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Imane Senju
Imane Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 14800

I'm Going To Be An Actor? Empty I'm Going To Be An Actor?

Sat Mar 13, 2021 3:46 pm
Photo Op Protege Mission

Come around town on the second half moon of the month for a spectacular show about bravery and confidence! Only at Kuko’s Theatre in the market can you get the finest actors your eyes can feast on! We’ve got drinks and snacks for everyone wising to attend, all you need is a small admission fee of 2000 Ryo! 


That’s what the flyer in Imane’s hands had read. “I’ll be in a play?” She said openly about this flyer on today’s job opportunities. “I’ve never acted before... Hmm.” Her arms crossed over her chest and rose an arm to grip her chin between two fingers. Going in thought, a few images of her in costumes and saying cheesy lines ran through her mind. After a quick second, she shook her head. “Not my style, but I could use a change of pace. Let’s try it.” And try she did as the job took her to the market. Still being new, Imane didn’t know where her job actually was. With a little asking around and searching through stalls and stores, she come upon Kuko’s Theatre, a large concrete building with hanging props and decorations. Entering the building, a man approached her with some equipment in hand. “Hey, you there!” His eyes noticed the flyer she had in hand. “I see you came for some work.” 


“Hello!” Imane responded as a hand rose for a wave. “I did. Am I supposed to be an actress?” 


The man chuckled. “No, you’ll be helping setup the scene so I can take some photos before the show tonight. I’m Kuko. Here, start with this.” He ended and came closer to give her, putting the equipment to her body. It contained his camera, a stand for it, and some large braided cables meant for the lights that’ll be going up. Imane took them with no issue and nodded to him. “Where will I be setting up?”  She asked. 


“Oh! Right, come.” He said before turning around one hundred eighty degrees and walked down a corridor that came off the entrance room of the building. Imane followed and came to large room with many seats and a large wooden stage with an open red curtain. People can be seen putting together costumes and doing make-up. Others were stretching. Towering the back of the set was palace image and far-reaching green grass. “On right stage are lights that need to be connected to the cables and hung up on the catwalk above the stage... But we lost our ladder so we don’t have a way for you to do that. Then, just put the camera in front of everyone getting ready.” Kuko ordered as he pointed to the left direction at the stage. 


“Right stage? Why are you pointing left?” Kuko received in return. 


“It’s right there, newbie, where I’m pointing. It’s called right stage because it’s on the right when facing the audience. Get this done fast please, I’ve got work to do.” He continued to point off to the left a little longer before reaching into his back pocket and handing over a small sack that cling with metal inside. “I’m paying you forward. Just have it done before I’m back from lunch.” He responded before walking around her and leaving the building. Imane made room to use so she can put the reward in her pocket before grabbing full hold of the equipment again. 


“Huh, who knew?” Clearly not her. Imane did as she was told. She came over to the right stage and walked up some steps to get onto the stage, glancing over at the actors preparing. Her approach went unnoticed by everyone as if not realizing she’s even there. Are they ignoring her or they just don’t care? She wondered only a moment before shrugging it off and set the lighting cables on the floor and came to center stage where she held the camera and stand in each hand. “Well, this is unfamiliar to me.” A quick inspection of the equipment showed a port on top of this stand that seems to fight the entire camera. “Oh. That’s simple.” But this is it? She was surprised it hadn’t already been set up. Putting down the stand first and slotting the camera into its port. She then came back over to the lighting cables and lights, putting them all into her arms, then looked up to the catwalk. “Oh, it’s not very high up.” She said before crouching down a moment to spring up into the air about 20 meters high, about half the height she can jump from standing. Imane took a walk over the metal platform to recognize three hooks along the rail toward the stage, far apart from one another. “Do the lights go there?” She asked herself before inspecting one of the lights she held. On the back of it was an open square slot, a switch on top of each light. Quickly, she noticed there were more lights than hooks. “Ah, that’s what the cable is for.” With no more time to waste, she put the lights down and ran the lighting cable through every square slot. Then, she went along the catwalk to set the cable atop the hooks to allow the lights to hang down from the catwalk. Imane made sure to fasten the cable to the ends of the catwalk before jumping down back onto the stage with grace. The people on stage still paid her no mind. ‘Odd.’ She thought before leaving the theatre with the job done. 

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I'm Going To Be An Actor? Empty Re: I'm Going To Be An Actor?

Sat Mar 13, 2021 5:23 pm

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