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Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:49 pm
What exactly was going on here? He would think to himself as the realization of everything started to dawn on him. This whole place was a bit of a mind screw. He didn't know how he got here, why he was here, or how he just survived. Was it all just in his head? He couldn't be sure of anything other than the fact that he wanted to get far from this place. Far away from the moon that called to him, and the creatures of the night that he felt he had so much in common with. 

Griff too would then transform, his own figure becoming that of a hulking monstrosity. Loghain wasn't completely certain, but he suspected that this man was of the Jugo bloodline. Doctor Terumi made it very clear to the wolf that there were a great many similarities between the two bloodlines, and seeing the man's sudden transformation made that connection in his mind. 

Everyone would all spring to action, each playing their part in clearing a swath of zombies. Their numbers felt countless, but with the full effort of each of them it also seemed manageable. If anything he would worry about succumbing to fatigue from all of this combat. The squad would tear through zombies until they reached the front entrance where there was something large and seemingly feeding on other zombies. It looked their way and suddenly they were back in the room. "What the hell is going on?"

None of this was making sense. They were all just at the front desk after killing all of the zombies between here and there. "I can't be the only person who feels like something very wrong is going on. Did anyone else just recall making our way to the front of the hotel?" He would ask, hoping that he wasn't the only one experiencing this awful feeling. 

Depending on what they said, he might change his course of action but something about this place was beginning to really incite his rage. Either that or he was... he was gathering too much nature energy... But that can't be right, he had transformed to combat the zombies. This was all sending up red flags to the wolf. Something must have had him under some sort of spell or illusion. Yet they were all experiencing the same thing. Could it have caught all of them? 

The groans of zombies approaching once again filled his ears. "I have this feeling that we have to kill the old lady." He would offer, not sure how such a statement would come across. He wasn't usually one to suggest such a course of action, but if she was the culprit he figured killing her would put a stop to it all. That was how his interaction with the Yamaguchi had gone down, so no reason to suspect this would be any different. "If she is controlling them, we just have to stop her." 

Suddenly amidst the groans of zombies, a catchy tune would begin to play. What the hell is going on now?

Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : A Griffin Reborn
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Sun Oct 17, 2021 5:52 pm
Griff loved that the feeling of battle. Right in front of him and only a few meters away. It was a slaughter; it was men stumbling through the mud with their entrails hanging out. It was severed limbs and broken bones and pools of blood. How do the worms come out after a hard rain? He had heard they do the same after a big battle if enough blood soaks into the ground.

That was death knocking on his door. Again and again. How many times had it been by now? He stopped counting after a dozen. His body was on autopilot, coming back into the room—the sound of the rusty iron hinges.

"If that old lady is the key, then we finish her off." He had said in response to the girl. But every time he got close, carving a path through the zombies with the ax of his forearm, when he made it to the ground floor, Griff was limping from the arrow he had taken through the foot. He wasn't feeling the dagger that pierced his between the shoulder blades.

The enemy flew at him again. This time it was the zombie mother. Footsteps were bestial as they were echoed through the corridors of the hotel. Griff met her swiftly as if they were in dance.

Under the scales of his armor, blood trickled down Griff's chest as he pressed the attack. The Zombie mother stumbled backward, absorbing the shock of it. When she raised a rotten arm in retaliation, Griff went underneath it with a sweeping blow that met against the ribs of the slobbering beast and sent him back, staggering. The down-cut was met with a looping right hand that broke her brown teeth. When she attempted a wild side swing, Griff pivoted and slammed a naked palm into her chest.

The air exploded into oozing liquid and gore, flying in every direction. "Someone finish her off!" He yelled

WC: 325
TWC: 1,256
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:11 pm
It had truly been a nightmare for the young girl as they all continued to have to force their way through the zombies. It was like they were never ending, except when they ended them and would end up back at the room. ”It must be some sort of drug or genjutsu that has affected us in such a way.. Every time we get to that old zombie hag.. we can’t get out.” She had heard Griff and Loghain mention they think they need to try and kill the old lady. Of course, Emi had figured if they could get to her then they would end this cycle and be free from the chains this hotel figuratively has wrapped them in.
It seemed like all four of them would make one final push together… not separately, which maybe that was the key from the start? Loghain and Griff were the first two out as they slaughtered through the zombies. Emi had noticed they all were starting to take some damage from all the fighting… though they needed to push through. The young kunoichi’s left arm and leg had both been cut up pretty good by now and she was starting to swing her katana with just her right hand. It wasn’t long before the group was able to make their way down the stairs, devouring any small fry zombie that dare to attack them. As Emi lifted her head though, she caught a glimpse of the old lady mid-air… jumping right towards them.
”This zombie lady is crazy, what the heck.. he wa..” Emi got cut off mid sentence as she went to go let the others know to watch out. Griff had already engaged with her though and Emi watched as they danced around for a bit, trying to get a position on each other. As the kunoichi watched the two, she finally found an opening to attack the crazy bestial lady(if you could call her this). It was when Griff had ducked under her swing and knocked her silly. After the contact he made had broken her teeth, the boy had pivoted and slammed his palm into her hard, causing her to stumble backwards even more.
Emi let her hands flow effortlessly, creating signs just as quick as she could. She darted forward and showed raw lightning chakra enveloping her hand and making a noise like birds were chirping. As soon as she was 2 meters in front of the old zombie bitch, the kunoichi jumped forward with all her might. The sight to be hold was not one with a feint stomach or one that was queasy at the sight of blood. Emi’s right hand had gone straight into the chest of the mother zombie, and she lifted up sliding her hand through her skull like it was butter. It certainly wasn’t the most risk free move Emi had ever performed, but it did the job.
The body lumped over as Emi came to a stop some feet behind it, releasing the jutsu that she had cast and letting her hand get back to what she considered normal. She was happy to participate in such a brawl, it gave her some experience that she desperately needed in this world. Of course, she was ready to head back home and get out of this wild place.
Emi heard some wild music playing out of the hotel, it had caused her to lose her train of through and she honestly forgot about the rest of the team. ”What the hell else could be going on here?” It was a thought that would be answered just as soon as she stepped out of the hotel.
With her golden eyes, Emi glanced around, not realizing that there apparently was a cemetery close by. What she saw coming out of this cemetery was not frightening… but pure comedy. She burst out into tears from laughter and performed a double take as she had to make sure she was seeing the right thing. The cemetery was full of creatures who were currently dancing to Thriller.. which sort of makes sense to be honest. Emi started walking down the street towards the cemetery with not a care in the world – she just had a feeling that these monsters wouldn’t hurt her.
As Emi inched closer and closer, she noticed something that was odd about the cemetery. Yes, something other than werewolfs, vampires, and other creatures doing the thriller dance. There were four different jukeboxes stationed in sections of the cemetery, and of course there were four shinobi here who were trying to get out. Emi figured that each person would be in charge of turning the jukebox off for their section, at least that’s what she thought.
”Might as well get to it then”. She dashed into the cemetery, quickly finding out that the creatures did not like this what so ever – they wanted their moment of happiness and they weren’t about to let Emi ruin it. What would she do? There were too many creatures in here for her to handle alone. Her eyes widened as one of the werewolfs had actually jumped her way. She started dancing. As she kept her body facing forward, she walked to the left and let her hands act like they were clawing something on that side. It had paid off, the creatures went back to dancing and just as happy as they could be.
”I need to make my way over to the jukebox, very subtly”. This was her only thought, and so as quick as she could, Emi made her way over to the jukebox. It didn’t take long as she just took extra long steps in that direction whenever the dance pulled her that way. The power button was right on top and she pounded that sucker just as soon as she could.
”Wo… woah! Wha.. What is happening”? The kunoichi had woken up in her bed, drenched in sweat and had literal dirt all over her. She was so lost, she had never had such a real and vivid dream before.. That’s when she noticed – she wasn’t in her bed. She was currently in a cemetery inside Hoshigakure.
”Please don’t tell me I acted out that entire dream in the village… “


WC - 1050 | TWC - 3341

Mission Claims

Ryo: 14.000
Tickets: 20
AP: 70

WC Claims
1000 - Psychic Weapon Manipulation
1000 - Lightness Skill
1000 - Parry

11 Stats claimed all towards vigor

Last edited by Emi Ren on Mon Oct 18, 2021 10:28 pm; edited 4 times in total
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:13 am
Exit approved
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:50 am
Zeref could help but start to grow a tad inpatient with how this was playing out , it seemed like every time someone moved in for the kill something would get in they way. He never was one to want a good battle to end , but he also hated fighting without know how or why things ended up the way they did. It was like they were all placed there for the entertainment of someone or something , either way Zeref hated being controlled especially for someone amusement. On the good hand though this battle did allow him to see two new transformations that he had never seen before. 

He had an idea of what Loghain would become but Griff on the other had was a complete and utter surprise, he couldn’t help but want to know what clan he came from but he knew now waswnt the time to ask and besides his clones were out there doing all the dirty work for him , so if needed he could have one of the clones ask. After a little while it had seemed that everyone had concluded that the old lady was the one behind everything.

“Well now isn’t that a surprise, didn’t think she be the one but then again old people are always full of surprises”, Zeref would say to himself as he stood up to go and see with his owns eyes what the final battle was about to be like. He wouldn’t mind helping if the situation called for it but he was a complete fan of battle so if got the chance to observe a good fight then he had no problem doing so. When Griff started to engage the zombie beast it was only seconds after Zeref had arrived with everyone else. 

He kept his clones around slaying any straggler zombies that could of been missed or that had gotten separated from the rest the dead. He thought about going on for a killing blow and lending some aid but before he had even decided what he would do he would see emi out the corner of his eye go straight for the beast and take it out. “Good job you too , great team work there I Guess she wasent tuff after all , well now with that done hopefully we can all get the hell out this stinky hell hole”, Zeref would say. 

It was just his luck though , he started hearing this music coming from somewhere which made him want to start dancing. Luckily for him the music was easy enough to resist but he had to find the cause of it, but for some reason as he was making his way he had seen emi there already taken care of it. Before he could thank her he woke up in his bed , covered in sweat. “What the hell was that”, he would say as he would lay back down and go back to sleep, hopefully this time have a better dream.


Claims:800 towards master of curse make stage 1 (2k/2k) rest Here , 1k towards Bull rush (1k/1k), Ryo: 14.000
Tickets: 20
AP: 70
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:09 pm
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:28 pm
This last cooperative push seemed to get the task done. The group tore through all of the zombies on the floor they were on, fighting all the way down the stairs and pushing out into the entrance area. The old hag was able to give them a great deal of grief prior to this moment. Griff and Emi would find themselves coordinating their efforts well, pulling off an interesting combination assault to end her. In just this night he got in more fighting than he had in... years honestly. He wasn't one to relish in the conflict, instead seeing it as a means to an end usually. 

With her corpse lying on the ground bloody and lifeless, the zombies that remained would fall to the ground in heaps of decomposing flesh. Loghain would work to catch his breath, unaccustomed to the sheer amount of strain this amount of combat would place on him. Luckily his curse allowed him to be well suited to recovering, finding his second wind fairly quickly. Despite the undead stopping their assault, the music outside only grew louder. He would walk outside, finding a nearby cemetery with a wide assortment of unusual people. They all looked like... monsters? The music was catchy, the wolf immediately wanting to do nothing other than break into dance. It felt like it was some sort of genjutsu, as his body was trying to act on its own without any input from him. 

Emi would make her way to a jukebox, narrowing avoiding suspicion from the dancing monsters by pretending to dance along at times. Loghain would follow her lead, making sure to enjoy the choreographed movements. Something about this whole thing brought a smile to his face. Eventually, he too would be able to shut off his jukebox. As he turned it off everything went black. 

He would find himself waking up in his cabin, his body shaking and covered in sweat. Was that a nightmare? If it was, it was the weirdest nightmare he had ever dealt with in his entire life. Sleep the rest of the night eluded him, as he wasn't sure where his dreams would take him next. 

--- Exit ---

wc: 362
TWC: 2157

Mission Claims

Ryo: 14.000
Tickets: 20
AP: 70

Claiming 2000 wc towards True Predator's Senses
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : A Griffin Reborn
Mission Record : Link
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:11 am
"I had zero confidence that would work," Hiroshi thought to himself. He made to rise to his feet, the squeaky wood screaming underneath him. When the girl Emi Ren slashed through the toothless horror and wiped her existence of the world, all the zombies that remained fell to the ground in heaps of decomposing flesh. 

Griff's gigantic Jugo form would begin to deflate, his body mass shifting back to more human standards. His jacket tattered, shirtless and alone, he stepped outside in the cold of the night. His companions had exited the hotel before him, but he had failed to process that information appropriately.

"Who the fuck puts a cemetery next to a hotel?" He thought, witnessing the road across the tombstones. 

Deciding against lingering on the thought over long, Hiroshi would continue down the path, scanning the surroundings as he drew near the grave-laden grounds. As he drew near, he could see figures moving amidst the darkness of the earth. There were bent crooked figures flailed about in the dark as though they were caught in a wicked breeze. The strange creatures gave a sudden halt to the former Raider's movement, his hands lifting to a fighting stance. 

However, none of these beasts would move to attack him, even after they noticed his presence. Instead, they kept dancing in the shadows. Griff saw Emi Ren again, falling in and making her way towards some box. That thing played music. The people inside the walls had names for them, but whatever the name was, it escaped the Grimma.

Fighting monsters, he understood, all too well. However, this performance was something else. Zeref Senju and Sebastian Loghain had joined the dance too, the hints of amusements into the latter's face with the strong jawline. "To hell with it," He decided and went for it. The Griffin had learned his dancing from visiting the taverns and the alehouses.  

Like the rest of the party, Hiroshi made his way to a music box. Four were his comrade for this fever dream, and four were the boxes. It didn’t take long to reach it. A red button was shining brightly in the misty night like a red pool of blood. The air exploded into splinters of wood as Hiroshi punched it with all his might, his physical strength tearing through the music box, similar to how an ax would do through porridge.
The Griffin awoke with a start, gasping for air and clutching his aching chest; his lungs screamed, his mind fought to escape the daze. Another blink of his eyes and a soft nectar curtain of sunrise leaked into his vision. He looked towards the open window. “Dawn,” Hiroshi said; he was awake.

WC: 450 wc
TWC: 1706

With 25% max stat discount
889 to Water Prison [889 + 236/1,125] rest trained in A troubled Noble
750 to Lightness Skill [750/750] 
67 to Feint [67/350]

Mission Claims
Ryo: 14.000
Tickets: 20
AP: 70
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends - Page 2 Empty Re: G-Ghosty Eventures with F-Friends

Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:42 pm
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