also used a kunai to get chains off his wrist. The loudest of all the ninja was still having a trouble and actually asked Emi for some assistance. She had already undone the chain on her right hand as well using a kunai, similar to the other two.
”Sure”. The young girl looked at him and gave a gentle smile. She would then let her right hand reach behind her and pull the katana out and let it continue to flow down onto the chain – cutting it clean in two. ”There ya go.” These words escaped her lips in the most gentle and sincere way they could. Emi understood that everyone would need help now and again.. there no sense in bullying or making fun of those when they asked for it.
The kunoichi then turned around and looked at the door that would lead them to the groups next trial. The other boy had introduced himself as Yuuma and mentioned something about keeping everyone safe, which was nice of him. ”He’s confident.. haha” He would then start to weave the signs for a clone jutsu and as the cloud of smoke appeared and then faded.. the clone that had appeared, was something she didn’t expect. The face of the clone was not right and the flesh looked lumpy and scared… the eye sockets were sewn shut and so were the lips. Emi had never seen such a clone jutsu appear this way and she figured that it just must be from being groggy…
Emi figured that she would be the first one through the door as no one had made a move toward it yet. Her fingers wrapped around the handle and pulled… what was inside was something she didn’t even think of. The room was so massive it was basically turned into four segments. The center of the room with a huge statue of some sort of creature. The young genin took a few steps forwards to make sure she could look around the entire place. Emi was able to spot a place in each segment.. that looked like a switch. Did each switch need to be turned on for them to exit this trap? It really seemed simple enough.
She would dart off to the left switch… though the game plan changed once she entered her segment.. creatures of all sorts started to pop out. The first creature would come directly towards her and she engaged with the katana on her back. Emi would let her hands come down diagonally on the creatures lower body.. then she would perform an elegant counter-clockwise spin and let the katana pierce the enemy through the spine, leaving them paralyzed on the ground. As she moved forward there were several other enemies coming after her. The first enemy would receive a blade that went straight through it’s forehead, the young girl would then pull out two kunai that would land straight in the throat of the other two pushing forward.
As their bodies would hit the ground, Emi would pull the kunai from their throats and made sure to retrieve her katana. She would then quickly move toward the switch on her side and push it down. She could hear something opening toward the statue in the center of the building. As Emi trained her eyes on that noise… she could see a door opening up but wasn’t open all the way.. all of the switches needed to be turned on. She had also noticed that the monsters had stopped coming after her once she pushed the switch
”PUSH THE SWITCH”. Emi would yell this out in hopes the others would hear her. Hoping that they would, she made her way towards the middle of the statue to try and get through. She wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

WC - 770 | TWC - 1265
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Ise's Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Wed Oct 06, 2021 1:44 pm
The moment Emi had pulled out her Katana, the realization hit Ise that he could have just simply used a Kunai. However, he was so caught in the fact that he was chained up in some unknown dungeon against his own will, that he didn't actually give it any thought that he too had his hip pouch on him. He realized that more than likely looked like an idiot, but that didn't get him down. In fact, the moment Emi's katana broke the last chain; freeing him, he gave her his typical goofy grin and said, "Thanks!" and leaving it at that. Ise had then quickly activated his Sharingan, revealing the crimson red with it's distinctive tomoe hanging from the bottom left corner below the iris. A few seconds later, the other two that were captured along with him and Emi. "Despite the circumstances, it's nice to meet ya guys!" Ise said, while glancing around for any trace of someone or something else in their vicinity. With it being so dark, you couldn't necessarily see anything very well, which was where his Sharingan came into play. Even though it wasn't developed very well, he'd still be able to make out any movement that wasn't his or his companions, even in the dark. 

"And yeah! I say we show the guy who captured us that you don't mess with Hoshigakure Shinobi," Ise said, pounding the fist of his left hand into his right. "Once I get my hands on him, he'll rue the day he messed with me!" Ise thought to himself, while proceeding to follow the others with Emi in the lead. As they continued onto their next trial, Ise couldn't help but speak out once more about the place they were in. "I don't see any windows or anything, which more than likely means we're underground. We should be careful when using our jutsu. Otherwise, we'll more than likely have the ceiling cave in on us," Ise pointed out to the others. They more than likely made the same observation, but it couldn't have hurt to voice it out loud at least. A few minutes later they were at a door, leading into another bigger one which had four segments. Each segment seemed to have a switch of some sort, while in the center of the room was a statue of some creepy looking monster. Ise wore an expression that had mixed emotions. 

Aside from the four of them, the switches in each segment of the room, and the statue, it seemed to be fairly empty. However, when Emi darted towards the left switch, a multitude of creatures had appeared. "Crap!" Ise exclaimed, pulling out a Kunai from his hip pouch; swinging it from his left hand, while his pointer finger supported it's swift rotation, allowing him to grip it more firmly in his hand. With his Sharingan, still activated, he stayed in his spot, and with the kunai still in his left hand, began weaving the hand signs Rat, Tiger, Dog, and Ox in that order. "Fire Style - Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" and with that, Ise spewed six small fireballs from his mouth, firing them all in a straight line. Since he had his Sharingan activated, he made sure that he wasn't carelessly firing the fireballs in any typical fashion, avoiding not only his comrades, but also the ceiling. Due to the creatures being robust in size that were in front of him, they made easy targets for the small fireballs, quickly setting them ablaze. The monsters hit by the young Uchiha’s jutsu shrieked in pain, and had even collapsed to the ground, no longer moving, which opened a gap not only for Ise to head towards the farther switch away from the room, but it also left an opening for Rem and Yuuma to get to their own switches as well. 

There were still creatures,, but it gave them an opening regardless, while Emi seemed to be handling herself. "She definitely would make a good leader," Ise thought to himself with a grin, as he did his own fancy handy work with his kunai, slashing through some of the leftover creatures guarding the switch at the very far end of the room. "PUSH THE SWITCH!" Emi shouted, which Ise was already gunning for. Just as soon as he made it to the switch,  he pushed and shouted, "Got mine!" he said with a smirk.

WC: 736

- Sharingan - One Tomoe active
- Pheonix Flower used
Reminisce Uchiha
Reminisce Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20000

A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:08 am
Everyone of the participants user their own unique way of escaping the shackles of their rusty chains. Resulting to each of them passing their first test, hopefully. Another male shinobi became present amongst the group, as he finished displaying an interesting way of breaking free. He gave them his word of protection if it came down to it, and Rem's interest would peak at the appearance of the dead-like clones. The kunoichi had a strange unknown interest in dead things.

It didn't take long for Rem to assume that the kunoichi, who went by the name of Emi, was showing high leading potential. So she easily made the decision that she felt safe following her guidance.

Using her free hand to brush away some of the filth that transferred from the floor and to her attire. Seeing as Emi was heading towards the door that she mentioned earlier. So far all the included participants in this crazy situation was all strangers to her, but she had no choice but to out a little faith in them. At least she could kinda tell that they was fellow shinobi of her village.

They entered the next room. It was a mass of space, which was kinda suspicious. Her bright eyes quickly scanned the area, eyeing vigorously at the walls and the statue that held the room's possible potential. Emi was quick to notice the switches, and everyone else seemed to follow her lead without much hesitation. With there being four different segments laid within the room, it seemed to Rem that each participant would be in charge of their switch of choice.

Emi made her way to the switch at the left, Rem wasn't really excited to see what happens next, but there wasn't much of a choice that she would rather consider. So she maneuvered her way to a segment that no one else seemed interested in. Her attention was partly on the switch, giving her enough focus to be aware of anything else within the surroundings.

She wasn't even able to make it completely to the switch, before the room was interrupted by a horrid screech, then encountered by the sounds of combat. "Sounds like one of the others found the fun."

She tightly grasped the kunai within her hand. Taking a deep breath as her eyes gazed upon the switch. Sure she knew what would happen after it was activated. Emi's voice rose within the air with her simple but powerful command.

"Here goes nothing. ." The kunoichi felt the change of her abilities as she activated the bloodline of her well known clan. Her eyes shifted to the two-tome Sharingan, as her room filled with monsters. Their bodies seem twisted in ugly shapes as they loomed closer to her. closing in fast. She bit the insides of her cheeks, luckily creepy stuff like this wasn't that terrifying. But the stench that waffered from their outstretched mouths was horrific.

There was no time to waste. The room was suddenly overwhelming with noise and battle. Her Sharingan would be the reason that her simple kunai, would become a deadly weapon. Reminisce began to dance with the smelly monsters. Her sharp blade connecting into their skulls with a sickening slurp, while her eyes watched for the tiniest change of movement within her deadly dance circle. Adrenaline surged through the kunoichi's small being as she slowly progressed closer to the switch. The monsters was barely dwindling in numbers. if any at all. But that didn't stop her from working closer to the goal. Another blade ripped across the leathery throat, and another twisted body hit the floor.

Finally. . . Reminisce reached a fluid-covered hand towards the switch. Slamming it into place. A sigh of relief escaped her panting lips, and the monsters began to cease. Now there was nothing keeping her from the statue.

There was concern for the others, they must make it through. "What's next?"

{WC: 658 | TWC: 1,152}
- Sharingan: Tomoe Two Active
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:51 am
Respectively, they seemed bright. The two of them seemed to defer to Emi in the situation, and when it comes to a crisis like this, it was best to reinforce the decisions made in comfort. Traveling just behind the three of them, he would observe the trio ahead of him as though to discern something in particular about each of them but didn't allow his attention to linger overlong. Instead, he kept a vigilant watch on the area ahead of them as they approached. Passing through the door and into the massive room, Yuuma felt his heart sink only some. Big open spaces often left too much room for something to be lingering just out of view. Lurking in the veil of darkness at the edge of each of their vision. Taking in a short breath, Yuuma would push aside unseen concerns for now and observe their next challenge. Buttons, in separate spaces of the otherwise much larger chamber. "Certainly, this meant that each of them was going to have to push one..."

No sooner had the thought completed than the girl named Emi took off to the left. "Acting quick. Good." Yuuma's hands had already been forming seals as he recognized the initiative. "Go," he utter out as his hand clapped together before pulling apart in a wide arc, a burgundy-colored bow of chakra forming between his hands before it was grasped. The two clones took off towards the objective that was likewise on the further part of the room utilizing the opening made for them by the flurry of fire being spit downrange. Being not as fleet as foot as most, Yuuma decided to remain stationary and bring his bow to aim, a set of arrows forming as he pulled backed the string and picked carefully his targets. Each of the arrows has been spent in the assistance of his younger colleagues; though they were not particularly threatening targets, Yuuma's choices allowed his companions to operate in their zone of comfort by eliminating a threat in their blind. The clones had manifested their weapons as well; one with a staff of rock and the other with a long, fluid whip made of water. Together, the two of them seemed more than capable of making their progress to the button and allowing the original to assist his companions.

Thankfully, each of them seemed to hand themselves without incident. None of them had allowed an enemy to even come close to them, and as his clones were the slowest among them, that meant his button was the last to be pressed after Emi had made the call. Rem had just responded when the clones touched down the staff to depress it. Before Yuuma could respond with his success, however, the floor beneath them would give a short rumble, almost like they were on the back of a giant beast and had managed to wake it. With an inhuman speed, walls would burst upward from the floor to encompass each of the buttons, and trapping each of them in a five-meter by five-meter space. Yuuma, having been well outside any of the boxes, gained a look of horrific realization. "Shit!"

It was all he could manage before each of the chambers vanished from his vision.

Each of the participants is now enclosed in a small stone room with the glow of the button beneath them to offer illumination. Although they might not have realized it, they would each share the exact same experience. The room enclosed around them offering nothing but the frightening solitude of being forced into the next challenge by themselves. The floor shook the walls, a dull rumble being hear through the room in a quiet roar. It was hard to discern, but it almost felt like the room was moving. Up? Down? Sideways? It was impossible to tell. Before any of them would get a chance to discern this movement, the room would still. The light of the button in the center of the rooms would slowly dim as the button receded into the floor and leaving a hole in its place alongside an oppressive darkness.

For a long minute, nothing else seemed to occur until a noise could be heard from the hole. Too small for a person to fit down, the participants could hear the sounds of something fluid. A sloshing. A rushing. From the hole would begin to creep the quiet gurgle of rising water that would ensure their attention very quickly even had they not heard the sound. Within moments, the water would be up to their ankles. Black, murky water that even seemed to repel light if any could be produced, and provided an eerie reflection should any of them try. Another moment and many of them would feel as though they were wading through knee-high level water, a sensation crossing along exposed skin almost like something brushing against them, though nothing physical could be felt.

As the water continued to rise, a blue light would appear at the top of one of their walls. Drawing their attention to the source, they would see a face had appeared in the stone, its eyes looking down upon them while a wicked smile pressing its lips against the edges of what could have been a head. Words would fill the chamber upon recognition of the face, each of them hearing the same set of words, and experience the same apparition of the words on the wall in front of them in blood as they were spoken. Even as the face spoke these words, its lips never moved.

"This you've had since the day you were born,
a gift from father or mother.
And when you're gone its what they'll mourn,
until it's given to another."

WC- 961
TWC - 1,800

Jutsu Used:
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:47 am
Emi watched as the others seem to not be having too much difficulty maneuvering around their segments. Though, Yuuma had sent both his clones in to do most of the dirty work, which was smart in theory.. but could prove to be detrimental if he didn’t make it to his switch in time. One by one Emi could see the switches being pushed, and it wouldn’t take long for that last one to get done. Apparently Yuuma wasn’t very light on his feet and so he would be the last to make it to the switch. Though once he pushed it, something different happened. Rem and Ise had both followed Emi towards the center of the room to the statue, they had all been sucked in by the creative genius of this creepy fellow.
”The floor… its crumbling” Emi’s head turned and looked around, it was the entire place and they were standing in the center. This wouldn’t be good if they were to fall with such a large statue right there. The young kunoichi backed up a bit on to her side of the segment, though she wouldn’t have much time to do anything else except pray. As the floor collapsed and the other segments of the room disappeared from her sight, Emi felt a sort of calmness in her… ”Is this it?
Mere seconds later she could see that she had been trapped in a stone like chamber, only illuminated by the switch that was currently glowing. Her golden eyes would gaze upon her new… but temporary home. The stone chamber would begin to move, catching Emi slightly off balance and she would have to find her way to keep standing. It was difficult… no, it was impossible to tell which way the chamber had moved. Once it stopped though, the switch that was so kindly illuminating this smallish chamber would disappear, leaving behind a hole that would only lend itself to the deepest imagination of what would come from it.
As Emi could hear the rolling water moving through, it would suddenly start to creep in through the hole. This water was different… it just felt thick and sort of heavy… as if there was no light that could be bright enough to shine through it. Emi would have to remain calm so that she could make it back to the others. ”Oh god, the others… are they experiencing this same..” A voice appeared just as this thought was about to finish. Emi’s attention had been caught.. and she could hear the sound coming from above her. She could barely make it out, a face, a creepy face letting out a creepy riddle. ”Fitting”.
The wall in front of her would have the words the face was saying in front of her.
“This you’ve had since the day you were born,
A gift from father or mother.
And when you’re gone it’s what they’ll mourn,
Until it’s given to another”.

Emi was really no good with riddles, and by the time these words had escaped the creepy face and appeared on the wall… the water was up to her waist. The question remained.. what did this mean? Was it talking about life? Would this be the trial where someone would have to die?
”Life is given from mother AND a father… so that can’t be in.”
This quite possibly be the worst task for Emi to have from a completion standpoint. The young genin would need to hurry though as the water was slowly rising, if she needed, she would have to use the breath seal to allow her to breath under water… though then she couldn’t talk. ”Come on, Emi… THINK! What does a mother or a father give you?” As she asked that aloud, it came to her. She wasn’t positive that it would work until she tried but she had to do something.
”My name… Emi Ren!” The young genin would shout over and over until something would happen. It was like a captive stuck in a prison screaming or calling out over and over again. The water had suddenly stopped rising and actually began to find it’s way back to the hole. As the water completely disappeared, the stone chamber slowly separated itself and opened up to what looked seemed like the last area. Emi was about to see the other stone chambers, as they had all been moved the same room.
”Is this.. the last trial?”

WC - 745 | TWC - 2010
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
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A Sacrifice worth making? Empty Re: A Sacrifice worth making?

Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:33 pm
Ise had held his grin, feeling rather accomplished that he had been able to get to his lever, however, that was no longer the least of his problems, for not a moment too soon, he had been encased in an enclosed space once again, while also hearing some bad happening to Yuuma. “Yuuma! Oi! What happened?” the young Uchiha had asked frantically while banging his fist on the stone wall, not caring if he hurt himself in doing so. Isemori had cared more about his companions rather than his own well-being, and not getting a response from his comrade made it all the more unsettling for the Uchiha. “Emi! Rem! Are you guys okay!?” he said, not really sure if they could hear him. What had just happened to him, more than likely what had happened to them too. Then there was Yuuma, who Ise was worried about the most. With an expression of anger on his face, he groaned knowing that there was nothing he could do for the others. Not until he figured out how to get out of the enclosed space he was trapped in. That was when Ise noticed something forming above him. He looked up with a creeped out expression seeing the face on the wall that had a menacing smile that was directed at him. 

“This you’ve had since the day you were born,
A gift from father or mother.
And when you’re gone it’s what they’ll mourn,
Until it’s given to another”.

The riddle that had come from the menacing face above, made him all the more angrier. “Grr, ENOUGH WITH THE DAMN RIDDLES!” Ise had shouted back at it. However, his anger had then swiftly changed from confusion when he had heard a peculiar sound coming from the center of the floor right underneath his feet, then, that was when water started to come from the enclosed space’s epicenter, which made Ise curse under his breath. “If I don’t get out of here, then I’m going to drown to death. I’m too young to die!” He thought to himself, trying to figure out a way out. He couldn’t use ninjutsu because of one blast from his fire style, and he’d just have the enclosed space collapse on top of him. With the water, rising higher and higher, Ise tried to think of that stupid riddle the ceiling face was going on about. That was when it clicked - like a lightbulb turning on inside his brain. “It’s my name! I’m Isemori Uchiha!” He shouted at the top of his lungs up towards the face on the ceiling right above him. Ise wasn’t sure if it’d work or not, but when the enclosed space started to open, Ise quickly dived out of it. 

“Did I ever mention that I really, and I mean really am wanting to take our Captor and shove a kunai up his-” As Ise was about to finish his sentence, he was cut off by a familiar voice from an intercom coming from right above them in the center of right hand side of the room. “Such vulgar language! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth of yours? Ise’s angered expression came back to his face once again and started to shout at the intercom. “Oh, I have plenty more vulgar words from where that came from, and then some! Why don't you come out of hiding!? I will deliver all of it to you in Person!” Ise had raised his arms as well as his voice. He was responsible for killing Yuuma, and Ise was not about to let this guy get away with it. “Hmmmmmmm I think not. But … you should watch your step,” the voice said, and that was when a sharp cracking noise came from underneath Ise and the other’s own two feet. The floor was breaking apart. “Crap!” Ise shouted, running towards the wall. As he ran, he jumped towards it while simultaneously gathering Chakra to the soles of his feet, allowing him to safely have his feet press and stay on the wall. 

Around the same time, the ceiling above was also slowly sliding open from left to right, revealing what was their only exit. However, it was still quite a way to go. Ise stared up at his and the other’s only means of escape; the full moon’s light shining down right on top of them, while below them was seemingly void of anything but darkness. “As you may have guessed by now, granted you made it out of that alive, the hole above you is your only means of escape. Climb up to and deactivate the barrier’s seals. How you deactivate the seals is simple. Say your shinobi way, voila! Home Free! But do be careful though. The walls you’re standing on now have boobie traps scattered all over it. Trigger one of the booby traps and you’ll die from a rather nasty explosion. Another thing is, if one of you dies, your seal will automatically deactivate, leaving only two seals left. Also … there’s one last thing …” The voice from the intercom paused, which was when Ise, Emi, and Rem all heard a roar from something down below them. It had revealed itself, now entering into the moonlight just enough to show a massive creature slowly climbing up after them. 

massive creatire:

It had six slits, three on each side of it’s pale head for what seemed to be eyes. However, what was even more creepy about the creature that was slowly coming towards them was that it seemed to be large enough for its arms to reach both sides of the vicinity around them, as well as an even more menacing smile than the face from ceiling their enclosed spaces they were trapped in not too long ago. 

Ise's expression when seeing the creature:

“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?!?” Ise had shouted, beginning to climb up, and away from the monster, while seemingly dodging some of the first set of booby traps meant for him. 

“I’d climb whilst not looking down, if I were you lot. That thing has been down there for centuries, and I’m sure he’s really hungry! heheheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” 

The voice from the intercom cackled in a maniacal tone while the massive creature, climbing after Ise and the other two, once again roared loud enough to zone out their unknown maniacal laughter. It was now a race for their lives. They had to get to the top in order to break the barrier, while also dodging the traps that had been laid out for them. Ise noticed that the flooring had very peculiar indents, which he surmised were what would activate the booby traps. “Avoid the indents on the walls as you go up! Those are the traps!” Ise shouted at Rem and Emi, as he continued to climb, not even thinking about looking down. 

The silver-haired Uchiha was the first to reach the seal on the wall. He looked at it and said, “My ninja way is to be a promising shinobi, like my dad was!” he said,and the moment he finished his sentence, the seal in front of him on the wall quickly combusted, fizzling out into nothing. The first seal was broken, and only two were left.

WC: 1208
TWC: 2361
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