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Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
Stat Page : 内葉あずみ
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 9100

To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] - Page 2 Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:56 pm
The sobs that left Azumi’s mouth in response to the visage’s she saw quickly turned into wails of agony. All she wanted was to see her parents one last time but she should have been more careful of what she wished for. Her hands tightened into fists as she saw her parents lovely faces once again. The girl had been overcome with emotion as she continued to focus on their details. Flow’s voice rang in her head as she saw them. Part of her wished to remain in their presence despite any of the other conditions that they have been appearing under. For so long she wished to see them again, to be in their presence like she was just now. However, not only did it only remind her of her tremendous loss, but it certainly felt strange. Narrowing her eyes, she realized that her parents were a bit too warm. In the past they had been affectionate but this was subdued to an understood love and affection that was only deciphered by Azumi due to her having the context of their unique family dynamic. However, in this iteration of them they seemed so warm and loving. A bit too much so. It was to the point that it appeared as fraudulent to the young teenage girl. 

Moreover, the hallway around her seemed to be a bit out of place. Confusion had flooded her mind for the most part due to the initial shock that had struck her from seeing her parents again. However, the more she focused on this aspect, the clearer her mind had become. As she reeled from seeing her parents, she was soon able to become accustomed to the strange sight. It became clear that this was not of natural means. After all, they had been dead for some time. The hallway would continue to melt away from her vision and slowly fade back into the forest clearing that she had originally been in. It was then that most of her consciousness had slowly returned to her. Azumi was able to recollect the moments that had just led up to seeing her parents once again. The girl had just been with Flow...right? So how was she at her home? Genjutsu. It had to be. Still on the ground on her knees, Azumi would begin to flow chakra to her eyes.

However, it seemed to be ineffective as the genjutsu continued to play out in front of her. Yet, she could see the more she flowed chakra to her eyes, the more the genjutsu seemed to disperse. However, it was not completely dispersed? Was this her limit? No….no she refused to even entertain that reality. With one final push of chakra to her Sharingan, Azumi would begin to focus on deciphering the jutsu and using the sharpness of her vision to puncture the manufactured reality that had been imposed onto her. Her eyes seemed to be pushing past all of the limits that she previously thought she had, rupturing the genjutsu as much as she could. As this process played out, in her eyes a third and final dark tomoe would form in her Sharingan, completing the triangular pattern of the mastered dojutsu. Upon this occurrence, the genjutsu would completely shatter before her eyes, returning her to where she had been before it started. 

“My eyes can see through your genjutsu!”

Azumi shouted as she looked up to meet the eyes of Flow. As her Sharingan met his own, she could now see the chakra that he had flowed in his own eyes. Her eyes widened as she realized that this was his method of Genjutsu. Her eyes quickly began to decipher the process in which he used to put her in the illusion. Her eyes were now not only capable of uncovering the technique but also able to copy it for themselves. Subconsciously, had Flow looked into her newly evolved Sharingan, the illusion would have been reflected back to him, giving her control over the genjutsu. In this instance, Ghost would become immobile as Azumi would be unable to create elaborate illusions but merely use her instinct and subconscious to use the most basic form of Genjutsu: Sharingan which elicited a stiff response from its target. Rising to her feet, Azumi would stand in front of him, tears pouring down her face.

“That’s enough…”

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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] - Page 2 Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:18 pm
Flow would look on as he was watching over all the events. That was playing out in front of him. As he looked down at it all he would a give a big smile. A very big one but then he would feel something. His genjsutu would start to get a bit jumper. Flow was truly shocked by this. He would look on as he would even harder. As he could not believe it. " This is something else indeed little cousin. As not many could break my genjsutu. She truly is going to he a strong shinobi in her own right. But still she had did what I needed her to do and that was face reality in her own way and in doing so. She waa able to awaken her third tomoe how wonderful." Flow would look on as his genjustu started to break more ways then one. He would look around as his so called al mighty justu was being taking away from him. With a smile on his face. He would look on. As he saw her break out of it. He would look on she was down on the ground. Clearly drained but damn it she did it. Although his justu was still up it was clear he was no longer in control. He would look around as he saw that he got reflected back at him. Flow would soon put his right hand by his hand and dispel the genjsutu. As he looked on at her. He would see what she was doing. As she said to him "enough". Flow would start to clap his hands as he looked on at her. He would be filled with glee as he just knows what she had to do to beat that system of his so powerful. 

Flow would look on as he offer her a hand up. He wanted to make sure she was ok. Once she took his hand if she did. He would help her right up and make sure she was ok. As he looked on he would say." Now then you have done a very good job kf beating my genjsutu. So much so that I was tempted to use that form of it. But that is another story. I see you have now face reality and to be frank Azumi you need to make a choice. That choice being are really ready to give your all to this." Because even after all of this even after you master your base sharingan. There are those who is not even apart of our blood line. That could will our eyes as of they was. We as a family must stand up to this foolishness. Azumi now then with this new power of yours. Be well careful with how you use them. Because we wre cursed in everyway to even be alive." As he looked on he was truly happy that she was able to get out of his genjustu with her own eyes.

Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
Stat Page : 内葉あずみ
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 9100

To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] - Page 2 Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Sat Dec 26, 2020 12:05 am
The world soon melted back into the one that Azumi had recognized before the influence of Flow. However, she remained on the ground still reeling from the attack upon her mind that left her longing for more than the reality she was given. His words felt so distant as her mind had been so completely lost within the events that had transpired between them. Crunching the dirt through her fingers, Azumi’s warm tears would spill from her eyes as she was bright back to the sight of her parents still being around and warm. It was an incredible moment in her development she could agree, but the feelings that led to it were so incredibly painful that the girl felt the same way that she had when she first awakened the dojutsu. 

It felt as if a pit was in her throat while she fought back sobs, biting her lip until a small pool of blood formed and began to drip down to her chin. However this pain was nothing in comparison to how it felt to witness her parents once again. For so long it felt like going through missions and living the life of a shinobi was a good distraction for the feelings that she had but still, her mind still continued to wander towards life before all of this. Having to confront this pain was something she had not been anticipating at all. It was more than difficult to be shown all of the things that she had been trying to hide.

“Don't ever do that again”
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] - Page 2 Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:15 am
He would look on at her as he smiled. She seemed to have understand what it means. To have these eyes od ours. She would look on at him as he would down at her. As her words was filled with a quiet rage at him. Telling him to not ever do that again. Flow would be happy as he was now in the right state of mind. Knowing he wasnt the only one with eyes of pure. He would give a big smile as he looked at his cousin. " Indeed I will keep that in mind ny cousin. But you should be quite proud of yourself. Seeing as you now have all three tomoe. Infact you put me on edge. I nearly thought I would have to you those eyes. But it was a good thing I did not have too. But you must be careful. As those with eyes are often targets. So use them as if your life depend on them. Because it just might. Now then you take care. I will see you around. As I have things to tend to. But I do wish to spare you eyes to eyes. As I still need to get mines in check as well."


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Last edited by Ghost on Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] - Page 2 Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:17 pm
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] - Page 2 Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:25 pm
Ok added
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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] - Page 2 Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:55 pm
Thank you. Approved.
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