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Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:23 pm
Hunter Mission:

The day was coming to a close, night spreading quickly to fill the sky with a murky darkness broken by the occasional glittering ball of light in expanse above. The moon would find itself full and large on the horizon, slowly finding its way to its resting place in the night sky.
One could simply get lost in the beauty of the night, but the young wolf was tasked with an unfortunate objective. He had to stop a wanted shinobi from fleeing, the crime of taking the life of one of his compatriots pinned to his file. It was odd that the shinobi force was able to determine that this genin was guilty of killing his comrade without a proper debriefing to determine what happened. It could have been some sort of misunderstanding, although the genin immediately going into hiding didn’t make him look particularly innocent.
The wolf found himself at the gates, waiting for his handler and friend Akaboshi Uzumaki. His position also doubles as a lookout to keep track of the gates, as there aren’t a great number of exits from the village. Hopefully the fugitive genin waited until the cover of night to flee the village. As long as he had something of the shinobi’s he could track the ninja, but locating the enemy wasn’t what concerned him. What really tore at him was the idea that he might be forced again to kill. Dr. Terumi had made a valid point last time they spoke. It was often you or the enemy.
Hopefully the genin would listen to reason and turn himself in.
Nova Captain
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Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:07 pm
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Night approached the Land of Haven. Its cold darkness as a bringer of bad news, the harbinger of death lingering around the village of Hoshigakure. With the full moon as one of the remaining light sources the scenery resembled that of a thriller, a melodramatic sensation akin to a murder case. A small line of smoke filled the air caused by one of the main characters of the story, that is if they were actually in a movie .. The reality would be far more gruesome and the so called fog simply came from a red haired individual and although he might have wished for it, he wasn't the star of a blockbuster.

Akaboshi, with a cigarette between his fingers, would be looking at the sky. No clouds or overcast, only the moon at its fullest. The Jounin sighed, the news of a Genin killing one of his own teammates for reasons unbeknownst was a hard pill to swallow, even for the Uzumaki. There were many questions coming to his mind, a lot of things he wondered about but time wasn't exactly on his side. According to the information he received the culprit was still in the village, hiding somewhere waiting for the moment to escape the night. Adjusting the Jounin Flak Jacket around his body Akaboshi made his way to the village gates where he agreed to meet Loghain, the young wolf who'd help him apprehend the fugitive and in worst case, take him out.

During his walk towards the village gates Akaboshi remained vigilant, checking his surroundings even if there was only a slight chance of running into the Genin who was wanted for murder. Upon his arrival the redhead could recognize the individual who already made it to their location. "Loghain, my friend" the Uzumaki whispered, only loud enough for his companion to hear. "I wish we could meet under better circumstances" he continued to speak under his breath. Awaiting the young wolf's response he'd throw his cigarette on the ground before putting it out with the bottom of his boot, all the while observing his surroundings. 

Assuming his friend had replied Akaboshi would then place himself outside of the village, but not before explaining it to Loghain. "If he's still somewhere hidden inside our walls it's likely he'll show up sooner or later. And if he wants to leave it'll have to be through here". Once he was done talking the Uzumaki would walk past the gates, place himself a couple of meters to his left of the entrance, close to the walls and ready to intercept anyone who tried to leave. He could only hope that if the young Genin showed up, the boy would make the right choice. If not, well then he needed to be dealt with.

(WC: 463)
Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
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Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:47 pm
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Being invisible to the naked eye was useful. The Nara had figured ahead of time to stealthily and silently wait at the gates for this genin to show up, but it seemed he wasn't the only person with such an idea. A big hulking dude and a man smoking a cigarette appeared and began to speak to the one he addressed as Loghain with a low tone, that Ryuzaki could only hear due to his proximity of only five feet away from Loghain and the new arrival. Perhaps, it would be best to let them know he was there, so they didn't attack.

"I'm Ryuzaki Nara a mercenary looking for the genin, you guys are looking for." He knew they were after the same person because or their conversation, the mercenary debrief said he was still in the village somewhere. "I'm using a technique to hide myself, but I'm... about... hmm... four or five feet from Loghain's left. He would say while gauging the distance. He would then use the sword arm of Trapman to mark a line in the dirt where he was. I'm at this mark." All the words he said were silent enough only the three could hear them unless someone else was close.

Earlier in the day before going to the gates. Ryuzaki was wandering the village when a mercenary group member handed the boy a wanted poster. Even though he wasn't a ninja of any village. When he got to the meeting place of the guild he was debriefed along with a few others on what had happened and why they were taking just anyone for the task. Apparently, a high ranking member of the guild had a nephew who was killed when the genin turned rogue and the bastard not only killed his comrade, but took a ring that had belonged to this guild members family.

During the brief it was stated the guild was cooperating with the village to find the genin and bring him to justice. To collect the reward the mercenaries would have to bring in the ring, while the genin living or dead would go to the village. With the end of the brief people began splitting into teams, but nobody wanted Ryuzaki. So, he made a plan went to the gates and used his Hiding in Camoflouge while walking there to hide and wait for others to show up and that brings us back to the present.

-40AP for Hiding in Camoflauge
410/450 remaining
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:49 pm
Forgot to post this at the start. Figured I'd avoid any flagged edits by just posting it here. Sorry about that.

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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Sun May 02, 2021 4:52 am
OOC: I will be your npcer for this mission. Good luck, and godspeed

NPC Stats:

Sei had headed to the gates, as that was his only way out now that he had gone and done what he had done. He did not really understand what all the fuss was about. He had just killed someone. He wondered how they could not know that you went to an awesome place when you died, and your body would be useful for longer than it would be if you were alive. Sei pondered this thought as he was leaning up against a building wall, fifteen meters away from the two people who had started talking to each other at the gate. He had found a good spot to hide, as the corner of the building had a window he could peer through into the house, and through that window, he could see another window that was facing the street, but at this skewed angle, he could see the gates, at least the front of it. If he moved around a bit more, he would be able to see more of the gate. If the gate was north from the top down, then Sei was southeast of the gate.

Sei was attempting to listen to their conversation as they were talking, but he was a bit too far to hear what they were saying, only seeing the motions they were making, not making out words from their lips. It seemed they were relaxing almost, and this got Sei quite upset. He was stewing over the apparent fact that the village did not really care about this situation, as the ninja that was standing there seemed relaxed as if catching Sei was as easy as taking a stroll. Sei had thought he had done nothing wrong, but he was still upset at the lack of urgency the ninja had, it seemed that they knew he would have to go through this area, and so they just sat there and waited. This was essentially an insult to the ninja way, and this only reaffirmed Sei's belief that they would be better dead and a part of his collection than wandering around doing whatever it was they were doing. 

"Oh, you think this is easy... you think my life is some game, and you can end it whenever, huh? Fine, I'll play with you. You're all going to be my new toys regardless, so might as well play a bit now."

Sei would quietly but rapidly mumble to himself while stewing in his own hatred and slight mania. Sei immediately used some chakra, which diffused into the earth in front of him out to thirty meters. This action was done two seconds after the third voice spoke the second time, as he had spent the time between the two sentences getting angry in his own head. As the third voice was marking the ground and pointing out he was right there, ten rotting, humanoid corpses(hereafter referred to as zombies) would burst out of the ground and rapidly stand up, this action being at one hundred speed. The ten zombies would pop up in a staggered circle formation around the two ninjas that Sei could see, five of the zombies being 5 meters away from them and eight meters from each other, with Loghain technically in the center of this circle and the other five of them would be four meters away from them and seven meters away from each other(if you're having trouble visualizing this, it's a zig-zag circle around Loghain.). As soon as they popped up, they would rush whoever was closer to them out of Loghain and Akaboshi, with five zombies going to each of them. The zombies would swing their arms to rip them apart with their nails or bite them if they could get close enough and if they could not use their arms for whatever reason.

These zombies had incredible strength and were deceptively fast. Still, Sei had no idea if they would actually be able to kill them, so he would quickly dig out a small vial from his pocket and drink it while watching in anticipation of how they fought off the zombies.
WC: 700

AP, Jutsu, and Math:
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Mon May 03, 2021 10:52 pm
Loghain was glad to have such a capable ally with him during this mission. The smell of cigarette smoke quickly dispersed as it was put out. With a slight scrunch of his nose, he could smell the scent fading and another scent becoming very clear… two scents. One near them at gates in the direction they were going and another close within the village walls. Both were suspect, but the one holed up inside held the distinct difference of smelling faintly of blood and death, the scent all too familiar to the wolf. Whether that blood belonged to the person themselves or if it lingered there from another - possibly aftermath of the genin victim - he was unsure. Either way, the one on the inside was far more suspicious.
“Hello, friend. Only two others nearby. The one further smells of blood. There is someone right next to us as well. My moneys on the bloody one.” He would say to his comrade, quietly matching the low tones of his Jounin handler. “Should I investigate?” He would ask before any words could form in the mouth of Akaboshi and before his comrade nearly shifted his weight as if to consider to begin making his way outside of the gates. The wolf would follow the chain of command, so if Akaboshi lead him out of the village the wolf would obey. This new information would likely stir the Jounin to some form of action, but ultimately the decision was his handlers.

As an unknown ‘ally’ revealed himself it would begin. The earth would start to become disturbed and a foul stench similar to that of the target sensed in the village filled the area as rotting corpses quickly begin to claw their way out of the ground, the fingers of the zombies hands the first things to emerge as they climb out. The wolf would show a look of disgust, knowing that what he was witnessing was an abomination of the natural world. Rage would begin to try and seep into his mind, violence calling to him like siren luring a sailor to doom. Loghain wanted to destroy these things, but it was likely a distraction. He recalled where the bloody smell came from, these rotting corpses were old, decayed and drained of their blood long ago. There was no chance of the wolf confusing the clear smell of relatively fresh blood to the stench these gave off.
Wolf would run at maximum speed (150) between the corpses, their positions distant enough apart to allow gaps which the wolf would utilize. His target was clear. It was might be tight, but the wolf was fast enough to get beyond the first circle of zombies before they even emerged entirely from the ground, their bodies having practically 3 meters of length to unbury since they started from an outstretched position hands first and were approximately 2 meters in length. This would allow the full speed wolf to move 4.5 meters of distance before they were out as the first ringed zombie just emerging from the ground was slightly over 3 meters from the wolf and 7 meters from the next nearest zombie in that ring (Loghain being well out of distance for that one). The second ring could have been problematic, but seeing as they had only been positioned relative to only others in their own circle and Loghain, there was an equal number of meters (slightly over 4) between himself and each of the second ring of zombies. His significant speed advantage would allow him to slip through well before they could close the gap on him.
The wolf continue moving and momentarily sniff noting if the target had moved from his original position of 15 meters from them roughly in a straight line other than a slight skew representing him being hiding right behind a building corner . The wolf would run down the road keeping sure to watch out for any other tricks this genin might employ, his target rapidly getting closer until within sight. Even if the genin were to run down the road, large buildings set right beside one another with practically no room between them walled him in on both sides, disallowing him to slip into an alley out of sight.
The wolf didn’t want this to end in bloodshed, despite the fury gnawing at him. “It’s not too late. Surrender.” Should the target make it clear that he refuses, uses a jutsu or attack, or the zombies continue to chase the wolf, it would be clear that the Genin chose his fate. 

AP: 693
Gain another mandatory stack of Nature Energy due to Pureblood Bloodline (2/6 before going berserk)

OoC: Max stats and such (speed, etc)
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Thu May 06, 2021 11:31 am
Troublesome words reached Akaboshi's ears before the Uzumaki could head outside the gates. His worried companion informed him of two individuals rather close to their position, one having the smell of blood while the other stood the closest to them. With his passive sensing the Jounin was able to pick up on a signature about 1.5m away from him, most likely belonging to the least suspicious individual. The reveal of a so-called ally was soon followed by the sudden shifting of the ground around them. Rotten corpses started to try and claw their way out of the ground, the hands of 10 zombies the first things that emerged in their attempt to climb out. The closest ring 4m from them while the other was 5m away. 

Alarmed by the situation they found themselves in the Jounin quickly formed the hand seals belonging to a technique bestowed upon him by the master of the Archives. An intangible bubble would spread out at an impressive speed to affect and deal with the jutsu responsible for causing the abomination. Simultaenously another set of hand seals were formed, the earth around him softened and moved in a way that allowed Akaboshi to sink through the ground before any harm could be done to him. Regardless of the remarkable speed the zombies seemed to possess, it wouldn't be enough to make it to the Jounin in time. Once disappeared Akaboshi burrowed 15m below the ground and traveled to the position he originally had planned, something neither the zombies or their summoner would be able to predict. 

In his current position, 15m underneath the ground, the Uzumaki would travel in the direction of the gates, only briefly coming to a halt when he found himself 20m from his original position, meaning he would be 15m away from the outer ring of zombies while 16m from the ones who were once 4m behind him. For now Akaboshi decided to travel upwards until he was only 10m below the ground where he would remain until he was certain it was safe for him to emerge. He could only hope that Loghain, who had started to take action of his own, as well as the unknown ally were able to handle themselves. 

(WC: 373, TWC: 836)

AP + Stats:
Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Click for Newds!
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1150

Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Fri May 07, 2021 9:22 pm
It seemed Ryuzaki would not receive the opportunity to speak, as one of the people near him sniffed the air and detailed the location of both himself and someone smelling of blood. As soon as Loghain stated the one further smells of blood the Nara weaved hand seals for his shadow stitching technique. With the moon high and the high walls of the gate shadow surrounded the Nara, Loghain, Akaboshi and much further beyond. It was why he had chosen such an area. If they chose to attack him since he hadn’t said a word, yet he’d be prepared at the least, but it seemed the other smell was of higher priority. Damn, at least I know to throw out something that smells if I ever see this guy out in the borders. The Nara would not activate the jutsu until something happened that required it. As Akaboshi finished his hand seals and arms pierced the ground, and each was affected by Akaboshi’s technique the shadow stitching would go off sewing the bodies of the zombies.

How this was done specifically was five tendrils of the shadow sewing would target the farthest five staggered zombies (reference the ones 5m from Loghain), one tendril each. A tendril would sprout from the ground and into the center of these five zombies, then bend and twist to puncture their joints that were above ground all from within the corpse. The tendrils would then rise out of the corpses from their backs and plunge into the other five corpses in front of them. (Reference the ones 4m from Loghain and 7m from each other.) These tendrils would pin all the corpses to the shadow with them unable to move. (62 power and speed for shadow sewing. Zombies don’t reference a strength stat, only a claw and teeth sharpness equal to the power.)

While doing all this Ryuzaki would maintain his hidden self and move toward the gate silently intending to scale it if things got bad. He would avoid the zombies reach and be in none of their paths. He hoped the damned things were not good climbers. He would maintain the bird seal to keep the zombies locked but knew things could still get sticky. Loghain had run off when the zombies began to appear toward the other smell and after making his bubble Akaboshi had sunk underground.

Jutsu used:
Hiding in camoflouge: -15AP upkeep 2/4 posts used
Shadow Sewing/Stitching Technique  -46Ap 1/4 posts used
Ap remaining: 349/450
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Ryo : 500

Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Fri May 07, 2021 10:56 pm
Sei saw through the cracks in the windows that the zombies successfully started breaching through the earth, and was watching them intently so that he could see what was going on. Suddenly, the large looking man showed a speed that Sei was surprised at for someone as large as him, but Sei's mind was a bit too chaotic currently to panic, and so he started to rapidly form heand seals, performing two jutsu with the help of his One Handed Seals. The first one was easy and quick, being only three hand seals, which was something that the red haired man used as well, although Sei was a bit pre-occupied to see him do it. Sei quickly fell to the floor, then rolled over on his back, his head lifted so he could see the entrance to the alley way that he was in that the wolf man Loghain would appear from. This area was a dead end, as Sei wanted to be able to burrow under the ground and head towards the dead end, preventing people from chasing him as easily as they normally would. The other jutsu would also be completed right after the earth one, which would have another corpse like figure, a singular gaunt and starving looking woman with black hair falling to her waist, covering her sullen and sunken eyes, craw out of the ground, this time a little bit slower than the other zombies, but definitely fast enough that the man sprinting over here would get here and the woman would already be standing upright, waiting for him to turn the corner.

The advantage to this one, although Sei did not know of it, was that this undead did not have the classic rotting smell that the original zombies had, as this one was mostly a skeleton with gray, leathery skin wrapped around it in the shape of a woman, so Loghain would only smell the earthy scent of dirt around the corner, which was fairly everywhere that the earth was being disturbed here. As Loghain turned the corner, he would see the undead woman, and Sei was ready to use the seal of confrontation as he slipped down into the dirt. Sei would wait until they made eye contact briefly before he entered the dirt, or if he noticed that Loghain was not coming around the corner when he thought that he should with that speed. Either way, Sei would be underground with the seal of confrontation ready to activate when and if Loghain rushed to attack the undead woman. There was no way he would know what the undead did, so hopefully he would rush the woman, allowing the scream to go off in a ten meter radius around the zombie. If Loghain did decide to rush her, he would run right into this scream, his movements stopped in their tracks from the debilitating sound. Sei was just sitting two meters under the ground in a lying down position, waiting to see what would happen. 
Right after the zombies got up from the ground, Loghain had sprinted past their line, and Akaboshi started burrowing into the earth. Two of the zombies closest to Akaboshi would sprint over to him and slash at the ground, ripping it apart, but narrowly avoiding the man's head as he sunk into the earth. They would then try to turn around and sprint towards Loghain, as he was now the only visible target, but they would suddenly be pierced by shadow threads. The other zombies would share the same fate, getting caught one after the other as the threads ran through their bodies. As soon as the threads pierced through their joints, if the threads moved anywhere that was not the zombie's flesh, they would rapidly heal at a speed of one hundred, making them essentially immortal during the technique if he did not have a way to obliterate the zombies completely. This did not really matter though, as the zombies were held fast by the threads, as they were fairly strong. The Nara would still see that the zombies were struggling, however. It also seemed like the zombies would be absent mindedly looking towards Loghain, as if wishing to devour him at range. 

AP Jutsu and Math:
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Night Hunting [Invite Only] Empty Re: Night Hunting [Invite Only]

Tue May 11, 2021 7:14 pm
It was a good thing that the target didn’t really shift his position much. The sprinting wolf would find himself turning the corner to see a gaunt visage of what looks like it might have been a woman at some point standing a mere meter away from his current position and a meter away from Sei, along with the Genin lying on the ground on his back at roughly the same distance, head lifted to ensure that he could watch the wolf turn the corner. This woman didn’t smell like rotting death like the others, which he was actually grateful for. The smell of decay isn’t one that is well received by any, especially those with keen sense of smell. Easier to track, but ultimately unpleasant. The Genin target held off sinking into the earth, waiting long enough to witness the wolf and lock eyes. 

Unless the young man immediately began sinking into the earth or forming any seals, the wolf would hold true to his initial feelings. Seeing as how the undead woman hadn’t immediately attacked, if the target didn't immediately start to descend it would seem as if he might have had a moment to speak the the Genin. Speaking with the young man even for just a moment could allow him to request once more his surrender. “It’s not too late. Surrender.” While he might have been holding back his bestial rage, the wolf spoke these words with sincerity. He knew first hand that even the worst of us could be redeemed if allowed the chance and if desired by the person. Loghain could still see the undead woman out of the corner of his eye in his, so should she make any sudden movements or aim to attack the wolf he would of course do what he must. If the target accepted his offer, it could end here with no blood spilled. Everyone would win, and he would do everything in his power to ensure that the Genin was given a second chance. 

Of course, should Sei continue with his original plan to descend into the ground with his mole jutsu Loghain would understand that the target didn't intend to surrender and would succumb to his bestial rage, the fury in him building rapidly as nature energy and adrenaline flooded his system.

The young wolf would snarl in pain as he closed the practically nonexistent distance between himself and Sei, his bones cracking and fur sprouting from him. Elongated teeth and claws would start sprouting. His body would grow at a speed of 210 while he would also move forwards a less than even a half meter to end this. A hand tipped with razor sharp, dagger-like claws (Sharpness 110) would thrust its way into the chest and heart of the target, shredding clothes, bones and vital organs all the same. His other hand of daggers would simultaneously thrust its way through the undead woman's head and upper chest. Between his immense speed advantage and reach due to elongated limbs this motion to attack the pair would happen in what felt like an instant.

Jutsu and AP:
Before Transforming: If Nature stacks passively accrue at the beginning of the post 3/6; if at the end of a post only 2/6

Werewolf Transformation (using Enhancer version to pay Nature Energy boost stats): -40 AP and 1 Nature Stack

Either 2/6 or 1/6 Nature Stacks remaining at end (depending on above factors that I'm unsure of)

OoC: Claiming potential hits on Sei. He didn't move beyond his initial position (just around the corner of a building) other than laying down on his back. I don't believe that an exact distance from the corner was specified, so I filled it in at a meter. I feel like this is a reasonable distance from where Loghain appears to showcase him being just around the corner. Sei specifically mentions waiting to make eye contact with Loghain before sinking into the earth. He sinks at a speed of 35, and Loghain transforms (growing claws, teeth, fur and elongated features at speed 210) while also stepping forward to close the distance at the same speed (6x faster). Assuming Sei has a relatively average sized chest thickness of 10 inches (0.254 meters) and Loghain is moving less than half a meter at 6x the speed. He could cover 1.5 meters before Sei could sink fully, and even him sinking halfway would leave his chest exposed while giving Loghain 0.75 meters to work with. His Werewolf form also adds an additional meter on to his limbs reach, making the gap between target and claws nearly nonexistent. 

Should the hits go through, I imagine that Sei would be dead since he has a shredded chest, heart and probably lungs too.

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