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Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance] Empty Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance]

Mon May 24, 2021 11:28 am
After having spent time with Saya a few days before, Daiko decided that he would give this village a chance. It was likely that he would be trying to meet with the leader of this village, as to not piss anybody off. Putting his hand on his abdomen, he feels his stomach grumble. Hopefully, the cuisine here was more appetizing than the dirt he had eaten before. No matter, he set off for the village with high hopes on what they had to eat.

Daiko was dressed in the same clothes that he was in when he had first arrived at the borders of the island, though he had taken a moment to wash himself off among the waves. Though he didn't have a particularly odd smell, his hair and clothes were stiff from the salt that had absorbed from the water. It would likely be best that he found a place to be able to bathe before meeting with the Kage of this village. Running his hands through his hair, he took a deep breath and continued.

Coming to the gates in a casual fashion, he looks up at the spanning area in front of him. To him, this was the first stop on a long journey throughout the world. Taking a moment to gather himself, he knocks on the gate. That is if that was what he was meant to do. He would evaluate the situation and see what he had to do in order to get someone's attention to try and come inside of this village.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance] Empty Re: Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance]

Mon May 24, 2021 11:37 am
It was fate that after meeting Daiko while taking her new pirate ship out for a spin it would be none other then the tiny terror, our dear protagonist who was watching the gates the day that he finally came to request entrance into the village. Standing in front of the gate, Ai was discussing with a few people ahead of him in line, checking paperwork, ensuring they weren't bringing in contraband, and just generally doing what Saya should have been doing herself. Atop the gate Saya could be seen, laying back with her head propped up on a wooden slat. She looked down at the people seeking entrance, keeping her eyes open for anything that might be dangerous. When she saw the earth style user she shifted in per position. Blue threads gave AI new life as she ushered the group inside. She seemed to glide just above the ground to stop before the boy. 

"Well. It seems you finally decided to come check things out? Welcome to Kirikagure, the most magical place on earth. Do you have any weapons or contraband on your person? " Without waiting the puppet would begin to pat daiko down, checking for anything that would be considered an ilicit substance. Saya had gotten bored of her dancing routine a few gate shifts ago when several of the new entrants were less then enthusiastic. Overall the performances slowly became more and more lack luster and that stopped holding her attention. 

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Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance] Empty Re: Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance]

Mon May 24, 2021 11:50 am
Daiko nods his head. "Of course! I couldn't miss out on seeing what critters restaurants manage to drag out of the ocean." Putting his hands above his head, for the pat-down, he points down to his waists. "Yeah, actually I have two weapons pouches on me." Upon inspection, Saya would likely notice that his pouches had paper seals attached to the fabric covering the clasps, with the kanji for "Peace" inscribed on it. This was Daiko's showing that they not only has his weapon pouches not been opened but also that he didn't plan on opening or using anything from his pouch unless on a mission for the village. 

Putting his arms back down after being patted down, he looked at Saya. "So, am I clear to go? Or is there something else you need from me?"

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance] Empty Re: Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance]

Mon May 24, 2021 12:08 pm
"I see I see. Well, that is expected of a ninja. Alright. So heres how this works. You will report directly to the mizukage's office to declare your intentions within the village with them or one of their subordinants, these weapon pouches will remain closed, uh. lets see. Ah. and if you cause any trouble in the village or anything the higher ups percieve as trouble, harm anyone outside of normal sparring, send anyone to the hospital or worse yet murder anyone, as well as really commit any crime, arson, theft, eating soy sauce eggs outside the mizukage monument on a tuesday between 2 and 3 pm, then that one up there..." She pointed to the small girl who looked exactly like her. Saya simply waved and smiled, which was odd given the very serious tone Ai was using. 

"Then we will be forced to hunt you down and kill you. not to mention Saya will get in like. so much trouble so um. Tell the Mizukage or their subbordinants we said hi and don't get us in trouble. Welcome to Kiri."Taking a step back Ai would usher the boy into the village. They had alot of work to do, so unfortunately they couldn't accompany him directly. It had always surprised her just how many people waned to get into the village daily. Saya had initially signed up for guard duty assuming that the squall outside of their network of islands meant this would be a cake walk. It was decidedly not. If he went in saya would go back to her relaxed position, waiting for the next group. 

(TWC 515 allowing Daiko entrance to the village, claiming 500 wc towards rock pillar spears 15 wc towards wood clone and 10 ap, exit)
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Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance] Empty Re: Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance]

Mon May 24, 2021 12:29 pm
Daiko first heard what was being said about the rules of the village. Hmn. It sounded like that might be an interesting recipe for eggs, given it wasn't on the wrong day. Daiko nodded his head, appreciating the swift transaction between these two ninjas. "Those rules sound easy enough to follow, I didn't plan on causing any trouble while I was here anyway." Daiko nodded to the girls and continued listening to what they had to say. He definitely didn't want any of them getting into trouble. He would probably blame himself if anything happened to this girl due to his own actions, especially considering how kind she had been to him thus far. 

"Hey, I really appreciate it. Maybe one of these times on your day off, you could show me your favorite place to get food." At that, Daiko continued through the gate, looking in awe at the village around him. It wasn't anything like he was used to... The villages he had mainly been in were just ramshackle huts all around areas with only one structure that could be called a house. This place looked like it wasn't far away from being active, and it put a smile on Daiko's face. Kirigakure. Hopefully, the food here was decent enough.

Heading towards the Mizukage's office, Daiko realized he wouldn't have time for a proper shower before meeting with the head of the village. Yikes.



[600] +6 Chakra {30 -> 36}
32 words discarded

[500/500] Basic Sealing Technique
132 words discarded
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance] Empty Re: Islands Hidden in Mist [Village Entrance]

Mon May 24, 2021 4:56 pm
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