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Virtual Mortality Empty Virtual Mortality

Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:08 pm
Honey Bunches:
With a noise that could only be described as 'shwoon", Honey Bunches found himself standing outside a great stone archway, four statues in front of him. He noticed what looked like water far behind them,  and ran to the end of what looked like a great island, staring into the water below. Looking at the mountains surrounding as well as the great spectator stands above them, Honey Bunches shields his eyes looking into the artificial sun. This place was beautiful, and the smells and feelings felt as if he were really standing on this mystical isle, the great stone buildings behemoths against the clear sky. Wandering through and learning the terrain, he notes landmarks such as the center of the island, trees on opposite sides, as well as the edge where he currently stood. Honey Bunches stays on his guard, but his curiosity at his surroundings is unable to be stated with a few glances at the water.

Looking back towards the path he had traveled, he sees it lead back to the gold center and he begins to pick some grass, grunting as some of it scratches his fingers as he rubs it. It felt exactly as if he really did hurt himself, and this put him on edge, but the beauty around him settled him back down. The smells were not nearly as intoxicating here, but he could still taste the grass and smell the season around him.

He stood up straight, watching and listening for his opponent, or even his ally. He drew one of his blades in his left hand and quickly prepared a kunai in his right, crouching low and waiting decisively, shielded beneath the shade of a medium-sized tree before he decided how to make his move. Concentration and defense were now his only two thoughts at this moment.

305 of 305
NP: 1

Last edited by Bubels on Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:16 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : VOIDING)
Kazue Kenkō
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:16 pm

The amount of times that Kaz found himself dragged into a fight he was not prepared for. Was starting to grate on his nerves. The place looked lovely mind you. He was just upset that he barely had time to draw close to Honey before coming too in a strange place. It was like when he fought the old man all over again. His weakness was starting to grate his mind.

Kazue was a bit used to being reliant on his abilities. He could hear the familiar sound of Honey’s heartbeat not too far away. He resisted the urge to sneak up on the guy. He was afraid of being ripped to pieces.

“Hey Honey! I missed the explanation, are we going to fight each other or something else.” Kazue was fine with giving his location away. If it came down to a fight Honey would notice him then proceed to throttle him. At least in this way he had the moral high ground. He gave away his location but did not get any closer. It was an insurance policy if Honey was the enemy.

He did not sit but tried to put up some vigilance. His head would swivel back and forth as if trying to keep on the lookout for something. Kazue heard of the virtual battle facilities before, as a first time participant he was impressed. If it was not for the vague feeling of not wanting to experience death. He would have enjoyed himself. The setting was leagues different from what he would normally see in Suna.

“I have to admit this place is pretty cool. It lacks sand going up my buttcrack and it feels nice.” Kazue just casually spoke to himself in admiration of the virtual world around him. He could hear a variety of insects that caught his interest as well. The virtual world was a green oasis unto itself.

WC: 317

Last edited by Kazue Kenkō on Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed the spoiler settings)
Mizuki Ohta
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:18 am
Materializing silently in the center of the path that led to the circle  she would glance around her surroundings, the surroundings she had programmed in had really made the place feel… whole - a little bit of everything. Watching the hulking man settle defensively and completely out of initial view under some shade a tree provided, while the other man mused aloud to himself a ways ahead of herself. Most definitely in her range of hearing but instead his presence was devoid of any sound aside from the words he spoke - narrowing her eyes curiously she approached him, leaving a 5 meter distance as she skirted his right side; making no attempt to attack as she spoke. “Something else.” She would turn her face ruefully as she passed him, a hypothesis forming about his silent chest - which only solidified as the faint beat of the larger man’s heart reached her ears. 

She stopped suddenly at a triangulated formation 9 meters between each of them - Kazue on her left and Honey at her right, only one of them audible. “We are here today to gauge your abilities and hone them, take what happens today as a lesson. I do not take enjoyment in beating my village’s up and comers… but we must start somewhere. I can teach you, but I want to see what I’m working with first. This isn’t about winning or losing today men, this is about growth.” As she spoke the last words she stared meaningfully at Kazue, forming the hand seals for Blood Clone Jutsu [V7] at 100 speed and creating two identical copies of herself that transitioned from a deep crimson to exact likenesses. The two cloned formed 5 meters on either side of her, obstructing the men's' direct line of sight on the original. The smell of blood would be easily detectable by both men. “Begin.”

Jutsu Used:
AP - 1000
Blood Clone Jutsu [V7] - 30 AP used for creation.
Clone 1 - 323 AP pool
Clone 2 - 323 AP pool
Original - 324 AP pool
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:26 am
Honey Bunches smirks to start the battle, forming the Tiger-Snake-Monkey hand signs before spewing out two clones of himself, each one bringing with them one Lycan spine each, the two linking their arms together and charging towards the wall of Mizus with an attempt to latch around them as they carve with the blades, also blocking Honey for the most part. As soon as they get within 5 meters  Honey Bunches charges behind them from his position 9 meters away. Outspeeding them and easily ducking below their linked arms, he continues by flipping upward to kick her hat off her head, doing a complete backflip, landing behind the clones. At this point the clones reaching their targets and attempting to maim as much of the clones and opponent as they reasonably could be based on the movement. However, they would not break off if she scattered and would instead focus on whichever target they could perform the most damage. This would look like two men tucking their blades into their chest and then dragging them outward to cover 2 meters around them in a full circle combined, finishing once it made a full 180 arc to being held behind them, exposing the clones' guards entirely. Honey Bunches would have landed his flip behind the clones before backpedaling to regain his original distance and to avoid their large swing. He performs Tiger-Boar-Ox-Dog-Snake, holding his ground before readying a handful of kunai in case things got ugly, the large tree blocking his sight with its huge majesty. His hulking form moved slowly back and forth across 1 meter of his hiding spot, Honey Bunches looking tentatively with a somewhat lowered guard

NP: 2/6
AP: Split between clones
1:  201/226
2: 224/224
3: 224/224


Last edited by Bubels on Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:16 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : KAZUEEEE)
Kazue Kenkō
Kazue Kenkō
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:53 pm
Kazue felt the color drain from his face as he heard “Something else.” When people got that close to him, hearing their hearts or smelling them would be a breeze. The fact that she got close enough to speak almost made him crap himself. At this point the Kazekage was not the first person whose heart was un-hearable. Kazue was starting to chalk it up to all truly strong ninja being just too silent for him to hear.

The fight started faster than Kaz was prepared. He was flustered and it slowed his slow self down even more. As he approached he threw up a Ram sign, four clones appeared next to him. Kazue was located second from the right. As if joining his clone brethren in a kamikaze attack. His opening thoughts were part of a bigger plan. He doubted he could beat her clone. It would also not matter if he did. He figured the best thing he could do was punch the Kazekage himself.

Jutsu Used:
AP - 460 - 15 = 445
Clone Technique - 15 AP used for creation.
Clone 1
Clone 2
Clone 3
Clone 4
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:16 am
You would swear pageantry was a defining trait of Sunagakure shinobi - no matter though she had every intention of indulging them to a degree - but this maneuver the dog-like man was pulling was foolish… The moment the clones that formed began their deadly charge at the clone - it began weaving the 6 hand seals at 100 speed - perfectly timing the devastating jutsu with the flourishing action of the original Honey. 10 tendrils 3 inches thick and 15 meters wide shot out with 2 inch gaps between the tendrils [80/80 power speed] - the original Honey who at this point was mid air within an inch of her face would have no means to dodge the piercing  tendrils; all avoiding major organs. Once hit this jutsu’s true nature would become reality, the blood they consisted of was already taking effect and paralyzing the man on the ground - her hat successfully knocked back onto her shoulders. The two clones would have been hit with the tendrils that didn’t hit the original Honey in the air - moving freely to pierce the nearest patch of skin they could. 

She would lean over the paralyzed Honey and brush his hair from his face while using a calm collected tone of voice, “Some advice, do not rush the enemy until you have gauged some of their abilities, like this one wouldn’t have reached you had you not come so close to me. I do love the use of clones though, very on brand.”


On the other side the other clone was watching in curious hesitation as 3 clones were created - and using his curious ability to be unheard he blended perfectly with the group - she couldn’t help but smile with genuine pleasure. “Using your strengths already, smart…”, but as soon as the clones were formed they did nothing which caused her to tilt her head in confusion before sighing as the tendrils still active from the other clone turned and shot through the clones until it hit the real Kazue and afflicted him all the same. As he laid on the ground she would walk over to him and gently turn his face to stare down at him - connecting the dots finally with all the other encounters - “I expected more from my own clansman.” 


If neither of them managed to stop her before either of her attacks hit she would call out to the system for a reset - placing them back in the middle of the arena 5 meters apart from each other. “Again.”

Jutsu Used:
Jutsu Used:

Clone 1 - 323 AP pool -Hemostasis AP 45
Clone 2 - 323 AP pool
Original - 324 AP pool

Reset arena

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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:32 am
Sitting still on the ground, her brush across his face felt almost motherly, and it was a nice contrast to the horrible feeling in his body and inability to move. He decided that he would break out of it, and just as he set his mind to it they reset, now 5 meters away from the Kazekage. He felt comfortable, and he no longer was itching like a madman.

She was right, expecting to get a hit off through some sort of combination wasn't practical, foolish even without any knowledge of her strengths. There were games to be had in Suna later, but now he needed to stay serious. Drawing both of his blades, he moves them to their full length, 160 cm past his hand. Slowly crouching, watching her movements, he began his assault. It seemed as if with each breath he took, more time passed in battle than he was comfortable with, and he resigned himself to two to gather his thoughts and one more as he charged her. There was no time for further discussion.

Charging forward at 130 speed, this time he stayed sharp and ready to evade, keeping the Kazekage and the clones on his left side. She no longer had chakra tentacles surrounding her, but he assigned his left arm to jab at the clones, attempting to end one's life with a quick stab to the heart. This would be the Mizu closest to Honey originally, and after this stab with his left hand for 65 impact force, he would move to quickly turn and cut off the central Mizu's arm with his right arm, also using 65 impact force before he would rush in to finish off whatever remained with his left hand raised to block his face and his right arm a sick blade sticking out of his lower guard 160cm, set to promptly disembowel another clone.

This reckless abandonment with his speed had only one benefit, his accuracy, and it would be obvious that if he did not mortally injure them enough, he would end up back on the ground.
Kazue Kenkō
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:04 am
The fight for Kazue was not going well. The tendency to lose himself in his own plans came back to bite him in the butt. Most people should have been able to dodge the giant tendril of blood coming towards them. Even if it smelled delicious.

“What do you mean by Kin?” Kazue did not have to discuss as Honey was already going back into fighting. He felt a slight pulse in the vein in his cheek. “Honey, we could have at least worked together this time.”

Kazue ran diagonally while trying to make his way forward. As far as he could Honey was moving almost as if he was a blur. He was struggling to keep up. The slow speed made him believe honey would be the perfect cover against the Kazekage. He would have enough time to question her after getting a good hit in. For now he wanted to focus on the task at hand. Even if he doubted what he could do.

As Kazue ran he did not bother to summon his clones. When one of the Kazekage clones or the tentacles moved, he would start to flood his body with chakra. He refused to allow the same trick to work on him multiple times. If he only had one shot he wanted to make the most of it. The gap for chakra enhanced was too small at the moment. He was sorely upset that he did not take the time out to learn more jutsu and be helpful in the overall scheme of combat. All he could do now was continue to run at his turtle pace.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:01 pm
The moment Honey began growing his swords she would frown, her hands behind her back as she began weaving two separate seals - while the two blood clones stood between her and the boys. The original version of herself would also begin running backwards at 100 speed while the clones remained in the same place - the moment the blade pierced the clones chest it would explode in 2 meter radius of blood at 100 speed causing no damage but covering Honey in blood that would obscure his vision; as well as Kazue if he were in range.

The jutsu she had been weaving were Absorption Chains and Paralysis Seal - 2 chains sprouted from her shoulders at a speed and strength of 100 -  simultaneously one chain pressed into the ground and pushed her up into the air like a lift while the other shot forward at the head on attack and placed the Seal on contact at 65 strength. The chains were 12 inches thick and 25 meters in length if pushed to their full height. Staring down at Honey from 10 meters in the air  where she held herself, her frown deepened. “Listen.”

With the chain still attached to the boy she would slam his body into Kazue who was at least trying to get his teammate to think before acting. After knocking Honey into Kazue would retract the chain which wound protectively in front of her while she lowered herself to the ground with the other. “You both have some growing to do, perhaps this isn't the best course of action...let’s switch gears then and instead teach. Honey needs to learn to think before he rushes an enemy.. Twice. What are your specialties?” The seal would paralyze movement but not the ability to talk.

Jutsu Used:
AP 2000
Clone 1 Destroyed
Clone 2 Dropped
Original -
Absorption Chains 120 
Paralysis Seal - 30 AP [65 power]
Chakra Chain Familiarity 20 AP for Absorption Chain
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Virtual Mortality Empty Re: Virtual Mortality

Tue Jul 20, 2021 8:34 am
Honey had no plan on ceasing his attack, and he wasn't doing much thinking. Perceiving the backpedal as he swung, he tried to angle his second hit accordingly, but could not. Like Mizu had told him, he was not being smart with his movements, and he had to bend his body at a weird angle that did not help him with his defense. As soon as the thick blood sprayed all over him, he felt as if he had done a great job until his second attack threw his weight off as it missed and his body stiffened once again from the chain that struck him. He was unable to see much and unable to wipe the fluids dripping down his face. He heard her request, though muffled by blood.

"Specialties..." Honey laughs and spits some blood out to the side, "Runnin'. Hittin'. There's not much I can do from a distance..." He glances at his weapon pouch and stays paralyzed, getting a little bored as he gets sore from the point he's being held. Hopefully however he would get his shit together long enough to learn how to survive.

"I'm a user of weaponry and taijutsu." He finally asserts, explaining "I have some ranged weapons, but nothing on par with my swords. No matter the strategy, it seems the only option would be to close in or face your wrath at a distance." Pondering this, he asks "When you can do such damage from farther than my blades will ever reach, what chance do I have to find an opening if not going for blood," spitting out more of said blood that has been dripping down his face, "No pun intended. What time will they have to create their defenses as they slide off the end of my blades?"

Honey seems to be in a mindset where if an enemy is left living for more than ten minutes in a battle, the battle was likely already lost. He did not yet understand the ebb and flow of battle that would require delicate precision and timing, nor was his current mastery of taijutsu and weaponry something that made him much of a champion for the time being. Until he was to gain greater control of his mind and body and bring his sensory skills to pass, he would still be stuck tirelessly charging in and missing, and soon he'd be counting his losses, then lost friends, before counting the lost friends.
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