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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

The... Truth?  - Page 2 Empty Re: The... Truth?

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:52 pm
"Well. I'm not a big fan of killing people... But these people kill people. What was that saying. If you kill a killer the number of killers in the world stays the same but if you kill.." She would take a moment to count heads, going one by one until she knew exactly how many they were actually up against. "If you kill THAT many killers then the number goes down. Plus Fashion disaster at that level must be punished somehow. "

She hopped down to the ground floor, her puppets following. With a glance, She motioned for freyja. She knew what to do. The puppet rushed foward, her body cavity, arms, and legs seeming to unlatch as they wrapped around Saya's, providing what seemed to be a really cool body armor. It wasn't. People hate puppetry to the point that it has zero health, BUT it did actually make her a very speedy girl. She formed seals quickly, Determined to take care of this quickly. 

Tiger. Dragon. Rabbit. Monkey. Ram. Snake. 

As the seals formed... Nothing happened! Several cultists rushed towards her, slowing to a stop as she seemed to finish a crap ton of hand seals, only to give a shrug. 

"Give it a second. Wait for it... Wait. Keep waiting... No not yet." It was like a game of red light green light, but where the loser dies. Why is that so familiar?! Eh. Whatever. Several moments passed with the three cultists taking a quick step towards her, only to be told to wait.... And then a giant tree ripped through the ground. Several trees actually ripped through the ground. A forrest grew from the ground at the base of the tower, upward and through every level to where she stood. The three cultists were lifted by the tree top, rising up to the ceiling as they began to scream. That was a problem. If they kept being loud, then someone else might come. IN order to solve the problem, with the tree within five meters of her position, she just made branches shoot out and stab the three like. So many times. Like twenty or more. It was excessive, but it was Saya. 

She rushed through the battlefield, giving support to her team. There were enough trees that she was always in range of several, and as she approached them, they came to life. An attack aimed at kiku was blocked by a root that literally threw the cultist out the window. A dangerous weapon stuck in her tree instead of Dana's chest. THen the root that rose up to catch the offending weapon literally stabbed it into the cultist who threw it. Daiko... I mean. Daiko could handle himself. Honestly he was probably doing some timey wimpey bullshit or something. She didn't really focus on where he was. 

She kept an eye on her teammate, to make sure he had cast at least four jutsu. She needed to make sure they didn't make THAT mistake again, and then she literally just resolved to let him do his own thing. It was a shame that she hadn't summoned ragnar. Having him around would have made the whole destroying people thing more eficient. She could have gone sage mode. As it stands, she didn't have the time to stop and sit down to draw the chakra. IF we were being honest with ourself, she wouldn't have had the focus to if she'd tried. 

While she struck with trees, The ai puppet, lovingly called PupAit, Released her own technique. Her wrists released, hands shooting towards a cultist with terrifying precision. THen it shot past him with terrifying precision. THen it wrapped around back because of her ability to control the apendages, and made literal swiss cheese of him. 

When the battle was over, Saya wiped her brow. 

"That... That actually took a little effort. Everyone okay? I didn't tree anyone did I? ALso we should probably head out. Trees aren't great for structural integrity" IN perfect timing, with all the enemies dead, the building would shift as it prepared to colapse. She'd make sure everyone rushed out, and they would be on their way back home. 

(TWC 3k/3k for all three missions complete! 
truth 1, 2, and 3 complete

claiming 6500 ryo, 30 ap, and 8 tickets, 10500 ryo, 50 ap and 10 tickets, and 13k ryo, 63 ap, 12 tickets and 1 golden ticket with all ap converted to ryo(7150)

Total: 37150 ryo 30 tickets, 1 golden ticket

3k wc: putting 2500 towards wild water wave and dropping the last 500 

Exit topic closed after these fine people )
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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The... Truth?  - Page 2 Empty Re: The... Truth?

Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:36 pm
Once again, Dana'd greeting was completely ignored by all her friends. Truly, Dana's greatest character flaw was the inability to ever be noticed by any of her friends when she said hello. It used to be handshakes, but she'd been getting better at getting people to notice her handshakes so it wasn't that much of an issue anymore. In her friend's defence, it had been right at the bottom of a massive two thousand word long post, so it was completely understandable to have missed it. Dana blinked confusedly as the memory of the previous sentence she'd just thunk disappeared completely from her mind. What had she been thinking about, again? Oh never mind, it was probably the anti universe destruction methods scrubbing her brain again.

"Coool" Dana clapped her hands when Saya transformed into a mech or something. Thank feck she'd recently learned from Pinochio that all of Saya's friends were puppets, cause Dana definitely would have freaked out at the sight of Freya unhinging herself and absorbing Saya. Dana freaking out was not something that happened, well, ever. So it was a big deal when she thought that she might. Due to the warning, though, Dana was alright. She thought it mega cool even. Totally grand.

It was time for the big combat to start! Truth be told Dana had completely forgotten why they were all even here in the first place. It had been something about a ritual, hadn't it? Well, Dana didn't really have any kind of aversion to killing so mindless destruction was always great. It wasn't often that Dana got to cut loose and truly decide to destroy everything. These guys had skulls and shit, definitely acceptable targets in Dana's eyes. Lowkey, as she watched the destruction begin, Dana was kind of jealous of all the big explosions her teammates had access to. All Dana had was the weird Dark River Breaking Seal, which was low-rank and yet had been selected as Dana's signature Jutsu for some reason. Probably because it was the only one of techniques that went 'big boom'.

Daiko had some cool gravity controlling techniques, so Dana capitalized by summoning a Swamp of the Underworld underneath a lot of their feet. Well, not literally underneath their feet because that would break totally important hitscan rules, but close enough that it didn't really matter. The mix of the mud sucking them down, and Singularity weighing down on them, meaning they fully just 'Schlorped' down into the ground at tremendous speed. It was kind of funny, and Dana wished that the memory could become permanent. She summoned all her Great Grasping Vines and began to stab through some stragglers, using the vines on her ankles to move along the ground super fast.

An attack was made out of nowhere, and Dana didn't have time to get out of the way. Dana watched the sword approaching her chest with acceptance. Looked like this was it for her. She'd had a good life, but it was time for her to go. She closed her eyes, and... Nothing? Surprised, she opened her eyes to see her one and only BFF saving her life! "Thanks Saya!" Dana called out and sent the other Senju a thumbs up, before hopping right back into the fight like she hadn't just been about to die. This was lots of fun! She was like, bang bang boooooom. If only she could summon a big statue like Saya, that'd be cool.

Eventually, nearly every single one of the cultists had been wiped out by the team. Dana would say that it had been a hard fight, but it really hadn't. They'd been pretty unprepared from the sudden onslaught of four powerful Ninja sneaking up and attacking them. It would've been embarrassing to die in a fight like this, she never would have lived it down! Wait, that didn't make sense did it? Oh well, looked like it was time for the dream to end. Reality was collapsing and Dana made sure to say goodbye to all her friends first. "See ye on the flipside, guys!" She called out with a wave.


WC: 693
TWC: 3044

30 Tickets
1 Golden ticket
28800 (extra 300 from Genin pay)
143 AP converted into Ryo = 7150 extra Ryo
Will make Jutsu claims shortly
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The... Truth?  - Page 2 Empty Re: The... Truth?

Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:44 pm
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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The... Truth?  - Page 2 Empty Re: The... Truth?

Fri Oct 29, 2021 12:22 am
The end of their brief yet bloody journey was at hand. Why did it feel as though it had been so much longer than it had been? Rolling her shoulders both proverbially and literally, Kikuko would stride into battle upon everyone else engaging.

Walking calmly and confidently despite the beating of her heart, Kikuko would marvel at that which flied around her in a display of both mastery and carnage. Daiko, despite his abilities being so gruesome at times, was an angel in disguise at many times- making her consider more than once as to how the methodology in the usage of ninjutsu often changes its end purpose. Wasn’t it her who often proved as such with her Rashomon? Dana’s swamp was terrifying in in its own right, and so she would swap to the ceiling- but not before having her life neatly saved by Saya’s tree construct. Always useful, that was.

Dropping from the ceiling to the ground with as little sound as possible- not that it mattered, given the sounds of chaos- she would gently grasp the shoulder of a particular cultist- one that she had singled out by his different robes, the expensive yet gruesome jewelry that he adorned. With a surprised cry, he would turn. With a kind smile, she would greet him.

And then a wet, darkened tentacle would tear through reality, dragging him screaming into its hole before closing shut. She doubted anybody would ever be seeing that particular cultist again.

With the room a massacre and the battle stilled, Kikuko would let out a quiet sigh before finally dropping her invisibility. It had been a long, long day, and she was looking forward to heading home and relaxing. Perhaps she’d splurge and buy some mackerel?

“Alright everyone, good work! Now let’s go home-”

And then she woke up in bed to the sound of seagulls. Well, bother. Here’s hoping that she wouldn’t experience these nightmares again for the near future.


(Topic Closed.)

Word Count Totals:


The Truth Behind the Nightmares Part One: [750/750]
The Truth Behind the Nightmares Part Two: [1000/1000]
The Truth Behind the Nightmares Part Three: [1250/1250]

Claiming as follows (25% WC reduction from full stats):
+28500 ryo (250*3 Chunin pay, grand total 29250)
+30 Halloween Tickets
+1 Golden Ticket

Claiming the following techniques:

Singularity B-Rank [1312/1312]
Heat Nullification [750/750]
Chakra Flare [375/375]
Putting 564 words to finish Chakra Storage Seal, previous words here [1500/1500]

Relinquishing remaining 107 words.
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Ryo : 0

The... Truth?  - Page 2 Empty Re: The... Truth?

Fri Oct 29, 2021 12:45 am
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