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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:17 pm
Arriving to the spot of the gagged man it seemed some of them had quite the reaction. A reaction that placed their emotions above their reason. "This man is okay." The doctor would state removing the dead man's gag, the words said as if there truly were no problem with the dead man. It seemed everyone there forgot this man could easily be brought back to life due to who was with them. A Vulture with the power to restore the dead to life and this person was so freshly killed the process couldn't be simpler. Make a pit and throw this fellow in.

The man holding the knife was pretty clear to see when he moved if you didn't devote your entire attention to one thing like the Terumi trained to do. Loghain ran off clearly to angered to think and in turn the assailant raised his hands and something started to manifest, before he could even detail what was coming toward them he entered sage mode and weaved seals for Killer Doctor T Cells. Loghain would be caught in the fog before the T Cells could reach him, but as the Killer cells washed over the wolf they would eat the smoke created by the hooded weirdo. "We are fine. You however need to get a grip. Don't just act, think." Youta, Loghain, and Zeref would of course have no issue walking within the Terumi's jutsu, though Youta would likely see trillions of microscopic white blood cells maliciously attacking the smoke and the assailant if they caught the guy.

The Terumi didn't know where the murderer went until Youta mentioned he was on the roof with others. The doctor assumed he had run down the dark alley in the smokescreen. "My plan is to watch over you three while you decide how to best handle the situation. If I deem it necessary I will jump in to aide you in combat, investigation, or whatever else. This is a great time for you all to use what you have learned and take charge. Only, rule is if those people on the roof decide to resist kill all but one." The Vulture would say keeping up his T cells to serve as a barrier while the group of decided on a plan of action.
WC: 381
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:42 am
You know for once it would be interesting if I could actually enjoy a day without having to deal with something but I guess it can be helped at this point”, he would think to himself. It had seemed like the last couple weeks he has either been in some form of drama that he didn’t sign up for or he was at the training grounds trying to perfect new jutsu and today was suppose to be the one day he could actually enjoy himself and relax but it seemed like fate always had other plans for him. 

As they made they way down the alley they had spotted a man and before Zeref could say or do anything Loghain had ran off and unfortunately had forced Zeref and youta do the same thing. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he let his team mate go off into danger without enough back up and he was pretty sure youta felt the same way. As they made they way to loghain side a smoke filled the alley , but luckily for them their sensei was there to get rid of the smoke. With the smoke gone and youta pointing out the man had ran to the roof , akabayashi gave the word that they could handle it on their off as they see fit. 

Hearing that was music to his ears , he hated having to check before making his own move and now he has the perfect opportunity to do whatever he wants. “ Loghain you should take lead , your the most durable out of us three , I’ll be your back up” , he took a breath to form a few hand signs and have two shadow clones appear beside him. “Youta your the eyes in the sky , make sure we don’t miss anything or anyone , any objections. “ he would say. If they all agreed he would wait till Loghain made his move and follow behind him.

Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:29 pm
The wolf's rage got the best of him, allowing his body to act without thought. Sometimes this instinct was on point, allowing him to take action without hesitation. This time, it almost spelt doom for the man. Doctor Terumi's words were correct, the wolf should have thought before he acted in this instance. If not for the quick action of their sensei, the wolf and his comrades that followed would have been blanketed in the black fog.

When Youta asked what the wolf could smell, Loghain would answer something that he didn't expect. "It smells like, dog? No, not dog. They smell like wolves..." He immediately knew what this meant, since the Shinkou made it clear that there were people up there, not hounds. His first thought was that they were werewolves. Even though he hadn't ever encountered another werewolf, it all added up. The sounds of howling, their strange shape, and the scent they produced. Well, if they were werewolves he would have to be careful. If he wasn't careful, he could find himself - and more importantly his team - overwhelmed. He knew firsthand what the beasts were capable of. 

The Doctor ordered them to take the lead, and to make certain that should the targets resist we leave only one alive. Zeref would speak up first, the wolf agreeing with his assessment. "Don't let the other wolves get close to you, and get ready to move quickly." Loghain would say, shifting his focus to the roof that housed his prey. 

Suddenly, there would be the loud sounds of bone cracking and groans of pain from Loghain. His face would elongate, a snout appearing and fangs growing. The hands of the man would stretch, fingers sprouting large daggerlike claws. Dark, course hair would now cover nearly every inch of his body, his clothing tearing as his body grows to massive proportions. He now stands several feet taller, despite his body being in a slight hunch. He would let out a howl of his own, challenging the werewolves to dare stand against him. 

Moving at blinding speeds the beast would climb up the wall with ease as its claws tore through the wood and brick of the building with practically no resistance. The creatures residing atop the building dared not interfere with the climbing wolf. Once at the top, he would see the trio. Two werewolves stood beside the cloaked figure, their body size and claws not quite as large as Loghains were. He wasn't a proper alpha, but compared to these lesser werewolves he would seem as such. He would let out a primal roar, daring them once more to either act against him or submit. They didn't look like they had any intention of standing down. 

The more cautious of the pair held back while the other rushed at Loghain in a frontal assault. He didn't even move, the creature getting within striking distance and, thinking it somehow held the advantage, would press the attack and swipe at the Lycan champion. The claws would swipe across Loghain's chest, the creatures sharp claws not even able to cut flesh and draw blood. It went for another swipe, but Loghain would sidestep, lunging his face and teeth towards the neck of his target. His mouth would encase the whole throat of the enemy and with a sudden movement he would tear the creatures throat out, blood spraying all over his fur and dripping from his mouth. Despite the horror of this image, the creature was in complete control of his primal fury and he was enjoying every moment of this. 

His eyes would shift to the cloaked figure, a snarl making it clear that the same would happen to him. The body posture of the enemy werewolf shifted, no longer portraying a fierce predator but that of a cowering animal doing its best to avoid its doom. It was on the defensive. 

wc: 651
twc: 1982
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Mon Nov 01, 2021 5:29 pm
Youta could tell that Sabastian was getting very angry especially when he said that he could smell Wolf. Which confused Youta because he was wolf but it must be different who knows all Youta knew is that their chakra was different and they did not seem like they wanted to come and just chat. All of a sudden after they decided they needed to move Sebastian sounded like he was in a lot of pain and this caused Youta to turn around quickly and look at him and Sabastian became a werewolf. But as soon as Youta could see him he ran with such great speed and agility up the wall and it surprised the Young Shinkou how fast Sabastian could actually move in this form.

The group went up to the roof Youta lagging behind when they saw a cloaked figure with two werewolves next to him. Sabastian would roar out and Youtas best guess was to try to intimidate them. This was the only thing that made sense to him. One of the werewolves attacked Sebastian and this felt personal so Youta quickly did his hand signs and a bubble or bowl of darkness and dark energy surrounded the other werewolf that decided to stand back. Youta was ready to burn this werewolf if something went wrong with the other fight between Sebastian and the more aggressive werewolf. Youta was hoping Zeref would be the one who would try to catch the hooded figure. He would prepare to drop this dark cage that he subjected this wolf to. And now this wolf was cowering before Sebastian. He would prepare to help either teammate if they seemed like they needed it

WC 282.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:26 pm
The werewolf transformation of Loghain was expected. There was no surprise coming from the Terumi as a series of biological shifts within the wolf occured. This was normal for the lycans clan, though the ripped clothes would become a bit of an issue unless he had a set of replacement clothes at the ready.

Climbing the roof to the building across the street from Loghain, Youta, and Zeref the doctor would watch. Sebastian took a blow he could likely dodge just to prove he could a folly against anyone competent, but he was looking down on his opponent. Even though the werewolf Sebastian had a size advantage he was letting his opponent swipe him, before expertly dodging and rippings it throat out.

Youta had imprisoned one in a cage of darkness. It banged and slashed against the bars to no avail. Assumedly this was the capture target. Its means of escape and mobility were taken and when Loghain looked at the trapped wolf to challenge it took its will. Things would end shortly when the cloaked man was dead and the one he killed brought back to life.

WC: 188
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:25 pm
Once everyone had agreed to Zeref plan , they all set off toward the roof. He watched as Loghain and Youta both went after and was successfully able to subdue the wolfs, which left the hooded figure for Zeref to catch. He honestly wouldn’t of wanted it any other way , he didn’t want to have to fight those beast and risk getting covered in blood like the rest of them. He wasent to sure what the hooded man was capable off and he didn’t want to take an unnecessary risk, so he immediately summoned a two shadow clones and in an instant they all took off towards the ma and In mere moments they caught up to him. “Hey there buddy” , one of the clones said before jumping in front of him.

With the man completely surrounded he had no where to run, “might as well give up , there’s no where left for you to”, another clone had said but before the man could get any words out the real Zeref came up from behind and was able to knock the man out. He didn’t want to waste any time listening to what he had to say and rather get this over with so he could enjoy his night. “Hey he’s here with my clones I’m going to go and enjoy the rest of my night , good luck” , Zeref would say before leaving.
Claims:Ninjutsu amp(300/1500) ,mastery Earth wall (800/1000) , 35AP ,7k ryo, 10 tickets .
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Wed Nov 03, 2021 11:08 pm
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 8:19 pm
The wolf would witness his teammates in action, Youta quickly using some form of chakra technique to capture the other werewolf in a dome of shade. Despite its best efforts, it was simply not strong enough to escape from its newfound prison. Zeref would of course also assist, forming clones to surround and beat the daylights out of the hooded figure. The man was left unconscious and being watched over by the Senju's clones when he would mention that he was leaving to enjoy the rest of his night. If one listened they could almost hear the low grumble of Loghain's disappointment.

The raging form of Loghain was not that of an uncontrolled beast, but one of calm fury. He would find himself sprinting full speed at the unconscious hooded assailant. The wolf would grab them by the head, lifting their limp body effortlessly with the strength of this form. Squeezing his hand, the daggerlike claws would sever flesh and bone at the neck, the mans head now in Loghains grasp while the rest of him fell to the ground with a thud and splatter, the man's life essence quickly leaking all over the rooftop in a red puddle.

Loghain would look over to where he could smell his sensei, dropping the mysterious figures head before shifting focus back to the caged beast. With a glare, the enemy werewolf would decide it best to revert back to its human form. Once it showed this sign of submission, Loghain would also revert back. His body was covered in blood, and his clothes ripped during the transformation. He didn't want to seem indecent to his team, so he would simply take the cloak from the dead man lying on the ground. It wasn't clean and was soaked in blood, but that didn't matter. It clothed him enough.

"What now, Doctor?"

wc: 308
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:50 pm
Youta seeing that all the people they were chasing were either killed or dealt with would say to Akabayashi “this as been fun and all but I am tired of all this excitement and will talk to you guys on the next mission just send someone to come get me or a letter letting me know what we will be doing.” With this he would wave good bye to his teammates and run to a restaurant to get something to eat and call it a night when he gets home. When he gets home he is relieved to see that most of the trick or treating has stopped so that he can relax and take it easy.




Embracing the shadows

35AP ,7k ryo, 10 tickets

13 vigor
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The Dangers of Halloween! (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dangers of Halloween! (IO)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:18 pm
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