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Hunting a thief Empty Hunting a thief

Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:52 am

Nasu got out of bed and saw that unlike other days there was a scroll on his windowsill. He was very confused why but went and grabbed it. He opened the seal and was so happy that he finally got a D rank mission. All the E rank ones had started to get pretty annoying. He went downstairs and ate some breakfast while reading the mission details. It ends up there's  been a thief stealing things from all over the village. They wanted someone to try to make a fool of him. Nasu then finished eating and went to get ready. He got all his ninja gear together and then headed out. There was a list of people who complained about this thief so Nasu decided to go to their houses to try to find some information. He got to the first house and asked a nice lady if he could search her house for any clues. The lady was fine with it and Nasu used his sharingan to see if he had left anything behind maybe. He kept on going house to house and eventually realized something. There was a scratch mark on every single house. He started asking the home owners how long it was there and most of them didn't even know it was there. When he got to the last house on the list he got an idea. “Maybe he left a mark to remember places he's already stolen from.” Nasu, thinking he was on to something, still went to the last house anyway. When he left he realized the house across the street had a mark too. When he asked the old man in the house there if anything had been stolen from him he said no. Nasu then wondered if he used the marks to mark the next house he was going to steal from. Nasu told the old man and asked him if he wanted to stay in his house or spend the night somewhere else. The man left for the night and Nasu started to camp at the house. He was by a tree that had a nice angle to see around the whole house. Nasu watched but nobody came. He started to think he was wrong about the mark. Then there was a weird rustling sound in the bushes nearby. He thought maybe to go check it out but decided to wait just in case. Eventually some man came out of the bushes and started to crawl through the back of the house. About 10 minutes later the man came back out but his pockets seemed very full. Nasu knew he'd have to store his things somewhere so he followed the thief through the woods. Nasu noticed a small house in the woods and watched the thief go in. When the thief came out his pockets were empty. Then the thief started to go back into town. The thief was walking by the bank, took out a kunai and slashed a mark on its wall. The thief went back to his hideout and Nasu started planning. Nasu was up all night thinking of essay ways to capture the thief. When it hit morning he went down to the bank. Nasu went up to the desk and a man asked him “are you here to make a deposit.” Nasu said “no i need to speak to the boss of the bank. It's about ensuring the safety of the bank.” The man showed him the bosses office but said “go in at your own risk. He’s not a very nice man.” Nasu knocked on the door and heard someone yell from inside. “What the hell do you want.” “I'm here to talk to you.” The boss let him in and Nasu took a seat. “I'm a gennin and my name is Nasu Uchiha. I've been tracking a thief for a mission and his next stop is here. I wanted to let you know that ill be camping around here waiting for him. I also thought you might want to tighten up your security tonight.” “HAHAHAHAHAHA. Nobody can break into the vault anyway it doesn't matter.” Nasu then left and started to get ready for later. Nasu started to sharpen his kunai, shuriken, and katana. When Nasu finished he started to walk down to the bank. Nasu knowing all the money in the bank is in the vault decided to get this thief the easiest way would be to hide in the vault. So Nasu went into the bank and sealed himself inside. Nasu was sitting in the vault for hours with nothing to do. He was just thinking about when the thief came in and he had hope thatd he manage to beat them easily. After a couple more hours he heard something come through under him. It sounded like someone was traviling in the ventilation system. Nasu was confused though because there were no vents in the vault. Nasu followed the sound until it started to go upward. He then saw an open box. It seemed like just a regular box for storing money but then he watched as a man pushed it a bit and then crawled out. Nasu was pretty impressed but knew it was time to finish this. Nasu walked up to the man and pulled out his katana. “This is over. Lets go.” Nasu opened the vault seal and took the thief with him. They went to the ninja training ground and Nasu told him that academy students would be here in the morning. He tied the man up to a wood log with a target around all his body parts. The next morning when the students arrived they were starting with shuriken training. Nasu told them that they had a special training day and the aim was to hit the targets around the man. They all started to throw the shurikens and when the students missed you could hear the man scream. Nasu did this in hope that the thief would regret what he did but when he asked the thief said he regretted nothing. Nasu decided he wanted to scare the man one last time before he let him go. Nasu went just out of reach for his fireball jutsu to reach and then used it. Although it was hot it did not harm the thief in any way. Nasu took the thief and went and turned him in for his mission rewards. 

10 stats +10 vigor
ryo+1000+ 100 bounus ryo
bounus AP+10
Phoenix flower (90/1000)+(910/1000)

Great Fireball  using (167/500) WC to learn B rank. (Already learnt C rank)
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Satoru Jugo
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Hunting a thief Empty Re: Hunting a thief

Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:58 am
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