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Kyuketsuki Sukotto
Kyuketsuki Sukotto
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 23

Hanging out at the bar (Open) Empty Hanging out at the bar (Open)

Tue May 25, 2021 11:59 pm
Sukotto sat at a small table at the back of the bar, a glass of bourbon in his hand. It had been a long day, and he had seen more real action in it then he was accustomed to. Hell if he was being honest he had seen more action today than ever before. Up until now everything had been training, or random thugs that didn't have half the skills necessary to fight a shinobi. Today was his first life or death experience. His new friend? He thought Honey Bunches was a friend after today, had turned into a giant beast and tried to eviscerate him. The creature far outstripped him in speed and based on the destruction of the area, in strength as well. He had survived due to his training, and reacting quickly in the face of an overwhelming presence.

Downing his drink, he eyed the bartender, waiting for him to look his way. There weren't many customers tonight, so he figured he would eventually catch his eye. While he waited for the bartender to turn his way, he removed his hat. He was so out of it he hadn't even noticed he was still wearing it. Usually the thing would be stowed away at home once the sun went down and he would have changed, but he hadn't made it home today, so he sat in his sand colored clothes. He also removed his headband, deep lines showing on his brow from where it had been sitting all day, his white hair falling down in front of his face. He made sure to tie his headband tightly to his arm. He loved the damn thing, and he felt so much pride whenever he looked at it, but he needed the thing off his head. He rarely noticed it at this point, but the pressure it was applying was giving him a bit of a headache. 

Catching the bartender's eye, he raised his empty glass, signaling for another. The bartender arrived shortly after, and refilled his drink. Sukotto gave him a thanks, then took a sip, trying not to drink this one quite as fast. To distract himself from the drink, he pulled out a cigarette and took in a long deep pull. Smoke billowed out as he exhaled, his breath coming out slowly as he tried to relax. He took a few long slow breaths before he brought it back to his lips, another slow long pull. The smoke filled his lungs and he briefly held it, before finally expelling the smoke as he tried to relax himself. He took another sip of his drink as he smoked, not really paying much attention to what was going on around him. 

Before long he was putting the cigarette out in the ashtray. He felt a bit better, a bit calmer. Reaching down he picked up his glass to take another sip. The glass tipped back, then further back, his eyes focusing on the glass to realize it was already empty again. "Fuck." He set the glass down then put his hand up, his eyes looking for the bartender, the ever so small voice in the back of his head vainly tried to keep him respectful of the other patrons but failed miserably. "Yo bar keep. I'll take another." He wasn’t really all that loud, but with the relatively empty and quiet bar, he might as well have yelled.

[WC 570]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Hanging out at the bar (Open) Empty Re: Hanging out at the bar (Open)

Thu May 27, 2021 7:51 pm
Looking at his hands, Honey Bunches felt calmer than he had in quite a long time. Over the course of his journey through Sunagakure, he has met multiple individuals, some kind, some strange, and all of them interesting. Looking out at the horizon, he noticed that though it was nearing the end of the day, he did not feel his usual anxiety about what was to come. Memories of the cage he was kept in were fading, and with each passing moment, the feeling in his heart swelled, until he started to feel himself becoming attached to his new life as Honey Bunches. He closed his eyes and sat on the building he was staying in, looking down at the few people flittering by on the street. Kicking his legs over, he took off his sunglasses and let the slowly retreating light touch his tired face, his markings moving down his neck in a great pattern of deep red, faded to almost black. Rubbing his chest he stretched and closed his eyes, retreating into his subconscious.

Floating on through his memories, he felt comfort in the fact that although she was not dead, the memory of his wife Laura stayed with him. He could once again remember her songs, and he began to hum one to himself as he picked himself up from sitting, stuck his head up in the air.

Although he never had more than his one friend, he had many teachers, and for this, he would not trust anyone who was trying to come to him as a guardian. This however was the antithesis of how he treated anyone who was in need of his help. At this point in his mind, it was what he could do to help, not hinder, that would drive him away from sullen nights alone and blood baths in the dark. Thinking once again, he was reminded of his friend Sukotto.

With his head stuck up in the air, he began to trace his scent, and he smiled warmly knowing that he was not too far away. Narrowing his eyes, he tried to visualize the location but he was not quite that familiar with Suna, and instead deemed it enough to stop and re-search for his scent as he lept across the buildings.

Bending his legs, he let himself perform a mighty jump. Feelings of exhilaration pulsed through him and fell, landing on the roof with a thud. He heard screaming beneath him, and he decided it would be wise to jump to the next building. Jumping without a target, he suddenly felt nervous as he approached the hard concrete.

Landing less than gracefully, he rolled onto his back and sniffed the air again. The sweet smell of incense taunted him to chase it through the village like a madman, but he chose this time to ignore it and let it pass him by the day it was meant to.

Feeling zen in letting go of his chase, he felt meditation start to break away the edges of his thoughts, letting him touch the beast inside him.

Watching it, it seemed to be locked in some sort of orb. Trying to break through the orb was hopeless, but as he gently pet the bubble within his mind it slowly started to grow in size. A pile of ash floated past the bubble, a butterfly landing on it as well. As the bubble swelled, a cigarette was put out on it and the beast popped, launching itself into the air. As the mighty beast roared and gnashed it’s teeth, it let out a mightier laugh. Louder than any roar, it sounded much like Honey Bunches himself, and he soon felt himself begin to laugh with it. As their haws turned to a knowing chortle, a brick hit Honey Bunches in the head and he snapped out of his stupor.

He touched the side of his head, and noting no blood, he figured that it was more likely the young man who was now sprinting away from him who had tripped over his fallen body. Looking next to him, he saw a young woman who was no more than 5 feet tall sobbing and clutching a bag of money.

“Y-You, You can’t kill my brother!” She stuttered, holding out the money. “He didn’t mean to kick you in the head. He didn’t mean to challenge you! Just take this.”

Confused, Honey Bunches plucks a flower from the ground, and the young lady screams.

Even more confused, the tall man holds his hands in the air. “I just dreamt that it was a brick. We’ll blame the brick, okay? It’s not that big a deal… Hey, is that my money?”

Her eyes widening, the girl dropped the purse and ran off in another direction, and Honey Bunches let out a loud laugh that would echo through the bar he now stood outside of. Looking up at the sign, he stepped inside.

“Sukotto! You son of a bitch, how the fuck are ya? I got these for you.”

Honey Bunches smirked and dropped down a pack of crumpled cigarettes on the table in front of his friend. To describe the condition of the cigarettes was to understand how Honey Bunches treated them: the lighter inside had crushed several of them, breaking them in half to a useless state. The ones that could be spared were in a fine condition to be smoked, however, there was no filter on these smokes and no place to keep tobacco from getting in the mouth when held.

Looking at the barkeep, he dropped his hands on the table. “Please, please tell me you have spicy ginger sake and floral sake.” The barkeep watches him as he goes to get the bottles, and Honey Bunches calls out “three of each of those, hot, and please don’t water it down.” He laughs and throws down a generous tip.

He then turns to Sukotto, dropping a thumbs up from a loose wrist and giving him his attention.

NP: 1

1005 of 1005

Last edited by Bubels on Thu May 27, 2021 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : to add NP counter)
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Hanging out at the bar (Open) Empty Re: Hanging out at the bar (Open)

Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:01 pm
Honey Bunches growls, throwing a dart at a wall. It feels as if he had been waiting here for an eternity, and Sukotto was nowhere to be seen. The last thing he knew, the man said he was off to bloodworks to earn a fortune, but the time had long since passed from when he said he should have been finished.

Yet, for some reason Honey Bunches waited at the spot, playing darts with himself and staring at the bar, clean and unprovoked in any way. There was nothing here really except for a few more drinks, but the man didn’t even feel as if he wanted that.

Gripping the table, Honey Bunches convinces himself that he actually killed Sukotto when he transformed into a lycan, before quickly shaking the thought.

The man that had come by about two hours ago informing him that, in fact, Sukotto died smoking a cigarette, chopped in half by some shrimp contender, was likely correct. He suddenly felt bad for mocking the messenger, and hung his head.

The man took a deep breath and looked at the smashed pack of cigarettes on the table, before throwing them into a waste bin, and looking at the empty seat.

Running his hands through his hair, Honey Bunches gives one final look around the room, and leaves, walking out through the village, trying to withdraw without a care in the world.

250 of 1268

1200 used, 68 discarded

1100/1500 Breaking Throw

100 used towards blacksmithing, skill claim listed in Your Story link
24 AP claimed
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Hanging out at the bar (Open) Empty Re: Hanging out at the bar (Open)

Sat Jun 19, 2021 5:16 am
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