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Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:31 pm
Kita found himself standing outside of the academy once again. To the right of Kita, on a large sign posted outside of the the gates, was a message. The academy was apparently trying to get ninja to branch out of their comfort zones, and for the next week, all ninja would be allowed to come inside at their leisure, and listen to various lectures and lessons about various jutsu and ninja techniques, completely free of charge. Kita pondered it for a moment. He hadn't planned on learning anything today, as it was Kita's self proclaimed "day off." Kita bit his lip. He supposed that it would probably be more productive than heading out for lunch as Kita had originally intended. Plus, he did enjoy learning about the various kinds of jutsu, and he did need to find out a bit more about the ninja arts. His last bout of training with a shadow clone made Kita realize just how limited his jutsu repertoire was. Kita shrugged, and looked at the sign once again. Apparently, there would be three classrooms that would cycle through various jutsu, each of them offering different ninja techniques, and not confining themself to one particular branch of study. Kita grinned, thinking that the project sounded fun. "Three classrooms is it? Well isn't that a lucky coincidence for me?" Kita brought his hands together in a familiar motion, and with a puff of smoke, two shadow clones appeared on either side of Kita (Shadow Clone). Kita turned to his clones. "Alright. Here's here we're going to do this. I'm going to take room one of the available rooms. You will take room two, and you will take room three. We're going to listen in to a couple of lectures in each of the rooms, and then leave in time for dinner. After you think you've learned all you can, feel free to dismiss yourselves. Sound like a plan?" The clones nodded, and the three Kita's went on their way.

Kita eventually worked his way into the first classroom, noticing that it was already full. A man sat at the front of the room with a chalkboard, and was gesturing back to it, pointing at a drawn diagram of chakra within the body. Kita silently made his way to an empty desk in the center of the room, and sat down, trying his best not to disturb the lecture that was already underway. As the man continued in his lesson, Kita began to reminisce about his time as an academy student. He remembered showing up the first day, with his parents showering heaps of praise onto him, and being so happy. Kita remembered learning his first jutsu, and eagerly showing his parents as he substituted himself with various objects from around the house. It was hard work at points, with Kita not being the most prodigious student when it came to ninjutsu, but Kita worked until the point where it didn't matter. The faintest hint of a smile appeared on Kita's face when he remembered showing up the pompous clan ninja in his class with his transformation jutsu. Kita looked up, noticing that the transformation jutsu was coincidentally what they were discussing at the time. Kita listened in out of curiosity, listening to the man give a thorough discussion as to why transformations could fail on the mission trail, and how to increase them in power.

Halfway through the lesson, Kita sat with a piece of paper and a pencil that he had acquired from a nearby lecture attendee, listening closely to the lecturer as he explained theory about the nature of Space-Time ninjutsu. He was currently attempting to show students how to create a miniature pocket dimension to store important items for missions. He gestured to a small wooden block on the desk. "Take this for example. Simply utilize your chakra, and send it outwards into the object that you want to send to that dimension that you've created. Then, force it through!" The man picked up the block, and performed the necessary hand seals. The block in his hand slowly began to glow blue with the mans chakra, before dissolving into small round particles that flowed away from his hand for a moment or two before dissipating. "To bring it back is just as simple! Simply reach into that space in your mind, and feel for the object. Once you have it in your mind, do the reverse, and pull it back through." The man focused his chakra once again, performing the hand signs, and the object reappeared in his hand, forming and coalescing from tiny blue particles that brought themselves into his hand, combined together, and formed the object. The man held up the block and smiled. "Now, does anyone have any questions?" The hands of some of Kita's classmates shot up, but Kita sat back, relaxed. Kita thought that he understood how the jutsu worked. He wondered what his clones were learning in the other rooms. This room seemed primarily geared towards utilizing various ninjutsu, and Kita had heard that the lectures and lessons in the the rooms were different from one another. Kita finished his notes on the jutsu, waiting as his classmates asked the last of their questions.

Eventually the lecturer moved onto his next topic. He started discussing jutsu of an elemental nature. Kita listened in as he explained nature transformations, and how they interact with ninjutsu. "Now, as I'm sure that you all are aware, each person that exists on this earth possesses some degree of chakra. Each person has an affinity for a certain element, and can alter their chakra to represent that element. Now, everyone has at least one, and most people have two. Some have three, and a very rare, select few have four or five. Now, of course, you also have advanced elements, but that's a discussion for another time. Now, many jutsu don't take elemental chakra into account, and thus, a ninja does not need to use elemental chakra to create them. However, other ninjutsu can only be utilized with a certain elemental affinity, and cannot be used without it. They can be learned of course, but without the elemental chakra, they're useless. Now of course, most of you know this by now, and if you haven't this section of our time probably isn't for you. If you haven't learned this by now, you likely haven't discovered your elemental affinity, and this won't be useful to you yet. To the rest of you however, I would like to discuss various elemental jutsu, starting with water. To those who don't have a water affinity, don't worry. I will go through the five basic elements. If you don't wish to listen in, I recommend coming back in about fifteen minutes, when I will discuss fire." Kita listened closely as the man described the various jutsu available to those with the water affinity. Most of what he said was disinteresting to Kita, being an explanation of what he already knew. However, something interesting did happen as the man explained a number of jutsu that the water affinity could allow someone to use. Midway through his explanations, he mentions the water cutting sword technique. Kita listened to it, writing down notes for later. Truth be told, Kita wasn't especially keen on utilizing the technique, as using a physical blade would just be more useful most of the time. Still, having an extra sword on hand for when you lack your own would be incredibly useful for Kita to have. Then, he mentioned something that actually interested him. "The Water Cutting Sword technique in the hands of a master swordsman is incredibly powerful. A popular to augment it however, is the River Cutter technique. Now, this technique allows a user to utilize water to increase the sharpness of their blade. It's very difficult to master without any priming however. Usually, a ninja will learn this technique after mastering the Water Cutting Sword technique. Now, the reasons for this are twofold. Number one, the Water Cutting Sword technique uses very similar principles to the River Cutter technique. As such, the process of learning the River Cutter technique becomes much easier when the user knows the Water Cutting Sword. Secondly, these two techniques can be used together. This is not to say that the River Cutter can only augment the Water Cutting Sword, as it can augment and enhance regular blades, but it can be applied to the Water Cutter Sword without utilizing any extra water." Kita's mind wandered to the River Cutter Technique. If he was going to learn the Water Cutting Sword anyway, it might be helpful to learn the River Cutter as well. After all, that wasn't strictly limited to to other sword, so it could increase the power of his own sword as well. Kita thought more on this as the professor continued on with the lesson.

Kita sat through the rest of the lesson on the elemental affinities and their jutsu. The other jutsu were beyond his grasp by this point, but it was interesting to watch nonetheless. Additionally, the segments over earth and wind got visual demonstrations of the jutsu that the professor discussed, making them Kita's favorite of the elemental demonstrations. It appeared that the lecturer was indeed a ninja himself, not just a scholar. As he finished up the last of the elemental affinity section, he cleared his throat. "For this section, we have more of a traditional lecture. Unfortunately, we will not be teaching you any jutsu during this segment. Rather, this segment discusses one of the branches of ninja techniques. If that isn't something that interests you, I suggest that you leave the room for a little while, as this section is not for you." The professor waited for a few moments as some of the students filed out of the room. Afterwards, he turned to the chalkboard behind himself, and picked up a piece of chalk, drawing a word on the board. When he was done, he stood aside, letting the class read the word Fuinjutsu. Kita was a bit interested in this. He had recently picked up a number of Fuinjutsu techniques out of sheer practicality, learning to track, and to store and release chakra. Kita had even started to learn a technique to hold someone in place forcefully, although that technique wasn't close to being finished. Kita leaned forward in his seat, eager to hear what the man had to say. "Now as you may be aware, Fuinjutsu allows a shinobi to create and utilize various kinds of seals and markings. These seals are primarily used to trap and hold something. However, what they can trap varies between the types of seals. Some seals are capable of trapping chakra, either blocking it from being utilized from the target's body, or holding it within the seal to be used at a later time. Additionally the technique may be used to restrain targets in place, allowing the user to effectively remove them from combat. However, there is another usage of Fuinjutsu that can be utilized. Fuinjutsu users possess the ability to seal people and creatures inside of objects. Now, this is a very tricky thing to perform, and most Fuinjutsu users will never have to worry about it. This aspect was utilized during the time of the Fourth Ninja War to seal away immortal, undead warriors." That last part interested Kita. History was always interesting to Kita, especially shinobi history. Kita wondered what it must have been like far in the past, fighting against undead warriors. Kita shook his head. Whatever that was like, that time was long gone now. Still, while Kita was sure that he would never utilize a technique like that, he did wonder what a sealing technique that could seal away a person would look like. Kita grinned, imagining sticking a man inside of a storage scroll, causing him to disappear in a puff of smoke. That most certainly wasn't what it was like, but Kita didn't see any harm in amusing himself by thinking of a world in which that was the case.

After the lecture, Kita left the room. He had learned all that he had intended to for now, and he was beginning to grow a bit bored of the class by this point. As he did, he felt his chakra return to him, and memories of the other classes began to fill his head. Kita supposed that his clones were done with learning for now as well. Kita walked down the halls of the academy to the entrance, leaving behind the building that he learned to become a ninja in. As he exited the front doors, he pondered all that he had learned. "I hope that they do something like this again in the future. I learned a lot today. Enemy ninja won't know what hit them!" Kita grinned, and continued walking, starting his earlier plans for the day a bit later than he intended. "Oh well. If they do, I'll be there. In the mean time however, I've been putting off lunch for far too long." Kita walked into the shopping district, wondering what he would get to eat today.

Jutsu Used-

[Shadow Clone - 0 AP]

Total Word Count - 2208


Stat Claims-

+22 Vigor (2200 Words)

Jutsu Claims-
(Note that this training was done in the Academy, so C-Rank and lower jutsu are learned at a 50% discount)

Storage Displacement (250/250 Words, 1958 Words Remaining)

Water Release: Water Cutting Sword (500/500 Words, 1458 Words Remaining)

D-Rank Transformation Technique (125/125 Words, 1333 Words Remaining)

Genjutsu Release (125/125 Words, 1208 Words Remaining)

Basic Medical Ninjutsu (175/175 Words, 1033 Words Remaining)

Suiton: River Cutter (500/500 Words, 533 Words Remaining)

Jab (500/500 Words, 33 Words Remaining)

Blacksmithing Skill (33/2000 Words)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Ryo : 330650

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Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:38 pm
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