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Aki Yamanaka
Aki Yamanaka
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

New Day of Training (open) Empty New Day of Training (open)

Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:31 am
It was a bright early morning as Aki set off for the training grounds, the sunlight glistening off the wet cobblestone streets that criss-crossed the length of Hoshi.
“Morning Aki” looking up Aki saw the familiar face and large shadow of Harold Greymane, Aki so far had managed to do his job without ever talking to his senior, but knew him by reputation. Opting to go for the formal route Aki saluted “Sir- reporting as ordered”. Harold simply nodded in vague approval as Aki handed over a case contain his village watch equipment. “So Aki, you ready to be a real ninja eh? I figured you to be a watchman for life” Harold laughed “Also what are you wearing?”. Aki grimaced “It’s uh, the only change of outfit I had other than my watch uniform - Sir”
Active Shinobi were expected to source and maintain their own equipment, however Aki's gear had all been loaners issued to him by the watch. He was wearing a lightweight red shirt and cargo shorts and looked more at home on a beach than a battlefield, Harold’s disapproving glare was evident. “Well, I can’t give you all of it back but I can at least let you have this” reaching into a pouch he presented a Hoshi headband and placed it over Aki's head “There, now you look a little more the part” , Gathering the equipment up, he turned to leave “best of luck to you Aki, you will need it” and with that Harold left leaving Aki alone outside the Training grounds
“This is bullshit” Aki cursed, thinking over the events of the last few days. News of the Spy he killed had travelled up the chain of command and as a result he had been pulled from village guard to active Shinobi. Most people would consider this a bonus, a real promotion, and a chance to work alongside legendary Shinobi like the Hogokage. Aki however knew it meant dangerous assignments and an end to the easy quiet life he had come to enjoy.
Aki began to wander through the mostly empty training halls, looking around at the facilities. There were rooms dedicated to perfecting all sorts of shinobi arts from Taijutsu to Genjutsu. Aki hadn’t done any real training since he left the academy years ago and the equipment here looked a lot better than the stuff at the academy. “Umm, where should I start?” Aki pondered aloud, he needed to get stronger if he was going to succeed, but he had no idea how to go about doing that.

WC 429 free genin rank headband acquired
Aki Yamanaka
Aki Yamanaka
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

New Day of Training (open) Empty Re: New Day of Training (open)

Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:15 pm
It looked like no one was going to show up so Aki just settled down to do some training on his own, walking over to one of the nearby training rooms and pulling down a scroll from the wall. “Basic sensory techniques…good place to start” he settled down and had a read.
Most anyone can feel the presence of chakra when it is especially powerful or released in large enough quantities. However, only sensor type shinobi have the ability to sense chakra at their own discretion, allowing them to detect it at range and through barriers as well as tell individuals apart by their unique chakra signatures. Skilled sensor Shinobi can sense chakra within a radius of several dozen kilometres, and hone in on a specific chakra signatures to perceive its movements in greater detail. It is also possible for them to tell if a person is lying by detecting any fluctuations in their chakra, sense when other nearby sensor types are using their abilities, and measure chakra output to determine whether the target is a threat. In war sensor shinobi..
Aki started to skip over the preface, wanting to get to the technical parts but something stopped him just before the last few lines
Members of the Yamanaka clan can use a technique to transmit their sensory perception to others.

Aki paused, his clan wasn’t exactly well covered, and other then being formally for the Leaf Village he didn’t know all that much about it. Aki fully unrolled the scroll and started running his eyes over it until he found mention of it again.

The members of this clan specialise in mind-related techniques which makes them experts at espionage, interrogation, and intelligence gathering amongst other things. In addition to being skilled sensors they have also have hidden techniques which include transferring their consciousness, reading minds, and communicating telepathically over long distances.

Noted for their….

Aki sighed frustrated, one sentence and a paragraph, not a huge amount to go off. Still at least he knew one thing, sensory techniques seemed to run in his family. Which made him kind of pleased, he was a proper Yamanaka, despite the lack of formal training.

Rolling the scroll back up Aki practiced a few basic techniques before calling it a day and rolling the scroll up and heading home, happy with the progress.

TWC 821
Aki Yamanaka
Aki Yamanaka
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

New Day of Training (open) Empty Re: New Day of Training (open)

Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:39 pm
Hiding with Camouflage (784/1125) finish hiding with camo B rank = 341


Spine Chill 375 words after 25% discount = 716


Cat Eyes (105/187) remaining 105 words = 821


adding 8 to Chakra Stat
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

New Day of Training (open) Empty Re: New Day of Training (open)

Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:04 am
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