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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting the Mizukage Empty Meeting the Mizukage

Tue Jun 01, 2021 8:46 pm
Travin and gonked had been summoned by the Mizukage himself via a sensory shinobi to track them down. Travin wasn’t sure what was going on and he was pretty sure that Gonk didn’t either. Since hearing that the Mizukage didn’t know anything about Gonks situation he didn’t think it would have anything to do with that, so that only left the other shinobi that didn’t return with Gonk did. Both friends of his Murata and Keita both had gone to the chunin exams with Gonk. Travin hadn’t even thought about it since they were still going on and it was a few days of travel to get there. He hoped nothing had happened and was really hoping that they were not about to be sent in to pull one of them out by force. While he didn’t know much about Hoshi he did know that they were not weak by any means. He had heard like everyone else about the trouble they had a few years ago but since then they had rebuilt and doubled its power from what he had heard anyways. 

It wouldn’t take them long to get to the Mizukage’s office building. Since they had figured that it was important they had chosen not to take one of the carriages and Travin would simply teleport them to the outside of the building. It was common knowledge you did not teleport into the building. It made a lot of people nervous and more than one had been attacked by the startled guards. Travin would lead the way into the building noting the shiny marble flooring and pillars with the designs of the previous Mizukage’s. Travin also noted the dark wooden benches and desks as well as the pots of flowers. It was a well-designed and decorated entrance to the building. The only thing he didn’t care for the was sound his shoes made on the floor. After years of being yelled at for walking with a sound, it was unsettling, to say the least, to hear his own footsteps. 

Travin walked over to the desk and handed the lady the paper with the summons. She looked it over and nodded before pointing to the elevator. “Top floor” is all she would tell them. Travin made his way over to the elevator not saying anything unless gonk did, and pushed the button once they were both in. arriving at the top floor Travin would walk out of the elevator, and upon sight of the Mizukage he would drop to one knee hand over chest “Lord Mizukage you summoned us” would be all he would say before spoken to.

Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:38 pm
One moment Gonk had been standing in Travin’s pool house, and the next he was outside the Mizukage’s office building. He had read about teleporting in fiction books before, some had described a feeling of falling, some depicted it with lots of G force, but it was now evident to Gonk none of those author’s had teleported before. In truth it didn’t feel like anything physically, it was like his senses were just switched to a new location. It did however disorient Gonk a bit, for he had never teleported before. Gonk stood shakely for a moment before composing himself and following Travin into the building. 

The interior of the building was eloquent, the tall pillars in particular catching Gonk’s eyes. His feat padded silently across the shiny marble floors, in stark contrast to the loud footsteps made by Travin. The two of them arrived at the desk and Travin handed the receptionist the summons, which he had taken from Gonk earlier. She scanned the note for a moment before pointing to a nearby elevator and telling them to go to the top floor. Gonk simply nodded and made his way over to the elevator next to Travin. He watched as Travin pressed the button for the top floor, and felt himself rising through the air. It wasn’t an experience he particularly enjoyed. It felt like he was falling in reverse, which was a weird sensation to him. He was much more comfortable in the water. But luckily the ride wasn’t long, so before Gonk could become too uncomfortable the doors opened with a soft ding. 

Gonk and Travin both exited the elevator and simultaneously kneeled upon seeing the Mizukage. Gonk let Travin do the talking as he was now his superior. Gonk was happy that Travin had made so much progress while he had been away, but didn’t want to be left behind by his friend. Gonk hoped that he would soon be promoted to chunin or even jonin so he could progress through the ranks of the village. But for the time being, Gonk pushed these competitive thoughts away, as there were clearly more important matters at hand. Otherwise why would the Mizukage have summoned them.
Kizmaru Senju
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Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:10 pm
Sitting in his office at his desk, the Mizukage was hard at work signing off on the paperwork that was needed, he knew it would pile up tremendously after he'd returned from his trip to Hoshigakure. Well, he could honestly say it was worth the effort. Sitting in his ten foot, square meter office, the Mizukage was at his desk, scribbling away. He had sent for two shinobi he's been hearing good things about lately and decided a promotion was in order. He's never met the two individuals so he wasn't sure what to expect. Well, he'll get a good look at them when they arrive. On the floor near the left side of his desk, laid a sleeping Ram that had finished wearing himself out from playing with a toy he was given by one of the attendants that lurked around.  After a few moments had passed, two individuals had entered his office. One he had previously met at the gates of Kirigakure the other day who had claimed they participated in the ongoing chunin exams but was knocked out of the running. The other individual hadn't had the pleasure meeting yet. Putting down his pen, he placed his hands together, resting on the table in front of him.

"Greetings," the Mizukage had said, addressing the two of them. "I see you've made it from my summons. I'll try and make this as short as possible. I've been hearing exploits of your deeds throughout the village. You have both done a great service towards your village and your efforts will not go unrewarded. I've hereby decided to promote the both of you to Jounin of the village hidden in the mist. Congratulations. In addition to your rank up, you will be provided with a jounin flak jacket and a hefty stipend as a gift for your efforts. Once again, congratulations and thank you," the Mizukage had said, pausing briefly to address any requests and concerns they might have.
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:46 pm
Both Gonk and Travin were on one knee when the Mizukage started to speak. Travin made sure to listen to every word that left the man’s mouth. Travin felt honored to be announced a Jounin by the Mizukage himself and “Thank you my lord Mizukage” he would say, and then he would stay quiet till spoken to. Once given the command or approval Travin would stand up, unless Gonk started to stand then Travin would join him. There were a few things that Travin was wanting to ask the Mizukage while he was here, but he had a feeling that this was not the only reason they had both been called to see the Mizukage. He would wait patiently till an opening arose before asking if he could be granted permission to have access to the village’s library of secret jutsu.

(WC-141 TWC-580)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:56 pm
Gonk listened intently to the Mizukage’s words, not wanting to miss a single detail.
“Exploits of my deeds?” Gonk wondered upon hearing those words from the Mizukage. “I don’t think I’ve done anything too special. Certainly nothing worth Lord Mizukage’s praise.”
But it was the next words said by the village leader that shocked Gonk the most.
“A jounin?” Gonk thought, speechless. While he tried to pay attention to the rest of the Mizukage’s words, Gonk’s head went a bit fuzzy with the sudden promotion. He caught the gist of what the Mizukage was saying, but it was probably for the best that nothing of importance was said immediately after Gonk received the news.
“Thank you for this generous promotion,” Gonk said to the Mizukage, after Travin spoke, still kneeling. “I hope that I don’t disappoint you.”
After he finished speaking, Gonk would remain silent and kneeling, waiting to see if the Mizukage had anything else to say. It didn’t seem right that the Mizukage would summon them for the sole purpose of promoting them. As much as he appreciated it being given to him personally by the Mizukage, it seemed like the kind of thing that could be sent in a letter by some administrator. But what did Gonk know about these things. He was just grateful for another chance to meet the leader of the mist.
Kizmaru Senju
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Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:03 pm
Continuing on with his speech, he followed up with, "I hope you both continue to do right by the village. I will be keeping an eye on your progress." The Mizukage had then reached over for a phone sitting on his desk, picking up with his right hand in order to call his attendant. He then instructed said attendant to get some new flak jackets for Jounin ready as well as stipends for both chunin and Jounin promotions. After taking a couple of minutes to do so, the Mizukage had hung up and turned his attention back towards the two who were kneeling in front of him. He blinked, wondering how long they'd do that but he figured this was the way the villagers and shinobi pay their respects to their leaders. 

"Arise, both of you," the Mizukage had instructed as he stood up out of his chair, turning and walking towards the large window behind to look out at his village. He'd then continue to address the two shinobi in his room. "Keep up the good work and one day, maybe I'll seek you out to join my personal Anbu. That's all for now. You two are dismissed. Don't forget to receive your gifts. Now then, if there's anything else you'd like to request of me, say it now otherwise, I have a task for you two," the Mizukage had said, either waiting for a response or waiting for them to excuse themselves.

W.C: 245
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:47 pm
Travin stood when he was told, and listened to every word the Mizukage spoke. He had been waiting for a chance to ask to be given access to the archives and now was his chance. However, he was more than a little curious about what kind of task the Mizukage would have for him. “If I may Lord Mizukage I would like to be granted access to the Kiri archives I have hard about and want to learn the secrets to both Bullseye and Silent Killing” Travin spoke with as much respect as he could muster. While trying to hide his pride from getting to ask the Mizukage for a favor. His clan had returned to Kiri to try and earn their place back in the village from their exile all those generations ago, and this was one of the first steps to doing that very thing. 

Travin would stay quiet after his question waiting for Gonk to add anything or for the Mizukage to approve or deny his request before telling them about the task he had for them.

(WC-180 TWC-760)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:07 pm
Gonk remained kneeling as the Mizukage briefly conversed with his assistant, then stood up when instructed to.
“His personal anbu?” Gonk wondered with awe. He had never even considered that before, but now it seemed so obvious. Gonk now had a goal to strive for. Gonk listened to the rest of the Mizukage’s words, his interest piqued when he heard about a task.
“I wonder what he wants us to do?” Gonk wondered. As he had already told the Mizukage about Kita as well as the information he requested from the Nova agent, Gonk had nothing else to say, so remained silent. However it would seem that Travin had something to say. 
“Huh, the vault. Maybe I should check that out sometime. But not until the current situation is over.” It would be too risky to enter the archive as his visit would almost certainly be logged and easily noticed. He was already taking a risk just by being here, but it was for the Mizukage, so he didn’t mind.
When Travin finished talking, Gonk looked back over to the Mizukage, eagerly waiting to hear the details of their assignment.
Kizmaru Senju
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Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:31 pm
Waiting on the response of his newly found Jounin, it seems one of them had indeed asked something of him. He would like to gain access to the vault in order to learn some of the exclusive techniques of the Hidden Mist. The Mizukage was guarded when it came to teaching others the secrets of the village, especially since he witnessed a foreign Kage perform one of them himself at the summit. Stroking his chin, he figured since they had proved loyal and useful, it wouldn't hurt to grant his request. So he'd allow this request because it was in both of their interests. "Ah, you'd like to learn the village's secret techniques, a request I can grant. Fine, I'll give you permission to learn only those two techniques,"  the Mizukage had stated. Two interesting choices the Mizukage had thought to himself. He wondered if the other shinobi known as Gonk would want anything but since he didn't speak up, he wouldn't ask. Now that the requests were put aside, the Mizukage had moved onto the task he would have given them.

"Gonk, you've already informed me about this but I guess I should say this again for clarity's sake. It seems one of our Genin has been caught in Hoshigakure breaking one of their laws and being held under their custody. As much as I don't like the fact that one of my citizens has been captured, it is a fact that he was caught breaking laws in a different country and that makes the rest of our nation as a whole look back. in order for the same return of my shinobi, I have prepared some funds in order to barter for the same return of my citizen. I believe he was a Chuunin exam participant as well," the Mizukage added at the end. He felt a bit of hypocrisy seeing as he had also broken none of the laws but was able to successfully get away with it. Coughing to brush the feeling aside, the Mizukage turned back to the other two and opened and reached into his drawer nearby.

Shortly, after doing so, he pulled out a large sack of ryo he had gathered from his personal funds. He then pushed the sack towards the two jounin before instructing them what to do. "Here, take this sack of money and deliver it to the Hogokage. Tell him to take it as an apology on behalf of the Island nation. In return, he will release my villager into the custody of you two, who I will personally see afterwards to reprimand about this incident. I would deliver it myself but I'm afraid I have other matters to attend to," said the Mizukage. He'd then add a warning, "Make sure you go there and bring my citizen back and peacefully as possible. I already have enough on my plate as it is. If you lose the money without getting my citizen, don't bother coming back."

W.C: 497
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting the Mizukage Empty Re: Meeting the Mizukage

Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:27 pm
Travin was ecstatic to get permission to enter the archive and learn the two jutsu he had been wanting to get his hands on. He was able to keep the smile from his face when the Mizukage gave him the good news but only barely. Then he went on to inform Travin since Gonk had apparently already known that one of their genins had been caught breaking some kind of law over in Hoshi. Travin was shocked at first and then found out that it was one of the chunin tournament participants. That only left a few options since Travin knew they only ones that had gone. He quickly ran through the names in his head for a second listing them on his fingers as they tapped his thigh. Gonk, Keita, and Josie he was sure were the only ones that had gone. He was sure and since Josie was already a chunin she wouldn’t have been the one and with Gonk standing beside him that only left Keita. What the hell did he do he thought to himself as the Mizukage walked over and opened a desk drew. 

The Mizukage pulled out a massive bag of ryo and slide it across the desk to the two. Not wanting to just let the monstrous bag of money just hang on their side or anything Travin took picked it up and dropped it in the dimensional hole of his cape. There it would be safe and no one would be able to pick-pocket them or anything to get it. He did really like his new armor and was happy that the family finally thought that he had earned it. It was a lot of blue but it made sense for his clan since they used a lot of water-style jutsu and were a part of the mist village as well. 

As you order Lord Mizukage” Travin would say once the man was finished. He would wait for Gonk to finish if he had anything to add before reaching over and grabbing Gonk’s shoulder. With a few hand seals with only his one hand, Travin would teleport both of them outside of the village to the closest point he had been to yet to Hoshi. The place was a simply grove in the middle of the woods about a few day’s walk from Hoshi.

(WC-392 TWC-1152)

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