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Village : Konohagakure
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Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank] Empty Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank]

Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:15 am

Fujii Yomiko, 

You have been picked for the following missive by hand specifically due to your specialties as well as family history. To expand on this, there have been some ruins found on the outskirts of the Hi no Kuni border towards Kusa no Kuni. In the distant past, the Uzumaki from Uzushiogakure no Sato were displaced. While they primarily relocated to Konogakure, there are scarce accounts of some families retreating to the Amegakure and Kusagakure of eld. These ruins are close enough for all three villages to have used at one point. 

More so, there have been sightings of the Uzushiogakure whirlpool symbol. As one of the only shinobi currently active and able to respond to given missives, as well as being of Uzumaki descent it would be pertinent that you go to these ruins and glean any and everything that someone of your heritage and knowledge could. Please do not report back to the Hokage’s office with your findings, but report back to the archaeologist who had originally requested the help. His name is Nawasaki Nobuo and he will be staying at an inn in a small village near the site. 

Best of luck to you.

-Office of the Hokage


Yomiko wasn’t quite sure what to make of this. While she was excited to be able to be called upon for such a mission as well as being recognized for her skills and particular area of expertise, she was worried that she would find something in these ruins that could change the entire narrative of what she knew of her clan. Her mother only told her so much of what it meant to be an Uzumaki. After all, they were married into the Fujii clan and these days the Uzumaki was primarily just a name rather than something as strong as a full bodied clan like the Hyuuga or Uchiha; even though they were scattered as well. 

Thankfully, Yomiko had done quite the amount of research on the history of her clan, to an extent. After all, many records were inconsistent, destroyed, or just down right shady on the origins of the Uzumaki, what specifically happened to them, and where they all went. Let alone their connection to the Senju; cousins and all that. What she did know was that the Uzumaki originally hailed as the leaders of Uzushiogakure no Sato within Uzu no Kuni. The land itself was a smaller nation in the waters to the east of Hi no Kuni. Due to the relation with the Senju, Uzushiogakure and Konogakure were always strong allies. 

Sometime towards the end of the Second Great Shinobi War or perhaps during the start of the Third, which the details are fuzzy, Uzushiogakure no Sato was destroyed displacing the Uzumaki clan. It was destroyed, primarily, due to the fact that those of the Uzumaki clan had deep pools of chakra, lasting vitality and life, as well as skills in fuinjutsu that the world had never seen. Due to this danger, they were wiped from the planet, mostly. While there have been a few notable legends within the Uzumaki family tree in history, there had been none for a long, long time.
“Alright, what’s the worst that I could find? Some deadly new seals that I wouldn’t even understand? Tomes on some antiquated war? Really I shouldn’t be worrying at all. It won’t change anything.” This was the mantra, or at least the similar speech that she continued to give herself as she almost glided through the treetops of Hi no Kuni as she leapt from tree branch to tree branch. Amongst the missive that she had received from the Hokage’s office, a general letter from the archaeologist who had found the ruins was also included. He didn’t want to be bothered with an introduction or any sort of prodding of information. In fact, he admitted not even going inside far enough to inspect it due to the fear of deadly seal based traps that he could face. 

You’re a grown man, but yes, go ahead and send a teenage girl into the unknown. Though I suppose I am trained where he is not…

Yomiko had already traveled through the forests of Hi no Kuni for more than a day and now she was coming up on another half day since she had left the village. While she did take two very small rest periods during her travels, she was starting to feel a bit fatigued from it all. However, no more when she felt the urge to continue to inwardly complain about the circumstance did she come across exactly where she needed to be. It wasn’t exactly a town, but more of a rest stop for those traveling between countries, especially since to the west and southwest of Hi no Kuni there was such a conglomerate of smaller countries all nestled together. It consisted of two small inns, a tavern with a bar and restaurant, as well as one small shop. She could only assume that those who worked here had rooms in the establishments of their work as well. 

She wouldn’t be able to stay at either of the inns though. Perhaps she could try and weasel her way in, but one of the stipulations that the archeologist had in his initial request was that the shinobi in question would investigate the ruin but also set up camp there in order to maximize their effort in searching for anything useful. Taking the time to rest in a nearby tree, Yomiko longingly stared at the available inns for what seemed like more time than needed before taking off further into the deeper part of the woods along the borders of Hi no Kuni. Just as she expected and just where the missive had described it, Yomiko came across the vast looking ruin of an old meeting place, or perhaps even temple, from a time long since passed. 

Alright, let’s head inside and find a nice little alcove to set up camp. I’ll take a few hours to rest up and then I’ll start my investigation with a sense of fresh vigor and not so tired eyes.

--WC 1031--
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Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank] Empty Re: Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank]

Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:36 pm
Yomiko didn’t need to search too long to find a nice little alcove to set up her camp for the night. Though, that was only after she searched the main hall upon entering and, for all intents and purposes, becoming completely awestruck by it. After she had left the general safety of the little town, if it could even be called that, and found her way to the ruins, Yomiko entered and immediately felt like she felt the first time that her mother had taken her to the giant library back home. The sprawling marble like structures and carvings all old and covered in dirt and dust stretched along the walls of this ruin that seemed to have been built into the side of a mountain and then continued to be built out upon. There was no way to know how deep it could have gone. 

Looking around in the main hall, while in awe, she still remained aware of any potential traps or looters or anything that could have become a problem but, thankfully, there didn’t seem to be any of that here. After another thorough search to be safe, she allowed herself to let loose. Whether or not a squeal was involved? No one would ever know since she was by herself and she certainly would never tell.  As she looked around the main hall, she noted everything. Near perfectly square, though somewhat off due to damage and just from the passage of time. Pillars, though quite plain, were used to help hold the ceiling up. When looking up the pillars, that’s where the true beauty was. Connecting beams between the pillars and then out to the walls were innately and beautifully carved with swirling designs very reminiscent of whirlpools or turning water. 

That makes sense if this is, indeed, an Uzumaki shrine.

Where each of the structures met, the very specific insignia for the Uzumaki was carved deeper into a recess along the other swirling carvings throughout. Yomiko could only imagine how this place looked lit up, polished, and well kept. That aside though, Yomiko pushed forward; noting that the main hall had only one obvious exit and that was straight ahead into a hallway. Biting on her lower lip and chewing for a moment, she stared down the hallway to see if she could see anything obvious. Slowly she started down the hallway, eyes trying to keep focused as the light that trickled in from outside continued to fade and dim. Sighing, knowing full well she couldn’t continue, Yomiko fished around in her pack to take out a flashlight to start using. She doubted anyone was here, but the flashlight would definitely give her away if there was. 

I don’t know why I’m so worried about booby traps, looters, and bandits. This isn’t the movies or anything. But, I suppose I should still be careful just in case…

Yomiko audibly sighed as the hallway began to widen into a connecting room which was about the same size as a small bedroom in the homes back in Konohagakure no Sato. This is where the hallway split three ways. To her left was a short walk of a hallway to an old looking door. To her right it was the same but the door had rotted and fell off of its hinges long ago. Ahead of her, the hallway picked back up where it left off where it curved around a corner to the unknown. Because it was so late already, she needed to find a place to set up camp.To her right was exposed, so the logical choice was to go left to the closed door. Yomiko attempted to open it but it seemed to be locked. Grumbling, she yanked on the door a few more times before taking note that the door itself had no locking mechanism on it at all. 

It clicked rather quickly for her that, at an Uzumaki temple, that everything was probably run by fuinjutsu or that things were locked away by them. Luckily, she knew how to remove seals with just a touch of her hand. Yomiko did this three times however until the lock on the door finally dissipated and she was able to, rather easily, push it open. Inside was a long, rectangular room that seemed to stretch back further than what was expected. Lining one of the walls were raised platforms and dusty looking remnants of cots while towards the back seemed to be an area to put belongings and sort through things. Along the other wall seemed to be various little nooks for people to sit at. Whether that was simply to hang out, discuss things before bed, or if there was actually any true use to them, she couldn’t tell. But it looked as though this was where those who came here would stay if necessary. 

After setting up in one of the little sitting nooks, not wanting to actually lay on one of the platforms meant for bedding, she looked around the room thoroughly. After all, this room was purposefully sealed. There had to be something in here other than just a sleeping area and old, mothball cots. An initial search proved to reveal nothing however. There was no clothing, no materials, no books, no nothing to even warrant reporting back let alone warranting the seal that was placed on the door. That got her thinking. Perhaps there was another seal placed in this very room as well, somewhere along the wall, that led to another room or a slip in the wall, or anything of that nature. Yet again her search turned up with nothing; or almost nothing. 

On her second search though, Yomiko noticed that one of the taller bookshelves that had nothing on it, was attempting to hide a slightly different color toned wall behind it. Grunting as she all but had to knock the shelf over, she paused after the crash to stare at the doorway for what seemed like a half hour when in reality it was likely only a minute or two. After knowing for sure that no one was coming or any alarms were set off, Yomiko began to inspect the wall for any sort of secret buttons, knobs, or even to sense and see if there was a seal in place here. Which there indeed was. After trying a few times to break the seal, Yomiko slumped down against the wall, leaning back into the discolored portion with a sigh. She half expected it to turn around on her due to her weight pressed on it, but no luck. 

I have been going for nearly two days straight, I should really just get some rest and try this again tomorrow morning before also exploring the rest of this place.

Pushing herself up from where she sat with a grunt, Yomiko walked back over to the main doorway and closed the door. Using a seal of her own, she locked the door herself and went over to where she had made up a little camp for herself before lying down across her own fresh cot rather than pulling one of the old decaying ones down for use. She just needed a good night’s rest and she could probably continue on and finish the mission itself tomorrow and report to the snooty archaeologist tomorrow night. Maybe then she could actually stay in one of those little inns. 

--WC 1245; TWC 2276--
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Village : Konohagakure
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Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank] Empty Re: Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:24 pm
Yomiko was hunkered down in one of the little alcoves on the wall opposite of the cots. She didn’t want to sleep on any of them in fear that people may have died there at one point. She was a bit superstitious, but it was fine. It wasn’t getting in the way of her completing her mission so why even bother worrying about it? As she settled in, the eerie silence of the place started to really get to her. The more she tried to fall asleep, the more the silence seemed to become heavier and heavier. Sleep continued to escape her until finally she was driven back to full consciousness at the sound of a soft click. 

Without moving, Yomiko remained in her slumped position in her makeshift camp while her eyes darted around the room through a half-lidded gaze. No one was there. Nothing was out of place. That was until what seemed to be a blur of a person began to move by her. It wasn’t a blur because of how fast they were moving either, the person themselves seemed blurry, as if they were trying and failing to fully camouflage themselves. Where did they come from? Behind her? So the space that the bookshelf was hiding that she couldn’t crack earlier?

What was odd though was that the person didn’t even seem to flinch or give her time of day as they blurrily seemed to float by her and to the sealed door to the living area. They opened it with a flick of their wrist and a caress of their finger. Fuinjutsu. Once they were out of sight, Yomiko quickly sprung up from her position and began to follow them, though it didn’t take long for her to keep up. Leaving the room, all she had to do was follow the figure to the hall where all the rooms met. Staring across the hall to the room where the door had once been rotted and broken, she saw that it was now back in place. Confused, she watched as the blurry figure seemed to be in a hurry, frantic even to try and get into the room.

Then, in a flash, there was a scream. It was a muddled, almost far away scream but Yomiko could tell it was coming from the figure before her as the door now, almost instantly was open. Yomiko couldn’t see what was going on, but the figure retreated quickly and in even more of a frantic movement as they continued down the hall to where it curved around; to a part of the ruin that she had yet to be in. Hurrying out of the shadows of the hallway, Yomiko ran across the hall to the once broken door that was now just flung open. Covering her mouth quickly, her eyes widened at the sight. Five bodies. Three women. Two men. One child. Four of the five had bright red hair while one of them had black hair with a seemingly red undertone. 

While the figure that led her here seemed to be blurry all over, these people weren’t the same. Their faces, all five of them, seemed to be missing, as if someone stole them entirely. Yet there was a bit of a blur surrounding their faces as well. But the rest of them, their bodies, their wounds, and their mangled limbs were all still and very much not blurred. It made no sense at all, but really none of this did. How did that figure get into the living facilities? Where did these people come from? Did they make a new door and attach it just to have this happen? Why did the ruins themselves seem to be in better condition?

Backing away from the massacre, worry for the other figure built as she quickly chased after their blurry visage. Down the corridor she ran, moving along the snaking path until the tunnel of a hall opened up into a large room. Along the back wall were a plethora of Oni looking masks as well as the Uzumaki symbol littered across the bordering trim of the wall. The blurred person in question was on the ground, as if they had fallen backwards or had been knocked backwards. Yomiko watched as they scooted back and away from another figure who was also completely blurred, like they too had tried and failed a camouflage technique. Their blur was much more pronounced to the point where it hurt Yomiko’s eyes to even look at. 

The sound that followed was piercing. The assailant seemed to speak in code, weird screeches and sounds with other pieces of words placed in between it all. As they did this, Yomiko couldn’t help but cover her eyes while her eyes widened at the sight of them pulling a sword seemingly out of nowhere to raise it up high into the sky saying something else in their odd screeches, hisses, and randomly added consonants. Then, as clear as day, she heard a woman’s voice coming from the blurred person on the floor. Her voice was deep, shaky, and almost had a rasp do it; like her throat had been damaged.

“We are proud. We are strong. We shall never be sealed away by your hatred. OR your greed.”

Yomiko dashed forward to help her as the blurrier assailant scoffed a true audible scoff and began to lower his blade down onto the woman below. But just as Yomiko was about to reach the two of them, her entire field of vision began to blur until the room itself seemed to zigzag and disperse like water. Then it was gone. It was all gone. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes opened back up as if she had been asleep the whole time. 

Apparently, it was a new day and that meant new opportunities. Primarily, it meant another chance for Yomiko to work on that discolored wall that she had discovered behind the bookshelf. Before any of that however, she needed to process what had happened during the night as she slept. She continued to go over the scenario in her head and surmised that the door must have had an extra layer of a seal inside of it when she dispelled it that must have triggered some sort of latent Genjutsu left on the door. A Genjutsu within a seal, within another seal. That was truly the mark of a Fuinjutsu master; an Uzumaki. 

First and foremost, she had to check for herself. Leaving the confines of the living area, Yomiko checked the room across the hall. The five bodies were not there. Some tell of dried blood, disintegrated clothes, and some leftover bones (though small) were left. But who took the bodies? Or rather, since some bones were left, who came BACK and took the skellingtons? Sighing heavily, Yomiko made her way down the serpentine hallway, matching exactly to what she saw in her dream-like state until she found herself in the large room where the woman spoke and was presumably killed. There was clearly a stain of blood on the floor where it was then dragged. 

Her eyes followed towards the back wall where it looked completely different from what her dream was like. Instead of the wall of masks, it seemed to be a family tree of known Uzumaki. Most of the clan that came to Hi no Kuni after Uzushiogakure no Sato was destroyed all those years ago would likely be on this wall. Much like the skeleton of the woman who was killed in her dream. Yomiko winced the moment she saw it pinned up against the wall with odd seals littering the bones themselves. She didn’t have the heart to even try and remove the seals and, realistically, she was scared to do so. She had no clue what it was for at all. Yomiko didn’t even bother to try and find any relatives on the tree either. Considering the time period, her great grandparents MIGHT be on there, but even then it would be a shot in the dark. 

However, before leaving she did make note of where the woman’s skeleton was pinned. It was pinned so perfectly onto one of the names on the wall that Yomiko couldn’t help but think that that was done purposefully. Squinting to get a better look, since she didn’t dare go any closer, she noted the person's name as Uzumaki Suzuka. Maybe that name would mean something to her mother. But for now, Yomiko quickly retreated from the temple-like room and back to the living quarters. She had to try and work on that door again to see where the woman from her dream came from. 

It only took her three tries, but she broke the seal on the hidden door and it slid open with ease after. Inside was another living quarters type room but much smaller. Here there was hardly anything on the many book cases lining the walls save for a handful of books. Most were so old she was scared to touch them; except for one. A black bound book seemingly preserved in time. Was it another seal that did this? Or maybe the material of the book was just such that it was able to withstand the will of time and last longer than others. Whatever it was, Yomiko gingerly reached for the nameless book and opened it, seeing the title of the book printed on the first page rather than on the spine or front of the cover. 

The 26 Faces

Flashing back, the masks she saw in her dream seemed to total that from what she could conjure in her memory. Whatever that was, she wanted to know more and she was convinced that the little man back at the inn would not allow her too. The rest of the books were primarily about immigration, history of Uzushiogakure, relations with Konohagakure, and how the Uzumaki and Senju were related with key figures in the very first war. There was some mention of the Uchiha and the Hyuuga as well. Likely since the Uchiha were the main antagonists turned founder of Konoha alongside the also prominent Hyuuga. She couldn’t think of any other connection nor did the books seem to hint to any either. 

Gulping and looking around as if she wasn’t alone, Yomiko pocketed the nameless book into her bag while she put all the rest where she found it. She had her bag where the dust had collected around the book she took in order to make the whole shelf disheveled and look just like that; like she sat her bag there. She wasn’t about to leave any evidence after all. With her mission being to just scout and report back her findings, she quickly left the temple and headed back to the little makeshift rest stop of a town and to the inn to report in. Her report was sparse of course and lackluster, but still detailed enough to warrant completion. 

She found the temple. There are some places that may be hidden via Fuinjutsu. Be wary of bones. There were some books on history in a hidden room. Then finally, an ancient family tree of Uzumaki from the past with a seemingly seal covered skeleton pinned to the wall. Lying a little, Yomiko said she translated the type of seal to be of something that shouldn’t be broken, that it could likely bring the whole place down as a true type of booby trap to fool those who didn’t know any better. After receiving a rather flippant and dismissive thank you, Yomiko was allowed to leave and head back to the village. That’s all she wanted to do anyway.

She had a book to read...

--WC 1965; TWC 4241--
Rewards: 6100 Ryou for Genin completing a B rank mission + 30 AP. Claiming Chakra Chains (C-1000 WC), Rainbow Fort Seal (B-1500 WC), Bubble Bomb (B- 1500 WC), 200 WC towards learning Wild Bubble Wave (C- 200/1000 WC) and 84 AP via maxed stats (4200 WC / 100 = 42*2 = 84)
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Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank] Empty Re: Searching the Ancient Ruins [B-rank]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:41 pm
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