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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Studing the Basics Empty Studing the Basics

Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:55 pm
Travin woke to know that today was the day he was going to finally go and check out the library in Kiri. He had lived here his whole life and never stepped beyond the entrance really, but with his now being a full-fledged shinobi it was time that he got some work done and learned a few tricks that his parents didn’t teach him. He threw his clothes on and wrapped up his arm tossing his ninja tools in his pouch and slid his boots on as he walked out the door. It was a cool misty day like normal in the morning as he walked off the porch telling his mom bye as she was headed in the other direction to go to the store. 

Travin pulled out his list of jutsu he was wanting to look up when he got into the library. Looking over his list he read genjutsu release, body flicker, after image, demonic illusion false surrounding, and bullseye. He knew about most of them and had worked on some of them in the past but bullseye was one that his father told him to add to his list. Telling him that it was a Kiri secret jutsu that he would have access to since he is a Kiri shinobi now. He did know that bullseye was some kind of jutsu that let him bounce weapons off of walls and other objects. He also knew that genjutsu release was pretty self-explanatory and that he was hoping to get a few pointers from some of the books to better his understanding of the jutsu. Body flicker and after image was paired jutsu as body flicker increased your speed drastically while after image took it a stepfather and let you leave after images while using the body flicker jutsu. Demonic illusion’s false surroundings were the last one on his list and would be the first genjutsu he learned. He liked genjutsu and his teachers said that he would have a knack for it so he wanted to give it a shot. 

Travin saw the library long before he got to it walking up to the building it was massive. Probably one of the biggest buildings he had ever seen in his life. Walking in he saw that the inside was just as big and nice as he walked up to the counter. He had to show his ID that they made copies of and made sure that he knew that the books were not to leave the library without approval first. Travin agreed with them and signed the paper they wanted him to before they issued a card in his name. They told him that the books on jutsu were upstairs and he headed that way. When he got to the books it was separated by type with ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, and so on all with their own section of the floor. Travin walked over to the ninjutsu section first knowing that he probably wouldn’t make it all the way through his list today before lunch. He pulled out a book called the building blocks of ninjutsu. It was a book on the basics and the first few ninjutsu you should learn after graduating from the academy in order to better fill out your starting jutsu. He then grabbed a small book from the weaponry section on the bullseye jutsu. It was volume one and would only teach him the basic mechanics of the jutsu with volumes two and three going more in-depth with the jutsu. 

Travin sat down at one of the tables and opened the books reading over both the body flicker jutsu and genjutsu release taking some notes in his tablet of paper he brought with him in his pack. Both jutsu seamed pretty simply and he thought that he could pull them off with some practice using his notes. Before he slid the building blocks of ninjutsu aside and grabbed the weapon techs of Kiri book and opened it up. Repeating the process of making some notes before putting the books back up. He wanted to go and get some practice with the jutsu but he needed to leave the library to do so. Plus it was starting to get late with the walk over and back it should be lunchtime. Travin put the books back where he got them from before walking back downstairs and letting the librarians look through his pack real fast to make sure that he didn’t put any books in it. Travin took off to head home and practice his new jutsu at home. 

(WC-765 50% WC discount for using the library
Genjutsu Release-250/2=125
Body Flicker-500/2=250
D-rank Bullseye-500/2=250
total out to 525 the rest to float into the void and giving me 7 stats)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Studing the Basics Empty Re: Studing the Basics

Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:37 pm
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