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Weed Time! [E-rank | Solo] Empty Weed Time! [E-rank | Solo]

Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:21 pm
Mission Details:

Another day, another mission. That was the life that a shinobi would resign themselves to when times weren't drastic, and when the state of the shinobi world was in...relative peace. Enishi had just finished performing some basic guard duty, taking the post of a shinobi who needed some time to themselves that day due to a family emergency. The mission wasn't that difficult, in fact, it was one of the easiest tasks the dutiful understudy had to ever undertake (pun intended) in his life. He simply needed to ask for identification for anyone who entered the village and the reason why they wanted to go to Hoshigakure in the first place. It reminded him of that time when he entered the village and Akaboshi was on guard duty and he allowed the silver-haired boy to get in. If anything went haywire, Enishi simply needed to yell to the other guards to ask for backup, and the rest would be not a completely riveting mission the more he thought about it. Even though the silver-haired Jugo was displeased that he didn't have a cool task such as protecting a princess or fighting against a Rogue Ninja that would destroy the village so that he could prove his loyalty to the village, it still beat...pulling weeds. "Oh god..." Enishi thought in desperation as he arrived at the Hoshigakure Mission Department, waiting for his next mission to do this afternoon so he could catch up from his absence. Unfortunately, one of the workers there decided that pulling weeds - the bane of Enishi Kurosawa's existence - would be a good job for a Genin to do. It made sense, the understudy guessed, that Genin would have to do the most mundane of tasks since Academy Students couldn't but still...why pulling weeds? The last time the Jugo tried to pull weeds from the ground, he dislocated his hand accidentally from the sheer tension between him pulling on one deep radish root and the radish root himself. Even though he was a shinobi, and he was supposed to be superhuman...strength and durability wasn't something the boy took pride in and that visceral moment of pulling weeds in his garden showed why he had Weedphobia, a fear that he self-diagnosed himself internally. 

Regardless of Enishi's desperate pleas to the worker to change his task, the man didn't have any of it. He barked at the understudy to just "man up" and "pull the weeds like a good little shinobi." Sighing deeply, the boy agreed whilst he mocked the bald middle-aged man internally for being unreasonably annoying. Well, Hoshigakure would be paying for the boy's hospital bills if he got hurt during the mission; he wasn't going to spend his precious chakra to heal an injury the government fundamentally forced him to undergo. Anyway, the understudy rushed to the area that he needed to dig some weeds too. Apparently the point of interest was just near the gates, in a huge radish garden just left of it. It was owned by a farmer that requested some shinobi expertise to pull out the radish roots and weeds on his farm. Enishi was...quite experienced in dealing with radish weeds, so after kindly greeting the farmer, masking his disgust, he periodically pulled out the weeds. Surprisingly, they weren't that hard to pull out. Did Enishi get stronger, or were the weeds just easy to pull out? Nevertheless, he finished, stacking all the radishes in one pile, and the weeds in another to be thrown out as waste material. He said bye to the farmer before leaving, once again satisfied at the job he performed. Maybe...pulling weeds wasn't so bad. 

Mission complete.


WC: 610

+1000 Ryo due to completing a mission
+100 Ryo due to the Genin Mission Bonus
+5 AP due to completing an E rank mission
+12 AP from wordcount and max stats
610 WC Towards Shadow Clone [719/1500], previous WC (once the topic is approved) is here
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Satoru Jugo
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Weed Time! [E-rank | Solo] Empty Re: Weed Time! [E-rank | Solo]

Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:32 pm
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