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Bank clean up Empty Bank clean up

Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:06 pm
Bank clean up:

Nasu woke up one morning and thought “it's been a week since my last mission. I must have one toady.” So Nasu went outside first thing in the morning and checked the mailbox. “What, I still haven't gotten another mission.” Nasu then walks inside and his mom looks at him and says “how did you get outside.” “I went out through my bedroom window.” Nasu’s mom wasn't very happy about it but didn't mind. She asked him what he wanted for breakfast just like every day and Nasu said he felt like having some ramen for breakfast. His mom not thinking it was the best for him agreed . His mom asked “did you get a mission today” while Nasu was eating. Nasu told her that he didn't. Later throughout the day Nasu decided he was going to go for a walk. While walking he was stopped by a fellow ninja who asked him if he could take his mission at the bank. Nasu, really wanting a mission, said yes in a heartbeat. The ninja handed him a scroll and told him that the mission started when the bank closed. Nasu went home and read the scroll on the way. The scroll said he was on cleanup duty. Nasu wasn't very happy but it didn't really matter. When the bank started to close Nasu arrived. He told them that he was there in substitution for another ninja. They told him “as long as the bank gets clean we don't care who does it.” They then handed Nasu the keys to the bank and said “lock up when you're done.” Nasu then walks into the bank and starts to look at what he should do first. The first thing that popped into his mind was to go clean the bathroom. When he checked though it was already clean. So he started to just look around and see if he could find any jobs to do. He checked behind the desks and saw that they were not organized so he went through and just sorted all their things. Then he thought maybe I should go make sure everything’s locked. He went down to the safe, opened it and made sure all the cases on there were still sealed tightly. He found three that weren't but he fixed them all. Then he closed the safe door and sealed it too. He kept on looking around but there really weren't many jobs to do. He decided he was just going to wipe down all the desks. After that he realized that none of the plants there have been watered. So Nasu went to the closest water well, got some water and started to water the plants. After that Nasu just sat down and thought to himself. “I wonder if I'll ever get any missions that are a bit more interesting.” Then he realized this isn't even his mission. Then he just started to hope soon he'd get a mission at all. Nasu didn't realize how late it was getting and decided to head back home because there were no more jobs left anyway. So he left the bank and locked the front doors to it. He decided to take a long walk home and then forgot he had to give the keys back to the bank owners. So that night he went to sleep not realizing. He woke up the next morning to some loud knocks on the door and it was the bank owners trying to get their keys back. Nasu jumped out his window and apologized many times and handed them the keys. He also went and did another day of work for them for free. Overall the bank owners were fine with Nasu forgetting because they still got the bank open in time. They were also happy because they got Nasu as a free worker for the day. After another long day of working for the bank Nasu didn't forget and started walking to their house. When he got there he knocked on the door and the bank owners came out. Nasu once again apologized and then headed home. Although it was a hard two days at least it gave Nasu something to do as well as more experience.

7 Stats +7 chakra
bounus AP+1
great fireball(685/1000)+ 315 WC =(1000/1000)
1 tomoe sharingan(392/2000)

Last edited by Nasu on Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bank clean up Empty Re: Bank clean up

Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:20 pm
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