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Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission) Empty Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission)

Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:58 pm
Mission Name: Assisting The Elderly
Rank: E - Rank
Type: Assist
Character Requirements: None
Mission Location: Kirigakure
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 Ryo

Gonk woke up early in the morning, to see a scroll on his windowsill.
“Yes!” He exclaimed, excited to finally get his first mission.
“I wonder what it is?” Gonk thought to himself. “Maybe I’ll get to hunt down a rogue ninja, or rescue more children.” So when Gonk saw what his mission was, he was none too happy.
“This must be a mistake, there's no way this is my mission after defeating three rogue shinobi.” Gonk thought, outraged. But when he checked who it was sent to, it said Gonk Hoshigaki.
“Bullshit!” Gonk yelled. He had been so excited to go on a real mission but now he was stuck with this lame village chore. Gonk sighed.
“Oh well,” he thought as he started to eat breakfast. “They can make me do it, but they can’t make me like it.” And with that in mind, he left his apartment to go serve the first elderly on his list. Gonk walked down the streets, seeing other shinobi leaving the village to go on missions. Gonk just looks at them bleakley and keeps walking. Gonk arrived at the house and knocked on the door. It opened and an old lady came out.
“Ah good the village finally sent someone to help me,” The old lady said with a smile.
“Yep now let's get this over with, what do you need,” Gonk said, not bothering to look excited to be helping.
“Looks like the academy forgot to teach you manners,” the old lady said indignantly. “You always start with introductions.” Gonk let out a sigh.
“My name is Gonk,” he said.
“And mine is Hina,” Hina said. “I need you to fetch me some groceries,” I’m preparing a special dinner for my husband tonight. She handed him a list. “I need all of these by noon, and treat the vendors with more respect than you treated me. Remember attitude can be everything,” She walked back inside and closed the door, leaving Gonk to ponder her last words. Gonk walked down to the market, thinking about what she said. 
“Why should I care what some old lady thinks,” the moody tenager part of Gonk thinks.
“Because she is my elder and she deserves respect,” The honorable part of Gonk replies. So Gonk ponders these words and decides to try and take missions seriously even if they are beneath him. Once he reached the market Gonk bought everything the Hina needed, and tried to remain respectful. Once he returned to the home of Hina, knocked on the door and waited for her to come. 
“Ah good you’re back” Hina said with a smile. “Thank you for fetching those for me.”
“You’re welcome,” Gonk replied with a smile. “Thank you for the advice, would you like some help with cooking?” 
“So you’ve learned some manners,” the old lady said. “Thank you for the offer but I’m fine on my own.” 
“Okay, then I’ll be on my way,” Gonk replied. “Thank you once again Hima.”

“Your welcome boy,” She replied with a smile. She then closed the door and Gonk left to go to the next house.

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Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission) Empty Re: Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission)

Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:17 pm
500 WC for 5 vigor

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Ryo : 151400

Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission) Empty Re: Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission)

Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:20 pm
Learn with 500 wc
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission) Empty Re: Assisting The Elderly (E rank Mission)

Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:02 pm
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