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Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Construction  Empty Construction

Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:27 pm

“What a nice moaning.” Nasu was up early walking along the beach. “I'm excited for my mission today. Kinda sad it's only a D rank but at least I'm doing something that could be fun. I'm so glad i got this pastry for breakfast.” The pastry was warm like normal and had a nice creamy filling. There was nothing else like it. “I should really get to the construction site soon. hey. Im Nasu and I'm here to help with the construction.” “Yes Nasu i've been waiting. Let me run you through everything really quickly. As a ninja  you will be doing a lot of lifting type jobs. You will also be working up by the top of the building.” The building so far was about 150 feet high so Nasu was a tad bit scared. “Go grab a helmet, a sandwich and then head up.” Nasu grabbed all the gear and then went to the elevator. It was a slow elevator and was currently by the top so Nasu just channeled his chakra to  his feet and started walking up the side. When he got to the top he put his stuff down and went to introduce himself. “Hi I'm Nasu Uchiha. I'm here to help with heavy lifting and deliveries.” Everybody just stared at him and then kept on working. Nasu saw the blueprint sitting on a pole next to him and started to look at what to do. They were building a hotel. It was very fancy as well. Nasu saw that they were all working out while the building still had to go up. So Nasu took some support and started placing them. “Ey Nasu. What are you doing? Until we build it out we can’t work there. There won't be enough support to hold it up and that's when the building breaks and we die.”  Nasu quickly went down to the rest of them and started working outwards. “Nasu if you really want to help go down to the bottom and start bringing up more poles.” Nasu then took the elevator to the bottom. It took quite some time but Nasu eventually got down. He then went to find some poles. He found 32 16in poles all wrapped together in a package. Nasu then started to take those up. “I wonder how long this is going to take. Or how much I can even help with. I'm basically dead weight.” When Nasu got up he realized the poles he brought up were too small. He then got yelled at to back down and get the 32in poles. When he got down though he was given another job. “Nasu I want you to take these 16in poles and bring them to the top. You personally should start building the next level of support.” Nasu now was just confused. He has to now bring the set of polls he just brought down back up. The second set up. Then he has to build supports even though he was told not to. Nasu’s first trip up he brought the 32in poles. He then went back to get the 16in. When he got up with the 16in people started telling him “we don't need those polls Nasu.” “I was told to start the top support.” “by who” “Whoever is running this project.” “he doesn't know what he’s doing, the building won't be able to handle it yet.” Nasu then takes the poles back down. When he got back up again everybody started eating lunch. Nasu joined them and started to talk to them about the building. They explained to him that there weren't enough ground supports yet to keep the building from crashing. If they wanted to build up they'd have to start back at the bottom. After they finish building out this bit that's what they were going to do. Their plan is to finish the outwards today. Build the bottom tomorrow and then build the last level in 2 days. So when they all finished Nasu now understanding actually started to help with the building. Unlike the other builders Nasu could build from the outside but putting chakra in his feet. Using that advantage they managed to build a lot faster than expected. When they finished at the end of the day Nasu was invited for a small celebration. It ends up after every milestone they celebrate. Today was considered a very good goal. The older builders got some drinks and partied on the beach while the younger ones like Nasu got some sodas and just laid down on the sand. The sand was very warm unlike the day. Nasu could feel his body getting more and more relaxed. He ended up falling asleep there. He woke up to the sun in his face and the waves splashing against his feet. It was 11:00 and Nasu was late. He quickly got up and ran to the site. It ends up that he was fine because the others were watching out for him. Nasu got straight to work when he got there though. They spent the say making the bottom supports better. They decided to add a bigger layer of cement at the bottom and then cement supports keeping up the building. This did make the bottom of the building further off the ground though. They had to build some stairs as well. They worked for hours and it really paid off because the building was looking great and it was also built well enough to support the last level and keep the building very sturdy. Again that night they all went to the beach to celebrate but this time they had some music as well. Nasu made sure he stayed awake and slept at home that night instead. When it came to the final day Nasu got there early. He brought all the poles up and started to work. When everyone else got there they were really happy because it made the job a lot faster. They finished at around 4:00 and went to go party one last time. This time the owner of the project came and everybody just enjoyed themselves. Nasu didn't do as much as everyone else so he couldn't begin to imagine the relief there feeling, Nasu left the party early and went back to the building. He went to the roof and just sat on the edge. Nasu loved the feeling of the cold air and the breeze coming past. He knew that he could spend ages up there. He then did. He spent the night awake just sitting up there. Eventually one of the other workers pulled themselves up. Nasu and him started to talk. They were both relieved there was no more work to be done and then spent till the morning up there. At 6:00 AM Nasu helped the man back to the elevator and then they went their separate ways. Nasu had a great time helping with building the hotel but would never do it again. Nasu knew this was a great experience though and was glad he got to do it. Nasu also knew that he needed to start doing more. He decided he was going to start learning more kinds of jutsu.

12 stas +12 chakra
ryo +2000
bounus AP+ 10
changeing specialty from ninjutsu to space time (1171/2000)+(829/2000)=(2000/2000)

2 tome sharingan (1111/4000)+(380/4000)=(1491/4000)

Last edited by Nasu on Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Construction  Empty Re: Construction

Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:50 pm
According to the Global Mission Rules D rank missions get 10 Ap and 2,000 ryo. 

Where are you getting 13 Ap from?
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Construction  Empty Re: Construction

Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:11 pm
So if you look in the mission details it also says 3 AP do i not get both. Also where do i get 2000 ryo from
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Construction  Empty Re: Construction

Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:37 pm
Approved, Thank you for your edits.
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