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Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

What a day! Welcome back Tsuna! Empty What a day! Welcome back Tsuna!

Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:44 pm
Mission Summary #1:

Mission Summary #2:

Mission Summary #3:

Mission Summary #4:

"Ughh... According to these history books, Hoshi has had its share of ups and downs. Not to mention that business with not trusting outsiders. There is also those rumors about the library and its archives..." Irked in sighing, as the boy sat back in his seat. Ocean blue eyes would gaze at the checkerboard tile ceiling that dangled two fans that were in a low rotation. The room felt like a prison, but it was better than being exposed to the thought of...engaging other people. Because that almost always lead to putting in effort to maintain a certain degree of image. The mere thought was enough to abet him, Tsunayoshi, to rolling his eyes. "The last thing that I need in my life is to be troubled by someone's conversation. Just mustering the energy to exchange words is so... irritating. Not sure how people do it. Besides, I've been out of the role for some time since...since that day. I feel that these books lack efficiency, if I'm being honest." He words.  

Closing his eyes, he scrunched up his nose and furrowed his brow in a childish manner before realizing what was to come next for him. "Damn, I'm gonna have to explore." From there his world came crumbling down around him. He truly wished there was another way to accomplish this theory, but he knew better. He sighed, opening his eyes, sitting up in his seat. Azure eyes finding the book, he would close it and stand, rather lazily from his seat. Walking towards the exit of the building he was in, which was the library itself. He will admit, the room that he found was rather quiet, much to his liking. Somewhat voided from outside noise. Once he was outside, he took a moment before braving the streets of his village. "Let's see... I should inspect Tachibana for its reserves in wildlife - might as well peak over Tekiatsu lake, while I'm at it. Then there is the water gardens, the ninja academy, on second thought, I rather stay away from there; not quite recovered from that vision. After that the hospital, city Square, and I suppose I can see what I can learn from the national archives...if I can, that is. I've heard about this so called 'Unseen University'... I must admit, I am curious about that place and I suppose the last stop will be the Royal Palace." His right hand rised to stroke his chin. There was a gentle breeze that would brush through his hair, swaying his silver strands left and right.  

He wore a see-through fishnet shirt, resembling chain mail - short sleeves. A necklace that presented the Hatake insignia. Black shinobi pants and boots. He did not have with him any weapons, there were two reasons behind this. The first being, he forgot... yes, he understands that someone with an IQ of 230 should have remembered to bring something as basic as tools, but what he would like for the reader to understand is that his mind did not associate the idea of bringing tools along with him just to go stroll through the village. The second, he didn't have any...there you have it, cat's out of the bag, the boy was waiting on his shipment to to arrive so cut him some slack, he started yesterday. So let us continue, ok thank you and follow..

Tsuna navigated through the streets of the Village until he reached his first destination, Tachibana Wildlife reserves, there he would observe what actually went down there and how much of what it was like correlates to the words on the page. "Hm? Is there something that I can help you with?" Asked a guard, shinobi of course. The Genin stopped before him giving him a vacant stare... "... Oh! Right, sorry, nearly forgot I wasn't wearing it." Reaching into his right pocket he pulled out a pair of black, fingerless gloves - each with a metal plate on the back of the hand with the Hoshi village symbol engraved into them. He slipped them on and revealed the back of his hand. The shinobi, after inspection of the glove and the symbol nodded. "Oh ok, you're a Hoshi shinobi. Sorry, I don't recognize you." He extended his hand to shake. Tsuna meeting his invitation with his own hand. "Don't worry about it, I've only just been reinstated yesterday. I was wondering if I could take a look inside and see how things are in there, I'm trying to better acclimate myself with all areas of the Village." He informed. The shinobi stood aside with a nod as he was approving of the thought.  

Once inside the area, Tsuna would immediately learn how vast it was. Quite frankly, it was a sight to behold. The variety of creatures were astounding. Most seemed pretty timid, overall friendly. While there were a few that were territorial and aggressive, he was sure to keep his distance from them. As he explored deeper into the wilderness he would happen upon a lake of beautiful anesthetics. "This must be that man made lake I've heard so much about. Odd, never caught the name of the guy that's responsible." He thought aloud. As he looked around he took notice of a few trees that bore fruit, alongside them a few bushes that sprout berries. He remembered his mother speaking of these berries when he was younger. They were supposedly delicious and high on vitamins. He would help himself to a bit of them while he was there, taking a brief sit next to the bush. "Huh? These are pretty good. They taste almost like citrus. I guess you knew what you were talking about after all, mom. Go figure." He took another one, before thinking about what his father use to say... "There are always going to be some out there that need your help, some more than others. Don't be the kind of person that acknowledges this fact and choose to ignore it. Instead, be the one that notices and does something about it." ... A contradicting smile formed on his face, it was such because the memory was nostalgic - bittersweet. Too much of a mental flood for him to deal with all at once, but he rather not allow it to get the better of him...not now.   

There was also the annoying factor that he felt obligated to do something charitable. He scuffs as he stood to his feet, looking around for a something that would be of use to him. He found a tree with massive leaves, almost two feet in length and one foot in width. He climbed that tree and plucked a few stems from the branches and made his way back over to the bush. There he would place about eight leaves down. Plucking berries and even other fruits from the trees that were nearby. He placed them on the leaves, folding them to a perfect point where they did not fall out. He stacked and carried them out. As he exited the reserves he would walk past the shinobi. "Uh, what are you doing?" The question sort of bothered him, because now he had to re-engage with this guy which required more of his effort. His lightly sighed as he turn to him with a huge boyish grin, fake of course, but sufficient. "I was going to take some of the fruit I found in the reserves over to one of the worship buildings. I noticed that they usually accept offerings of food and water and thought that these natural snacks would be nice for them." He explained. The shinobi smiled, finding the boy's thoughtfulness endearing. "Wow, that's pretty thoughtful of you. Well, keep in mind not do anything...uh, shinobi-like. They will refuse you gift if you do. They don't really trust us all that well and sometimes a good intention can be thwart by a clouded mind." What the shinobi said left Tsuna with much to process, which ultimately left him with an annoyed expression. "Thanks, will do." Turning to walk off. "Better accept this fruit after I went out of my damn way to collect it. Or someone is getting a foot up their ass and I mean that." He murmured under his breath as he did.  

Finding the nearest building to him he would approach the doors. There he was greeted by one of the worshipers clothed in white and blue. "Blessed be thy father, to what do we owe this visit to?" He asked, his eyes definitely looked condescending as they looked the boy over. Tsuna, acknowledged this, but lacked the motivation to feed into it. "Uhhh... here?" He extended his arms out a few inches to present the leaf wrapped fruit. The worshipers eyed it and smiled, returning his gaze back to the genin. "What's this, haseth thy father send a boon of refreshments for his loyal flock?" He asked. At this point Tsuna was growing even more bothered, his left eye began to twitch while his right brow rised. 'What's with this guy? Why is he answering with a question? Just take it already!" Thought the lad. He simply refused to verbally respond so he nods nervously while his face remained the same. "My stars and heavens, thank you for listening to the Father's guidance. He will remember you for this day, my child." He said, taking the gifts and nodding the boy off with that condescending expression.  

Once he left the building, the boy felt a bit dragged out. He also noticed that the guy didn't even say 'thank you' or did he? He didn't care to waste his time trying to analyze that situation. What really mattered was returning to his prior plans. The day would run somewhat smoothly for the genin, once he was able to run through the list at his disposal, although it was a mental list, he found himself at the Royal palace. There he would be impeded by another, more distinguished shinobi... "You, shinobi with the platinum hair. Come here." One, two, four, almost twenty rapid and confused blinks came from Tsuna. He looked to his left and right, then back at the shinobi and pointed to himself. Mouthing 'Me?'. The shinobi nods. Tsuna then mouthed 'But why?'. The Shinobi looked annoyed at this point and beckoned him over with his hand. Pouting the genin would motion over. "What do you want?" He questioned, almost annoyingly, though he was curious. The shinobi overlooked his tone and begun on his reasoning behind calling him over. "I require your assistance. You see, I find myself in a middle of a dilemma tha-" "Ut, sounds like a personal problem. Good luck with that, bye!" He cut him off as he began to walk off in the opposite direction. The shinobi appeared before him with his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. Tsuna, nervously smiled, revealing teeth mouthing 'I love you...?'. As if he could read that it was a question. "As I was saying...I need for you to stand here for a few moments while I attend to an urgent matter. It won't be too long. If anyone approach you direct them according to their needs." The shinobi explained. The genin would narrow his eyes and tilt his head. "You're gonna go take a leak, aren't you? -_-" He blatantly asked. The Shinobi immediately got flustered and pointed to his post for Tsuna to stand. "Ugh! Why do I have to be the one to do it?" He asked, almost in a whining tone. "Because you seem most dignified for the-" "No one else would do it, would they? -_-" He cut him off. "...No... look, I'll pay you for it, okay? I really need to take a piss." He squirmed. Tsuna took a moment before agreeing, taking enjoyment out of seeing the shinobi look ridiculous. Using his left hand he would shoo him off. The shinobi immediately ran off into the palace.  

Tsuna walked over to the post and stood there with his hands interlaced behind his head. At this point he was sky gazing. Waiting for something to occur. What was suppose to only be few seconds turned into a while. In the midst of that he was approached by a few people. Some whiched to know oc the best shops to visit, others the best spots to grab a bite to eat. Few wished to visit the wildlife reserves and others wanted to visit some of the buildings of worship. Tsuna did his best to instruct them on their way. He did not really care for it, but he already committed himself to the job when he agreed to watch the post. After a few minutes, more like thirty>_> the Shinobi came running out of the palace with an embarrassed expression on his face. "Heheh, hey my bad, and uh, thanks for watching my post for me." His words were met with a nonchalant expression, as the boy held out his hand and waited for his payment. The shinobi reached in his pocket to retrieve his wallet to pay the genin. After collecting his pay Tsuna left the post, no longer wanting to even explore the inside of the palace. "This day has been one such a bother. I'll just explore the palace some other time." He voiced as he traveled the streets of the Village.  

"Hey, kid!" Glancing over his shoulders he would noticed that he was being called by the same shinobi. "Hm? What does he want now?" lazily turning to face him and walk over in his direction the Shinobi began again. "Listen, I feel bad about leaving you out here like that. So, to make things up to you, how about you spend the rest of you day here with me. After my post I cab show you around the village a bit to show you what a Queensmen life is like. Who knows, might end up learning something... also, there will be more payment for you, how's that sound?" He made clear and Tsuna had to admit, his day couldn't get much worse and he needed the money. Why not? He shrugged as he took up a position next to the shinobi. They exchanged words for quite some time. Tsuna retained much of the information that was spoken to him. After a few hours the shinobi was relieved of his post and he toured Tsuna around the village. They visited many of the places that the boy already visited on his own, but he was provided clear insight of the circumstances of the Village base off of these individual places. This was something of value to him. Gathering that Hoshi was overall a peaceful village after rebuilding. Some of its ways still lingered, but for the most part it held order and tranquility that was appreciated by its people. After a few more hours the lights of the Village flicker on as the skies were dark. "There you have it. Here, your pay." He took the pouch and placed it in his pocket. "Thanks. I should be going, I'm kind of drained. Today's been a long day for me." He held up his right hand, that very same hand would single handedly form a series of seals that were unfamiliar to the shino. Placing his right index and middle fingers to his forehead the boy would warp out of existence before the man's eyes instantly. This would shock him, leaving himself speechless. Tsuna would manifest into existence within his apartment, which was rather junky and an eyesore to a cleaner person. He would find his bet and dive head first into it. Soon falling fast asleep. 

[WC: 2,630]
Mission Claims -
500 Ryo ×4 (2,000)
100 Ryo ×4 Bonus (400)
4 AP

Character Claims -
26 Stats 
+9 Speed, +9 Chakra, +8 Vigor
52 AP
2,500 wc to learn Sword Storm v7
130 wc towards learning Temple Style: Bark v7 [130/1500]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

What a day! Welcome back Tsuna! Empty Re: What a day! Welcome back Tsuna!

Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:32 pm
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