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Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Snowy Training Day Empty Snowy Training Day

Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:50 pm
It was a cool, cold morning. White snow covered the ground. 1 million kinds of snowflakes fell from the sky on the snow cover. The snow was already crackling under the people, leaving hundreds of footprints in it. The boy was still sleeping peacefully and deeply in his warm bed, in his warm room. He had no idea what had changed since last night. For example, that the snow flooded Konoha. He hated the snow very much. Cold, wet. He just couldn't stand it. He hadn't had a good time with it in years. As a child, he sled a lot with his father, but he has been very lazy ever since. Nowadays, it is only training and rest. And of course eating. he really likes to eat it. That's his favorite pastime. The noise of the village and the wind filtered through the boy's window. The boy slowly awoke from his deepest sleep. He turned to the other half and then saw that something was falling from the sky. Then his eyes widened. He was very angry and surprised. He quickly jumped out of bed and hurried to the window. There he realized it was snowing. He began to get angry. He began to hold his head and start screaming.
- Ohh no... God please noo.... Why??? Why now??? This damn white thing, I hate it! - the boy burst out
He lamented at the window for about another 10 minutes. He was upset. Then he got bored and headed for the bathroom. He washed his face and washed his teeth. He went back to the room, got ready, and walked down to the kitchen. He sneaked softly, carefully, as everyone was still asleep in the house. He carefully made himself a hot chocolate, which he poured into a thermostat. He picked up his thick coat and snuggled softly out of the house. He closed the door on his own and stopped at the door. He sucked a huge amount of fresh, cold air. Then he sighed a lot. The hot thermostat kept his hands warm, so he set out for him.

WC: 351
Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Snowy Training Day Empty Re: Snowy Training Day

Mon Dec 21, 2020 6:55 pm
As the boy walked, the snow crackled beneath him. The wind kept blowing snow in his eyes. That's why he had a hard time moving. As he walked, he drank his hot chocolate. But he was quite hungry. As he watched the weather, he realized that there was no point in training today. That's when he came up with a great idea. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet. He took it out and saw that there was plenty of money in it, thanks to the missions. He really didn't want to train, but he wanted to eat more. A few blocks away was the best Ramen lodge in the village. So the boy changed direction and headed for the fast food on the snowy, icy street. He arrived after about a 10 minute walk. He sat in the good warm, heated building. He chattered in his chair for a few more minutes, but then he warmed up completely. Then a nice lady approached her, with a note in her hand, and asked her a question.
- Hello! What can I bring you? - asked from Benji
- Ohh hello! I would like the best Ramen you sell, with hot peppers, and with extra meat please! - answered the boy
- All right. Can I get you a drink? - asked politely
- Yes, cola please! - answered the boy
- All right, as soon as I'm done, I'll bring the food for you!
- Thank you!
Then the boy just sat at the table and waited. He was very hungry already. Her belly fluttered. After about 15 minutes, he was also brought out of the steaming soup with the soft drink. The soup was served very richly. It had meat, eggs, vegetables, hot peppers, naruto and of course plenty of pasta. The smell of the soup hit the boy's nose like hot steam. The boy almost fell in love when he saw the soup. It started for him too. He ate the soup very quickly. He started eating vegetables and eating some pasta and meat from it. Afterwards, he lifted the plate and drank some of its soup as well. After about a 10-minute meal, only the most delicious bites remained. A little pasta, a little meat, and a little soup at the bottom. The boy took out the bites, drank the soup, and then drank the whole glass of cola. Then he leaned back in his chair, his belly very full. He waited for about 5 minutes, then got up from there. He took the empty plate back, paid the price, and headed home. As he stepped out of the dining room, the cold air struck him. He was very cold, so he hurried home. He got home in 5 minutes and was able to enter the good warm house.

WC: 464

TWC: 815
Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Snowy Training Day Empty Re: Snowy Training Day

Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:00 pm
When the boy left for home, he remembered that he should watch the Christmas market that was in the village. Although due to Konoha’s poor financial situation, the Advent fair was not as wonderful and huge as it had been in recent years, it still had a pleasant atmosphere. The boy even went to the fair. After a 5 minute walk, he arrived. It was full of stalls selling mulled wine, hot chocolate and cakes. The boy bought a mug of hot chocolate and then walked around the fair. The hot steam of hot chocolate slammed into the boy's face, warming him. During this cold, snowy period, it fell very well for the boy. As he walked, he sipped his hot chocolate and looked between the stalls. There were still some merchants selling handicrafts there. After a few minutes walk, he also reached the end of the fair. There was a huge, decorated Christmas tree. Although it was much smaller and poorer than in previous years, it still gave a pleasant feeling. The boy just stood there watching and sipping his hot chocolate. After a 5 minute pass, the boy reached the end of his hot chocolate. He took his last sips and headed home. So he hurried home in 5 minutes. Already near the house he could smell the delicate scents from inside. Her mother prepared delicious food. The boy hurried into the house quickly. There he took off his shoes, and greeted everyone.

WC: 285

TWC: 1100
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