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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:02 pm
Slowly, a weight was being lifted off of Kikuko’s shoulders. An emotional weight, a heaviness, a pain that she had carried with her ever since she had taken fateful action against one Miu Uchiha in the line of duty. It was not as though she was absolved of her actions. Even if she had come to terms with what she did, that did not remove the fault nor undo what had been done. No, what had happened here was something far more indirect. Through this moment, Kikuko was learning to live with herself. To persevere even after taking painful action. To strive for a better world, in which she woul never have to do such things again. Hopefully, it would be a world where the next generation could grow up in peace. Wow. Was this what it felt like, to grow up? She wasn’t sure.

Squeezing her friend gently, her attention would flick from the Genin to her two siblings. What were they doing, as a matter of fact? While her vision was still focused squarely upon the woman she was talking with, she could see that they were futzing with something in the corner of her vision. Some sort of jewelry, perhaps? She could ask about it later, if she ended up being curiouser than she thought.

Daiko, hmm? She should catch up with him. She hadn’t seen the shinobi in a while, to be frank. Based on the talk she was having with her compatriot, however, it was entirely possible that he was in need of some cheering up as well. Still. To change the Ninja World. That was a lofty goal. Nigh impossible, some would say. The Five Nations were never on the best of terms with each other, and the world was always rife with all sorts of strife and conflict.

Still, she wanted to try her best.

“Yeah. Even if it’s hard, we’ll do it.” She would assure Saya, a truly genuine smile appearing on her face as the clouds of uncertainty and pain clear away from her mind. “Depend on me, and I’ll depend on you. Together, alright? Let’s do it.”

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:10 pm
"Hey uh. So theres something I've been working on in my off time, and I think you might think it's cool. I don't think i've even told daiko about this one. It's pretty high rank. Do you... Want to see it?" Pinochio turned his head as she began speaking. Had she really finished THAT jutsu while he was gone? He slid his hand behind his back, hiding the silver bangles as he approached.It looked like they'd had a moment. Saya's face had shifted from the soft whiteness she somehow always seemed to keep to a vibrant red. Had they been crying? Before he could speak, He glanced at Ai. She simply shook her head.

"Uh Did.. Did you finish it finally?" Pinochio stopped just to the side of the couch. This would be a great day. For a moment, thoughts of her gift, and the gravity of what it meant slipped his mind.

"She did. She's been working on it in her off time to try and not think about what happened. They uh. They just shared stories and she's feeling beter it seems. " Trying her best to not let either of the girls know what's going on she shifted her head to signal the puppet. It was a rediculous back and forth as two beings whose existence is only an extension of their pupeteer attempted to hide something from the girl whose mind they shared. Rediculous but somehow affective.

"So uh. I've been working on a jutsu that uses mouton in a really cool way. If I got all the stuff right, It should be able to make clones kind of like the shadow clone or Wood style clone technique except uh. It makes them real? Like living clones. Autonomous and actual flesh constructed from Ninjutsu supremacy. I was going to try it out tonight, but I think it would be really cool to have you here to witness if you want."

(TWC 4581)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:27 pm
“You’re being kinda vague, Saya.” Sitting up, she would stretch out slightly before continuing. “But of course I want to see it! Whatever it is. I’m sure it’ll knock my socks off.” What could she possibly have thought up, for her to begin with such a statement? Perhaps it was an even larger version of the wood style technique she had used in their very first spar. Oh, by the Kami, she certainly hoped not. As much as she would be deeply impressed if it ended up being the case, there was a small part of her that doubted Saya had the self restraint to avoid using such destructive techniques even when within the confines of her own home. But she definitely did, right? Right? Please let it be so.

“Heya Pinocchio. How’ve you been?” She would great Saya’s sibling, waving with her off hand before rolling her shoulders. And just where was Freyja and Coach? Perhaps they were resting somewhere. She never quite knew, with how Saya personified them. Maybe they were even running errands at this exact moment?

Still, it was a veritable ping pong of words between each of them. At the same time, there was nothing of note divulged in each exchange- a quality that was slowly building a degree of frustration within Kikuko. Certainly, there was such thing as dramatic affect, but this was starting to feel like teasing! Regardless, she would keep her cool for now. There was no sense in getting mad at Saya and co. for what was really just lighthearted fun, especially with the nebulous promise of some grand demonstration in the near future.

And then Saya had explained it.

Oh, good old Sayatria Lenoria Tass. She was an artist, a kunoichi, a madwoman, a friend. Did she realize how huge what she was saying in this moment was? The ability to convert raw chakra into flesh- living, true, autonomous flesh- was something that skirted the edges between the bounds of what was capable with chakra and what transcended into the realm of gods. Shadow Clones were a solid improvement on the classic clone technique, something that she knew from experience, but the sheer amount of complexity and chakra required to create such a permanent clone would be mind boggling. And she said that she had developed such a technique on her own? Was she serious?

Then again, that was totally a Saya thing to do. Of course she would have done it. Who else would?

“Of course I’ll stick around to watch, silly.” Kikuko would giggle. “It’s going to be a big day for you three, won’t it? If you’d inviting me, I’d love to stick around.”

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:31 pm
"YES!!!! I figured you'd be super excited to see it! This could be one of the most technical jutsu I've created to date. Like. I can't even express how many hours I've poured into trying to get this technique to work." The small konoichi was often described as perminently being turned up to eleven. While she'd been sitting at a four for several weeks after her hunter, the light that filled her eyes now surpased even that which Kiku had seen in the past.

"It really has been a struggle convincing her to get a couple hours of sleep recently. I'm uh. I'm doing okay I think. This is an exciting day for everyone. " From his place at the end of the couch, Pinochio shifted his arms, holding the bangles well out of visual range. He wasn't sure exactly how all of this would work. That was a pretty big problem for him given he was the one who actually did the calculations to ensure this effect was possible, and planning out ways to control the raw power required to complete the task without taking out a city block or more.

"Ok. I. I think i'm ready. " She formed the seals with intention. While she had the ability to do jutsu one handed, this required her full attention, and as her fingers linked and shifted slowly, her heart began to pound. Could she really do this? Was this actually a possibility? As far as she was concerned her teacher and her sister were living in their own right, but this. While this could never make up for the gifts these two had given her, It was the best she could do to show her apreciation for the years of protection and care. All at once a stream of chakra poured from her hands. Instead of a deep brown color formed in tight blocks, it would pour like a white sea tinted with veins of vibrant blue. That was... Wierd. Each hand formed a large pool that stretched across the floor about six feet tall and two feet wide. It was working.

Her concentration intensified, and the writing masses of chakra began to raise up. What was an amorphous blob that pulsed and twitched evened out. The edges smoothed and formed two edges that  crawled up each side of the construct. There was a bright sheen like water glinting in the sunlight as the two creations created what would look like large eggs. Pods? They were oval, but there wasn't really a word to describe what she'd made. They certainly werent human.

She let out a breath. One hand wiped the sweat from her brow. Only then, did the constructs begin to melt. The visual was something close to a chocolate egg having warm milk poured over top, and as the last drops of mokuton disspiated, there on the ground were two perfect clones. One was the spitting image of Saya. The other was three and a half feet tall. Somehow she'd created their normal clothes, which clung differently to flesh bodies than wood. There was a sound of metal hitting the ground as the two puppets colapsed, chakra threads releasing them and allowing the two bangles to roll across the floor in slow motion.... And then their eyes opened.

(TWC 5130

mid topic claim! putting 5000 towards wooden doll's first breath of life and claiming both LC creation(will create the stat sheets after approval) 130 unlcaimed wc left)
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:26 pm
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:13 pm
“I’ll be hanging onto every moment, you three.” Taking her seat a respectable distance away from Saya in case of any potential accidents, while also remaining close enough to intervene should the worst come to pass, she would grip the couch with a fierce hold as she felt the chakra well within Saya’s core. Chakra which flowed like a river, full of life and power and potential. 

No, it wasn’t just chakra. It was life. A soul. Saya was creating life in the truest sense, bringing into this world a creation more beautiful than even the most experienced artisan could create. Humanity, life, people. Her siblings, no longer trapped by the boundaries of her mind or puppetry. They were free. Free to move, to laugh, to sing, to cry. With their own bodies, their own autonomy, her family had crossed the boundary of physicality itself.

As the ‘egg’ melted, as the ‘clones’ began to awaken, Kikuko found that she was standing. When had she done that? She wasn’t sure. But what she was feeling right then…

It was relief. Happiness. A sincere feeling of gladness for what had just occurred. For what achievement the trio had just accomplished. And what could even be said, here?

“Good morning, you two.” She would quietly whisper.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:26 pm
There was a silence between the new extended team puppet for several minutes. Saya sat in complete surprise, unsure what exactly she could even say. Then Ai spoke.

"You. You did it. Aya you actually pulled it off. I can't believe it!" She glanced about, amazed at the feat they'd managed. This was something only the greatest ninja could even fathom. How Saya had gotten the idea, much less figured out how to make it possible was beyond her, but she felt a pride that rosed her skin as she sat up. Pinochio was less impressed.

"...........IM STILL THREE FEET TALL WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL TRIA?!" He took inventory of his body, letting out a deep sigh. While it wasn't surprising that she'd give him a replica of the body he'd lived in up until now, or at least a replica of the body he'd been personified towards, it was more than a little unfortunate. How could he be a big tough muscle head if he barelly came up to waist level on his opponents? He'd have to really stretch to do more than a groin shot. This would be the start of a series of very bad days for the puppet turned boy. "Fuck this. I'm out." With that he simply left, getting into the elevator and heading towards what we, the listeners, know is his own room.

"That... That could have gone better." Ai also stood, taking a moment to test the reflexes of her body. With herself and her puppet self, now labeled Ai and pupAit for clarity's sake, She could do twice the housework and errands. The options for her were endless. Giving a nod to her puppet self she also headed towards the elevator, deciding it best to take the time to clean up around the mansion because she was so excited to be able to do tasks and totally not because if the two living clones stayed in the topic they would have to split word count. That would be breaking the fourth wall, and we all know that could colapse the entire ninja world.

"Well. That.... That actually went a bit better than I expected! Um. Yea, so I figured out how to use high level ninjutsu and the power of my bloodline to create living clones. Uh. Been working on that for a while and now I can have two pinochio's generally upset with me every day." She was playing off her pride with humor, but her smile lit up the room. the Ai puppet, now called pupAIt(for emphasis of course) Crossed the room slowly. Beside the fallen pinochio puppet sat one of the two bangles. She picked them up gently, holding each between two fingers as she returned to the team.

"We uh. Well this was bad timing probably but, We thought you should have these. You're a powerful shinobi now, and we trust you to protect yourself so... We thought it was a good time for you to embrace your heritage. "

(TWC 501)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:45 pm
One moment, they were still, born into the world freshly through the powerful arts that Sayatria had just wrought. And then they were full of personality, speaking, yelling, shouting, moving. It was enough that she found herself getting emotional, despite herself. Why? Was she happy for her friend? Well, yes. But that was only a part of it. In a selfish way, she had found a strange pleasure in watching them all interact. Their existence was an affirmation of the power of chakra. That the path that she had chosen to lead her life down was one of mysteries, wonder, and incredible miracles otherwise impossible. It could lay nations to waste, and yet it could also create beautiful memories such as this. And so she would cherish it deep within her heart, where it was safe from all harm.

“Bye you two! See you both later!” She would wave to the two living clones- no, to the two siblings- as they utilized the elevator to exit the room for reasons that certainly were not affected by out of character rulings making the presence of three living clones in one topic utterly inefficient for any sane person attempting to grow their characters. No, that would be ridiculous. Hopefully they would be just as fine without Saya to guide them.

Wait, did they know how to eat? What about use the bathroom? Did they know if Saya knew? She really hoped so. Oh dear. Listening to Saya’s explanation, she would nod her head positively at the explanation. “Honestly, I’m still astonished that you were able to do that. Clones are one thing, but something this permanent. Just. Wow.” She couldn’t help but giggle despite herself. Really, it was awesome! There was little for her to say beyond that. “Color me impressed, and a little jealous. You’re a pretty amazing kunoichi, Saya.”

Seeing the puppet siblings pick up the bangles, she would fall silent as they presented them to their much fleshier sibling. Something about the moment seemed solemn, sacred. She would wait and watch Saya’s reaction to the bangles, watching to see what she would do upon being presented the jewelry by the puppet Ai.


Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:12 pm
"Wh. But. But safe...I mean...." Saya was speachless. It had been drilled into her head over and over to not talk about her family, to not talk about her heritage. In less than an hour it was like all of the limitations that had been placed upon her were released. She'd resolved to give up the name of a family who never cared about more than her existence as a status symbol, she'd confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was no longer alone, and here she was staring at the pride of her clan in sliver.

"It's okay. You have proven yourself We have no doubt if anyone were to try and take what is yours, They would find the task very unfortunate in the end. You've got your team, you have the full strength of your bloodline, Aya. It's time you take pride in what you've built and accomplished. " Kiku's comments about the jutsu she'd just completed fell on deaf ears. How could she respond to that? How could she actually respond to anything at current? The bangles felt large on her small wrists, but as she twisted them about, she nodded. This is what she was meant to be. She'd never cared about getting more powerful, but she'd done it. She'd resolved not to allow death in her presence, and despite the repercussions weighing heavily on her mind, she'd taken actions to protect the people she cared for. She really was becoming the hero of this story.

"Yea. I uh. I guess I am. I really don't know what to say. Sayatria Senju has a nice ring to it though. Very consonnant. " The hand seals seemed to flow as if she'd done them a million times. A puff of smoke that Kiku would be all to familiar with surrounded the small girl, and in it's wake an otter stood holding a bar of soap. One arm was held upward as he rubbed the now dry soap bar against his fur. Clearly he'd been summoned in the middle of a bath.

"OH COME ON! Every time... What's up Sayatria. What do you need?" She motioned to the bangles, and he just nodded. "Had em comissioned form the clan. The pups said you might be ready for it.

"Yea. I think I am. Hey Kiku. I want to train more, but I think I need to get some stuff done in light of this new information. Would you mind if I finished out the night in solitude? Feel free to head to any of the floors of the mansion but the second, you are welcome in here at any time. I just need to talk to an otter about a sage mode. " THe otter looked elated. She'd been kind of goofing off with her study of the sage arts up to this point. Now if he could just find a way to convince her to sit still long enough, then their training would really get where it needed to be.

(TWC 1134 + 5k already claimed and approved putting 339 towards kanzeon lotus embrace previous training(5k/5k) and 795 towards chidori (795/2500) exit topic closed after Kiku)
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Quiet and Contemplation [Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quiet and Contemplation [Saya]

Sun Aug 29, 2021 7:40 pm
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