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Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

A Day to Remember (P | Solo Training) Empty A Day to Remember (P | Solo Training)

Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:05 pm
A Day to Remember (P | Solo Training) Traini10

With the sun just not setting across the horizon, the day almost coming to a conclusion – Blaisa Sarutobi could be found headed her way towards the Training Grounds entryway.  Walking throughout the rough streets leading to the grounds, Blaisa could not help but look towards the sky in admiration to the beauty that was nature.  With a widened smile on her face, her spirits were high with a newly determined sense of continuing her training – she began to ponder on the thought of why she even wanted to train in the first place. 
Ever since she had been a child, Blaisa had always dreamed of passing her long-lost brother, Ryuza in combat ability.  Having a healthy and loving household before the Kirigakure raid, the young Sarutobi shinobi had plenty of time to spend primarily on reaching this goal.  As a Konoha chuunin, Ryuza had a lot of responsibility towards defending the ones he cared for with him being required to constantly gain more strength.  Every time he would come home from his long shifts on guard duty, it always seemed as if he had come up with a new way to beat an opponent down.  This shocked Blaisa in awe every time he would display his newly learned techniques. 
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Last edited by Blaisa Sarutobi on Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added word counter)
Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

A Day to Remember (P | Solo Training) Empty Re: A Day to Remember (P | Solo Training)

Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:04 pm
Finishing her thoughts of reminiscence, the young Sarutobi had finally made it to her destination, arriving at the Training Grounds located within Konohagakure.  Approaching the normal spot that she usually goes to, she took a moment in order to inspect her surroundings.  Covered by one large mountain range on the west side, the top of the mountain looked down on the training grounds, splitting the area in two with a river that follows in between.  Normally the Sarutobi sits on the southern side of the grounds, occasionally enjoying the view of the sun as it sat in between two mountain ranges that were far away in the distance.
Getting situated at her location, Blaisa began to form the clone hand seal.  Spawning in two shadow clones on her left and right sides, two meters apart – they both appeared in a puff of smoke, seemingly exhausted, yawning upon arrival as if they had just been woken up in a middle of a nap.  “What are we doing here…”, the left shadow clone began to ask out loud in an annoyed tone.  “Yeah…. What about our day off?  Last time you made us catch a stupid kid…”, the right clone would say in immediate rebuttal. 
I just want to get as much training in as I can… While I still have time here.”, the young Sarutobi would say in response to the two with a depressing tone – her eyes locked back towards the sky in hopefulness.

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