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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Trafficking(E Rank Mission/Solo Empty Trafficking(E Rank Mission/Solo

Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:46 pm
Mission Details

Ise had woken up early in the morning once again, getting ready for his newly assigned mission. He quickly put his shirt on, along with a pair of clean pants, and grabbed his jacket that was hanging on a chair next to his desk. After he put the jacket on, he grabbed his Hoshigakure headband, quickly wrapping it around his forehead, adjusting it in front of his wall mirror. Once he was satisfied, he quickly ran downstairs, telling his mother that he had to get going for his mission, and with that, sprinted out the door like usual. Without stopping once out the door, he quickly headed towards the designated area.

His mission was pretty straightforward - help those who have come to Hoshigakure whether they have come to pray at the churches in the village, or help tourists find their way. The mission details also stated to help those who are lost and can’t seem to find the place they were looking for. Ise was great when it came to helping people, and since he knew a majority of places around the village, this was going to be an easy one for him. Ise had quickly made it to the palace gates, standing off to the left side of the gate. He then said to himself, “Alright! Now, I just gotta pay attention and help those who are looking for certain places or have simply lost their way."

Within about five minutes of looking around, he had seen a young woman, having a puzzling expression planted on her face while looking around aimlessly. That was when she had noticed the young Uchiha standing there and had quickly ran to him. “Excuse me young man, but do you know where I can find the local pharmacy? See, I’m new to the town, and am only staying for a few days,” She had said, explaining her situation to the young shinobi who had a bright smile on his face. “Sure! You’ll be looking for the Market Area which actually isn’t that far away! All ya gotta do is go down this street here,” Ise had said, pointing to the street that was diagonally right from him. “Then you’ll see a turn on the right once again. Once you reach that right turn, you’ll be in the Market Area! The pharmacy is also right around that corner on the left as well! My mom owns the pharmacy actually,” Ise had admitted proudly, continuing to hold his grin while scratching the back of his head with his right hand. “Oh, wow, really!? Thank you so much for your help! I would just end up getting lost again,” The woman said, chuckling nervously. She had waved goodbye to him as she darted off down the street Ise had told her to go down.

Within fifteen minutes later after helping the woman, the young Uchiha had then spotted a little boy crying. Ise wasn’t sure if he should leave his post or not, however, he couldn’t just sit by and not help the little boy. Ise had then walked over to the crying boy slowly, and once he got close, he kneeled down to him and said, “What’s the matter, little guy? Are you lost?” Ise had asked him. The boy had looked up at Ise, sniffling, and said, “Y-yeah! I-I-I lost my mommy and now I can’t find her!” He said frantically, beginning to cry once again. “How did you end up losing your mommy?” Ise had asked the little boy, being gentle with his words. “I …. I wanted to look for some flowers to match the ones on her dress, and that’s why I came here, but now … I don’t how to get back to her!” He said, obviously scared and not knowing what to do. Ise had gently ruffled the boy’s short black hair and said, “Well, that’s why I’m here! I can help you look for your mommy! You said she was wearing a dress that had flowers on it right? Do you remember the color of the dress your mom was wearing?” Ise had asked the little boy. “S-She had a really pretty Pink dress!” He said; his crying beginning to seize. “Well, let’s go look for your mom alright? I bet she can’t be far,” Ise had smiled, lending the boy his hand. Ise still wasn’t sure if he should leave his post or not, however, he felt that he was making the right choice by helping the little boy find his mom. They went down the street right in front of them, and as they walked together, Ise looked down at the boy and said, “Alright, keep an eye out for your mommy okay? I’ll help look too,” the young Uchiha said with a grin, which made the little boy grin back at him with a nod.

It didn’t take long actually for Ise to spot a woman who had matched the boy’s description of his mother, seeing a woman who wore a pink dress with a floral pattern on it. She had then glanced over, seeing Ise along with the little boy. “Hiriko! Oh, thank goodness! I was looking everywhere for you! Why did you run off like that and not stay with me?” She had asked the little boy, her voice sounding worried. “I found him at the palace gates. He wanted to find flowers that matched the flowers on your dress and give them to you,” Isemori had explained to her. She then looked up at Ise and said, “And you helped him look for me? Oh, bless your heart, young man! Thank you for bringing my baby boy back to me!” She had said to Ise, giving him a bow, which made Ise form a modest expression on his face. “Oh, it’s not a problem! That’s what I do best!” Ise had said to her. Before Ise had left them, Ise kneeled down to the boy and said, “Well, you found your mom! Don’t go running off on your own again okay? Oh! Also,” Ise had said, pulling something out of his pocket. It was a bag of candy that he was going to have as a small snack later, however, he felt that the little boy deserved it more for being so brave and strong. “Here’s something for ya for being so brave, okay?” Ise had said grinning at the little boy. “Thank you, mister!” the little boy named Hiriko had said, and with that, they had waved goodbye as the three of them went their separate ways. Ise had then begun to realize the time, and his mission was done. Hopefully, he wouldn’t get in trouble for leaving his post though.

WC: 1120

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Trafficking(E Rank Mission/Solo Empty Re: Trafficking(E Rank Mission/Solo

Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:48 pm
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