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Kizmaru Senju
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Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance] - Page 2 Empty Re: Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance]

Sat May 29, 2021 8:27 am
Approaching the gates of Kirigakure, the mizukage was halted by a gatekeeper he's never seen before. Must have been a change in the shifts that he was unaware of. Reaching into his robes, he'd fish out his identification to hand over to the person in question. He was unsure who they were but he didn't care at the moment, as they were clearly a member of his village. The Mizukage simply stated, "I live here..." when questioned about his visit today. When all was said and done, if the gate guard would let him through without any stipulations, he'd proceed to talk on through in an attempt to enter the village. 

W.C: 108
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance] - Page 2 Empty Re: Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance]

Sat May 29, 2021 4:28 pm
"Alright, well as a ninja of the village..." Ai paused, glancing back for a moment. Atop the gate the small konoichi perked up, pushing herself into a sitting stance as she glanced down at the two new entrants with interest the moment she heard the word ninja. 

"Ahem. Sorry, As village ninja you're permitted weaponry and such so welcome back. " she considered the question for a moment, her eyes growing wide in a way that seemed impossible for a mere puppet. All at once the blue strings began to disappear, starting at Saya and moving quickly down to where Ai was standing. In a moment they were completely gone. 

"Puppet? That would be something wouldn't it? Imagine a puppet checking people in at the gate. That would be actually rediculous. No definitely not that. I'm a regular genin like everyone else with like. A living body that breathes and does normal people stuff and is made out of non wooden flesh. If I were a puppet how could I let people into the village? It's not like i'm just a buffer for an actual ninja hiding high above who watches whats going on to make sure everything is ok and just comes down in case of trouble. That would be irresponsible or whatever. ANYWAY, Both of you welcome to Kiri--" Directly after  Ai finished her comment, Ai called down, completely ruining her very smooth and believable story. 

"And if you're ninja we could totally like train some time or something if you want! I'm apparently pretty strong. Even this super strong higher ranked ninja said i was awesome when i defeated him in a spar and he said he was gonna  tell the right circles for advancement of my skill or something? so we could totally get stronger together welcome back to the village byyyyeeeeee" " Ai shook her head as her sister intervened. 

"Welcome back. You may enter. " She glanced at the second person. He was less..... talkative? she was curious if he was also a ninja. Either way he was with a ninja from the village so Saya having lost focus when his ID was flashed didn't matter too much. It was a shame she couldn't read. Maybe they would fix that later.

(578 allowing entrance to gonk and kiz into the village, exit if they also exit)
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance] - Page 2 Empty Re: Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance]

Sun May 30, 2021 3:39 am
Gonk’s eyebrows raised as the puppet string obviously disappeared. 
“Was that supposed to be convincing?” Gonk wondered, but little did he know the puppet was a master of persuasion. Gonk struggled not to laugh as the puppet tried to convince him she was not in fact a puppet, but a real person. It was a disaster on par with Momo’s drunken lies to Murata. 
Gonk looked up at the place the puppet had insisted there was nobody just as a young girl started speaking from that very same place.
“A higher ranking shinobi huh?” Gonk thought as he gazed up at the wall. “I wonder who that could be.” A moment after the puppeteer finished speaking, the puppet allowed both him and the Mizukage into the village, albeit unenthusiastically. Probably due to her cover being blown or whatever.
“Come to think of it, if this lady here is a puppet and the girl up there is controlling her, why did the puppet seem to have it’s own free will? Strange.” Gonk would have spent more time pondering the question, but unfortunately he had much more important things on his mind. Like what the fuck he was going to do about having people try to kill him. He had a tentative plan already, but he needed a place to stay as he didn't fancy living on the streets as a mouse. As he started to walk past the puppet and through the gates, something occurred to him. 
“Hey guard,” Gonk called up to the girl. “If anybody asks, I was never here, okay?” Gonk wouldn’t make his voice sound threatening as he figured that would be counterproductive. So he just spoke naturally, which at the moment filled his voice with a whole lot of worry. He would then walk through the gates, and around the corner into an alley. Making sure nobody was watching, Gonk formed a hand seal and he shrunk down into a tiny mouse. 
Then, something else occurred to him. 
“Momo!” Gonk thought, panicked. “If he goes to my apartment the assassins will know I’m in the village. I have to find him quickly!” Just as Gonk was about to go sprinting off as a mouse, he heard a voice.
“Going somewhere?” Momo asked sarcastically as he flipped to the ground from atop a roof. 
“Momo thank god!” Gonk said, relieved. "I thought you had gone to the apartment."
A scowl crossed Momo’s face. “Just how dumb do you think I am?” Momo transformed into a mouse as well. “You need a place to lay low, right? I think I know a place that we might be able to stay. Follow me.” With that, Momo scurried down the alley and onto the street, leaving Gonk to chase after him.
[Exit into kirigakure]
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance] - Page 2 Empty Re: Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance]

Sun May 30, 2021 7:08 am
Gonk's Exit Claims are approved!
Kizmaru Senju
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Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance] - Page 2 Empty Re: Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance]

Sun May 30, 2021 9:54 am
After showing the gate guard his ID and papers, the Mizukage had entered the village of Kirigakure. The trip was nice but it felt even better to be in a familiar setting that was his home. Now that he was in, it seems as if he had quite a bit to do. He was going to go and find his bodyguard, Keita to see if he could make some things happen. Afterwards, he probably went and enjoyed himself before he went back to the mountain of paper that was the work in his office. As soon as he began walking, a message had been delivered to him by one of his anbu saying he had a guest in his office.

He hadn't been here long and already, people were requesting to meet with him. Giving an audible sigh, the Mizukage decided he would take care of that first before he would do anything else. With that, he began to walk towards his office to attend to the matter at hand. With that, he and Ram both made their way to the Kage's estate in order to greet the visiting guest.


W.C: 190
T.W.C: 1,745

Ability Claims (Applying 25% Wordcount discount)
Using 1,700 words into Kanzeon Lotus King and replacing Trifle of a Senju
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance] - Page 2 Empty Re: Guess Who's Back [Village Entrance]

Sun May 30, 2021 12:20 pm
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