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Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
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Teacher for a Day! Empty Teacher for a Day!

Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:20 am
Mission Summary:

Ultramarine eyes carom from one head to another nineteen. Leisurely the the owner of them expressed visually on his face along with indignation. Tsuna Hatake, found himself within a room, a class room full of academy students. Young ignorance with a well as deep as their eagerness to learn. The seating were set in a way that expanded upwards to four. Twelve desks with walking space between them. The students were scatter out pretty evenly, a far mix of male and female. At the base of the classroom was open by three meters. At the head was the desk belonging to the teacher and there sat Tsuna, on top of the desk. "hugh... Just how did I get stuck in a situation like this?" He pondered, almost painfully.  

He was struck by the exact unfolding of how he winded up in the very situation that he did not want to be in. A knock at his apartment door revealed a Chunin presenting him with a scroll that was sealed. Upon opening it he read what was written inside. 'The regular Academy teacher had to leave for an emergency and you were called upon to act as substitute teacher. The classroom contains at least 20 students whom you will have to teach and assign homework to. No harm is to come to the children while they are in your care.' Returning his mental to the present he sighed to himself as he realized... "Oh yeah... now I remember, this is going to be such a pain." He thought as he stood to his feet with a clipboard in his hand for the day's itinerary. Attached was also the attendance list for the children.  

"Alright, let's see..." Eyeing over the names, counting the number of names to find that it was also twenty, so he had to assume that they were all there. "Let's not do that. Or that, or that...definitely not going to put in the effort for something like that...what am I, a teacher?" Flipping through the pages of the planner for the day he looked for something that didn't require much and could possibly take up some time. He would think as he sat the clipboard to the side of him. "Hm, perhaps something along the lines of...this?" He delivered them a lax gaze, his hands within his pockets and his eyes submerging them. "Good morning. I'm standing in for your teacher, Nakamura Sensei. My name is Hatake Tsunayoshi. Call me what you will. Today's class is going to be a bit different from what you all are accustomed to, this much I can tell based off of your itinerary for the day. That being said, I would like for each of you to come to the front if the class and present to us all one, just one jutsu that you favor currently. Once you all have done so, I will show you one of equal level and then I will teach you all another jutsu, one that you will benefit from in the long run." His words stirred the class, their voices rumbled the room from sheer excitement. Which he expected, now he would have to just monitor them to make sure that they didn't end up harming themselves or their peers. That was going to be such a bother for him.  

One after the other, the students made their way down to the center of the floor. They displayed their E-rank jutsu that they favored most. Some were nicely executed, a few were not so good and perhaps two were utter failures. One of the students in particular caught the eye of the genin. The student looked to have been held back a year or perhaps two. He executed his jutsu flawlessly, which begged the question...why was he still there? Not wanting to add too much thought into that, Tsuna lazily clapped while making his own way to the floor. "To be frank, some of you did very well, a few of you were decent. Then there are the other's who...well, you realize just how much you suck. But, don't give up, continue to learn from your failures to prevent if from happening again." His hands would rise from the depths of his pockets. A single sigh was formed with the use of both hands, serpent. His left hand and arm outstretched as glints of energized matter known as lightning jolt within his palm from fingertips to fingertips. The class gasped in awe as they were displayed elemental affinity within utilization of jutsu. Ultramarine eyes would stray over the faces of the students as they looked own with excitement. Within his palm the sparks would form into a translucent cone pattern. Tsuna would extend the range of this jutsu up to five feet and retract showing the children that the tech can expand. "This jutsu is known as Spark. E-rank lightning style technique. It has a total reach of about three meters, as you all just seen. When utilized with natural water, or even water 'self produced it can expand an additional three meters which totals to six. It is important to be mindful of your positioning and the positioning of your opponent and comrades. Lightning release is useful, but it is not always forgiving when used recklessly. " The matter of energy he held slowly ceased and he gauged the children. The roared with applause as they all stood from their seats and rushed over to him. Tsuna wide eyes and all stepped back as he realized that he just made himself favorable to them. It was then that the bell rung for dismissal. They all sighed with awe as they really wanted to learn more. He, on the other hand wss quite relieved at the perfect timing. After some time they all left the room and he was all that remained. He watched from the window of the classroom as they walked home. "I guess... that I have a soft spot for children. Such a bother that is gonna be." Within a blink he was no longer there.

[WC: 1,021]
Mission claims - 
2,000 ryo
100 ryo Bonus
10 AP (New Mission Rules)

Character Claims - 
10 Stats
+4 Speed, +3 Chakra, +3 Vigor
Adding 1,021 towards Temple Style: Bark v7 [130/1500] - [1151/1500]

Last edited by Tsunayoshi on Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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Teacher for a Day! Empty Re: Teacher for a Day!

Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:23 am
"20 AP"
Where's the 20AP from?

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