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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Shadow a Queensman (E Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Shadow a Queensman (E Rank Mission/Solo)

Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:31 pm
Task of Mission found here!

Ise had already been assigned yet another E Ranked mission, given his expression that was filled with excitement whenever he was assigned for a job. He honestly didn’t care that he was being assigned mission after mission consecutively one after the other. In fact, it made him determined. He also was eager for a ‘cool’ mission, however, he knew that more dangerous missions would come to him eventually once he had gained more experience. For this particular mission, he was to be put under the wing of one of the Queensman of Hoshigakure. All he knew about them was that they were the village’s local police force. However, apparently, their ‘duties’ required for them to bring out justice not just within the village, but within the entire Haven country. That was all the young Uchiha knew, unfortunately. This just meant that he would be able to learn more about what it was exactly that they did, aside from them constantly being on patrol. The young Uchiha had seen them from time to time, however, this would be his first time actually interacting with one of them. Ise was told that he would meet the Queensman that he would under at the village square. From the looks of things, Ise had arrived at the square not seeing a Queensman in sight. However, within fifteen minutes of waiting, he had seen a Queensman, walking towards his direction. “Hello. I am Faustus. I take it you are the Shinobi that is being taken under my wing?” The man had asked the young Uchiha.

“Yep, that’s me!” Isemori had said, having a polite grin stretching across his face. “My name is Isemori Uchiha! It’s nice to meet ya, Faustus!” Ise had said, not being as formal as the queensman in front of him. Then again, it was expected, given the fact that Isemori, despite being a shinobi, was fourteen years old. The man in front of Ise had looked the boy up and down before speaking once again. ”I wasn’t expecting a young shinobi to be under my wing, but that’s not a problem. At any rate, I shall explain to you what it is I do as we walk around the village. Please follow me,” The man had said, wasting no time to get into the task at hand. They had walked side by side, entering the Market area of the village, which was rather busy around this time of day. ”You’re probably wondering why I’ve taken you here to the Market area around this time of day,” Faustus had said to Isemori in the form of a rhetorical question, noticing the young Uchiha’s slightly confused expression. “Yeah, actually. No offense though! It’s just, why be around the Market Area when it’s so crowded?” Ise had asked him, not understanding it right away. ”Actually, around this time is actually a very good reason for us Queensmen to be here. You probably haven’t seen it happen, but due to the Market area’s overcrowdedness, thieves lurking around have more of an opportunity to either steal food or even valuables from the merchants. They could even possibly mug a civilian if they so choose. Also, they could be armed, making them quite dangerous,” Faustus had explained in full to Ise why it was important.

”I may not be a shinobi and may not be experienced in your arts, however, we as Queensmen are still quite capable of taking on dangerous tasks just as easily as you all can.” Faustus had then added. ”We also take our expertise not just here in the village, but we also carry out justice throughout all of the Haven country.” Ise had looked up to see Faustus’s expression, seeing that he was adamant about carrying out his duty. To the young Shinobi, Faustus cared just as much about protecting people just like the village ninja did. Ise also believed him when he said he and the other Queensmen could take care of themselves in dangerous situations. “Do you work with shinobi in the village as well?” Ise had then randomly asked him, which made Faustus smirk at the young teenaged boy. “Well, I am working with you, am I not?” Faustus had said to the young Uchiha, answering his question in the form of another question, which made the young Uchiha grin at the man. “Well, ya got me there!” Ise had said with a small chuckle.

After thirty minutes of continuing their ‘patrol’ of the Market area, Faustus had once again spoken. ”Well, That appears to be the gist of what I could teach you. I hope it was eventful, despite us only touring this spot within the village,” Faustus formally stated to Ise, which made Ise grin. “Oh yeah! And it’s no biggie! I actually got to learn quite a lot! Not only are well-trained in what you do, but it clearly shows that you care about the people of this country!” The young Uchiha had said while holding his grin, which had seemed to slightly surprised that Ise was able to pick that up so easily. They had given one another their goodbyes; Ise had waved as he jogged to go claim his reward. He also thought highly of Faustus and the Queensmen; hoping that one day perhaps they could work together if the opportunity had come to pass. It also made the young shinobi want to try even harder and become a really good shinobi than before too!

WC: 911

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Shadow a Queensman (E Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: Shadow a Queensman (E Rank Mission/Solo)

Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:33 pm
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