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Goto Senju
Goto Senju
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Halloween with Mitacho Empty Halloween with Mitacho

Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:53 pm
Mission specs:

Somewhere in a town far, far away. Or how dramatic a story could begin. Unfortunately for a certain silver haired Senju it would be a scenario he ended up in. One moment he was training while another suddenly caused him to find his way in a town never seen before. Konohagakure was in quite the state but it was nothing compared to whatever place this was. At first sight one would think the village was completely abandoned. Locked doors, closed windows. If Goto didn't know better the boy would have thought he ended up in some kind of low budget horror movie. 

Although he couldn't wait to get out of there Goto ended up walking around, looking for some kind of clue that would help him figure out what was going on. Making his way through the streets the Senju suddenly heard rumors pertaining a mysterious cloaked figure haunting town. More wary than curious the young shinobi started his own little investigation, hoping they were simply that, rumors. Minutes and maybe even hours would pass but no sign of the cloaked figure whatsoever, perhaps he reached a dead end, pun intended. 

The farther he walked, the more Goto became convinced something else was going on and to his surprise it turned out the Senju was right. Some wicked turn of events brought him to what appeared to be some kind of altar, making him believe it was used for human sacrifices. One thing was for sure, something was happening soon.

(WC: 250)
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Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Mon Oct 04, 2021 11:01 pm
Long nights often found the young Meijin walking the cool nights of Sunagakure. Unlike most nights he had been particularly happy with the results of his training- no the results of furthering the disease he had been carrying. His delving into his innate nature earned him a new mastery of the element of fire and through it he was able to truly call the element his own but he had more to learn...and more to gain. He had arrived at his usual location near the decrepit building that had formerly been the old academy of Suna and within its halls he found himself leaning against something and going into meditation as he usually did. The cool air had often met with his warm and albeit hot aura and like most nights this had been normal. After what felt like twenty minutes however he could feel the change in the atmosphere and he knew it wasn't him. Opening up his eyes he would begin to look around in slight dismay as he had been displaced by something...odd and foreign. He knew not what jutsu or technique had brought him to this place, but one thing was for certain he was certainly not in Suna anymore.

Standing up he would put his hood onto the blue locks and begin his trek around the area. His feet touched cold, wet cobblestone...was it? The sizzling sound that came every time his bare foot touched the water only showed he was not home...what should have been cool sand was replaced with wet stone. Each way he went he felt as if he was compelled to look for something, pushed even. An ethereal force causing him to search and search until after time unknown and uncertain he came across two things. One was an alter and in front of it a person. He could smell the blood coming from the area, anyone with a trained sense could but he couldn't place where the silver haired person came into the picture. Taking two steps forward until he had been a meter three meters from the unknown person he would speak," I take it you have something to do with this or are we both here for the same reason?"

372 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
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Ryo : 752950

Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:35 am
Mission specs:

Another surprise in the person of an unknown individual appeared as Goto tried to figure out everything that was going on. "Hi there" the silver haired responded, the strange altar still giving off peculiar vibes. "I believe we are here for the same reason" the Senju began his explanation. "Rumors of human sacrifices led me to this place". By then a group of locals showed up, all dressed for the occasion and prowling for candy and mischief. As they walked by the altar Goto suddenly noticed a change of attire had happened as he swiftly became aware he was now rocking a black hoodie finished with a couple of orange colored touches. "Did I have this on when I got here or am I tripping?". Visibly confused he decided it would be best to follow the group in case they knew more about what was happening in the spooky town.

Assuming the stranger also wanted to get to the bottom of it Goto urged the boy to follow him. "I'm sure you're curious as well, let's go". Regardless of the blue haired individual's decision the young Senju made his way into the direction of the local group. Time would pass and nothing out of the ordinary had happened besides the fact they ended up at a place called Yugakure's Hotel. "I don't know about you but we might find some clues here" he would say to the boy from earlier who'd be standing close to him before entering the building.

(WC: 250, TWC: 500)
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Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:08 pm
Not a threat. Good. His posture slowly returned to normal as his hands slowly sunk back into his hoodie pockets and he moved to stand beside the male rather than behind him so he wasn't being rude. He was lead here because of a rumor while Mitacho was pushed toward this by some mysterious force," Can't say I heard a rumor but it definitely felt like something was urging me here. This definitely isn't Suna so i'm going on a guess to say we have been transported somewhere differently," though once the shuffling and group of...costumed? People pushed passed them, he could definitely see that something had happened to the silver haired stranger in front of him. His clothing had definitely changed and upon further inspection he had a pair ears on his head? That coupled with a tattered cloak and some fangs (don't know how they got in his mouth) but a shrug came from him none the less. Following the silver haired male he would try to blend in as much as he could as he introduced himself," I'm Mitacho...And this is probably the weirdest thing i'll encounter today but at least its not alone," that small solace granted him a small smile as he said one last thing," Hopefully we do get some answers out of this or being in a large unknown crowd may prove to be....sticky for us you know?," he didn't expect any issues, but you never knew in situations like this.

250 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:06 pm
Mission specs:

The boy with the blue hair introduced himself as Mitacho, a shinobi hailing from Sunagakure. "Ah yes, beautiful place" Goto replied while referring to the village hidden by sand, fond memories of his temporary stay in the Land of WInd not too long ago. The contrast between both villages couldn't be bigger. Whereas one kept moving forward the other continued to stand still, hopefully things could start to look up now that his friend became the Hokage, perhaps it would allow them to close the gap and lower the distance between them and the other major villages. "My name is Goto, from Konoha". The Senju had no idea how aware the Suna shinobi was about the current state of the Leaf but perhaps the boy would be informed to some extent.

Now that they got the formalities out of the way Goto figured it was time to enter the Yugakure's hotel, a place where everyone would be staying and most likely be spending the night. "I hope we'll be able to get some sleep" the boy voiced as he set foot in the building. Exploring the place, looking for a room that suited his tastes the young Senju finally ended up somewhere down the hall. "This'll do" the boy said as he inspected where he'd be sleeping. "What about you?" the silver haired asked Mitacho, inviting the Sunagakure to join him if the Sunagakure shinobi so wished. Two beds, one window, so far for whatever comfort the room had to offer but at least it would be enough to get them through the night.

As evening slowly fell over the town Goto figured to try and get some sleep, gather his thoughts on how to move forward when he'd wake up the next day. "Here's to hoping nothing out of the ordinary happens" he said to Mitacho, assuming the Sunagakure shinobi had nothing else to discuss the Senju would close his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep rather sooner than later. Some time had passed when the boy suddenly woke up to the noise of windows being clapped together. Carefully getting up as the whispering sounds of the group they followed to the hotel caught his attention, a sign something was about to happen, or even worse, already did. Crawling out of bed Goto would signal Mitacho to follow his example, assuming the blue haired boy was awake as well.

As silent as he could the silver haired boy walked down the stairs, careful not to make any sounds whatsoever. Heading down it seemed the group had left the hotel and were making their way to a different location. Going after them without getting noticed Goto soon found they were leading him to what appeared to be a graveyard. "Things are getting quite spooky". For now the youngster would simply observe while remaining hidden and out of sight. Until he knew what they were dealing with it was best to be cautious before taking action that could endanger him.

(WC: 500, TWC: 1000)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:16 pm
When he had heard that the male had at some point known or been to Suna, Mita's smile grew though once he had heard that he was from Konoha it had made sense. Mita didn't honestly know the current situation within the walls of the Land of Fire, but since they were comrades in arms he was curious," How is your home faring by the way? I know that Suna and Konoha are on good terms and are working on liberating your home from Kiri but that is the extent of what I know," he wanted it to be known that at least in some standing Mita was an ally of Konoha, and with this he could actually make a friend within the village as the night went on. Giving a small nod he would pat the male on the back," Its nice to meet you by the way Goto." Looking forward it appeared as if the duo had been lead to a hotel that looked definitely more out of place as they continued moving forward which warranted a reaction from him," Is it me or is it the more we go through this place the more it changes...a little weird don't you think?," he didn't find it scary nor was he intimidated by the constant changes, however the unusual aspects of it made it questionable at best. Whether or not Goto responded to him, he would follow behind while he kept a keen eye on their surroundings. When they had finally gotten a room, Mitacho waited until Goto had went in and soon after he did and designated himself a small portion of the room," Providing no one tries to mess with us or we get transported somewhere we shouldn't be I think we will get some good sleep. What do you think our objective here is?," he took a small area on the floor, using his hoodie as a pillow since he did enjoy sleeping on the floor everyone once in a while.

Going to sleep he didn't sleep heavily, he couldn't in an area that he was very unfamiliar with. The clapping of the windows caused him to stir but he laid there eyes closed, taking in each sound and waiting to see if anything would try to take them off guard. However, when he heard Goto moving, his eyes would open and soon after his body as he threw on his hoodie and sighed," So much for a good night's sleep right? Let's see what is bumping in the night," standing up he would wait for Goto's lead before following him outside of the room. Down the stairs they went as they followed the previous group that they had originally followed here. Making sure he wouldn't be making a false step or a sound they would follow them up until a point where they were at a graveyard. The fact that they were here only meant that something was either about to go down or they were preparing for something. For now he would watch with his partner to see what exactly had been going on in this area.

523 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:18 pm
Mission specs:

As he observed what was going on at the graveyard Goto thought back to the earlier conversation between him and Mitacho regarding the current state of Konohagakure. "We've seen better days, that's for sure" was what he told the Sunagakure shinobi. The young Senju explained how in the last year or two the Leaf had been going through quite a lot of changes in leadership, one Kage after the other. "But I believe we found some stability now" he'd say with a smile. He truly believed that the upcoming generation of Konoha shinobi had what it takes to bring their village back where it belonged. 

Back to the current time and place, the spooky atmosphere still looming over the location they found themselves ending up. Moments earlier the silver haired noticed the group they followed making their way deeper into the graveyard as it seemed they were headed somewhere all along. "It appears they know what they are looking for" the boy would say under his breath only for Mitacho to hear. If he didn't know better Goto would think those people had a reason for coming there and planned on doing so from the beginning. The only question was, why at that time? Why wait til it's the middle of the night? What required them to head out so late?

For now Goto decided to observe a little longer, wondering what else they were about to find out. While the two of them were laying in wait the silver haired teen could suddenly hear noises coming from the distance. "What's this, music?". Visibly confused about everything that was going on his curiosity got the better of him as he stood up so he could see the cause of this all for himself. "You heard it as well, right?" Goto asked his Sunagakure companion. There was no way in hell, pun intended, that the Senju was just hearing things. "Let's get to the bottom of this", urging Mitacho to follow him the Leaf shinobi started heading where the sound came from.

Assuming Mita was indeed following behind the two of them would walk until they arrived at the location they heard the music coming from. Before either of them could even grasp or fully understand what was happening they found themselves suddenly surrounded by what appeared to be .. spooky creatures. And they were dancing? The longer they were spending time there, the less things made sense. "What are these, zombies? And why the hell are they moving around like that?". Something else that didn't add up was the disappearance of the group that led them there, were they not apart of the party or were they the zombies who seemed to be having the time of their lives. Well for as far you could call it that considering they were dead. "We have to figure something out to make them stop" Goto would say to Mitacho. If anything, the young Senju wanted to avoid the zombies getting all riled up.  

(WC: 500, TWC: 1500)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:17 pm
Such an odd day to spend in an unfamiliar town and even with this he found some amusement in an unknown story. Listening for a moment he nodded briefly to each word Goto spoke, Maybe not a physical nod but one more so in a mental stature. He had only heard so much about Konoha and its current status but hearing it from someone who had lived and breathed the very village sounded bad. He knew of the alliance they both shared between their homes but for someone to be oppressed to that end made Mita odds with himself. With that he would finally respond to the silver haired male not in sadness but hopefulness that his home would know peace," Sooner or later you and your village will know peace. Since you are hopeful that your new Kage will change what you already know for the better then it shall be for the better. They have a good person beside them," he was giving a nod to Goto who to him at least seemed loyal to his Kage. His eyes returned to the group who had been looking for or rather at something before dispersing and then... Music? That was definitely music he had begun to hear and slowly it became louder and louder. If this didn't disturb the dead from their sleep the young Meijin didn't know what would. Following the lead of Goto they would arrive to a dancing group of zombies, the night getting weirder and weirder with every moment. Mita personally had never seen Zombies before but this on top of their dancing could only mean so many things. Shaking his head he would begin to look around for anything that could be a source of music or the sound they were hearing.

"The only thing I can think of at the moment is shutting off that infernal racket and if not that we may have to subdue or even put them down...not in a death sense but subduing maybe? Either way we need to stop it. Divide and conquer? Above all be careful and don't get swarmed alright?," he'd hold out his fist for the iconic fist bump before taking off to find whatever had been causing the noise and if he did before Goto he would put an end to it...without becoming zombie chow. Mita hadn't dealt with something like this before so he approach toward it was going to be a little odd, but he knew that he had to be particularly careful so he didn't end up on the receiving end of something he did not want. Weaving through the swaying arms of the zombies he would look high and low for anything. A box. A record player. Anything that could make sound even if it was someone or something with instruments. Jumping onto the nearest gravestone he would apologize first for desecrating someone's grave like this and peer out into the distance quick to discover something. And hopefully fast.

501 WC
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:57 pm
Accepting his partner's fist bump Goto agreed to Mitacho's suggestion of divide and conquer. "Good luck". The silver haired Senju watched as the Sunagakure shinobi decided to take action as soon as he received the go ahead. While the Meijin would look to shut down the music the Konohagakure teenager was destined to find a way to deal with the zombies who were still dancing around. "Putting them down, easier said than done considering they're already dead" he thought out loud. One thing was for certain, it wasn't going to be easy. For some reason, and perhaps to his advantage, it appeared the undead still hadn't noticed any of the two being present. Maybe the zombies were so absorbed in the music that they didn't have a chance to pay any attention to their surroundings.

Trying to come up with a solution Goto thought of the best way to deal with the zombies. Considering Mitacho was still looking to shut down the music in an attempt to make them drop dead again, pun intended, the Senju was aware he couldn't pull anything too flashy nor should he run wild with whatever he'd come up with. "Alright, let's go with this". Forming four different hand seals, those being Snake - Rat - Ox - Tiger, the silver haired turned the area around them into a vast forest in a matter of mere moments. Five meter tall, two meter wide trees and even grass growing out of any solid terrain would begin to appear in a twenty meter radius. Of course this wasn't the end of his plan as he quickly prepared the next move. Because he didn't know how much time they had left before the undead would come back to their senses, or even worse attack them, Goto quickly formed another set of hand seals.

Snake - Rat - Dragon - Dog. Placing his hands onto the ground the Senju would create protruding roots, each of them growing an inch out of the earth. As the roots continued to grow and expand they soon emerged and grew around the zombies, attempting to bind and restrict them. One after the other the undead found themselves getting caught in Goto's techniques, making them unable to move any further and forcing their little dance party to come to a temporary halt. Of course it was only a short-term solution as both shinobi still needed to find a way to deal with the music since that would be the only thing sure to make them stop. He didn't know how much time had passed but by then Goto began to start every second until Mitacho successfully dealt with shutting down whatever was causing those sounds. 

For now all he could do was wait, looking for a sign that meant his Sunagakure partner had succeeded in doing his part. Even though they were already dead Goto couldn't help but feel a little bad for treating them in such a manner. Although they were no longer human, they once used to be.

(WC: 500, TWC: 2000)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Halloween with Mitacho Empty Re: Halloween with Mitacho

Sun Oct 17, 2021 11:41 am
Good luck. The words were the last he would hear from his partner as he dashed about, and on his perch of a tombstone he still couldn't see anything that stood out. Maybe he was simply thinking to small in terms of what it could be. As he continued to think he could see Goto making a move of his own to at least subdue the zombies in their dancing. What he was not expecting was the rumbling underneath the tombstone, the feeling of being jerked back and forth before seeing trees sprout from the ground. From the tombstone he went into the depths of the forest, bobbing and weaving from any odd branch or root that came up to ensnare him. He figured this had been Goto's doing which if it was that was definitely an impressive feat of its own. The ability to sprout life from the ground was definitely something that could change the tide of battle in its entirety, but now wasn't the time to admire it. Mita continued to dodge through the trees looking through the masses of zombies still stuck within the embrace of the tendrils. This made it a lot easier to find the culprit but a little harder because given Mita's "Unique" affinity it would probably not mesh well with the forest. None the less he pushed onward thinking of what he could do until he had heard it in the distance some ten meters ahead of him..

His ears could never mistake the sound of music even if it was thrashing to be loud once more. With each movement forward his body would would launch until he could see a small band trying their best to play while subdued. In his mind he would sigh and know what had to be done, but doing this also meant putting the dead back to rest. Pushing his body into the trunk of one of the trees he would explode forth with an unnatural speed as his right foot slid forward and crashed through the tree and the zombie in one fell movement. Sliding onto the ground he would stand up as his right hand began to heat up," I am sorry but your music must come to an end and the dead must rest once more," with his apology his super heated hand would cut through the band like a hot knife through butter ending the song as each instrument fell and with that silence fell in the forest. Clenching his fist the fire would subside and he would whistle loudly," Yo you can release the forest...I found the music and ended it," if Goto could hear him hopefully they would have the means to disspell the forest then he would wait until it had been removed. Walking over to his partner he would give him a high five and smile," Mission accomplished but look at you. Sprouting forests out of nothing. I gotta say i'm a bit envious of that ability," it was also meant as a compliment, but he admired the ability as well.

513 WC
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