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Kizmaru Senju
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The registration of another new villager Empty The registration of another new villager

Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:07 pm
Leading the way from the streets of the village hidden in the mist towards his office chambers, the Mizukage appeared draped in white and blue robes and hat had led the young female he had encountered on the streets. Whether it was fate or a stroke of luck, he was surprised that somebody had managed to find him wandering out and about while fully dressed as the Mizukage, most people wouldn't even try to start a casual conversation. Well, he'll ponder on that later as he had other urgent matters to attend too and he didn't want to spend too much time on this. His robes, however, were actually his newly procured steam armor that he had disguised as the Mizukage outfit for the sake of comfort and not crashing into objects. Although it was compact now, it was still incredibly heavy but for somebody of his sufficient strength, he would be able to manage, treating it as a form of weight training. Arrive at the Kage's estate, Kizmaru pushed the door open, ushering the young woman, into the building first before stepping inside. As he had done so, his secretary had stopped what they were doing, briefly looking up at the entrance where the Mizukage and the Asami stood. 

The Mizukage had then greeted them saying, "Do me a favor, draft up some village registration papers for me and deliver them to my office, I'd like to take care of this person quickly before I get back to my pressing matters." The secretary nodded before getting up and going around the corner before a door can be heard being opened and shit. The Mizukage had continued to walk into the building, leading the way for the young lady to follow him until they had climbed a stairwell leading down a narrow but long corridor until they got to the office. Entering the office, Kizmaru had offered Asami a seat before sitting in his blue couch chair himself. Getting comfortable, he pressed both hands together only making contact at their fingertips. He observed the young woman a little bit before getting done to the questionnaire part of the registration. "As you've mentioned before, you said you wanted to enlist in this village, correct? Most people tend to stay away from here as they've heard slanderous tales and what not, although most of them might be true. You said you didn't feel comfortable giving out your previous village's name which truthfully makes me wary but is fine. The real question is, why this village, what are your motives and what do you hope to gain here," Kizmaru said in an intruding fashion.

Even if he came off as nosy or pushy this was all for the safety of the village and he didn't want to take anybody in without first gauging their intentions to deem them useful, worthy or safe to allow entry. Crossing his legs, the mizukage continued to eye the girl in a critical manner, still unsure if this was a good investment or not.

W.C: 506
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:47 pm
Asami, or rather Lust under the guise of Asami would follow behind the kage and would , once in the office, take a seat across from him. He began with the questions. and she would let out a soft sigh and would nod " Technically I was not apart of a village, however my...Father was, he was accepted into Konoha just before suddenly being turned against, and well....he is dead" it was not a total lie, but enough of the truth that she hoped she could get away with it.

While she took a moment to seemingly get over being upset she looked up at him with determination in her eyes "If it is true that this village took down Konoha, then there is no other place for me, this would grant me the power I would eventually need if i wish to be able to prevent such a thing from happening again." Asami would then look down at her hands. thinking back to her time in Konoha. She was with Stein in taking down Konoha for their traitorious acts.

Asami would look up at Kizmaru, the fire and detmination in her eyes was only matched by that of her cool and collected attitude.
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Fri Sep 11, 2020 11:01 pm
Tapping his fingers against each other, Kizmaru listened to what the woman had to say about the inquiry she was given from the Mizukage. According to her, she was never formally a part of a village but her father was accepted into Konoha before he was betrayed, or so assumed the Mizukage from his understanding. It feels like she was leaving out a lot more than she had let on but he decided to press no further. He didn't really care too much about one's past, seeing as he was hiding his own behind a helmet and mask, figuratively and literally. However, he needed to know enough about this girl to know if she may pose a threat or not to the well being of his village. The girl had continued her brief explanation, about how she needed the power to prevent such atrocities from happening to her again. After all was said and done, the Mizukage continued to tap his fingers at the woman, eyeing her to see if he could determine her character from the explanation she gave, the way she carried herself and her tone of voice. In the end, not a thing could be deduced and the Mizukage thought people who think they could are idiotic fools.

However, he decided he'd take his chances with this one as he did with one named 'Arcanis' and decided to accept her into his village. As if on cue, the secretary he had given the task of preparing the enlistment forms had begun to knock on the door. "Come in," the Mizukage had instructed as the secretary began to walk in with the forms. They placed them on the desk in between Asami and the Mizukage and went back out of the room as quickly as she came. Now that she was gone, the Mizukage turned his attention back to the guest at hand. "Well, what an interesting story you have there. I find it odd that your father was accepted into the village but his daughter was not but I don't care to dig up any more of your past. I've decided to take a chance on you anyway and allow you into my village despite knowing little to nothing about you. Don't make me regret my decision or there will be consequences." The mizukage said this as he continued to eye the young woman. "Now if you're really sincere about this, sign the papers in front of you and henceforth you will be Asami, genin of Kirigakure."

W.C: 420
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Fri Sep 11, 2020 11:19 pm
Asami took up the writing utensil and right where the line was she took a moment to read the papers, then she began to write the name across the paper, Asami Sato, the very name she practiced writing on the paper she already turned in for the chuu in exams. The moment the pen left the paper she slide it across the desk to the mizukage. She would then place the pen down in front of her on the desk and sat back in the chair watching the mizukage.

Deep down she could barely contain her excitement about his judgement. She would finally belong somewhere of her own accord.
Kizmaru Senju
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The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:23 am
As the Mizukage had finished giving her the instruction to sign the documents, the woman wasted no time in signing the enlistment form. This made him wonder just how badly she wanted to join the village in the first place. Again, Kiri wasn't the most popular but it was still a bit unsettle with how quickly and willingly she signed those papers, probably not even reading them. Well, it wasn't his problem. He just hoped she didn't change her mind after what she has to go through for even a little bit of travel freedom around these parts. Watching her scribble her name, Kizmaru tilted his head a bit before fixing it upright. He then took the papers from her when she was done signing them, by stamping tham with the seal of approval and filing them into a pile where there were other completed requests he had previously signed. "Well Asami, you are now officially apart of the village hidden in the mist, congratulations. I will have a local shinobi accompany you to tour around the village and prepare a temporary living quater for you until you can get enough funds to purchase your own place. Before I go though, is there anything else you'd want or need to feel more comfortable?" He wasn't exactly the best host but he made sure to take the time to ask about what a newcomer might need for their accommodations.

W.C: 238
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:28 am
"No sir you have been amazing and I thank you kindly, cannot wait to begin training and to take missions on behalf of the village" she would then stand up and bow to him while speaking where only he could here, her hand where a heart normally beats as she pledged. " I pledge my loyalty and services to my kage and village, and will up hold all laws within to keep the peace, and to repel any who would bring either to their knees."
Kizmaru Senju
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The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:26 pm
Waiting for the woman to give her response, the woman had declined and told him that she was fine with what he had provided. The Mizukage watched as she stood up from out of her seat in order to pledge her loyalty to the village hidden in the mist. This somewhat amused him but overall, he knew words were only empty and action was what made this world go around. With that, the Mizukage parted both his hands from each other before getting up from the seat himself. Grabbing the finished pile of papers himself, he reached for the phone sitting on top of his desk, ringing up his secretary once more to come and collect the papers he had previously did as well as the new enlistment documents immediately for processing. A few moments after hanging up, the secretary came in once more after knocking and collected the papers to take back. "Well now, if that's all, I must be heading back out to personally patrol the city in order to make sure everything is in order as well as show people that I exist of course," said the Mizukage, keeping up with his usual tone. And with that, he walked towards the exit of the office and opened the door. "I'll have the escort wait for you in the lobby," he said as he walked out of his office.

Heading to the lobby, he had one more matter to take care of. In a personal, smaller area of the Kage's estate laid a small, private laboratory. He had remembered he had been holding onto the bodies of the fallen Kirigakure criminals and kept them in tubes for studying. When his anbu, scyxion delivered them to him, he was informed something seemed off about them when attempting to sense their chakra as if it was made artificially. Wanting to double check in that, he had put them in tubes to study them personally. Making his way to the laboratory, he had hoped he'd be able to the fruits of the research. Upon arriving, he was met with disappointment from one of the people he left in charge. They were artificially made humans, nothing of use for an actual human being. This was a great disappointment to him since one of them was seemingly an uchiha and he could use a second pair of eyes. Now that the results are in, these bodies weren't of any use to him so there was nothing left for him to do. He instructed the researchers to just turn in the bodies to the Hunter Ninja Foundation and deliver the money to his place. With that, the Mizukage had left the Kage's estate, expecting a hefty sum for his purse.

[Making Asami a Genin of Kirigakure.]


W.C: 456
T.W.C: 1,620

Loot Claims
Turning in the corpse of Rundi to the Hunter-Ninja Foundation for 50,000 Ryo
Turning in the corpse of Hatsuko to the Hunter-Ninja Foudnation for 50,000 Ryo

Stat Claims
Claiming 32 AP

Ability Claims
Using 1,600 words to learn Medical specialty
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Ryo : 500

The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:18 am
Approved for exit claims for Kizmaru!
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:48 am
Asami would take her leave at this point, going to the secretary and being met by the ninja ordered to show her where she would be staying and what not. She would note along the way where she could go to pick up her headband as well as where the training ground was, and the hospital, she felt a lot of her spare time would be spent in the hospital. Putting her medical expertise to good use for the good of the village.

This was good for Asami the chance to live apart of a true sociaty without having to answer to the doctor. She was greatful to him for creating her, however she was the eldest of the clones, and yet it was as if the leash was tightest on her. However she would prove her father wrong.

twc- 534 5 stats, KIrigakure Genin for Lust
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Ryo : 500

The registration of another new villager Empty Re: The registration of another new villager

Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:37 pm
Approved for Stein's exit and exit claims!
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