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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:39 pm
Fu felt slightly more comfortable after learning that Wan had considered Medical ninjutsu to be one of his specialties. She felt even more comfortable when he informed her that he would be utilizing a chakra anesthetic that would numb her body so that she did not have to experience any sort of pain caused by the operation. Wan formed several hand signs and then pressed his hand against her chest which would then trigger the jutsu to work, causing her to lose feeling in the majority of her body.

He then informed her that they would be starting with the Uchiha Kidney and they he would make an incision and then remove her kidney and reattach the new one using various other jutsu. Fu opted to closing her eyes for this part. Although she did not feel any discomfort, she did not necessarily want to watch as her organs were replaced by that of a stranger. After what felt like an indescribable amount of time, Wan finished the procedure. Fu had barely comprehended anything he had said during the time it took to complete the process. The only word she did recall was “Done.” Which at the time, was now her new favorite word.

She initially did not feel any different than she did prior to the procedure- given she could not fully feel her body thanks to Wan’s anesthetic. Fu sat up and immediately placed her hand where the incision had been made. Nothing. She felt nothing, but smooth skin. There was not even a singular scar. “Wow Wan, I wasn’t expecting it to be that easy!” She would exclaim to him- not knowing that he was not fully sure how to complete the eye transplant. “Alright- let’s get this over with so we can head back to the village!” She would say naively- not fully aware of the power that was about to be bestowed to her. Fu laid back down, ready to proceed with the next phase of the surgery. “I’m fine let’s begin.” She would state- not wanting to participate in a break.

Wc: 347
Twc: 1094

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:23 am
Fu did as Wan asked. She clutched her right eye lid close and bit the side of her tongue in anticipation of her eye being removed from the socket by hand. How rude, she thought. Wan had not even ask her which eye she preferred to lose. Before she could catch an attitude, Wan would press her eye lid back and gouge her left eye out with his fingers. The eye popped out without much resistance and Wan would replace her birth eye with that of a stranger. If Fu had to be honest with herself, she did not feel entirely comfortable knowing that she was housing the organs of someone most likely dead. How ethical were these actions? Did they make her a bad person? Or did her actions determine such a judgement. In the end, she figured it did not matter. As long as she could aid Wan on his journey then she would do what was necessary.
After replacing the eye, Wan would utilize a medical ninjutsu to reconnect the nerves of the new eye. Now that her eye was fixed up and the effects of the anesthetic were beginning to fade, she convinced herself to open her eye. To her astonishment, she could see perfectly fine. Chakra was pulsating to her newly obtained eye causing a shift to occur. Her sharingan would activate and flicker to take on a more complex state- effectively activating the mangekyou state. A sensation of power pulsated throughout her body. Fu was now beginning to understand the ramifications of their actions. The gift that Wan had bestowed to her was one of which Fu did not truly understand, but was eager to explore.
One of the first differences Fu noticed was she could now see Wan’s chakra, or what she assumed to be. It was as though it had come to life. “I-I think it worked.” She muttered while not blinking. Fu was fascinated by what she was seeing and here brain was working through it. “I think I am able to see your Chakra now.” She would continue. Fu would be looking at Wan’s eyes, or through him. If he was looking back, he would notice a unique design engraved in a crimson background that was her left eye.

Wc: 379
Twc: 1,473

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Wed Dec 16, 2020 2:22 am
“Good, then it’s complete” Wan’s words would ring into the young shinobi’s ears marking the successful completion of the initial transplant. Fu felt nauseous. She was not used to any type of medical procedure despite multiple organ swaps. She was beginning to feel like a Mr. Potato Head. Fu’s vision felt blurry as she made out Wan’s figure walking away from her and towards the window to retrieve a chair and then dragging it back to beside her bed. Although she was no longer directly looking at him, she could hear his body collapsing in the chair. “Wan are you okay?” Fu would say aloud- sensing that something might be wrong. Wan informed her that they would be doing one final procedure, swapping eyes once more. This final swap of MAngekyou sharingan from one host to the next was said to unlock the final form of the sharingan and restore the vision back to the eye that Wan had implanted in himself. Fu did not speak, but instead nodded. She was ready for the consequences of their actions, whatever they may be. Fu took a deep breathe before laying back down. Once her head hit the pillow, she would close her eyes. “Let’s do this.”  
Wan motioned to start the procedure but stalled. Such a stall was enough time for the girl’s mind to begin to race. Was something the matter? She wished for this whole process would end already, but despite the extreme discomfit she felt from all of this, she could not help but feel closer to Wan than she had ever felt to anyone. Her life as a Genin was extremely bleak before he had come along. Since meeting him, she had gone on an adventure to a foreign shinobi nation and was now about to receive a gift of one of the most legendary dojutsu known to the shinobi world. Fu wondered if she was worthy of such a gift. Definitely not, but she planned on using her new found power to earn the respect of others.
Wan finally completed the procedure, plopping down in the chair once more besides Fu. Fu’s eyes remained shut for the moment. Although her eyes were shut, she was conscious and perfectly fine, she was just nervous of the final result “I-is it over?” she inquired. When she opened her eyes, she would be greeting by a soft smile and a motion to investigate the mirror. Fu sat upwards, and swung her legs over the bed, landing lightly on the floor and walking towards the mirror. Starring into the mirror, she would notice that one of her eyes was completely different from the other. It was a crimson read containing a complex design, something she had never seen before, even amongst the Uchiha of her village. She also felt a great surge of power, a power she had never felt before. It felt good, but it was overwhelming. After just a few moments of staring into the mirror, Fu would stumble backwards and collapse backwards onto Wan who was sitting in the seat. If he caught her she would remained passed out in his arms, mentally exhausted from their game of operation.

Twc: 2011


Uchiha DNA
Cailin’s MS turned EMS
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The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:25 pm

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Gogyou Bushuugi
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The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:32 pm
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