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Generation H (Team meeting)

Okabe Shukai
Zeo Kamigawa
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Nova Captain
Nova Captain
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Generation H (Team meeting)

Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:16 pm
"And I expect to be seeing you then. Sincerely, Akaboshi Uzumaki." The red haired Chuunin of Hoshigakure had finished writing up letters, three to be precise. Each and every single one of them would be directed to a promising youngster he had come into contact with over the past few weeks. The first kid he met was one he personally let back in the village after returning from being abducted, or at least that was the story he told him. From what he could make out of his personality it seemed he was eager to bring Hoshigakure back to its former glory. 

The second was a teenager who performed well under pressure, especially during the event of a Missing Nin who tried and attack the village. Although his young age he was still able to remain calm and perform the task at hand. Lastly, a troubled and mischievous fellow who with some guidance could turn into a promising shinobi. Together, those three would potentially be the future of Hoshigakure and ones their village could build on. "Please deliver these letters to each one of them, thank you." Akaboshi handed them to a messenger before leaving the office. He would head home to prepare for what was to come.

Once those letters had made their way to Enishi, Zeo and Okabe, the young shinobi would find a message containing the reason why the Uzumaki had summoned them and a location for their meeting place. He wanted to find out their plans, hopes and dreams. Basically he wanted to know each and every single thing about them and why they believed they had it in them to become the next generation.

(WC: 279)
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:32 pm
Zeo Stats

Zeo had been doing his own thing for long enough. Missions, training, all in his own direction. For some, it would have been freeing, but Zeo had wanted to be part of a formal squad. He had waited and waited, but there was no progress up till now. He had taken initiative himself, and in his spare time, had learned many jutsu and trained to grow stronger. So when he got the letter saying to finally meet his squad under the command of another senior shinobi, he couldn't even muster up the excitement to say 'it was about time.' He knew it would happen at some point, but he was about to lose faith. Seeing the letter, he decided to join up and meet his future team and sensei.

The next day he arrived first at the meeting place. He was dressed in his usual light blue kimono shirt and lightweight pants. His blue hair moved with the breeze as he approached the designated location. He didn't know who his squad would be, but he was eager to see what kind of people they would be.

As he arrived, he soon saw him-- the red-headed spiky-haired shinobi he saw. "Y-You?" he said in mild surprise. He was one from the village gate who helped fight off the enemy that attacked that one time. His surprise soon ended as he arrived and sat nearby on one of the benches. "So... I take it you're my commander, or is it sensei?" He asked.

He had another sensei as well. Yasha-- but he clearly would be the one he reported to on missions from now on. He didn't know him well, but he would respect him all the same unless he was some kind of a jerk. For now, he sat there patiently and calmly as he looked around to find the others who would be his teammates.

"Oh, um, sorry. I'm Zeo Kamigawa, reporting sir," Zeo added, at last, forgetting to introduce himself to his new sensei.

WC: 336 (X2 from anniversary) 672
Okabe Shukai
Stat Page : Soon
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Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:35 pm
Okabe was roused out of his deep sleep by an urgent pounding on his door. He slid out of bed and threw on a pair of sweatpants so he wouldn't be answering the door in his underwear. On the other side was a messenger that looked tired. He must have been running letters around all morning. Okabe snatched the mail meant for him and abruptly closed the door without so much as a "thanks."

The letter was one he was certainly not expecting. He was being assigned to a formal squad along with two other genin. It wasn't that unusual but Okabe expected his higher ups to realize that he play all that nice with others. The message was signed by someone named Akaboshi. The name sounded familiar but it was too early for him to rack his brain and remember why that was. He figured he would realize who it was when he got there.

When the time came for the group to meet Okabe would get into his usual black tank top and white sweatpants. He slid his belt and sword on and headed out the door to meet the unfortunate gang that was stuck with him. He would take his time walking to the meeting spot as he was in no hurry to make friends.

Upon arriving he saw two people that he instantly recognized. There was a short blue haired teen that Okabe had recently trained with and sort of befriended, and next to him was the redhead who interrupted the Shukai's graffiti-ing of the ninja academy. He remembered that the art critic had introduced himself as Akaboshi before, explaining why he recognized the name.

"Yo! Hope im not late! " he would call out and snicker as he walked up to the two. "Good to see ya Z, looks like we're gonna be teammates!" He'd say leaning down and resting his arm on Zeo's shoulder.

"So red, I'm guessing you're the one in charge then?"

(WC 329)
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Tue Aug 18, 2020 10:58 pm
"Ngh...Doggos taste good when you fry them...huh?" The understudy's once groggy and semi-unconscious emerald eyes flickered then fully widened, adjusting to the reflective sunlight through the smooth and transparent blinds of his quality made living room. His mind then followed suit in an instant, as Enishi's optics widened, even more, this time in utter horror at the transgression he just uttered towards the canine species. Surprised yet shocked at what type of dream he had to induce such a demented thought process -though he wasn't that surprised since he was a jaded enigma-, his bodily sensory mechanics set in, realizing what uncomfortable contorted position he was in. Legs bent in an inverted Japanese-style with arms flailing across the sofa he lied on to get in a deep slumber, it was a miracle that the silver-haired teen was able to get deep yet meaningful sleep in such an awkward position. Yesterday must have been a grueling day, otherwise, the understudy wouldn't have passed out upon entering his house like that. Speaking of yesterday... "What the hell even happened?" Enishi thought, trying to piece back his memories little by little. For some reason, yesterday just seemed like it never occurred on what was the timeline of constant passing, as if it was something supposed to be forgotten...yet even so, the face of someone still kept being envisioned in the understudy's head. If yesterday was something that he couldn't remember, he certainly could remember the blue-hair, face, and name of that person. "Zeo Kamigawa..." He thought for a brief moment as the name of the person he remembered came to his mind. The silver-haired teen didn't exactly know how he came to meet the boy, but those thoughts would have to be saved for later, as today was an important day for the boy.

Upon being reinstated as a Genin by the current Hogokage: Yasaki Uchiha, Enishi was immediately assigned a team to be paired with for missions and such. The understudy was quite reluctant on being on a team, as he felt that him being on a squad would simply drag other people down; however, if Hoshigakure ordered him to do it, who was he to deny such orders? Today was the meeting date, meaning that all members would get to know each other before performing missions to the squad. Enishi was not extremely against that idea, but he hoped his socially awkward nature wouldn't make his life a living hell, especially on an important date like this. "Tch. I'm probably late..." Enishi sighed whilst mumbling, getting off the sofa he used as a makeshift bed to get dressed for the meeting. He slung on a white shirt and an unbuttoned black suit jacket with navy blue jeans and black sneakers, an unceremonious yet formal outfit. His guardian and adopted father: Suguru was most likely working at the hospital so he didn't need to worry about saying his goodbyes upon leaving his house.

The understudy would stride towards the meeting area with great haste, as he was "fashionably late" but edging on the side of rude towards the people who were waiting for him. It wouldn't even be a minute before he arrived there, seeing two familiar faces and one unfamiliar one. "Akaboshi and Zeo are gonna be part of my squad?" He ruminated for a moment before walking over to meet them. As he walked over, he would habitually grasp the back of his head in slight embarrassment accompanied by a sheepish grin plastered on his face. "Sorry I'm late guys, I guess I overslept!" Enishi said in an uncharacteristically enthusiastic tone, even he was surprised at how...normal he sounded. As he finished walking over to the group, he would formally greet the three of them, starting with the two he knew with the same grin, "Ah, it's great to see you guys again, Akaboshi and Zeo." 

Turning towards the young man to the left of him, he appeared older than the 14-year-old Enishi but since they were probably both the same rank since Akaboshi was a Chuunin, the understudy decided that it should be fine if they were both on equal terms. Extending a hand towards the young man, he would greet him warmly, 

"Nice to meet you, my name is Enishi Kurosawa and I hope we can be great comrades towards each other. Might I know what your name is?" 

WC: 733 (2X Event Bonus is 1466 TWC)
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
Stat Page : Stats
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:15 pm
For once he had no idea how things would go. Usually the red haired Uzumaki was always prepared for any and everything, but this time would be different. Akaboshi, a squad leader. Who would have thought the redhead would once again be in charge of other shinobi, just like he did when he served in the Queensguard. It wasn't that long ago that he decided to play a big part in the future of Hoshigakure, so it only made sense if he were to take on a team of promising youngsters. People who he could build and mold into fine soldiers. Although there weren't any specific plans yet, the first step would be taken by forming this team.

As he was waiting, the first person of his future squad showed up. "Ah, Zeo. Good to see you, how've you been?" The blue haired genin would inform himself how he should address his team leader. Akaboshi never really liked the whole formal behaviour shown by the shinobi in their little world full of ranks, but this time he decided to go with it. "Let's go with Captain for now" he said with a friendly smile. It wasn't that much longer that the rebel of the team would show his face, Okabe Shukai. "No graffiti this time?" All was asked in a joking manner, a reminder to the day where the Uzumaki caught the mischief spraying some paint as he was working the Academy walls. "Yes, unfortunately you'll have to do with me as captain." The redhead already knew things were going to be interesting. 

Last but not least, it was time for Enishi to make his entrance. Fashionably late, as he called it himself, but he made it nonetheless. "Welcome, Enishi. Join us." Akaboshi would motion the young boy to come closer. Now that the whole squad was there, the Uzumaki saw the time to explain why he had requested for them to meet. "Alright, looks like we're complete. Firstly, I'm glad you all could make it." He would look each and every single one of the three in the eyes before continuing with his speech. "Secondly, I'm sure you're all curious about why we're gathered here. In case you didn't read the letter, looking at you Okabe, I asked you here because the lot of you will form a three-man squad with me as its leader." Assuming they did take the time to look at the message written down, then they would have figured out what the goal of their meeting was.

Reaching for a cigarette in one of his side pockets, he would light one up before blowing away the smoke. "Now we got that out of our way, let's do these so called introductions. Name, strengths, weaknesses and goals. Zeo, you first." Pretty standard, but it would help Akaboshi get a view on who he would be dealing with. 

(WC: 481, TWC: 760)
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:38 pm
Zeo had no clue who else would be in his team when he arrived. He figured it is a random assignment of people. While he wished he could have been teamed up with Soma, the crystal user whom he had a good repour and friendship with, the odds to be paired with him were slim since he was already in a squad. However, he had no anticipated that fate it seemed, paired him with people he already knew.

The first was the gloomy swordsman. "Gloomy" is by how his rather stoic and stern expression was. At times, it made Zeo a bit nervous, but it seemed he was a good guy deep down. However, he was surprised to see him cozy up to Zeo and wrap an arm around him. "Ugh... Okabe? Hi there," he said, surprised by his sudden show of appreciation and friendliness. It certainly was out of character for him, but it seemed he warmed up to people as he got to know them.

However, the latest arrival was indeed someone Zeo didn't expect. He heard a cheerful voice and turned-- to gasp at the sight of the green-eyed, silver-haired youth. "Y-you. Enishi?" he said without any real hesitation. It wasn't in any distaste or grief, but mere surprise the mysterious youth he met in the woods was also on his team. There was more to him than meet the eye, that much he knew. Still, he was a decent person and had gotten to know him a bit. Though how was it two people he met was in the same team, at long last.

Zeo clearly felt like some twist of fate was at work, but nothing he could understand or complain about. He knew these people, which would make teamwork as a squad much easier. Though he knew little about them beyond their backgrounds or personalities in detail, Zeo felt he could work with them without issue. He felt confident them as people-- maybe Okabe being a bit gloomy, but then so was Zeo when he first came to this village.

Zeo's thoughts were pulled out of the clouds at their leader, Akaboshi, called to him and welcomed him. He brought his head up in attention and nodded to him in confirmation. "Yes, Akaboshi-sensei!" Zachary said, sounding a bit too formal for most, which probably would be teased later on. Further, it was corrected for Captain. "R-right, sorry, Captain."

The goal was clear with the meeting-- it was to introduce one another and discuss about themselves to grow closer as a team. It just was unexpected it was the same people he had met previously. The only unwanted detail of the meeting-- was Akaboshi's sudden use of a cigarette. Zeo wanted to mention that would do his lungs good-- but the last thing he wanted to do was talk back to his leader, so he kept it quiet. That, and tried not to breathe in his smoke. However, it was then Zeo was asked to go first with introductions-- he thought Akaboshi caught on to his disapproving look.

"Um, yes, of course," Zeo said as he sat up, "My name is Zeo Kamigawa. " He took a minute to think carefully. He didn't want to extend too long into an introduction so he felt he would keep it short and to the point. "My strength is in basic ninjutsu, but I been practicing and developing genjutsu as well. I prefer long-range combat as oppose to close range, but I am studying to do some melee combat in case of emergencies. I also developed chakra sensing early as well, so I guess I can fulfill a sensory role as well. "

The topic of the goal was more complicated as Zeo took a breath to calm himself. "As for my goal, it's a little complicated and it may change in the future. But, right now I want to become stronger to protect the things that matter... " he explained, him reaching to the bottle and bubble pipe he had brought with him. That, and the scroll container he had with him in his kimono shirt. "To be completely honest, my current goal is to discover the truth behind my family's death and the legacy they left behind for me. That is the biggest goal that I am aspiring to right now. " he explained to his leader and his new teammates.

WC: 736 (X2 from anniversary) 1472
Okabe Shukai
Stat Page : Soon
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:06 pm
Zeo seemed a little put off by Okabe's sudden physical contact. Not that the tall teen really noticed. Instead he laughed at Akaboshi's joke and popped a squat next to his blue haired pal. Not long after, a new face showed up. One Okabe had not met yet. He looked a little young, not uncommon in shinobi, and had shining silver hair.

Okabe looked around at the three guys he was standing with, one with red hair, another with blue, and a third with silver. Being more than six feet tall at a young age he wasn't used to other people standing out more than him. It was a refreshing change of pace for him.

The silver haired stranger introduced himself as Enishi and would reach a hand out to shake. The third and final member of the team. "The names Okabe Shukai. Long as you aren't a total imbecile im sure we'll get along swimmingly" he would say shaking the boy's hand.

Akaboshi cut the idle chit chat off by making a formal introduction and asking everyone to do the same. Zeo came off a little timid but opened up a bit about his intentions. Apparently his family was killed under mysterious circumstances. Okabe hadn't known the boy was also an orphan. It wasn't too surprising. The world was a brutal place and death was constantly sweeping through like the wind.

"Alright let me see if I got this right. I'm Okabe Shukai," he would clutch his sword and slide it slightly out of its sheath, "I've got absolutely no talent for ninjutsu so I rely on my sword for the most part. For goals I guess for now its just to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly. Ive got nothing in terms of lofty aspirations. My parents were always looking towards the future and all that bought them was an early grave." He would say scoffing at the thought of his parents always reaching for higher ranks and recognition only to die in a crummy civil war.

(WC 344)
(TWC 673)
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:34 pm
The conversation was going harmoniously, devoid of the malice and hostility the pessimistic mind of Enishi initially thought upon entering the team meeting, hence his uncharacteristically energetic persona. Akaboshi seemed to be growing well into his sensei-like mindset, happily welcoming the silver-haired boy into the meeting despite the understudy being fashionably late. Surprisingly, it wasn't just the silver-haired boy's imagination that he met the blue-haired boy, they probably met each other yesterday, but Enishi had a vague remembrance on what the conversation between them actually was. "Hope I didn't go berserk on him..." The silver-haired teen thought sheepishly, Zeo seemed like a competent shinobi that could defend himself should the time call it, but the understudy didn't want others to be on guard whenever he entered the fray, so it was best for others to not know much about his berserk state. In response to Zeo's slightly confused response to Enishi's greeting, the teen would simply flash a slight wink of affirmation towards the blue-haired boy. Hopefully, it would reduce the stupefied attitude of Zeo quite a bit. Subsequently, the understudy introduced himself to the other Genin with a handshake and the young man accepted it before the two broke free. The young man presented himself as Okabe Shukai; given his colorful and slang-like choice of words, Enishi would see the man as an anomaly, not conforming to most of Hoshigakure's society. Not that it was a bad thing of course -as the silver-haired teen was an anomaly himself-, so Enishi had a feeling that they would get along well together. In response to Okabe's fiery introduction, the understudy would reply with a smirk, "I'm sure we will, Okabe." 

As the two finished acquainting themselves to one another, the leader of the squad: Akaboshi would try to reel back the group into the real meat of the meeting, cutting off the idle chit-chat. Enishi would simply nod as the Uzumaki Chuunin made his first request to the time: to name out one's strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Not too difficult. Knowing the abilities of your squad members are necessary to formulate strategies and plans for missions, if not, the team will surely fail. It was common sense, so the understudy caught on quickly. Zeo would state his strengths, being proficient in most mid-long range techniques but not the greatest in close-quarters combat, similar to Enishi's moveset. The young Kamigawa's goal would also strike a chord in Enishi as the blue-haired boy wanted to find out the truth behind his family's death and their legacy. The understudy never knew his biological parents so he did not fundamentally know what it was like to lose them if you never knew them in the first place, but from what he had seen from society, he knew that parents were important to a person's growth so losing them would be pretty tragic. Solemnly, the understudy would sympathize with Zeo. Okabe was next, stating that he was not good at Ninjutsu so he focuses on Bukijutsu. It was a simplistic yet interesting moveset that the silver-haired boy wanted to see in action. The young man had no grand aspirations, stating that all aspirations left was an early death, his parents being a byproduct of that mentality. Enishi didn't know what to think of Okabe's ideology, as his reasons for not having aspirations -being his parents' death- made complete sense, but living and not having any goals of sorts felt so...alien to the understudy. Regardless of their differing doctrines, Enishi would simply observe until it was his turn, waiting for a few seconds after Okabe before speaking calmly,

"My name is Enishi Kurosawa." A pregnant pause occurred, enough for the understudy to brainstorm his abilities and inform the group, "From a young age, I was drawn towards Medical Ninjutsu, therefore I primarily specialize in that. However, I've been developing my skills in Ninjutsu, specifically the Water and Earth nature transformations. As a result, I am essentially a mid-range fighter with supporting capabilities. Those are my strengths, I guess. Regarding weaknesses, I don't fare well in close combat situations because of my low physical strength which I am attempting to remedy." Enishi eloquently explained. He would pause for a moment before continuing to speak, this time with conviction in his voice, "For goals, I never knew my parents, so they mean nothing to me," He said bluntly, "I lived most of my teenage life here in Hoshigakure, so naturally, this village became my family. Ergo, my goal is to restore this village to its former glory from many years ago. We've lost a lot for the past years, so I want to become strong enough to defend the village and enact another Golden Age. Whether this would mean to sacrifice my life for the village, rising through the ranks, or even becoming Hogokage, it is what it is." Enishi ended his short description of himself, feeling that he gave a good summary whilst staying true to his ideals and goals. 

WC: 832 (2X Event Bonus is 1664 TWC)
TWC: 3130
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
Stat Page : Stats
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:38 pm
The first to start was Zeo, one who seemed to be a bit all over the place as he tried and answered Akaboshi's questions. The Uzumaki would simply blame it on the boy's nerves, not that he was put on spot but the Chuunin understood although what he asked them wasn't that difficult, it was only when it actually is your turn to answer that the stress would begin to act up. For now the redhead simply continued to listen as he paid close attention to what Zeo shared with them. While the boy was saying one thing, he quickly said the other, probably to show how hard-working he is and willing to learn. Akaboshi could only command him for that and actually already knew all of those things, but of course he wouldn't let them know. What kind of team captain would he be if he didn't did his own homework on the ones he'd be taking under his wings?

Next up was the rebel and troublemaker of the team, Okabe Shukai. For a second Akaboshi got worried whether or not the kid would take the introductions seriously, but luckily it seemed he actually understood the importance of what the Uzumaki had asked from him. The redhead would listen as his second student explained his lack of talent when it came to ninjutsu and only relied on his sword, all the while sharing his simple ambitions which consisted of having a roof over his head and food to make it through the day. So far their group sounded a little depressing but hey, that only meant there was more room for improvement. Lastly, it was Enishi's turn. The lost son who had returned to Hoshigakure after being abducted. A strange story, but there were no signs he wasn't telling the truth.

The young boy explained his backgound and talent for medical ninjutsu with close quarter combat as his weakness. Adding on were his goals to protect and defend the village of Hoshigakure and bring it back to its glory days. Similar to his two teammates earlier, Enishi as well shared how he had to live without parents. It seemed Akaboshi's team was one full of young kids having to grow up without any adults guiding them, which is where he would come into the picture. The red haired Uzumaki would not only have to act as their team leader, but perhaps maybe as some father figure regardless of being quite young himself. "Alright, I expect each and every single one of you to remember each other's strengths and weaknesses." Akaboshi intended to drill the importance of teamwork into their minds.

The Chuunin then continued with the second part of the introductions, their background or bloodline if you may. Of course he read their files so he was already up to date, but it wouldn't hurt bringing it up. "This time, I want you to tell me more about your clan and what it means to you to be part of it." Did they feel honored, special or perhaps maybe even cursed being a member of their respective clan? Only one way to find out. 

(WC: 525, TWC: 1285)
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Generation H (Team meeting) Empty Re: Generation H (Team meeting)

Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:21 pm
Zeo felt a bit self-conscious. Perhaps he had overshared too much, still out of the rest, he felt the most vulnerable. The others were more steeled up in terms of their resolve and strengths. While Zeo was often the quiet type, he was the kind whose mind was always thinking and active. It also became clear that both Enshi and Okabi had similar backgrounds to Zeo. They had lost something precious to them, and he felt more connected to them because of that. Though the more he looked at the smoking red-head leader, the more unsure how he would fit in. For the time being he was quiet and listened. Enishi had the most interesting goal-- to be Hogokage. This interested him and made Zeo look to him. The dream of being Hogokage. That was something special indeed. He did wonder if he too could become the kage of the village-- the name Hoshikage sounded better too. But he wasn't sure if the title could be given to those who were foreign. In the end, to strive to become one was honorable enough as well.

After a bit of time, he figured to keep himself busy as he took out his bubble pipe and water container. As the captain spoke, he began to blow bubbles out into the air, which floated leisurely above them. The bubbles eased his anxiety as he watched them, and controlled his breath. Though now, this was his best jutsu he learned to master with the thanks of a local Jounin-- Yasha.

He soon turned to hear Akaboshi speak up, wishing for more details about them. This one-- about clan or background, was indeed a sour subject that made Zeo stop his bubble-blowing. "I... hate to say it, but I have none. " Zeo said as he lowered his bubble pipe. He remembered the fond memories of his parents, the life they led as modest farmers and fishermen. "I mean, sure my parents knew ninjutsu but used it to aid their work for the village. They were farmers and fishers. They were firm believers of Ninshu, the original shinobi code. But I don't have anything as impressive as a 'clan' . The only family i knew were my parents. I don't have special powers like Soma with his Crystal Release, or special eyes..."

However, Zeo was unaware of a truth slumbering within him. He had something in him. The visions-- the episodes-- he had when his vision would flicker to see things that were not there wasn't his imagination or some side effect to learning genjutsu. He was experiencing parts of a bloodline limit-- one he had no clue about or awareness of.

It was then that Zeo remembered the scroll he had been given. "Um, Akaboshi-sen--- Er, I mean Captain, may I ask a question? Are you familiar with Fuinjutsu? " he asked. Slowly he reached into his kimono shirt and took out a metal frame to contain a scroll with his family crest on the bottom-- a Shinto gate. "This was given by my mother before she died. It's sealed by a powerful jutsu and no matter what I try or show it to others in Fuinjutsu in the village, they cannot open it. Perhaps... you might be able to help? " he asked, showing him the cylinder.

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