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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

First Mission Empty First Mission

Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:16 pm
First Mission:

-Roy would let out a long winded sigh carrying around the heavy recording equipment to the filming site. Once there he would start setting up the equipment for the photographer as he was instructed to and waited until he got the thumbs up approval from him that everything looked good. Now that he was done with that, he saw the photographer hand him a sheet of paper which was a shopping list for food to buy for the models. - 


“This seems easy enough I will get this done for you in no time boss man!”


-Roy groan inside of his head really wanting to do something more interesting and fun like fighting someone as he made his way into town and went to the market section to get everything on the list. The first thing to get was chips as he saw new flavor was released called spicey lemon chips as he was tempted to buy it, but then quickly shook his head thinking it’s better to go the safer route and pick chips that he knew most people like, so he went with the nacho and barbeque flavored chips.- 


“Alright they should like these chips for thing to get is fruit...luckly I’m good at picking out fruit thanks to big sister teaching me how to when I was really young.” -Back then Roy and Imane use to shop toghther all the time.-


-He walked over to the fruit vendors and started examining the fruits picking them up one by one making sure they were ripe enough and had no burses on them. Once he found ones that meet his standers, he went up to the shop clerk and tried to haggle the price down in an attempt to impress his employer with being under budget. The shop clerk was nice enough to cut him a deal since he seems like a nice boy and gave up half off each pound of fruit he bought, and in return Roy agreed to spread the word about this fruit stand.- 


“Hehe I will definitely make sure I spread the word about this place mister, and also you earn me as a loyal customer now! “


-The next items on the list were candy as he enters the nearby candy shops and got all sorts of colorful gummies and lollipops. Also picked up cases of soda to bring back with him so they have something to drink while eating. - 


“I got everything on the list...but this is a lot to carry by myself....I need to think of something so I can get everything there as fast as possible.” 


-The candy shopkeeper then told him to wait a moment and came back out with a big wooden wheelbarrow for him to carry everything back with. As he told him he would let him borrow this for the day as long as he made sure to bring it back once he was done with it.- 


“Hehe wow mister you really are a lifer savor thank you so much! I promise you once I finish this mission I will bring this back to you right away!”


-The candy shopkeeper nodded and smile as Roy put everything into the wooden wheelbarrow and made his way back to the photoset where the models were already there and getting into costume. As Roy looked at them in awe amazed how good they looked. He then heard the photographer call his name telling him to quickly set up the snack table for the models as Roy quickly nodded pushing the wheelbarrow over to the table and began place everything neatly on the table as fast as he could to make sure the models had enough time to enjoy before the photoshoot starts.- 


-The photographer then called his name again telling him to come over here as he then asks Roy how much everything cost. He then reached into his pocket pulling out the bills for everything and handed it to the photographer as he looked them all over. He then smiles with delight seeing that he managed to stay under the budget he gave him telling him very good work.- 


“Hehe glad I made you proud boss!”


-He then ran over to the equipment to make sure everything was set up perfectly then stood back letting the photographer take over and start photographing the models. He watched how focus the photographer was with each photo he took of the models seeing how much passion he had for his work which made Roy less annoyed with this mission. He was happy he was able to help this man in any small way that he could to accomplish his end goal.- 


“ I think I have a new found respect for you old man...if I’m being honest, I thought this mission would be lame, but I ended up enjoying it towards the end you really are good at what you do.” 


-The photographer smile and nodded walking over to Roy after taking the last photo and patted his head saying he wasn’t as bad of an assistant as he thought he would be, then handing him his pay for a mission well done.- 

“Thank boss anyway I got to return this wheelbarrow then head home before big sister gets mad.”


-Roy then made his way back to the candy shop giving the wheelbarrow back and promising the candy shopkeep he would be back soon to buy more candy. After that, he made his way back to the village to report the mission completed then made his way back home to celebrate his first mission as a successful one.- 


“Hehe this mission was fun and all, but I really hope my next mission involves some sort of fighting. I really want to show off my skills to everybody so they can see how powerful of a ninja I am! Now I’m a genin but just watch soon I will be the number one person in this’s just a matter of time.


Word Count:1000
Claim 1100 Ryo base pay per Mission Rules
Claim 5 AP per Mission Rules
Claim: Elemental Arrow
Claim: Clone Technique

Claim: Substitution Technique
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

First Mission Empty Re: First Mission

Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:51 pm
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