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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Wed May 26, 2021 8:20 pm
Daiko nodded at what Saya had said, thinking about what weight was carried behind her words. Though he wasn't mean to anyone, he didn't particularly see any point in being kind to random people. Though if he needed something from them, he was more than happy to show them respect and kindness to what could be expected. It was interesting to him how she so eloquently worded everything in a way that made sense to Daiko. Sitting happily in the chair in which he was earlier enjoying his meal, he thought back to what things he had heard in the past. Interestingly enough, Daiko almost never took anything that anyone said to heart. Usually, he felt as if though they were saying things to him just to make the time pass a bit quicker, or to show some sort of pity for him or his situation. In this case, however, Daiko didn't feel a shred of pity in the words of this girl. He felt that she was genuinely telling him actually how she handled her past, as well as slipping in key pieces of advice that may be able to help him later. For most, it likely wasn't an easy thing to unlearn years of being treated like absolute trash. Daiko, however, Wasn't most. He hardly cared about anything at all, so when he found something that actually spoke to him or reached his heart, he was taken aback. Daiko was deep in thought for but a moment, before Saya's words broke his train of thought as she talked about the Doton techniques that they had talked about earlier.

Daiko listens intently to further instructions on the Rock Spears technique that he had been practicing with her before and nodded his head. He looked somewhat surprised when she told him that they would be able to change in their direction. It was pretty fascinating to him, considering that he could use it both offensively and defensively. He assumed to himself that many earth jutsu could be used in this way. If the spears were sharp and he shot many of them out at someone in his path, it was likely that they would be pierced through and maybe even stuck by them, assuming that they wouldn't be able to break the stone outright before his chakra faded from the construct. He also thought it would be quite neat for him to be able to use many of them to form a wall that he may be able to use to block something that wasn't savory coming his way. 

Daiko's eyes lit up at the thought of learning Suiton jutsu. Though he didn't entirely know if he was even capable of learning such jutsu, that didn't stop him from carrying on the conversation. "Yeah! Doton seems like it's really good for hitting stuff and moving around the earth, and Suiton seems like it could be amazing for using water as a weapon!!" He made a devilish little grin to fool around with Saya. "Think about creating some sort of water blades that could spin around you, or maybe even give Pinochio a chance to show off his 'incredible combat knowledge' some time!!" Daiko chuckled softly, smiling brightly at Pinochio, showing him that he was only teasing. Damn, Daiko didn't know how to describe this feeling that he was having. He felt genuinely comfortable in this current situation. He silently wondered to himself at what point this would inevitably turn bad for him.

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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Wed May 26, 2021 8:31 pm
He had a fair grasp of the two elements they were speaking about, as far as Saya was concerned. Hell he had a fair grasp as far as Pinochio was concerned. Pinoch took that as an opportunity to comment, and from atop the shoulders of the coach puppet he offered his information. 

"Yes. Doton is excelent for defensive measures and some large sized attacks, but the fluidity of suiton is incredible for being able to create an interesting variation in techniques that make it useful in basically any situation. There is a jutsu I've been meaning to teach to her actually. It's called water dragon whip. It creates an orb that protects the user or attacks for them out of suiton. It lashes out with sharp suiton tendrils that can harm anyone who gets too close. BUT. Before I start her off on a new jutsu I should give you the basics of Rock pillar spears. Let's head to a less croweded area. I would hate for you to cast a large stone shaping jutsu in an area where people could get hurt. " Thankfully, there was a long alley way just behind the shop that lead to an open area where they could train in peace. Saya led the group down the dark corridor, past a large door to their left that served as a back door to the shop behind the Mappo tofu stall, and into a back yard like area between two buildings that stretched about twenty meters in a square with a large chain link fence surrounding it. 

"I... DIdn't even know this play existed. This could be so good for sneaky performances. " Saya was immediately looking about to determine the best way to set up this space for her own purposes, but Pinochio had other things on his mind. To quiet the girl's wild ramblings Ai placed a hand on her shoulder and simply shook her head. 

"So. Rock pillar spears. This is a precision style jutsu, so instead of summoning a great mass of Doton chakra you'll want to focus on refining what you use into slivers that will affect the ground in the way you want the jutsu to look. I believe there are a total of five seals, and at the end of it you'll need to touch the ground once more. The seals are bird, dragon, monkey, boar, ram. Focus on the area in front of you. With practice you'll be able to summon up to fifteen spears and shift their points towards an enemy so that they cannot advance on you easily. " As pinochio spoke, Saya closed her eyes. She focused on the power of her chakra, and the strength of the new specialization she'd learned. She wanted to learn a way to boost the strength or speed of her own jutsu. She'd heard something about that before, of course, but wasn't completely sure what she would need to do in order to actually pull it off. Would there be hand seals? That was always the question .

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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Wed May 26, 2021 8:56 pm
Daiko nodded his head in agreement on both what Doton was mostly used for, as well as following along with what Pinochio was describing for Suiton. Scratching his head for a moment, Daiko was a bit embarrassed. "To be honest with you Pinoch, I don't know how to use any other elements other than just Earth. My old sensei taught me quite a bit about what each nature did, I just never really had a chance to ever try them out for myself." He then frowns somewhat and then gets back to thinking about the conversation at hand. Standing up from his seat somewhat quickly, Daiko nodded his head and followed their lead. It seemed that they were going somewhere behind the place they were eating, back into an alley. Had Daiko been with anyone other than his group, he would've been on high alert. Luckily though, he was very confident not only in his own abilities as a ninja but as well as the guards that were around. Obviously, if someone were to try and start trouble, it would be likely that someone would intervene, assuming that Saya didn't have a chance to "test out" some of the abilities that she had been talking about. 

Daiko considered to himself the fact that she controlled so many puppets, that seemed so unique not only in design but also with the nature of their personalities. It obviously would've had to be a skilled ninja in order for them to pull something like this off. Either way, he shrugged it off and continued to follow the bunch, until they had arrived at their destination. Finally being in a safe place, he listened to Pinochio's instructions and did the seals that were required. Bird.... dragon, monkey, boar, ram. In that order. Hopefully, this would work. Putting a hand on the ground, he allows the spears to slowly push out of the ground, only a few coming at a time. Eventually, though, 15 made their way out of the ground like bamboo shoots during their growing season. Watching in amazement, he focuses to make the spears point back down at the ground in a U-Shape, before letting his chakra out in refined bursts. After he did this, the spears of earth shot their way pretty quickly into the ground. Jumping back, startled, Daiko's eyes widened. They went a lot faster than he had expected them to. Though a bit scary, Daiko was quite impressed with how they shot off. Stopping the focus on his chakra, Daiko watched the stone spears crumble away.

Having learned the technique rather quickly, Daiko smiled. It was probably from the two times that they had been training the technique together, that he had picked it up so quickly. Flashing a thumbs up to his friends, he nods his head. "I got that one down pretty easily. I think that earth is going to be a pretty easy element for me in these coming days." Daiko thinks to himself, scratching his chin. He wondered if it were to be possible to manipulate the earth in some way... "Hey, Pinochio. I have a question for ya. Do you think it would be possible to use Doton to be able to not just move earth like how we've seen it done before, but also to possibly move it around yourself? Like perhaps to burrow into the dirt or to travel less detected?" Daiko scratched his head, hoping that he didn't have to come up with the answer himself, or that Saya knew something about a technique that was similar to what he had described.

Cosplay Queen Saya
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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Wed May 26, 2021 11:57 pm
Pinochio nodded as Daiko spoke. It made sense. There was a time when Saya hadn't known anything but suiton herself, and it took quite a bit of practice even for the genius girl to figure out how to get her second element. It was even more of a hastle to understand how to combine the two to her advanced. That felt like it was years away now. She'd come incredibly far in such a short time, and while he continued to push her with tough love, he was incredibly proud of the small girl. 

"Yes, It can be quite an endeavor to learn more than one element. It took Saya quite a while to figure out Doton herself. She was intitially just Suiton. Once you've got a strong handle on your earth style jutsu, im sure you'll be able to handle the training to get a second element, though what natures your body is naturally proficient with is a question that requires practice to answer. Thankfully for us it was simple because of her parents. " He watched as the boy figure out the jutsu he'd just been talking about. While he'd initially assumed that Saya had been the first one to teach him anything about elemental release techniques, his understanding of the element and ability to pick things up quickly proved that he'd had extensive training before. Or maybe he was also just a natural? could there really be three people in the village who were naturally adept learners? That brought his thoughts back to the girl they'd met days ago. Shikuki. Thankfully he was brought back to reality when his new student spoke a second time. 

"Ah. well. I'd need to refference my notes, but I do believe theres a jutsu that does exactly that. Honestly i'd assume there are several jutsu that allow ability such as this to be used, though I don't know them off the top of my head. I've been focusing specifically on holding the information needed for Saya's skill increase so anything else is probably stored in one of the others. " As they spoke, Saya was deep in concentration. She'd heard of techniques like what she wanted to do, but how to actually complete them was a whole other animal. How do you figure out a technique you don't know? Breaking her intense concentration, she looked to her sister with leading eyes. Ai smiled back kindly to reassure. 

"Little sister think. We've been given information about this technique right? What were you told so long ago that could be helpful with the current problem?" That was the problem. She wasn't quite sure. The way her focus break worked, she split her own knowlege into pieces in order to more effectively put on the facade that each of her puppets were living people. It also helped with the compartmentalization of information so she could retain more then what she would ever have been able to dream of normally. 

"I... I'm not sure. I remember in lessons being told that there was a way to do it but then i started drawing a new outfit in my notes and I lost focus and like. Heck. I wasn't paying enough attention I don't think. Do one of you know it?" Of course they did. Thankfully this bit of information was stored in dual focus that didn't go to the puppet teaching daiko. It would be a technique that stressed Saya out because of the incredible complexity, and as such it was given to Ai herself in order to ease  her into the understanding. 

"Of course. There will be times that you have to access more then your allotment though. I want you to be ready when that time comes. If we go silent little sister, you have to fight harder then you've ever fought before okay?" Saya nodded, giving Ai a look of understanding and nudging her to continue. 

"So. The ninjutsu amplification technique is unique in that it doesn't actually do much by itself. You'll need to perform it's seals and then perform another jutsu in order to take advantage of its effects. What are the hand seals? Can you remember? " She couldn't. It was tough to think back that far with the million other things that were going through her mind before she propperly learned how to compartmentalize her consiousnes. That didn't mean that she couldn't figure it out however. Closing her eyes again she went through the knowlege she had of ninjutsu. If she took the time she could break down the elements of othere jutsu to figure out how best to answer this problem by working backwards. She just needed a place to start. 

"Okay, So it starts with Horse, then--"Ai was coddling, as she always did but she was cut off by pinochio. He glanced over at the pair, taking his attention from daiko just long enough to comment before returning to his own work. 

"No, She's getting there. Give her time." She hadn't noticed it at first, but there was a look in the small ninja's eyes that made her immediately fall silent. In  her head the hand motions for every jutsu she'd been told of flashed through her mind. SHe had the first piece, but now she needed a few more. Her fingertips laced into the horse sign without her eyes opening. Palms slid together and apart, testing to see what felt natural before landing on the tiger sign. That felt right. In her minds eye she could see the snooty ninjutsu teacher droning on as she wrote and drew. She could see the way his hands linked together. Ox? NO. It was snake. The moment she formed the final seal two things happened. First her eyes shot open. second she clapped before immediately forming the seals for the jutsu Daiko had just learned. With a near terrifying speed of one hundred and thirty five fifteen pillars of mud shot from the ground around her, turning to point at the ones daiko had made across from her. Then they simply crumbled to dust. 

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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Thu May 27, 2021 8:58 pm
Daiko nodded at Pinochio's words, not really knowing how to explain that it was very unlikely that he would be able to learn any other chakra natures through traditional methods. Daiko continued to listen, nodding his head and thinking about what would have to go into a technique that would allow someone to slip into the ground. It would definitely be powerful to be able to escape the eyes of an enemy, and if he could make some sort of clones that could take his place, it would be even better. Daiko continued to think to himself, scratching his chin a bit and keeping in mind what he had learned so far. 

Seeing his friend Saya use the technique that she had brought out, he was brought a bit back in surprise. It had seemed like she did the same hand signs as him, though it was immensely more powerful. Daiko was impressed, to say the least. Standing still for a moment, he watched all of them come shooting out of the ground, and then crumbling into nothingness once again. Though immensely impressed, Daiko wasn't surprised for any reason other than it happening so quickly. Daiko gave Saya a thumbs up and was impressed. Perhaps there was something that he would be able to learn that would be able to make his techniques stronger. He wasn't entirely sure of what that might be, but he had a strong feeling that he would want to get it sooner than later. It was very important, in his mind, that a ninja was able to defend not only themselves but also the ones that they cared about. There was a moment in his life when the one true person that he had cared about passed on because he wasn't able to protect them. 

Shaking away the sadder thoughts, Daiko sighs quietly to himself. Though he had grand intentions for how powerful he was going to be, at the moment he didn't have a clear path ahead of him that he knew how to walk. He knew that it would take a lot of different experimentation and testing before he would really be able to shine at his true potential. He hoped that someday he would be able to achieve all the things he wanted. For now, his only big question would be what exactly he should do with his time. Thinking back to the few days that he had taken to the ocean, he thinks about how massive the world that he was in was. He hardly knew anything about it other than what he had just learned from this village and was excited to see what sorts of things would uncover themselves as time progressed. Daiko wasn't really the type to sit down and study, but he considered to himself the benefits of actually taking the time to get to know different jutsu and other kinds of techniques. If he could, he would be able to better recognize them and know how to handle them in situations where it might be nearly impossible to survive otherwise. Sitting down on the ground, he looks up at Saya. "So, what do you want to do next?"

Cosplay Queen Saya
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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Thu May 27, 2021 11:07 pm
In a moment her expression changed. The focus that honed the edge of her metaphorical blade shattered as Daiko gave her a thumbs up, and her smile returned. What had just happened?! She felt different. While there was no question that her brilliance garanteed she would be powerful, this was the first time she actually felt it. In her history as a ninja, she'd been reactive. She learned techniques as she was told to, and even in fights it felt like she was running away from a threat that she somehow managed to barelly defeat. This...For a moment she questioned why she had even felt like she needed to run away. Pinochio gave a nod, turning to Ai. 

"that. Is Saya's true power. It's nearly happened twice so far. Her split focus is an impressive tool, but when forced to zero in on a task she is near unstoppable. I just wasn't sure exactly how to push her to that point without being overly cruel. " It made sense. Saya could understand the intricacies of how her mind worked fairly easily, the way it split and shared information. She'd felt the mirror of her own humanity nearly shatter, drawing the entirety of her understanding into one place, but even with the understanding, she could never imagine this feeling. Shaking the thoughts from her mind she was thankful that Daiko had spoken again. 

"Oh. uhm. Well. Is there anything else you can think of that you want to work on? I have a few techniques I still want to learn, but their suiton unfortunately. Theres a really neat one that like. makes a ball of water that spawns super cool whips of concentrated water that attacks your enemies like whoosh bam wham blouw!!!" She shifted about, allowing hand motions to work as an accompaniment to her onomonopia.  "Heck. Honestly, I'd never really thought past the current. I know what I want to do like. While i'm doing it but generally I don't plan too much in the future." 

"That's my job." Pinochio spoke up once more. the way he said it was declarative, and very matter of the fact. He was the driving force that kept the group in line and focused. 

"True. Saya would never have figured out any of what she knows now if it werent for pinochio acting as a lense to focus her talent.While our situation is very specific to Saya's unique talents, I would advince finding yourself a group of friends that transcend the concept of family. Learn and grow together. If you find a group that can help bolster each other's unique talents, help you feel grounded, and provides a safe place to grow and develop then you'll be amazed by how far you can go." As she spoke she walked slowly, one foot sauntering before the other, towards Saya. In emphasis she rested her arm on her sisters shoulder. While the statement was meant for Daiko, she looked the small puppet master in the eyes as she spoke, emphasizing the importance of each of their positions in the team. 

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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Sat May 29, 2021 4:21 pm
Daiko continued to think about how amazing it was that Saya was able to perform such techniques with such ease. Though it had seemed that she took the time to focus in order to make sure that it was more powerful, it was still unique to him in the fact that she actually had used both hands this time. Daiko was curious about the nature of her puppets, and what they did, though he didn't want to find out first-hand. He thought to himself that maybe there were some circumstances where he might be able to see her in action that wouldn't likely lead to his imminent demise. He thought for a moment. If she could control these puppets to be able to talk and run around as if they were living things, what she might be able to do if she was actually in danger. From what he could tell, it seemed likely that all of the different puppets would end up crushing the enemies, while she stayed back and was basically fine. It was pretty amazing to him, to be honest. He would hopefully be able to admire her fighting skills on the battlefield sometime in the future.

Daiko sits contently listening to what Saya has to say. He couldn't really think if there was anything else that he wanted to work on. He was very happy with his current abilities as of late, though he wondered if he could do more. Knowing that he was able to do such techniques that involved not only ninjutsu but also space-time, he thought to himself what that might mean. To find the answer, he would have to look deeper. Daiko thinks deeply into his core about how and what exactly he would be able to do. He felt that there was darkness lodged deep inside him, that could be released if he was put under a lot of stress. From this darkness, he felt the cold claws of hatred that constantly ripped and tore at his mind when he didn't have anything else to distract him. Perhaps from this same place, he would be able to find where his power could come from. It was a shapeless form, a creature that drew both respect and disgust. Daiko wanted to be a powerful ninja in this world, not only so that he would be able to have fun and eat wherever he wants, but also so that he may be able to protect what he held dear to him. To be brutally honest, he didn't really hold anything dear to him at the moment, though he thought to himself that perhaps one day he would. A certain kind of fame that he craved had eluded him his entire life. He wanted people to hear his name in the village centers, and for some to get great joy in remembering their time with him, and for others to fear the day that his true power tore its way out of the depths of his heart.

Snapping back to the conversation with Saya, Daiko blinks. "Of course, I could understand that..." Shifting his weight a bit, he looks down at the ground with the same neutral face that he always had on. "I'm not exactly sure where I would even be able to find a group like that, to be honest. Not only that, but I feel like people are in danger if they stick around with me too long." He scratches the back of his head, looking at the group and thinking about how they would always stick together, mainly because it was essential for Saya's function as a ninja. For Daiko, he somewhat liked being able to travel on his own, without having to worry about the opinions or hidden goals of others. "Plus, I don't see any reason why they'd stay. For the moment, I don't really know enough to teach anything to anyone, so I'd probably drag such a group down." Scratching his chin, he waits for a response from Pinochio, which undeniably would be something wise.


[2500/2500] Shambler
[2000/2000] Aberrations of ???
[1250/1250] Learned Rock Pillar Spears (A) from Saya
[172/1000] Summoning Technique
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Sat May 29, 2021 7:53 pm
"Well i mean. You've already started. Unless you plan on going somewhere you've already got four team mates silly. And i've got a few new friends ive made in the past couple weeks that maybe i can introduce you to! Theres this teacher that's really cool that i totally defeated in a spar the first time we met and now he takes me on these cool missions that get me pirate ships and he helped me get a best friend because she tried to assassinate me so we beat her up real bad and now she lives with me and theres this awesome girl who like. she's super fashionable. I made her a bunch of clothes and I really hope I can see her again and that she likes them cuz I actually spent a ton of money ordering fancy materials to make them as good as possible cuz I know that performance isn't really her thing but it seems like she's really into clothes and I want her to know that I respect that and--" She was stopped as Ai held up a hand, her attention fully on her sister. 

"Saya. Breathe. Remember in convorsation we take breaths between sentences not paragraphs. While I can understand you its important that you take your time and articulate so that others can.." The statement sounded a bit stern, which was surprising coming from Ai, but her smile calmed the situation significantly. She pulled the small girl into a hug for a few moments and Saya visibly calmed down. In a much slower and more purposeful tone, she continued. 

"But yea. Literally Thats all you have to do. But more importantly...." In an instant she'd decoupled from her sister. A set of strings that usually only controled her puppets pulled her with incredible speed(80 something dont make me look) To stop just in front of daiko, her eyes staring into his own. "Do not ever suggest that you aren't an asset to your team. See an old teacher of mine once told me that even the smallest ninja is great. The genin take lessons from the higher ups, and protect us until we meet the next generation and we teach them. and uh... then like death happens and we are made of grass and antelopes eat us. Yea. Thats the basics." If it weren't obvious, my dear readers, no great prolific teacher taught her this. It was a line stolen and kind of bastardized from the lion king, but her heart was in the meaning so I give her a pass on that one. 

"So yea, Even if you aren't the strongest, you're an important asset to a team and such. It's what's in your heart. When the time comes you'll be suprised how much strength you have if its needed to protect someone you care for. As long as you cultivate good positive relationships everything will be great and your team will learn and grow together to be basically unstoppable. " She simply shrugged as if this wasn't some stroke of brilliance that should be said at a speaking or positive affirmation scemenar. she was always kind of like that. 

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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Sun May 30, 2021 3:14 pm
Daiko was thinking to himself for a short moment before Saya had interrupted his momentary brooding. Daiko's eyes widen at both the speed and the excitement in which Saya was talking to him. Though his face likely didn't show it, he shared her enthusiasm on the subject. He listened to her speak about how she had made new friends, met a teacher, among other things. What meant the most to him was the fact that Saya considered him a member of their team. It felt as though it was only a few days ago that they had met, which it was, and he was already starting to feel a connection grow between him and this girl. It wasn't the type that academy ninja daydreamed of with their peers, it was a feeling of mutual respect that was refreshing to Daiko. He was so used to the seriousness that came along with being a ninja, and the competitive nature of those around him. There was only so much scraping together that someone could do to make ends meet, though that didn't give any excuse for the hatred and vindictive nature of the townsfolk that Daiko had experienced through his life. Either way, he enjoyed listening to Saya go on until Ai cut her off.

Daiko once again felt inspired as she began to talk again about how he should never hold himself back by not believing in himself. Whether he truly admitted it or not, he really was an asset to any team that he was a part of. His real power hadn't come close to awakening yet, though he still thought it quite amazing that he was able to gain such confidence from someone knowing him for such a short amount of time. This gave him a sudden sense of peace to his core, and he relaxed and smiled simply at his friend. He wondered how exactly he would be able to best serve his team in the times to come. Though he wasn't entirely sure how he would be able to benefit his team at the very moment, he had quite a few ideas. Knowing that at his core he was very skilled in space-time ninjutsu, he assumed that he might be able to make some sort of place that he could bring his friends if they were in danger. Better yet, he may hold the key to being able to keep his friends from harm in the first place, or even revert some of the harm that they faced. Either way, he was neither here nor there on the matter.

Daiko nodded his head, having a moderate smile on his face towards Saya. "Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. I'm not entirely sure what my true purpose could be at the moment, though I'm sure that in the future it'll become clearer to me." Slowly putting his head down and turning his head to the side to crack it, he looks at the group he was with. "I really appreciate everything that you all have been able to teach me so far. One curiosity that I really have." He looked specifically at Saya. "How would I be able to build up my power to better become an asset to this team? I'm not entirely sure what you specialize in." Not expecting an actual answer as to what her specialties were, as he could already tell she could use Puppetry and Ninjutsu, he continued. "Sometime in the future I want you to be able to see my abilities in action, and maybe even you'd let me see yours." He shrugged, pretty indifferent on the matter. Though curiosity was a big part of it, he also was very curious as to what abilities he had that would be able to give the both of them a tactical advantage if the time called for it. Either way, he continued to stand by her and wait for a response.


[828/1000] Summoning Technique
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Simply Grubbin' - Page 2 Empty Re: Simply Grubbin'

Sun May 30, 2021 8:40 pm
"Of course it makes sense. My little sister is literally a genius. " Ai scoffed a little at the suggestion that there was a world where what Saya said could fail to make sense. Then her lips curled into a mocking smile to indicate she was in fact joking. Saya considered the question for several moments. The second question was easy enough to answer. She was a  puppet master with skill in ninjutsu boosted by the power of her blood, but how would she find the answer to the first? She had the blessing of rich parents who tried to push her far more then she could handle at the time. With her natural memory it was easy for the information to be held in the back of her mind until it was useful, and through compartmentalization she was able to have Pinoch teach her the things she'd heard but not quite understood now that she was old enough to actually take in the information, but how would one do so without that upbringing and natrual gift. 

"Well. My specializations are puppetry and Ninjutsu. My blood makes ninjutsu especially easy for me, though I'm not supposed to talk about my family line for a whole list of various reasons. I suppose the puppetry part was pretty obvious though huh?" In unison the three puppets all began to nod. As she tried to find the words to explain the difference between the two of them and find a useful way to help him cross that particular divide pinochio stepped up to speak. 

"The best way to get stronger is just to practice. We were given quite a bit on knowlege of jutsu from Saya's family for reasons as she said that we cannot discuss, but you can find that information through jutsu archives, history, and just messing around. My best suggestion would be to focus on your doton release, and really test what different hand seal combinations you can use. You should feel a different pulse when the seals and chakra molding combine that will let you know what those two together want to help you do. That shows you that there is a jutsu that uses those together. THen it's just a matter of trusting your body to go through the motions needed to actually activate the technique. I believe you just saw Saya do the same thing. For the technique she was training, the ninjutsu amplification technique, she was messing with different shifts in her chakra nature in combination with various hand seals. SHe found something that felt like it worked and then slowly allowed the chakra to do what it is meant to do. It wants to form ways of helping you. Chakra is like the living soul of every ninja, it seeks to be formed into something powerful but needs help. That can also be a really good way to actually create new jutsu yourself. You can think about an effect you want and focus on the way your chakra shifts to find the technique needed to actually make that a reality. "

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