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Kasumi Hyuuga
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:07 pm
It was mid afternoon as Kasumi was lead through the courtyard and into Kirigakure's Senior head quarters.  She was flanked by two Kiri ninja, both of which looked to be in their thirties or forties.  While one would have been sufficient to escort her, or subdue her should the young teen try to escape, two nins were sent all the same.  They wore somber faces, which was understandable, since the weather consisted of a steady drizzle.  It seemed to constantly be raining in the Village Hidden in the Mist, one that sought to soak through you to the bone.  With each step that Kasumi took, was a step closer to her final judgment.  Kasumi had helped bring back her stepfather,  who had been blown off course after a terrible storm, but at what cost?  Most of the other fishermen from the fishing fleet had lost their lives and even some of the search party did not make it back either.  But bring her stepfather home was what Kasumi wanted most.  Her story of becoming a ninja might very well end, just as soon as it began, however.  Her heart was racing, and the two ninja escorting her did not help ease her uncertainty.  

At least my mama will be happy now that he's home safe and sound.... Kasumi thought as she walked up the steps and entered the building.

She was led further though the compound until the trio reached a set of double doors.  This was no doubt the Mizukage's office.  Kasumi wondered nervously as to what kind of leader the Mizukage was.  By all rights, Kasumi could be treated as a missing ninja and punished accordingly.  

They turned to face the young girl as one spoke up, ”The Mizukage will see you in a moment.  If you try to leave, we'll find you...”    

Both ninjas sighed and left the young teen to her thoughts.  She was completely soaked through.  Her clothes dripping and began to make a small puddle on the hallway floor.  Her clothes were tattered and worn.  Half of her clothing consisted of what she wore the day she left kiri.  They were repaired several times over, until there were repairs on top of repairs.  The other half of her garments consisted of draping sailcloth, pieces too small to be used for actual ship sails.  After what felt like an hour, the door finally opened.  Light filled the young teen's vision and all that was left for her to do was to step through the archway.  Very soon Kasumi's fate would be decided...

(WC = 427)
Kizmaru Senju
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:29 pm
Working in his office, the Mizukage was hard at work filing, stamping and sorting documents of an arbitrary nature that required his approval or denial anyway. Giving a little sigh, he wondered where his advisor was as he also had the authority to sign off on these trivial tasks. Taking another sheet of paper and placing it on his desk, he had stamped his seal onto the 'approval' section before placing it in a pile of papers that he had already sorted through. He kept his work pace up so he could be done in a timely fashion and possibly relax a little bit, maybe even take a nap. Of course, things never go as planned as Kizmaru could pick up faint traces of some shinobi's presence near his office door. They weren't hostile as far as he could tell but, he could at least tell they were his own. Waiting for a little bit for them to enter, two of their presence vanished and only left one. After thinking about it for a moment, he did remember hearing about a deserter that had disappeared for a few days. The thing he found amusing was that they had returned to the village afterwards knowing what the punishment could be.

Well, he figured if they returned, they'll probably want to beg for forgiveness and see if they could lessen their punishment. Nonetheless, they had returned so he'll at least hear what they have to say. "You may enter," Kizmaru said coldly. He waited for his would-be 'guest' to enter before he'd begin questioning them on their whereabouts and motives, ultimately deciding if they were worth keeping or not. After all, he couldn't have his shinobi flying off the handle for every little thing, now could he? After he had given the order, Kizmaru went back to signing off on sheets of paper.

W.C: 312
Kasumi Hyuuga
Kasumi Hyuuga
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:04 pm
Kasumi slowly walked into the Kage's office.  Her sandals were soaked all the way through and softly made squishing sounds with each step.  A trail of small, wet footprints followed the young teen.  Her body swayed back and forth - not because possessed womanly features just yet, not because the young teen had been drinking either, but because she hadn't walked on land for several months.  Kasumi stared at the floor as she nervously stepped, her legs trying to betray her.  Something was in her hand, and part of it was made of metal, though the young teen did not wield the item in a threatening way.  On second glance, the object in question was particular garment worn my shinobi – a badge of honor.  Kasumi gripped the headband tightly in her right hand as she slowly raised her head to see just who's office she'd been brought to.  Her pale eyes peered hesitantly from behind her wet, amber hair.

Blue and white robes, and that diamond hat.  This must be our Mizukage.  Was he the same one from before? Kasumi wondered hoping Kiri's Kage would be in a kind mood, but when he spoke his words were as cold as the rain which pattered against the rooftops.

”Um.....” Kasumi stammered.  

Just as quickly as the young Huuga spoke, her head stared towards the ground once more.  Both arms thrust forward reaching towards the Kage's desk.  In her hands was the metal object from before, a ninja headband.  The head wrap showed signs of ware, like it had been exposed to the elements for a few years, but the symbol on the metal plate was still clear as day.  There were four flourishes carved into the plate – like the rain the fell outside – the mark of the Village Hidden in the Mist.

”I-I s-suppose you'll be wanting this back...” Kasumi said nervously.

Kasumi lowered her head under her arms, offering up the headband that was given to her three years ago.  Her voice crackled, and her body shook, but her eyes were calm and remained focused.  

(WC = 348)
Kizmaru Senju
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:55 pm
As he continued his menial task of signing off on papers, the Mizukage heard the sound of his doors being opened by a young, meek looking girl that seemed to be drenched in water. He wasn't sure who she was but he did hear reports that she was an alleged deserter of the village. He noticed she was holding some kind of metal ornament in her hand. Looking closer at it, he had deduced it was the village headband she was holding and not a weapon of some kind. Now that his mind was somewhat eased, he waited for the girl to say something as he halted his current activity, placing the paper he was previously reading down in front of him and staring at her. The girl made an audible sound from her lips which the Mizukage sat up straight in order to listen afterwards. "Well, let's hear it," the mizukage had said in a low tone of voice. He wasn't sure what would come out of her mouth next but he was prepared to hear either a sob story or an excuse. Instead of hearing what she had to say, the girl instead decided to push the headband in her hand onto his desk.

Lowering his head a bit, Kizmaru stared at the headband before looking back up at the girl wondering what her motive was. Finally, she had uttered some words out of her mouth stating that he might want this headband back. He indeed was supposed to punish deserters but of course he was curious enough to inquire why since she came back knowing the penalty could even mean her life could be lost. "Hm, well then, before I take this head band, why have you left the village knowing the rules regarding village abandonment, you're no longer a normal citizen, you're a shinobi trusted with secrets unknown to the public, even if you are just a Genin. On another note, why have you returned if you left the village? You should know the penalty for desertion is more than just taking away your headband," Kizmaru said a bit coldly. He wasn't sure when this one left the village nor was that fact important. All that mattered to him was the, 'why' part.

W.C 377
Kasumi Hyuuga
Kasumi Hyuuga
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:33 am
Kasumi stood up straight and lowered her arms.  She set the headband on the kage's desk.  Her eyes were closed as the young Huuga stood before the leader of the Mist.  She took a deep breath; it was as if she were molding chakra, but in truth, the only thing Kasumi was molded at that moment was the courage to speak.  For several nights Kasumi told herself she would confront her brazen actions and own up to her actions.  She knew in her heart she was at fault, and she knew she had to right those wrongs.  Even it if meant her death.  If, for some miracle, was allowed to keep her head, she wanted to be in the company of her parents.  Family meant everything above all else.  Kasumi stood still in silence for a moment.  One could hear the moisture dripping off of her soaked clothes.  She then opened her white eyes, and spoke in a soft, calm voice.  

”If you must know the 'why', then I should start from the beginning.  My name is Huuga, Kasumi.  My parents did not originally hail from our beloved Kiri – my mother was pregnant with me during the move.  I was born here in this village shortly after our arrival.  My mother married a man who is technically not my biological father.  The only trace I have of my real dad, are my eyes, but let me be frank.  I acknowledge my stepdad all the same.  He's the closest thing I have to a dad, and I know my mother loves him very much.  Kasumi bowed before she spoke again.  

”It was three years ago when I last stood in the lands of Kirigakure no Sato.  Three.  Years.  I had just graduated from the academy.  My mother and I were expecting my stepdad to be approaching on the horizon.  Before the events that I'm about to tell you, he was a captain of a fishing fleet here in Kirigakure.  His fleet was due to arrive heavily laden with fish, but days turned into weeks.  And weeks turned into a couple of months.  A search party was organized and so begins the story as to why I went rogue.”

Kasumi continued with a soft chuckle and spoke with a tone of shame, ”In truth, I did not expect to be gone as long as I was.  These eyes posses the ability to see one's chakra, as I'm sure you're well aware.  Everyone's is unique in a sense – you just have to take the time to see. I don't know what I was thinking – the naivety of a child, I suppose.  I thought I would be able to find him quickly, and get back in time without anyone being the wiser.  I thought I could be back before my first mission.  I was assigned to Team 9.  And I failed them that day.”

Kasumi sunk her head once more, ”On the day of the search party's launch, I snuck aboard there ship transformed as a barrel.  We sailed away and it took the sailors several days to find me.  I was finally discovered when a sailor tried to tap and drink from me.  By that time the ship was too far out to turn around.  With quick thinking I convinced the captain to let me help along with the search instead of keeping me below.  Little did we know what was about to happen next.”

Kasumi looked up at the ceiling, the morning drizzle seemed to have picked up and was not a heavy rain.  Its drops beat hard against the roof.  

”While out at sea, a storm blew in.  What I now find strange is that it took us completely by surprise.  Sailors, who spent most of their years on the sea, were washed overboard.  The only reason I did not get washed away myself, was because I molded charaka to my feet. We were blown several miles off from our heading.  It gets a little fuzzy after that, but when I woke up the next day we had washed up on an island.”  

”Not everyone woke up that day, and those that were washed off the decks were never seen again.  But, for whatever reason, for some stupid reason, we alone.  We found ourselves on the same island that my stepfather had gotten shipwrecked on.  Out of the five ships my stepdad left with, only his remained.  It was in bad shape, and so was ours.  The only reason I stand before you here today is because we were both shipwrecked on the same island.  Between the two ships and the materials gathered from the island itself, we had enough to cobble together a seaworthy ship that would carry us all back home.  And the most important thing of all – my stepfather was alive.”

Kasumi frowned, as if in deep thought as she crossed her hands.

”I know what I did was wrong.  It was very foolish.  If you compared me to another ninja from my graduating class, I am severely behind in skill.  I have broken Kiri's trust.  I have broken your trust.  What's worst of all, if I could reverse time and be twelve again, I'm fairly certain that I'd do it all over again.  Only after the fact do I understand the severity of the situation.  I'm not afraid to die.  If that is your ultimate judgment.  I will not beg for my life.  I only ask that your business ends with me.  My only wish is that you do not punish my mother or stepfather.  They are innocent and their love for each other is true.  I couldn't bare to see my mom sad and lonely.  Anyway, that's where I've been these past few years.  We only just arrived this morning.  I have no excuses for my actions, though I am truly sorry.  I have said my peace; my fate is now in your hands.  Though if by some off chance you let me live, I vow to extend my desires to protect my family to all of Kirigakure.”

Kasumi waited for the kage's decision.  Her eyes were full of resolve.  Regardless of  what the leader of the Mist would choose, Kasumi knew she had done the right thing.  She could have stayed on that island.  It was big enough to sustain one human and more.  She could have chose a new start and join a shinobi village elsewhere or she could have decided to step down from the ninja life and lead a life as a common citizen.  But Kasumi did not wish to hide.  She sought atonement and wished to live her life with dignity.    

”What I still cannot figure out is that storm that claimed all of our ships.  Twice a typhoon hit without warning.  Experienced sailors, masters of their profession, who have practiced their trade their whole lives, should not get caught in one so easily.  They would skirt around them....” Kasumi mumbled speaking her thoughts out loud.

The young teen stood in the Kage's presence, still dripping wet, waiting for his judgment.

(WC = 1169)
Kizmaru Senju
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:00 pm
Watching the girl make herself comfortable, the Mizukage had waited for her to begin throwing him some kind of excuse that would satisfy his curiosity. He personally didn't expect much but nonetheless he had to be able to say he at least gave them a chance to explain themselves. Currently observing her, she took a deep breath preparing to give her explanation. Then she began to speak and tell her story, starting from the beginning. The tale began of her saying her parents did not originally come from the land hidden in the mist, a sentiment the Mizukage and his mother share in common with this young genin as he too, did not originate from these lands. He could only imagine what hardships her mother could have gone through coming here. Continuing her story, she had mentioned her father wasn't actually her biological father since he did not not inherit her eyes from neither her mother nor him. Apparently, her biological father had these eyes and she was fortunate, or unfortunate, enough to obtain them too. The young girl specified this didn't make her acknowledgement of her stepdad dwindle any less and that he made her mother happy. That kind of left room for the Mizukage to wonder if she had truly loved her stepdad the way a child would if he had been her biological father.

After all, she made it seem like she didn't truly care for him herself but only tolerated him because her mother truly adored him. Listening to the story, she continued by explaining how the Byakugan works and how it was able to discern an individual's chakra network and tell them apart. He was already privy to that information but let her continue, not wanting to interrupt and break what little confidence she had managed to muster in order to tell this story. Claiming it was a child's nativity, the Mizukage began to smirk a bit under his veil. He was actually quite amused already and wanted to hear more. He still didn't get the reason he was looking for but most likely it would come in due time. Her story continued with her being assigned to a team, team nine to be exact. In her words she was hoping she would be able to sneak out, deal with her personal affairs and sneak back in before it was time for her first mission. What a foolish decision that was, the Mizukage thought to himself. The feeling must have been mutual since the young female lowered her head as she continued her story. This part of the story involved her transforming into a barrel.

Later, she was discovered when a sailor had attempted to tap and drink from her. At this point in the story, the Mizukage lowered his his slightly, trying his hardest not to laugh, with the only indication being that his were practically widening. Collecting himself, he continued to listen as the thought of a random sailor wondering why he couldn't get his drink from a barrel played in his mind. Convincing the captain to let her stay and help out with their chores and tasks instead of keeping her down below was probably a wise choice. At this point of the story, the young girl named Kasumi began to look up at the ceiling as they both could hear the pitter-patter of rain falling onto the roof of the building. The Mizukage also looked up briefly before returning his gaze back at the genin in front of him. The next part of her tale had been about a freakish storm that even the most veteran of sailors weren't prepared for, washing them away and the only reason the genin had survived was because fortunately for her, she relied on her shinobi training by molding chakra at her feet in order to survive. 

After surviving the storm, she had learned that she was shipwrecked alongside her stepfather and that fate had decided to spare both of their lives so they could meet once more. It almost felt like something out of a novel the Mizukage had read once. Her and her father had salvaged what remains they could find in order to create a makeshift sea craft in order to come back to the mainland. That seems to be the end of her tale as it seems she went on about her resolve to die and sparing her parents and what not. Honestly, he didn't care enough to spread punishment to a criminal's family. Whatever crime was done is solely on that individual, nothing more and nothing less. However, he loved hearing people make their final peace, as sadistic as that sounds. After she was quite finished talking, the Mizukage silently stared at her wondering what his judgement should be. Well, he already knew what it was and once again, it wasn't something that happened while he was in office. He'll give her credit where credit is due for coming back to face potential death. Giving an audible sigh, the Mizukage brought his hands close to each other, pressing his fingers against one another.

"That's quite the adventure you had there it seems. Despite knowing it's taboo to visibly show emotion, having it cloud your judgement and abandon your village knowing the consequences, you return here saying you're ready to receive your punishment, is that right? Well, I have made my decision. Despite leaving the village with no figure of authority, you have returned and that's what mattered. I am willing to overlook this insubordination just once since you have set out and done what you promised to do, however, this is my one and only act of mercy, do you understand? Now then, even though I will not go through with normal means of punishment, that doesn't mean there will be no punishment. You may keep your headband but I shall not permit you to wear it for the next month. In addition, you'll be sentenced to hard labor as well as questioning and a psychiatric check in order to confirm that you are you and not some brainwashed puppet. There will be no negation on this, you can either take this or the alternative of the normal trial." And with that, the Mizukage had said his thoughts on the matter, waiting for the woman's response.

W.C: 1,056
Kasumi Hyuuga
Kasumi Hyuuga
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:34 pm
Kasumi was sinking.  She was lost in the depths of her own mind.  Lost in a sea of emotion.  Everything was crashing down in that moment.  With every word the Mizukage spoke, was another meter the young teen sunk into her subconscious.  Kasumi saw the Kage's mouth open and close.  She saw him speaking words, but the sound sounded as if she were underwater or down a very long hallway.  The voice echoed and reverberated in her weary mind.    

I'm going to die... Kasumi thought as she stared into the Kage's hands.

She must have been a pitiful sight to see by this point – like someone caught in a genjutsu.  But then then Kage said something that Kasumi did not expect.  Suddenly her emotions were surfacing once again, and she along with them.  They were propelling her back to the surface – back to reality.  Her white eyes widened with shock and surprise.

”Wait, what?  I'm, I'm not to be executed, then?” Kasumi asked feeling very confused.

Kasumi slumped into her own puddle, that her clothes had made, on the floor.  She was exhausted.  She was already fatigued due to the return voyage out at sea, but having to face her choices head on had taken a toll on the soaked girl.  A tear welled up in the corner of her pearly eye, and soon there was another.  They simply could not be held back anymore.  Her hands covered her red face as tears flowed freely.  

”Thank you.  Thank you...” she managed to say in her fit of hysteria.

The sobbing continued for a while as the rain continued to fall outside.  What lasted a few minutes felt like hours, for her and probably the Kage, too.  Her faced was flushed and her eyes couldn't cry anymore.  At last she was done.  She had a runny nose now, which made her feel even more exposed, but Kasumi could no longer care.  The truth that led her here was out, and so were here feelings.  Her knees were wobbly, as she tried to stand back up.  She wiped her eyes as they met the Kage's gaze once more.

”Um, Lord Mizukage, sir.  What do you mean by “questioning”?  Short from the day to day goings ons, I have told you what transpired.  I'm not sure there is much else to be gained.  And a “psychiatric check”?  What exactly will that entail?  I, of course, will accept your judgment and submit to the sentence.”

(WC = 404)
Kizmaru Senju
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:49 pm
Blinking slowly, he listened to the girl's surprised response as she had learned it wasn't her fate to die just yet. Once again, he was surprised anybody would return even in such a situation knowing there would be consequences. However, there were other reasons  why he'd let her go instead of just have her murdered. He couldn't just believe such an absurd story right off and decided it would be best to let the experts of interrogation handle this. Their techniques of suggestion would do far more good than his inquiry as the Mizukage. Once he had assured her she wouldn't be executed, she seemed relieved enough to give in to the fatigue that plagued her body. Maybe, her story wasn't all that far from the truth but there's a possibility that it was either embellished or things were being left out. After giving her thanks, the Mizukage nodded before taking note of her apparent sobbing. He wasn't good at comforting people nor was he about to try and start now so he continued to watch her sob. When it seems as if she had calmed down a little bit, she had attempted to stand up and asked him another question.

The girl wanted to know what he meant by 'questioning' and 'psychiatric check' which he had anticipated she would inquire about. Of course, it goes without saying, he'd simply just tell her the truth. "Ah yes, of course you'd ask about something like that. Well, think of it this way. You've been gone from this village for far too long and even though we had this little 'conversation' on your whereabouts, I cannot simply just take everything you told me at face value and let you run off with just a slap to the wrist. For all I know, that could be a false memory that was implanted within you to make you believe what you just told me was true. I do not doubt your tale personally but of course, but I must do everything within my power in order to protect the village in any way, shape or form. Bluntly speaking, I don't trust you to freely walk around just yet and I will have you checked to see if your mind has been tampered or if any body modifications have been made. I'm sure you have no reason to object but if you did, it means I'd unfortunately have the displeasure of eliminating you right here, friend or foe. Has this answer satisfied your inquiry?"

The Mizukage hopefully answered her question in earnest and hopes she can see it from his point of view. As proud and happy that his village was growing, so does the threat of infiltration. He couldn't be too sure what would happen in this day and age, especially the events that took place in the past couple of months. He made note of one more thing that had bothered him when she first stepped in, forgotten about and was now reminded of. "Oh and if you could, could you clean this mess up? That would be appreciated," he had added at the last second. It would be a bother to call somebody else to do it or even do it himself.

W.C: 540
Kasumi Hyuuga
Kasumi Hyuuga
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:37 pm
Kasumi stood and pondered for a moment after hearing the Mizukage's words, Hmmm, I suppose I didn't think of it like that.  He's only trying to protect the village.  But, could my memories truly be a constructed falsehood?  That's a terrible possibility to think about.  They're all I have!

The young teen nodded, ”I-I see.  Of course.  I accept your terms.  I suppose it was foolish to think that, if by some miracle I was shown mercy, I'd be able to walk away from this without any sort of punishment.  I see your wisdom, my lord.  I will accompany your staff to wherever it is you wish to hold me until further assessment can be carried out.”

Kasumi paused and looked down at the puddle she had created.  Her cheeks flushed red as she looked up with embarrassment.

”Oh, I am very sorry, sir!  I will clean this up right away.  Allow me to dry off first and get out of these rags.  I will have this cleaned up in no time, I promise”

Kasumi bowed with great respect before exiting the Mizukage's office.  No sooner had she closed the office's double doors, she was greeted by the two somber nins who escorted her here in the first place.

”Follow,” one of them said sternly.

The two nins lead the young teen down several winding hallways before standing before a solid metal door.  One of them stood next to the door and placed his hands on its surface.  A seal momentarily flashed over the door before it swung open.

The other nin turned to face the young girl with an outstretched hand, ”These will be your quarters while we sort out what to do with you.”

The nin who released the also chimed in, ”You'll have basic amenities, and a change of plain clothes has been placed for you on the bed.  We will wait outside until you get changed.”

Kasumi nodded sheepishly and entered her new room.  She looked around.  It was very plain.  There was a bed, a sink, and a toilet in the corner, as well as a small stand up shower.  But just like her escort promised, a set of gray clothes  were folded and waiting for her on the bed.  Kasumi turned around just in time to see her escort close the door behind her.

Right, I need to dry off and get changed, then back to the Mizukage's office to clean up my mess.  Its not like I could help it.  Its been raining all morning and the seas were really choppy, Kasumi thought as she got out of her drenched rags.

Once she got changed, Kasumi walked over to the metal door and knocked.  After a moment, the door slowly creaked open.  The two ninja escorts were waiting for her.  One of them carried a bucket and a mop in his hands.  She stepped out, and began to walk down the hallway once more.  After a couple of minutes they stood in front of a familiar set of double doors.  The nin with the mop and bucket turned to the door and shoved the cleaning equipment in the young girl's hands.

”We will wait for you outside.  Now hurry up,” Said one of the escort nins.

Kasumi slowly stepped into the Kage's office once more and found the Mizukage deep into a pile of paperwork.

It sure must be a tough job.  He's the symbol of our village, but is submerged in a sea of paperwork.  I do not envy him, Kasumi thought as she began to mop up the mess she had tracked in from outside.

She mopped in silence as she as the rain continued to beat down on roof.  The constant white noise was interrupted only by the Kage's pen strokes.  

When Kasumi was finished, she turned to the kage, ”Er, Mr. Mizukage, sir.  I am finished.  If there is anything else that you desire from me, just, uh, ask.  Uh, also, I don't think I ever caught your name.  Or is Lord Mizukage sufficient?  I want to make this up to you.  No, I want to make this up to the entire village.  I want to be able to walk Kiri's streets again.  I want to be able to go home.”

Kasumi, with mop and bucket in hand, bowed respectfully once more before before she left the Mizukage to his work.  Her two escorts followed her back to her newly acquired room and sealed it shut after she stepped inside.  It would be some time before the Mizukage would realize this, but in Kasumi's emotional break down, the young teen had managed to leave her headband on the Kage's desk.  Whether it was by accident or one purpose, one thing was clear.  She would have to earn the right to wear it once more.  But that would be for another day...

(WC = 796)
(WC from all posts = 427 + 348 + 1169 + 404 + 796)
(TWC = 3184)
(Claiming = 31 stats, Generic Sealing Technique, 2934 words towards Tako the Octopuppet)

Last edited by Kasumi Hyuuga on Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru] Empty Re: Missing Academy Grad Returns [Kasumi & Kizmaru]

Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:24 am
Remaining comfortable in his chair, the Mizukage awaited for the young woman to respond to the answer he had given. Of course she had no real choice but to accept and even she had known it. He feels bad for doubting potential visitors but nonetheless he had to do what must be done. Well, at least the ugly part was out of the way mostly as he needed to get back to his work at hand. The young woman also agreed to help clean up the mess she had made walking drenched in sea water which was a bit of a relief. He didn't want to do it himself as he told himself before and he didn't want to force anybody else that wasn't a part of this situation to do it themselves either. Watching the girl give a bow, the Mizukage responded with a slight nod before she left the office. Giving a sigh, the Mizukage also decided now would have been a good time for him to make his exit briefly as he didn't want to be in the room while somebody else was currently in there as the work he finds trivial were still supposed to be kept confidential. 

Getting up, he took himself into the nearby common room where it was basically a small, luxurious apartment. He decided this would be the ideal time to take a break from his paperwork anyhow. Reaching onto a nearby bookshelf, the mizukage pulled out a book seemingly at random in order to read while leaning against a nearby wall.. It was something titled 'A study of kekkai genkai' and he wanted to know as much as he could about the known bloodlines. As far as he has read, most of the information written in the book was basic at best. Well, he couldn't expect clan secrets in the book now could he? After what felt like a few moments of reading, the Mizukage could hear the girl from the office room calling to him, telling him she was done cleaning the room from the seawater she had brought in the office. Putting down his book on the bookshelf, the Mizukage walked himself back into his office to see the girl with a mop and a broom. A series of questions followed after making his appearance once more. Examining the room, it appears Kasumi had done a fairly good job so he was pleased and decided he'd respond to her as best as he could.

"No, there's nothing more I want from you at the moment, you are dismissed. Of course you haven't caught my name because I haven't told you yet. I don't think I've told it to anybody and I would like to have it stay that way but I guess since you're the first person bold enough to ask, I shall tell you. My name is Aloide, Aloide Terumi. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Don't go telling everybody I told you my name now and as always, you refer to me as 'Lord Mizukage'. Do not worry, in due time if you're diligent enough, you'll be able to wander the streets of Kirigakure freely but until then I have to watch you closely. Carry on." After giving her his answer, Kizmaru went back to his office chair in order to continue his paperwork. Looking up, he caught a glimpse of the headband she left on the table but he didn't pay any mind to it. For now, he'd just hold onto it for safe keeping as he went back to signing papers. 


W.C: 596
T.W.C: 2,881

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