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Village : Kirigakure
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Training the day away  Empty Training the day away

Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:25 pm
Takezo appreciated the tips he had recieved from his new mentor, but it was time for him to learn a jutsu on his own. One he knew he could master without guidance for he had seen the proper hand signs demonstrated to perform this one many times from countless Uchiha shinobi. It was the Smoke viel jutsu that Takezos heart desired to learn. 

He knew he would have to accumlate his chakra into his throat in order to turn it into the ash required for the technique. Firmly placing his feet into the ground he began focusing his chakra. He was finding it easier to control his chakra concentration now that he had learned how to overload his Chakra points but focusing it all to his throat was a differnet matter.

 Remembering the hand seals he formed them in order. 'Horse, Bird' he thought while forming them. When he spits the jutsu out nothing but a steady stream of chakra trickles out. 'what the hell... i could have sworen i did everything right' he thought to him self with a rush of embarressment coming over him. Hoping no one saw what had just occured he glanced around the training facility and prepared to try again.

'Wait that's it!' he thought laughing to him self, 'Its Bird, Horse not Horse, Bird' feeling amused with himself, he now had the confidence an correct knowledge to execute the technique. Focusing the chakra into his throat he formed the bird an horse seal in the correct order and released the chakra in his throat. Ash an smoke came spewing out of Takezo's mouth in a cone shape he had done it.

WC (277)

Last edited by bdubbz on Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Training the day away  Empty Training the day away 2

Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:06 am
Takezo giggled to himself after completing the smoke viel, but did not take to long to relish in his accomplish, he began to think of the next jutsu he should focus on learning. He had noted that the last two jutsu he had worked on had been defensive tactics, perhaps it was time to think about adding something a bit more offensive to defend himself with.

 All of these defensive tactics would be useless with no jutsu to attack with, and unless he had planned on fleeing with every confrontation, and he did not plan on doing that at all, it was time to learn his first offensive technique. 'Maybe i should focus on my natural strengths and try to learn a Taijutsu techinique'  he thought to himself. This would be a good idea to add into his arsenal and Taijutsu had always been Takezos favorite despite his clans natural genjutsu prowess.

  'No Ill keep building on what i lack the most an thats my ninjutsu skills. Besides my Fire style is on a roll right now, but i still havent actually made any fire yet, so lets get that down while we're at it' he thought to himself. Focusing first on what needed the most attention was a strategy he had seen his father implement in the past with success. Besides Fire style was a proud Uchiha staple; and it was a sure way to embarrass Takezo by reminding him that he was yet to launch his first fire jutsu. Maybe that was the reason for fathers indifference towards him; perhaps he would change if Takezo changed as well by becoming powerful and in turn useful to not only his father but to his village as well.

 Learning this would be the beginning; and what ever jutsu he decides upon it will have to be one that is complimentary to the smoke viel he had just learned. Maybe even one similar in execution, that way hopefully it wouldnt be to difficult to pick up on seeing as he had just practiced. 'I know just the one that will go perfectly with the neat smoke viel jutsu i just learned' Takezo thought to himself while a slight smirk began to develop. It was a jutsu that he was very familiar with growing up in the Uchiha clan: The Phoenix Flower jutsu. So familiar with it in fact that he had already had the hand seals memorized from his previous attempts in vain at executing it as a youth. 

Would he really be able to pull off such a high rank jutsu when the only thing he could muster that would conider him a fire style shinobi was a mere cone of ash? The slight smirk had now developed into a full on smile if there was any time to find out it was right here and right now. "Well you know what they say, where there's smoke, there's fire" he chuckled 'I know i have it in me to pull this off, im ready now i know it' Takezo thought to himself while again assuming his charka charging stance. 'So im guessing its the same basic concept as the smoke viel except uh maybe concentrate the chakra more oh and in burst of six' he understood the concept but with all of his failings in the past his confidence was not very high.

 Forming the hand seals exactly as he had remember them he gave it his first attempt;  Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox he began chariging up the chakra in his stomach to what he felt was a bit more then what he had used for the smoke viel earlier, he navigated it up his throat until it had reached his lips and then released. To his astonishment fire belted out of his mouth in a steady stream until fizziling out once the chakra used had run out. It was not the Phoenix flower jutsu but it was fire none the less and Takezo couldnt be happier. This meant that he definitely had the capabilities now to finally pull this jutsu off, it would just be a matter of getting the correct technique and chakra master down to navigate the flames after releasing them.

'Alright so that wasnt it i basically just gathered up the chakra and threw it all up as flames, but still its a start... The key is going to be finding a way to cutting the chakra flow off momentarily and very breifly to allow it to come out in bursts, but how..' he thought to himself for a good minute and after coming up with nothing he decided it best to keep attempting it. With his second attempt Takezo was only able to cut off the flow to his flame chakra once and no where near quick enough to create a burst. There had to be some way to figure this out.. with the chakra control and the flame making cabability the only thing holding Takezo back was his technique. Now frustrated he sat cross legged on the dirt where he stood just a second ago to concertrated harder on maybe something he was overlooking. When out of the corner of his eye he caught movement in the dirt next to his feet. Appearing to be a bug of some sort he inspected further an noticed not only was it a bug but it was a gnarly looking spider. A ghast he jumped to his feet while gasping.

 That was it! A series of gasps would not only be quick enough to cut off the flow in a burst but it also can be done six times in succession. With his new idea he got geared up an tried agian.  Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox building up even more then any of the previous attempts he gave it go with his new idea in mind. 'This has got to be it..Fire Style, Phoenix Flower jutsu' releasing it all and cutting it into six successful bursts, the flames shoot out. Suprising himself after all these years Takezo had finally done it.

WC (1014)

Last edited by bdubbz on Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training the day away  Empty Re: Training the day away

Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:15 am
Laying on his back with his arms tucked under his head, Takezo gazed up at the sky above him; it was a beautiful day well for Island country anyway. A nice soothing breeze was drifting in the air carrying with it the scent of the ocean; and a gentle over cast sky with peaks of blue and birds whistling through the air. 

A moments reflection was necessary after such an achievement, disbelief was an understatement it was unfathomable to him that he had finally just learned the Phoenix flower jutsu. The very same jutsu he often dreamed of one day impressing his peers with as a child. Finally he could wear the crest on the back of his shirt with pride. But this was just the beginning, he knew that and very soon he would be tasked with his first mission. Something he greatly looked forward to but also made him very nervous. He did not know how much time he had before he was to be called upon so this next technique that he would focus on have to be strategically thought out.

 Thus far he had placed a heavy emphasis on learning his fire style jutsu to cover up for his ninjutsu deficiencies, a strategy he hoped would pay off but perhaps now it was time to begin a little bit of taijutsu training. It was his strength he claimed after all, and a strength would be wasted if he were to neglect to train it. It had always been Takezos nature to protect rather then harm so naturally his mind began to think of a clever defensive Taijutsu ability that he could begin training. 

One jutsu keep coming back into Takezos mind over and over, the only problem was that it required the user to be arms reach from the oncoming attacker. A frightening premonition but a necessary one,   Tsuri-goshi was the technique in mind. Leaping to his feet he knew that he would have to face his fears head on and begin the training and this would be the perfect next technique. To simulate an oncoming attacker he rigged up one of the Practices dummies' with a training ninja wire very securely wrapping in an X around the dummies arms and chest so that it would remain stable even with force. His plan was to pull the dummy in towards him with all his might, release the string and then catching the oncoming dummy by the arm, following through with the momentum an swinging it to the ground before him.

 Now that he was ready he firmly placed his feet an focused on his target in front of him. He couldnt catch to close to were the hand would be because if there were a jutsu being cast or a weapon being wielded he would surely be injured; and he if he wear to catch to high at the shoulder it would hinder forward momentum rather then following through with it to create the off balancing trip. with this knowledge in mind he was ready to pull the dummie in towards him. Releasing the string after pulling he caught the dummy right on the fore arm just above where the elbow begins an swung it forward smashing it into the ground before him.

WC (547)

Last edited by bdubbz on Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training the day away  Empty Re: Training the day away

Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:34 am
This time around Takezo didnt take a moment to acknowledge the fact that he had just learned a new technique. Instead he promptly lifted the target back to its standing up right position and unrigged the ninja wire he had used for pulling it towards him. 

Now it was time for something a little more familiar for Takezo, kicking the practice dummy. Not just the typical round kicks that he had done in the past at his home. This time he had a plan, a plan to string together multiple kicks into a technique that he had always fancied to learn. The Leaf Whirlwind, a technique that could be used for both offensive and defensive tactics. He would need crafty techniques like this if he hoped to survive with his current skill level. With the dummy propped up he warmed his legs up with a few in place squats and practice kicks starting off low and progressively making his way higher and higher until he felt adequately warmed up. 

He would have to break this technique down into two parts and then put them together to get the final product that he desired. The first half he would have to throw a flickering head kick with his lead leg, this was not meant to be an actual head kick but more of a fully committed faint forcing his target to either bring there guard up high to block it or dash back to avoid it.

 Assuming his stance he was ready to begin, this part would be a little weird him. He had always been so used to following through even past his point of contact so pulling back before the moment of impact would certainly be odd. Raising his knee up an shifting his hips he went through the motion of throwing a head kick very slowly. This was to workout and warm up all of muscles in both his supporting leg and abdomen quick twitch movements on cold muscles was a recipe for disaster that Takezo knew all to well. This would also help him with not following through so much on the kick when he was ready to attempt it and ready he was. Flicking the kick up quickly he sharply retracted his shin just before making impact. Not bad at all he already had the first have down , but the next half would be the tricky part.

 After the flicker kick feint he would have to retract his leg just as practiced but instead of placing it straight back to the ground like you would with a normal kick, he would have to keep it raised turn his shin vertically so that his knee was now pointed at his target and his hips were open still on one leg with the raised leg completely vertical in a 90 degree angle.

 Next was the tricky part, he would have to turn his entire raised leg to the side completely opening his hips an jump, shifting his body weight to the side of the once raised leg while in the air. Switching his hips to the opposite side while simultaneously throwing a low kick with the other previously supporting leg. This low kick would have to be forcefully enough to completely sweep through his opponets legs knocking him off balance.

 He would then continue the momentum doing a full 360 spin an thus giving him a quick opportunity to reset his stance an attack again if need be. Of everything he had trained so far this technique he was the most confident with achieving.

 Kicking was Takezos thing an he knew if just went through the motions slowly enough and broke the technique down movement for movement he would eventually get it down no problem and thats exactly what he did. Over and over again he slowly went through each of the steps. But he consistently found himself having a hard time with the landing on the jumping low kick. On the switching the support legs part he found that he kept naturally lean a bit to much of his weight over all at once putting a lot of pressure on his ankle upon landing. He would have to correct that, it was a good thing he found out that bad habit now while he was taking it slow. If he had done the technique full force with that mistake he could have really injured his ankle.

 Luckily it was an easy fix an would just have to be mindful of it. Now confident he had all of the kinks worked out he attempt the Leaf whirlwind on the dummy successfully sweeping it off the ground. 'Yes, I knew i would get it' he thought. He practiced it 5 to 10 more times until he had it down for sure an was content on moving on in his training.

WC (811)

Last edited by bdubbz on Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training the day away  Empty Re: Training the day away

Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:41 pm
With exhaustion starting to creep its way into his body, Takezo knew that here soon he would have to call it a day. But before he could do that his ocd driven brain would not allow him to leave here today without rounding out his game even more by learning some basic genjutsu.

 So far he had obtained 2 nin and 2 tai techniques, so naturally the goal would be 2 gen should his body permit him to do so. Genjutsu was the specialty of his clan, but it was a subject that he had only barely dabbled in. He was curious to see how he would pick up on it. There was a certain genjutsu that he had seen his father perform many times called the Mist Servant technique. Essentially creating the illusion of clones attacking the enemy when in reality there was nothing actually there but him and his opponent. 

He wanted to learn this one specifically in order to show some loyalty and pride for the village he calls home. 'A hidden mist shinobi ought to be able to perform at least one Mist technique' he thought to himself. Thinking back hard on the signs he saw his father using he remembered them as Boar-Rat thinking hard in order to not remember them in the incorrect order like he had done earlier. 

In order to know if he was doing the jutsu correctly he would need someone to target it on and seeing as he was alone that was going to make for a very interesting hurdle. Seeing others there he knew it would be unlikely for one of them to allow him to place them under a genjutsu, so he wouldnt bother asking they had there own training to focus on anyways.

 Maybe he could target a small of animal of sorts seeing as the illusionary clones could do no damage to the target anyways he didnt see any problem with that and waited it out for any sort of animal to appear. Hoping for a bird to come swooping by he waited patiently for what seemed like for ever when suddenly in the corner of his eye he caught movement. 

Meow.. oh no could it be... looking to left to see a small fat orange cat walking along the edge of a fence post. 'Oh no of all things why did it have to a cat..' Takezo thought begrudgingly. 

He loved cats more then anything to him they were just like him in personality; solitary in nature and fierce fighters with agility being there number one trait. He knew the genjutsu wouldnt harm him but it was sure to shake up this plump little feline that was for sure. 'Alright here guys sorry little guy' making the hand seals Boar-Rat he called over to the cat. "Tch tch tch" he chirped out knowing it was a sound that would get any felines attention it snapped his head towards Takezo, the two locking eyes. 

2, 4, 6, 10 illusionary clone copies of Takezo appeared for the environment and all ten leap directly towards the cat. The cat instantly hissing and fleeing the fence post Takezo released the jutsu. He had achieved it, but scaring the cat concerned him an wwas something he hoped not to have to do to a feline friend again.

WC (557)

Last edited by bdubbz on Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training the day away  Empty Re: Training the day away

Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:27 pm
Still a little upset with himself after placing the friendly cat under a genjutsu he decided that he would hold off on training any more of those type of techniques until he had an adequate training partner to practice them with. There was no reason for him to frighten anymore harmless animals after all. 

So if he was to take a pass on the second genjutsu technique that he had planned on learning today, then what sound take its place? Thinking about the moves he had learned thus far Takezo couldnt help but notice the lack of offensive jutsu that he had in his arsenal. This was for good reason though as he had aimed to be more defensive in his tactics, for he knew he how weak he was compared to the other village shinobi. So weak in fact that he let his cowardice get the best of him, and he opted not to even sign up for the oncoming village genin tournament, a few of the participants even being fellow clan members further his shame. His clan valued strength over all else an he knew they would ashamed to call him one of their own at his current strength. He hadnt even awakened his sharigan yet. He was very ashamed of himself for this but he would not let that shame get the best of him like his fear did. Instead he would pay close attention to the tournament and use his shame as motivation to continue training hard, and try his very best to close the gap between himself and his peers. For in his mind there where two types of people in the world, once who hid from there true emotions and those who embrace them and use them as fuel. 

In order to aid himself in closing the gap he would have to obtain more offensive tricks that would be useful for him in battle. With his current knowledge of his battle skill he knew that Taijutsu was his specialty. He had already learned a few ninjutsu moves to cover up for his deficit there so perhaps it was time to lean more into his strength. He had already learn an interesting technique developed in the hidden leaf that allowed for some interesting openings and even he had heard of the legendary taijutsu users of the hidden leaf's past. 

Perhaps he should learn a stronger rendition of one of those techniques. The ache of his muscles now beginning to be noticeable and slightly bothersome to Takezo he decided that this next one would have to be his last for a day or two so he had better make it count. 

Making up his mind on learning a new Leaf technique he thought hard on which would be most useful to him right now. He liked the fact that the leaf whirlwind created an opening for him to possibly use his ninjutsu attacks and he wanted to stick to that tactic and learn another opening creating technique but this one more powerful. Being more of a strategist then a brute he knew that it was more important for him to learn the right kind of combo creating jutsu rather then just learning as many as he could.  If he had learned the Life rising wind technique that could be a nice set up for his phoenix flower jutsu seeing as the technique immobilizes and suspends your opponent in the air for a short time, it would then be pretty difficult to dodge the oncoming fireballs. 

Yes this would be the perfect technique for him to learn next. Essential being an axe kick except instead of the force being redirected downward, It was only going straight up, launching either a limb or there entire body up with it. Looking around for the practice dummy he had been using earlier he started stretching his legs. They were already warmed up properly from earlier but with an kick that was so straight up it couldn't hurt to make sure that his hamstrings were extra loose for it.

 Spotting the bag he placed it up an prepared for his first attempt. Launching an up kick it smashed it into the bags chin but only slightly lifting it from the ground creating a little dust up when hitting the dirt. Hmm he would have to create more leverage if he had hoped to deliver the kind of force required for such a technique. Instead of raising his knee up from the standard striking position and delivering the blow that way, he would have to lower his center of gravity to ground level an essentially launch it straight up from there, not an easy position to be throwing kicks from. 

Takezo could now see why such a technique would be ranked at C level. He only knew one other technique that ranked that high and he was very determined to get a second C rank under his belt. Going through the motions slowly like he had done before Takezo found the best way for him to lower his center of gravity while smoothly performing the kick was to spin 180  degrees while raising his right knee, dropping his body weight onto his left leg and turning simultaneously.

 Once the 180 had been obtained he launched the kick straight upwards. After going through these motions slowly a few times until he felt confident enough that he had the right combination of technique and power he stepped up to the training dummy once again ready to give it another shot.

 With fatigue in his body but determination in his heart he stared intensely at the bag in his combat stance.  performing the spin and lowering his body he smashed into the dummys chin launching it into the air about meters up watching it in the air Takezo thought to himself with a grin on his face 'This would be my attack opening' preparing to start the hand seals for his Phoenix Flower jutsu he fell to his knees in exhaustion. Perhaps next time, for it seemed for today he had reached his limits.


Last edited by bdubbz on Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
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Training the day away  Empty Re: Training the day away

Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:30 am

Total word credit (4225) going towards
Smoke Viel WC [250]

Phoenix Flower WC [1000]

Tsuri-goshi WC [500]

Leaf Whirlwind WC [750]

Mist Servant Technique WC [500]

Leaf Rising Wind [1000]

Sharigan One tomoe [215/2000]

42 skill points earned
 27 going towards Vigor 
10 going towards chakra
5 going towards speed
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Training the day away  Empty Re: Training the day away

Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:29 pm
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