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Stat Page : The Wraith
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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:07 pm
Mission Details:

A tempestuous gust of wind blew like air horns throughout the gloomy evening of Hoshigakure. After yesterday which seemed to the coming of more sunlight in the upcoming weather of the village, today squashed and pulverized any sort of hope the people of the village had for more sunlight in the new few days as the weather reverted back to cloudy. The flowing breeze today was uncomforting, befitting the mood and spirits of the people in the village as if the weather was an omen for what was about to come. It surely felt so, yet even still, the world would continue regardless of the weather. Enishi, just finishing a few E-ranks yesterday under the comfort of the blazing sun, was given another mission to complete today. The understudy appeared to be ecstatic that he was actually going to do a C-rank mission instead of the mundane E-ranks he did yesterday, but his hopes were later crushed as he visibly frowned once reading the details of the mission. Apparently, the reason why the village seemed so devoid of hope today was that a husband and wife were pleading with the authorities to find their son, a Genin of Hoshigakure. The son had appeared to be very troubled and would constantly skip missions he would be tasked to do periodically by the Hoshigakure Mission Department, so his parents were greatly troubled about him. About 30 or so minutes ago, seemed to be the last straw for the boy, as he left his house earlier the evening, yelling to his parents that he wanted to live a life of "freedom" and that he was "tired of the village." The parents soon told the authorities of the situation, which led to the village essentially being on watch for the whereabouts of the teenage boy. Rumors passed and soon the predicament became the talk of the night. The gates were locked and guards were stationed around the village, which led the boy to hide around the village and was attempting to sneak through the gates, navigating through all of the stationed guards and shinobi.

Enishi was tasked to stay at the gates along with another partner he'd work with to stop and apprehend the boy before he would make his way to the gates and escape Hoshigakure. The two were supposed to be the only ones at the gates so they could easily find each other then negotiate and apprehend the fleeing Genin before he escaped. "Tsunayoshi Hatake..." Enishi reflected as he read the mission paper, assuming that name to be the person he'd be meeting before rushing out of the Mission Department, arriving at the center of the locked gates. The mission details estimated that the boy would be arriving about 10 minutes to the village gates, so that allowed Enishi a valuable amount of time to ponder about the situation while also being able to meet up with his teammate who was also supposed to be at the gates with him shortly. The village gates were lighted very well, which allowed for the understudy's emerald optics to view whatever was in front of him about 20 meters away. Enishi sighed, what a troublesome situation. He didn't exactly understand why someone would want to leave Hoshigakure - the village representing hope so badly, but, everyone had their own crucibles in life, and maybe, the boy endured a lot of it during his time in the village.

Nevertheless, Enishi would still be alert and wait for his teammate to reach the village gates so that they could time their dispositions for the boy's arrival. 

WC: 699/1000

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Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:43 pm

Links from the door echoed throught the home of the young man. Its accent bounced from wall to wall as another door opened with a squeal. Ensuing a tiresome yawn as Tsuna exited his room, entering the living room of his apartment. Platinum hair in disarray as sleep lingered in the eyes of ultramarine. Tsuna motioned over to the source of the knocking, opening to find not one, but two shinobi before him. Casually giving them both one over as he sighed understanding that this could only mean one thing... "You have a mission, Hatake Tsunayoshi! Please, take this scroll and interpret its message to the best of your ability." One spoke, handing over the scroll in his possession. The other stepped forward, within his hands was an item clothed. He bloat his arms to present the mysterious item. Tsuna raised a brow, suspicious about what it could be, and why it was being presented to him.  

"A gift from the Hogokage. It would appear that word has reached him of your return as a Genin. Be grateful, Hatake Tsunayoshi." His body language reiterate it as it was initially intended...a gift. Tsuna would accept it, though he was still within a haze about it. But before he could further his question the two were gone. Closing the door to his home the boy would return to his room and open the scroll, reading its content he would scuff as he immediately understood this was going to be a bother. He did not enjoy tge idea of getting involved with something like this. It took too much effort to prevent someone from doing what they wanted, and usually always lead to using force, something that Tsuna did not particularly have a problem with... so long as the person was weak. Anyone stronger would be annoying. "Ugh... Why does this keep happening to me? First the Queensmen ditching me to do his job which turns into me following him around. Then I got stuck with teaching a class of, that one was pretty fine, but it was no meter shy from bothersome. And now this?" Eyeing the scroll over again. "Still though... the guy must have it rough. Ugh... I guess I'm going." A name of his partner for this mission was attached. "Kurosawa Enishi...? I wonder if he wouldn't mind doing all of the work if it comes down to a fight?" He thought with a smile.  

Dropping the scroll onto his bed, Tsuna would shift his attention over to the item given to him. Its weight and feel over the cloth was...strangely comfortable, although odd. It was was bound by a yellow thread, which he undid to reveal what was beneath the cloth. Those eyes of his would widen as his mouth slightly opened. He was utterly surprised. It was a sword. 4 feet and 3 inches in length. A crucified form hilt with a red gem at the top. Hoshigakure symbol engraved into the base of the sword just before the steel begins. Removing the sheath revealed the the shine if silver as well as her song as she singed from slumber. To the boy this was a beautiful sword, one that he would cherish as it was his very first, aside from wooden ones.  

Sheathing the blade, he would strap it to his back and depart from his room and then home. Once he was outside, blue eyes would look to the sky. They were filled with gloom, which immediately put him into one...or he was always in one and he just found this to be a good excuse to admit it? Setting out, he would travel along the paths to find his to the gates of the Village, where he is to meet his partner and possible assist in apprehending the fellow genin looking to defect.  

"Hm? Must be Enishi..." He voiced to himself as he approached. Once he was 5 meters from the genin he would come to a halt. "Yo? You must be Kurosawa Enishi, Hatake Tsunayoshi, pleasure to meet you." Introducing himself with a wave of his right hand accompanied with a nonchalant smile. He would listen to hear a response from Enishi before speaking again. "Let's see... We have about eight minutes before things start. That leaves us two minutes to string a half baked plan which will result in both of us putting in effort, orrrr... five minutes where we can come up with a plan that's fool proof and only requires one of us putting in effort. And by one of us I mean you ^_^" He made effort to hide that he did not want to put in effort to get physical. Instead, he rather just help with planning the entire thing. An effort that he wasn't completely upset about doing. With an IQ of 230 it was the least that he could do, they were a team after all. Oddly enough, he got the sense that Enishi probably wouldn't go for doing all of the work and Tsuna just stood by and watched. "Ughhh... fine, third option! Six minutes of planning where we both put in effort and become basically best friends after it was all said and done and possibly go on more missions in the future together that will be a complete nuisance to me and definitely you. And trust me, you do not want that, I should know. T_T" He plead, looking off to the left. He would wait to see what his comrades had to say to any of those options... hoping that he chose option 2 instead of 3 or 1.

[WC: 945]

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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:08 pm
2 minutes slowly ticked by at a snail's pace as Enishi gave a cursory look at the evening sky. Murky as it was, the gloomy clouds allowed some light - from the stars that rose when the sun's radiance went out - to pass through its obfuscation. The understudy merely sighed at the sight of the bright stars covered by the clouds, he wasn't an expert stargazer but it gazing at the stars and possible constellations that they connected surely would have derived more joy than apprehended some troubled Genin. "How bothersome," Enishi thought. The understudy loved his village dearly and therefore enjoyed completing missions so that the village could benefit from the work he performed, however, doing missions late at night had to be annoying for anyone sane. Heh, calling a monster like him sane. In any case, the gaze at the stars was merely a cursory glance for the silver-haired teen to not die of sheer boredom from staring at the pitch-darkness that stood audaciously before him. He wondered whether his teammate felt the same annoyance as him towards the situation at hand or was the boy just an anomaly and she should be more grateful to serve his village in the first place? Enishi couldn't answer that question; he was treated as an aberration his whole life by his peers at the orphanage so he couldn't even grasp what was normal and what was not. In fact, what was normality? Adopting the same behaviors and attitudes as the people around you? No, that wouldn't make sense, as everyone was different so it would be impossible to replicate the behaviors of everyone without being hollow. Perhaps normality was something that differed from person to person? 

Despite the mental warfare that made the boy momentarily pause physically, time elapsed. The two minutes that once passed at the snail's pace advanced rapidly, and a looming shadowy figured halted once he was 5 meters from the Jugo. Enishi was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear the footsteps that assaulted the ground. It was only until the person spoke that the understudy, quite sluggishly to add, rose his head that he finally understood what was happening. Silver hair and blue eyes, the older teenager had an exotic appearance that was quite similar to Enishi since they both had silver hair. The understudy smirked at the waving boy who wore a smile on his face. Tsunayoshi Hatake was his name, so it merely confirmed that the person who stood 5 meters in front of him was his teammate. Enishi would respond with a bright genuine smile, happy to meet the other silver-haired boy. "Ah! So you're my teammate - nice to meet you too Tsunayoshi, I hope we can work well together!" The understudy said cheerfully while sheepishly rubbing a hand at the back of his head. 

Enishi would simply look without any word at Tsunayoshi's ramblings, laughing internally as he heard the Hatake say essentially his thoughts about planning and how much time it would take. The blue-eyed teen seemed to be thinking a lot about the situation which prompted Enishi to simply smirk. When the Hatake finished his statements, the understudy merely chuckled innocently with his usual bright smile and closed eyes. "Third option it is! Six minutes of big brain planning and when we're done with this mission, we can laugh our hearts out and do some more hopefully-not-as-annoying-as-this-one missions," Enishi paused for a moment as he raised his cupped hand to his chin in a thinking position, "That being said, we should quickly think of a plan. We are trying to apprehend a capable Genin after all...If he ever paid attention in the Academy, he would know that trying to engage and escape from the clutches of two shinobi who are equal or possibly even stronger than he would cause nothing but failure on his part. So, essentially, if he has a brain and sees both of us guarding the locked gates, he'd most likely give up or abort his plan. That would lead to an easy capture and completion of the mission..." The understudy thoroughly analyzed so that Tsunayoshi would understand his thoughts fully. But suddenly, a wry smile uncharacteristic of the Jugo slowly formed on his once pondering expression.

"...Then again...We must think of all possibilities when devising a plan. If the Genin tried to attack us, I'm pretty weak but I could probably use a harmless disabling technique such as Temporary Paralysis to prevent any bloodshed from both parties. Then, you do the super-cool smooth-talking part as your charming face and words convince the Genin to turn himself in without any resistance! Though, you'll probably have to do it quickly since I...can't hold the jutsu for very long." Enishi hung his head in embarrassment and shame in front of the Hatake, blushing a fair bit too. 

"Well, that's what I'm thinking, though you probably have a better plan than mine. So, what do you think, partner?" The understudy said with a smirk, patiently waiting for Tsuanyoshi's response. Despite there being only 6 minutes left to plan by the time that Enishi finished saying his words, that was more than enough time to finish planning and get in formation toward the arrival of the escaping Genin.

WC: 879
TWC: 1578/1000

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Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:06 am
Enishi Kurosawa, a year younger than Tsunayoshi. Paled skin tone, eerily so one might add. From what one could tell, he had a well-built body though his attire seek to hide it, albeit he lacked much muscle mass, something that mirrored Tsuna exactly in appearance, however Tsuna's muscles were quite toned. His pearlescent appearance left a word within the mental of the boy... "Adorable...wait, did I just say that?" He would think. And yet, another reflection of Tsuna in terms of attraction. Standing at 5'6, before Tsunayoshi he stood shy of 4 inches, thus luring the ultramarine eyes of the Hatake to stray downward 4 inches to meet Enishi's emerald orbs. Matching white hair, though his was more fluffy where as Tsuna's was somewhat more straight. Dissecting eyes would take note of the lengthy attire... "Hm? What are you hiding? Is it your skin, or something else?" He would inquire to himself, mentally.  

Suddenly an air of disappointment loomed about the boy. "Ugh! How did I know that you were going to chose that?" An accommodating smile escaped him. He supposed that there were worse things... like option 4. Looking off to the far right, he would narrow his eyes almost suspiciously as if he was withholding dirty little secret. "Alright, let's see where your head is at." Restoring his gaze back on him, Tsuns awaited for his strategy. Enishi spoke in such a way that merit Tsuna's acknowledgment, which was not neccessary a huge reward, but was greatly difficult to do. Bring his index and thumb to his chin, Tsuna would lightly stroke it before responding. "Interesting... You formed a compelling argument there, Enishi. It would prove most...tedious to get involved with another genin that is capable...but that's assuming that he is. From what I understand, because you pass the academic obstacles to become a genin, does not necessarily mean that you are capable at upholding the life of a genin. That being said... I'd much prefer for him to willing conceive upon being face by the two of us, the less effort the better." Two taps were made on his chin by his index finger.  

It was a subtle notice, but still a dynamic one. Something seemed to have awaken a further theory within the genin before him. With his next confession of ideas, Tsuna released a small smirk. "That could work, buuuuut... someone who is determined to find a new life is someone whom undoubtedly have found their resolve to commit to anything that comes with that. He may prove more difficult to maintain, especially if you cannot uphold your technique for a prolonged use. And I have to tell you, I'm not much enamored with the idea of trying to persuade someone out of something like that. It would be no different from talking to a wall. That and I don't really care for putting in the effort for that. Such a pain..." He sighed at the mere thought and shuddered.  

It was now his turn to give an idea, one that he already formulated the moment Enishi spoke of the third option that was presented to him. "I only have one plan, which should more than do the trick. All humans are prone to tunnel vision, something which occurs when they are inches from their goals. Even with an obstacle between them and said goal, humans are infamous for their perseverance. It is something that is ingrained into our very DNA. However, there is one downfall to this... We become susceptible to the element of surprise. So here is what I propose. I will use the transformation jutsu to morph myself into a fuma shuriken. You will hold onto me until the boy arrives. Most likely he will be more willing to oppose you verbally if he sees that it's just you. Two of us will make him anxious and lead to immediate confrontation. In the midst of your verbal tug-of-war, you will fling me at him at an angle that will make him think your aim is off, thus luring him to forgo dodging. It will be in that moment when his guard is down that I will undo the jutsu and force him to the ground. The shock will disorient him, that momentary sensation should send a fight or flight trigger which would freeze him in place and give me enough time to do my part. Well, how's that sound?"  

As he awaits for his comrades to give his points on what was just explained to him. He would nod accordingly to what was said. Should he agree, Tsuna would form the seals needed to feel technique and shift into a fuma shuriken from a cloud of smoke. Highly hoping that he would be caught by Enishi before hitting the ground, because that would suck.

[WC: 808]
[Total WC: 1,753]

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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:01 pm
An aura of petulant disappointment invaded the atmosphere of the village gates. It appeared as though that Tsunayoshi easily predicted that the understudy would choose option 3; it was almost as if he wanted the boy to choose another option instead of option 3, but if so, why did he go into so much more detail? This caused an air of confusion to come on Enishi, was he supposed to choose option 3 or did he choose the wrong option? But suddenly, Tsunayoshi would smile immediately after? So he DID want Enishi to choose option 3, or were they other options that were worse than option 3 and the silver-haired Hatake just wanted to salvage as much remaining hope as he could?  "I can't read this guy," The silver-haired boy thought blankly yet with admiration as he blinked sheepishly towards his older peer. Enishi had a knack for analyzing other people, ideas, and external systems, which was how he was able to graduate from the Ninja Academy in less than a month - well he did have good knowledge of chakra and shinobi but that was beside the point. It was pretty easy for the Jugo to know how people would act in certain situations after analyzing them...but Tsunayoshi was an entirely different case. It seemed like the Hatake was thinking two steps ahead of the understudy who always wanted to be one step ahead of everything... How interesting. The silver-haired teen wanted to know more about the older Hatake but that would have to wait after their task was complete; after all, the mission always comes first and the Genin duo were both resolved to complete their job at all costs. In response to that, the Jugo would simply smile as he discussed his strategy with his partner.

Thankfully, Tsunayoshi seemed impressed with Enishi's strategy to the delight of the young boy; the Hatake agreed with most of what the understudy had to say cordially, it was nice to see more open-minded people. However, once the Hatake finished responding to Enishi's strategy, it was now his turn to explain his strategy. The understudy had already entrusted his partner to share his plan once he was done explaining his idea as a form of upholding the value of fairness in both parties. The silver-haired Jugo listened intently and open-mindedly to the Hatake's words. First, he explained that the Genin might be fallen too astray to save him from his destructive goals of leaving the village along with his parents, so persuasion might not work in that case. Enishi nodded at Tsunayoshi, somewhat regretfully in response to that; the understudy didn't enjoy unnecessarily quarreling so he wanted to take a pacifistic approach to this mission but unfortunately, some people were simply resolved to achieve their goals. The same way Enishi Kurosawa was resolved to protect his village and cherish the hope of Hoshigakure, that Genin who would be approaching the gates very soon was equally or even more resolved to leave the village at all costs. Persuasion would be nothing in the face of ideals. That was a cruel truth of the Ninja World, one that the silver-haired teen knew all too well yet still tried to reject it all the same.

Tsunayoshi then explained his strategy which was a lot more confrontational than Enishi's...and far more shinobi-like. The Hatake excellently explained that humans were prone to tunnel vision when they were just inches away from their goals, and such, they become susceptible to the element of surprise. He planned to turn himself into a Fuma Shuriken through the Transformation Technique, Enishi would then hold on to the Fuma Shuriken, the Genin would approach and be more at ease since the understudy would be the only one at the gates, Enishi and he would enter a verbal confrontation, the silver-haired boy would throw the Fuma Shuriken in an odd angle at the Genin, the Genin would attempt to dodge, and then, Tsunayoshi would dispel the technique and handle things from there. The understudy smirked in response to the plan, he was pleased to have such a dependable partner on this mission. The Jugo was extremely impressed at Tsunayoshi, his plan clearly eclipsed the understudy's in detail and efficiency. "...That's an astounding plan...Really, I'm extraordinarily impressed at how well-thought-out your plan is compared to mine - well, it's obvious any plan I do would just be useless in comparison to others. I'm honestly lost for words, you're amazing Tsunayoshi! I think if we can execute your plan properly, we'll be able to apprehend the Genin quite easily without worrying about time constraints or needing the plan to be strictly contingent on how agreeable the Genin would be." Enishi said as he covered his mouth with his hand as a thinking habit, somewhat aloof as he was still shocked at Tsunayoshi's showing of astounding intellect. He paused for a moment, still thinking about the situation at hand, but after that moment, his impassive expression turned into a bright grin. "I hope this plan works out."

Since both comrades agreed on the plan, Tsunayoshi would flawlessly weave the handseals necessary to perform the Transformation Technique, shifting his body into a Fuma Shuriken in the midst of a cloud of smoke. Just as gravity was going to make him fall to the ground, Enishi would deftly grab the holding circular area of the Fuma Shuriken Tsunayoshi converted to with his right hand before quickly holding the shuriken at his back with the same hand. This was to prevent the Genin from becoming confrontational since seeing a weapon would surely alert the Genin that Enishi would perform violence if necessary. The understudy would take a deep breath, then sigh deeply. "This is gonna be a looonnnggg day..." He mumbled despairingly, his emerald optics now focused on what was in front of him. There were four minutes left until the Genin would arrive at the gates. The light that reigned above empty village gates allowed Enishi to see about 20 meters in all directions with clear light. 20 meters was the optimal fighting space. If the Genin went outside 20 meters, the mission was over. 

4 Minutes passed...

A dashing specter emerged from the darkness into the 20 meters of light, immediately alerting Enishi that the target was here. The Jugo scanned the target that stood 10 meters in front of him, directly parallel to the boy. 
The Genin adorned a scratched forehead protector of Hoshigakure, a black cloak, navy-blue hair, and purple eyes. His slim yet athletic body builds along with his youthful face resembled that to be of a boy in Enishi and Tsunayoshi's age range. "Hey, pale fucker! I'm not telling you again, LET. ME. THROUGH. You're not gonna take me away from my future!" The Genin roared in rage incarnate with a hint of desperation in it. Was he, pleading to the Jugo? Regardless of that, Enishi would respond firmly, with a strong enough force to match the resolve of the Genin, "Future, huh. That's amusing. Tell me, does your future entail you leaving your parents without a word? Betraying the village that you swore to defend with your life the moment you wore the headband yet you were so eager to scratch your symbol of allegiance towards it?" He pointed a slender finger from his left hand towards the scratched forehead protector of the Genin before drooping his left hand down again.


"Allow me to correct a foolish misconception you have of the outside world. It's hell. You're a spineless coward. Do you know what 'hell' does to spineless cowards like you? It tears you apart, rips you into shreds, and makes you a shadow of your former self. You won't even remember who you once were years after you made your choice to stupidly abandon your village and family...Now then... I'll give you one opportunity -and only one opportunity-: turn yourself in to the village immediately and we can stop this imprudence. If you still desire to leave the village even after what I told you, then I'll be required to use force to apprehend you, the target." Cold and detached embodied Enishi's demeanor. His once-bright emerald-eyes morphed into soulless orbs that peered into the soul of those unfortunate to lock eyes. He knew how the outside world corrupted everyone, even the most innocent of people. After all, Enishi was born in the hellish outskirts of the Haven Country so he knew firsthand how the dark side of human nature could emerge in the Ninja World. He didn't want anyone to experience that pain, the same pain that he felt years ago!

"SHUT UP YOU LIAR! You don't know the first thing about me! Just leave me alone!" The Genin retorted with the same rage and desperation as before. It was like Tsunayoshi said, some people simply wouldn't change their ways if it affected their ideals. Enishi mentally thanked the Hatake for telling him such valuable advice, but now, he needed to deal with the deserter in front of him. After the Genin responded, Enishi would take his right hand and Fuma Shuriken that Tsunayoshi transformed to out of his back and in that same motion, threw the spinning Shuriken in the Genin's direction. Remembering the plan, the understudy made sure to throw the shuriken horribly. Its rotational speed and direction were so off that the angle of the shuriken was aimed a foot from the Genin's left shoulder and would barely touch him if it would even connect which Enishi highly questioned, allowing Tsunayoshi enough time to transform back into his normal form and apprehend the Genin. The Genin didn't know this obviously, so he would snort and laugh at Enishi's throw, not even bothering to dodge out of the way. However...that error in the Genin's response caused his downfall...

"It's all up to you, Tsunayoshi!"

WC: 1741
TWC: 3319
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:08 pm
It was not all up to him, as Enishi yelled. Without fail, the Hatake undid the jutsu under the direction of his comrades voice - taking note that he more than likely spoke up when the weapon was in close enough proximity of their opponent. The abrupt emergence of thick fumes known as smoke from the immediate source of the fuma would without fail take the shinobi by absolute surprise, what's more is from that smoke a boy with silver hair and indigo eyes that enforced an air of seriousness from his person would would render him disoriented for the following display. Where as Tsuna is usually pretty lax and in better words, apathetic... he was not like that at this very moment. Even from the distance that he was throw, Enishi would probably pick up on this subtle, yet large-scale alteration in his behavior.  

All that was spoken, exchanged between tge two of them - the boy and Enishi was heard and retained by the Hatake. He frown upon hearing those words come from the shinobi looking to defect. It sadden him, there were other ways to go about life when you are not in agreement to the circumstances. Tsuna knew this all too well... His parents passing on their mission was the reason the boy decided to give up on being a shinobj, just after graduating from the academy. The impact of their deaths left a dent far more damaging than any crater on this world could ever leave him, taking from him his will to put in effort as he was raised to do. His parents were known for their effort, matching those of the unique clans in prowess. Tsuna decided that if their efforts weren't enough to prevent them from dying on their mission, than no effort was truly required to complete a mission. If it was your time, it was your time. There was no point in giving it your all if you were destined to die in the end.  

However, this time, something in him flipped a switch to push him to used a good 28% of his effort. Was it what Enishi said, or perhaps the boy's weakness? It was probably a mixture of both, was because of what transpired that he was willing to try. His left hand outstretched grabbing holding of the boy's left shoulder, his right hand single handedly performed seals - his Tsuna's body snapped and his legs whipped around the back of the boy like a snake and under his right arm to locate and lock around his neck. Releasing his hold of the left arm he would whisk his upper body around and under until his left arm was now around the back of the boy's neck, he would do this several times in a hurricanrana like manner. The seals were now done and his body broke free from the boy where his left hand slammed into the face of the boy, gripping as his right index and middle fingers touched his own forehead. Within an instant at a speed of 60 the two vanished. Only to reappear 4 meter before Enishi, 10 meters high in tge air. Stirring and slamming the back of the back of the boy's head to the ground, resulting in an immediate knockout. Those radiant eyes of his would linger on the boy for a few moments. Before releasing and standing to his feet. He took a moment for himself to exhale as he was returning to his usual nature. "That was a pain, more than I'd like to admit. Haha, don't know what got into me. But, you did great, Enishi. You really got him riled up with your words. I suppose I should have mentioned this before, anything that you would have said to him would have done nothing but angered him. Thus giving myself tge perfect moment to catch him off guard. Sorry about that, but I needed for you to be fully invested in trying to persuade him. If I had mentioned this to you before, you would have acted, most likely and that wouldn't have felt genuine and would have gave up the plan for sure. Again, I'm sorry about that." He brought both of his hands together in a praying formation and smiled genuinely as he bowed repeatedly for Enishi's forgiveness for his ploy. This perhaps, would have informed the boy that Tsunayoshi thought well over a mere 2 steps ahead, but instead 6 to 10.  

The Hatake would then release himself of his plead for forgiveness and turn his lax gaze over to the unconscious boy. He saw a good deal of himself in him, that weight of wanting to find your own place only manifested in a more defiant manner with this one. Shaking his head twice he would sigh. "Shame, there are more than one way to deal with your differences. Running away, turning your back on your family and friends only make you something worse than a scumbag. Hopefully when he comes to, he will realize that. I'll leave him to you, Enishi. I need to go recharge. This was far too much excitement than I am accustomed to. Later." With a wave if his left hand, Tsuna motioned to part ways with his comrade. As he was in stride he would yell one last thing. "I enjoy exchanging ideas with you, perhaps we could play a game if shogi some day. Find me if you ever need help again." An extention of his friendship within those words. In a few seconds, the boy was no longer in sight of Enishi.

[WC: 939]
[Total WC: 2,692]
Mission Claims - 
20 AP
4,000 ryo
100 ryo

Character Claims -
26 Stats 
+2 Vigor, +12 Chakra and +12 Speed
Parry v7 - 500 [B rank]
Block v7 - 500 [B rank]
Summoning: Iron Maiden v7 - 1,692 [1692/1750]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:16 pm
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:03 pm
Enishi smirked as Tsunayoshi performed all of his actions with great deftness and incapacitated the Genin. After the Genin was knocked out, he would listen to the white-haired Hatake's words with a smile, hoping that the two of them would work together for future missions. As Tsunayoshi was out of sight, a sigh of relief would escape out of the understudy's mouth, recognizing that the mission was complete. With everything taken care of, Enishi returned back to his house, happy that everything went smoothly and without injuries.


WC: 87
TWC: 3406 

Mission Claims:
+20 AP
+4000 Ryo
+100 Additional Ryo due to Genin bonus

Character Claims:
406 WC towards and to finish off Shadow Clone while using 25% max stats discount [1125/1125], previous training is here
1000 WC towards and to finish upgrading B-rank Damage Reduction Shield to the A-rank version of Damage Reduction Shield [1000/1000] 
1125 WC towards training and completing B-rank Hiding like a Mole while using 25% max stats discount [1125/1125] 
875 WC towards training Damage Reduction Shield A-rank for Mastery: No Handseals while using 25% max stats discount [875/2062]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi] Empty Re: Apprehend the Young Deserter [C-rank | Tsunayoshi]

Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:08 pm
Approved - keep in mind you must use 2 mastery slots to completely remove hand seals, a singular mastery will only result in half the hand seals.
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