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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Ai's lovely day(missons)

Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:52 pm
mission details 1:

It was finally time. Ai had been a clone for a couple weeks now, actually living flesh able to enjoy the warmth of a blanket, the flavor of food, and the smell of flowers. It was remarkable. Unlike Pinochio, she'd been caught up in the reality that she could experience life fully after years as a facsimile of life. Saya hadn't really been bringing the Ai puppet, or puppAi if you will, out as often, choosing to actually spend time with her older sister in the flesh, but all good things come to an end. As she woke, getting her sister ready for her tasks, she'd decided to pick up a few mission and seriously start her ninja journey. Glancing through the missions list she picked up a handfull of lower ranked options, and headed out of the building. THe first scroll honestly just sounded like something she would do for free. The task was simply to take some dogs for a walk!

When she arrived, the woman behind the counter let out a soft heave before thanking her for coming. "Listen. We had a ninja come in last week and help out, but it wen't horibly, so we've split the tasks up this time. Today we'll be clearing half the kennels. I need you to take mixie, trixie, pixie, dixie, and brontosaurus rawr XD around the block, let them soak in some sun and burn some energy, and then we'll be ready to kennel them again. Think you can do that for me kid?" It was unique being called anything other than a puppet. Most interactions ended with her sister pointing out she was a real person, and them both getting odd looks. Without thinking her lips creased into a smile at the title.

She took inventory of the line of pups she would be taking care of. There was an enormous malamute, she assumed named Brontosaurus rawr XD, but the other four were tiny. Mixie and pixie were chihuahuas, Dixie was a min pin, and pixie was the most addorable pug she'd ever seen. It took a bit to rouse the large XD from his sleeping position. She got each of the pups all harnessed, and they headed out.

It was beautiful out today. The pups wandered lazily down street after street, each sitting perfectly beside her, and she had to wonder if this was how all missions were going to be. If this is what being a ninja was actually like, She could absolutely get used to this! Before they went back home she spent some time at the park, throwing a ball much to the excitement of the smaller dogs as XD laid with his head in her lap. Each pup was given a small bowl of water, which they drank greedily, and they headed back towards the shelter.

"We're back! The pups were an absolute joy! I'd love to do this again!" Suprisingly, each dog slowly headed towards their own kennel, hopped in, and somehow used their nose to close it on themselves.

(TWC 508 first mission finished)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:23 am
mission details 2:

Her first mission was an absolute delight. She took a moment to enjoy a cup of fresh squeezed mango juice as she unrolled the next mission scroll. OH! This one sounds like a joy too. So the task seemed incredibly simple. There was an old lady at the edge of town that needed help with her shopping. All she needed to do was carry the items she needed for a bit, drop them off at her house, and she'd have completed the mission and done a good deed for the day. Could it be considered a good deed if she was being paid for it? She decided yes.

She knocked lightly on the door of the home she was sent to. As the door opened her eyes lit up! She'd been here before. She remembered months ago that Saya had taken a similar mission, and it just so happened that this was the same woman who her sister had helped.

"Oh. You look familiar young lady." SHe looked Ai up and down. It made sense. She was almost a perfect mirror to Saya, asside from their hair color.

"Ah. Yes, I believe my sister helped you a while ago, but today you'll just have to hang out with me and pick up some tasty foods!" She offered the woman her arm, and as she wrapped wrinkled fingers in the crook, they headed towards the marketplace. Her list was pretty simple. She needed some fresh fruit, Some chicken, Various vegis and herbs, and other simple items. The first shop was incredibly easy. At the front of the market district, right by the street, was a small fruit vendor. Ai had planned ahead, and grabbed a rolling cart to ensure she had the carrying capacity, and they began gently packing oranges, bananas, and apples into a paper bag. With their fruit bag now in the cart, She checked in with the woman, and headed towards the butcher. \

It was clear when they walked in that this wasn't the first time this mission had been taken. The butcher was a tall thin man who beamed at the old lady as they walked in. Without a word he packaged up several sets of meat, wrapping them in heavy brown paper, and slid them one by one into a bag for Ai to take. With the meats aquired, they just needed to get the last of the vegitables and they'd be done!

The last task was the most time consuming, but overall it didn't seem too tough. They'd been out and about for around an hour, and a fter checking in several times Ai confirmed this was the last stop. She grabbed cabbage and several pots of tofu. As she was packing up the list she was given, a short woman behind a counter offered them small cups of green tea with some cactus blossom. The pair enjoyed their suprise snack, and finally they were on their way back home. With the groceries put away Ai gave the woman a hug, and headed back to the bench she'd rested on, preparing for the next task.

(TWC 1028 520 towars mission complete)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:05 pm
mission details 3:

Missions had seemed much more dificult when she was with Saya. While it was true that her b ranked sister was taking on much more intense contracts now a days. Still, she was impressed by her luck as she unrolled the next mission scroll. She'd just spent a few hours walking, playing with, and petting adorable puppies, and as she read it became clear this would be a double feature! The first mizukage's dogs needed food. It was her job to aquire a shipment of fresh beef and bring it to the jail house so the pups can eat. Well. It didn't exactly "say" it was beef, but what else would they buy to feed the most goodest of puppers?! It was definitely helpful that she'd completed this task before. PuppAIt had been with Saya when she'd followed the list to take care of things. That meant not only was she generally aware of where to get the stuff, but she had learned a bit form her sister. She needed to find a means of moving the heavy containers so that she could actually do what was asked. With her strength of one.... That wasn't going to happen with her own means. 

Her first step was to aquire means of travel. A  normal person would have had to search the shopping district for a hand cart or something to move the large objects, but Ai had something most didnt: knowlege. She took a quick trip over to the new musical instruments shop. After a quick hey to the owner, she was able to convince him to let her borrow their cart with a donkey to pull it. Now she just needed a means of getting them on there!

The butcher was towards the edge of the shopping district. Surounding the small red building were various vegi carts and a noodles salesman she knew would be packing up soon. THe noodle salesman was a tall musclular man with a brilliant smile and shining disposition. When she arrived, she'd find him just packing up the last few crates of materials. Perfect. 

"Hey. Could you give me a tad of help? Theres some large barrels that I need to move into my cart for this mission i'm on, but I'm nowhere near strong enough to be able to lift them myself! " Her eyelids fluttered as she asked the shopkeep for aid. He was all to glad to give assistance. It took about twenty minutes to load up all of the cargo. She was careful to make sure as he placed a new container onto the cart that she would check to ensure it was secured properly. THe trip back through the village was slowed by the poor donkey. He was doing his best, but the cart was heavily loaded down. As they arrived at the drop off location she pulled an apple from the bag at her side, feeding it to the beast of burden. He lapped it up happily. Mission three on the books!

((TWC 1530 mwc: 502 3rd mission complete)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:32 pm
mission details 4:

Three out of four missions complete, and she hadn't even had to break a sweat! There was something satisfying about the perks of social networking. She was able to gain so heavily from Saya's history in the village. While it wouldn't be surprising if at some point the negative parts of Saya's tendency towards intense and explosive interaction eventually caused trouble, it would seem that wasn't the case for today. For this she was quite grateful. She had a vague memory of this mission also. As she unrolled the scroll, taking time to read through exactly what was asked of her, Her brow furrowed. This one had not ended quite so seamlessly. This was fine. She'd been working all day, and was sure if something wen't wrong safety was just a mental command away. 

"good day all! i'm just checking behind everything as you finish your work don't mind me!" The technicians were still there when she showed up. Each was dressed in their normal work clothes; Black shirt and pants with a mask that obscured their face. It wasn't the nicest uniform she'd ever seen, but each of the three were clothed close enough that it at least looked clean. The look of confusion evident behind their ski masks was awkward, but Ai was in and out before they really had a chance to say anything. 

Before she could actually get to work, she noticed there was quite a bit of dust on the ground where it looked like there should have been a door. THe entryway was empty, asside from some bits of wood and all this gunk. She took a moment, finding a broom and dust pan, and took care of the clutter. Yes. that was much better. She doubled checked to make all of the computers were off, swept some wierd metal shavings from beneath all of the open register drawers, and finally was off to double check on the vault. She would need to talk to the higher ups about cleanliness tomorow. 

As she passed through the empty doorway, taking notice of the broken door against the wall to her right, she realized something might be off. Thankfully there was a door, but it seemed to have been removed in a way that left it half destroyed. That would need to be fixed before they opened again. There was also a man in the vault shoving money into a bag. wait. 

"Hey! you can't take money from the bank! that's illegal!" The dark clothed man gave a look back, and what little of his skin was noticable behind the mask went stark white. 

"What. How. HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?! Ok listen. We're gonna leave, I'm gonna put all this back.... We'll clean up and put everything back, just please PLEASE don't beat me up again" Well this was convenient. The young ninja who her sister had caught sevearl times happened to be stealing from the bank. Quickly the team put everything back, locked up, and left their contact info with a bunch of money. 

(TWC 2040 MWC 510 4th mission complete)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:43 pm
mission details 5:

It was incredibly late. She'd decided on a long day, having taken the bank job, which required her to be out past the time when most things closed, but thankfully the last scroll she'd picked up was for a late night guard duty shift. Everything really was coming up AI. She approached the gate, knocking on the door to the guard house, and had to step back in response to the heavy sight that ushered from the room. 

"Nope. Absolutely not. I'm on the late shift, and i've got a trainee. I absolutely am not going to allow you to take over my shift and screw up training my newbie. Go home Sayatria, I'm not dealing with this today!" The man was a regular for guard duty, and her sister had the pleasure of working with him several times. Apparently this was the point when their reputation finally caught up with her. 

"Oh. No no. Sorry. You're thinking of my sister. I'm actually here for training! My name is Ai. Don't worry. My little sister had dinner delivered after her training and should be tucked tightly into bed by this point. " The man looked more than relieved at the information, though his eyes still had a glance that suggested distrust. Neither kept the fact that they were twins secret, and most didn't know that she was a puppet, so it shouldn't have been too much of a surprise. This was her first day actually on the job though. Maybe that caused the dissonance. 

(TWC 2293 MWC 253)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:50 pm
"Ok. Listen. I'm going to believe you, but no funny buisiness. No singing, no dancing, no making people have to perform to be allowed in the village. There will be absolutely no puppets of any sort. We do this by the book and make it as simple as possible. With any luck I can tell you how to do things, and then the rest of the night we can just chill out. " She nodded as he went through what was an impressively comprehensive list of things that many didn't like about team puppet. The no puppets rule would probably be an issue for future guard duty missions, but at current she didn't have any, so that didn't seem so bad. Overall it sounded boring, but she was certain she could find joy in the monotomy. 

"Sure. I don't have any puppets, and i'm here to learn everything you have to teach me so please do continue. " From the bag at her side she pulled out a few things. A nutrition bar, a pen, and a notebook were the first set of things. She also found a set of kunai borrowed form her sister, but after a moment, she decided that wasn't needed. She opened the snack, strawberries and cream flavored, and took a small nibble. 

"Excelent. So our job is solely to check people trying to enter the village. We make sure they're allowed in, check them for contraband, and point them to the correct point in the city. That's it. OTher than that, We chill out. " 

(TWC 2550 MWC 510)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:22 pm
"Right right. Check people, make sure they have ID, don't let them come in with stuff they shouldn't have. I got it. Yanno, it may seem a bit silly, but my sister's methods are actually pretty solid. So she does all of that subtly. Instead of taking the time to pat people down and hoping they don't have some method of making contraband hard to find throughg general physical touch, She figured out early that she could tell alot about what they do by their responses to the expectation of performance. The shadier characters immediately go to the back, and the physicality of the requirement generally jostles anything they shouldn't have loose so that it falls to their feet. I get that it's not your way, but it allows a large group to be checked at once, makes it feel a bit less invasive, and the oddity of the request makes her seem incompetent, so they don't even think about what the requirement could mean. " This wasn't something Saya generally talked about. She was content to simply allow people to think what they think, but the girl was brilliant. behind her... unique way of doing things was generally brilliant strategy. 

"Right. Listen. I get that you care about her, but it kinda makes us look bad? If people see that, they assume the village has gone soft. While the methods may be intelegent, the implication is less than idea. You have to consider past just the base of what is going on. "

(TWC 2802 MWC 762)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:31 pm
"Yea. That's fair. I've been around her for so long, that I don't even consider how it could look to the outside world. For us it's just another day in the life. So much of what we do has hidden meaning, and having been at the center of the group I know the intricacy of her actions. I'll talk to her about it, and maybe we can figure out a way of doing things her way, while being a little less frustrating to people on the outside. " As she finished, a lone woman walked up to the gates. The guard stepped out, Ai in tow, and they went to work. 

She quickly offered up her village id. He checked it over, allowing Ai the chance to see what it looked like, and finally it was handed back. There was an awkward pat down as expected, He found a tortise shell comb in her bag, and she was allowed to pass. 

"See. Here we have a regular person who didn't know she was in the wrong. We take the comb, write up paperwork saying that it was confiscated, and we send her to the local inn. It's not a fun job, but it's pretty easy on overnight and its very important." With a nod she follwed him back inside the guard house. 

"Got it. Yea, It's incredibly boring, but I've no doubt that without guards, horible things could happen. I Suppose I could order some take out. This is going to be a long night. "

(TWC 3056 MWC 1061  claiming 30 chakra, putting 2500 towards skillful achievement with a human body and 556 twoards ninjutsu amplifier 
claiming 1k ryo and 5ap X4 for 4 e rank missions complete and 2k ryo and 10 ap from 1 d rank mission exit topic closed)
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Ai's lovely day(missons) Empty Re: Ai's lovely day(missons)

Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:17 pm
;n; Nomo having to do solo threads. How far have I fallen...

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