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Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:09 pm
Mission Link (2000 WC needed)

Zeo's Stats

From the Ashes...

The fire that took place last night was indeed a disaster. Everyone in the village was a concern and nervous by the recent acts of Arsene that have been going on. Upon first arriving in Haven, Zeo thought this place was a haven. A peaceful nation with little conflict and people who supported and care for one another. The reality wasn't exactly as he had thought since people were setting the fire. On one hand, they saved him from his trauma and growing up alone. The downside, he had faced his share of fires of late and that was starting to set off some bad images in his mind.

His village, and family consumed by bandits using fire to burn his home to the ground. Ever since he hated fire. Even fire-style jutsu scared him a bit. He had to get over that if he wanted to push forward as a shinobi and he wasn't about to let his past haunt him that badly. He had to face it, and he took a big step forward. He helped to save that burning building.

Despite the medical ninja having told him to rest and recover after smoke inhalation and exerting so much chakra to help save the victims of the fire, he wanted to do his part and help out at the site of the fire.

The store where it took place was now a charred and broken down part of that block as he approached. It was roped off and kept away by most of the citizens. Shinobi were there, trying to discover the cause of the fire. Zeo had no clue why it happened either. It wasn't like there was a target or anything. He presumed it was just an accident and acted accordingly. He didn't think he would go into the fire and save the people inside, but he did, including a little girl.

As he approached the ruin building, one of the elder shinobi spotted him-- who was also the medic who treated him as well. "Oh no. Not you. Why are you here?" the shinobi said, being a younger woman-- a chunin who looked to be in her 20s. "I told you to go home and rest after last night. " her tone was firm, but Zeo still had his neutral look on his face.

"I just want to do my part to help with the reconstruction," Zeo said. "I don't mean to be a burdon but I want to help. Please let me."

"Absolutely not!" the medic scolded him. "You have done enough. If it wasn't so helpful, I'd call it suicidal jumping into a fire like that. If you didn't have water release, you would have been toast! Take this time and get rest."

Their argument soon brought the attention of one of the other shinobi. "Is there a problem?"

Zeo soon looked to who it was-- to soon find a tall man. He looked to be in his 30s, still young but built and a shinobi of great experience. He wore a black gi with golden clouds etched on it. His black hair was tied in the back, and he was only distinguished by a golden mask that covered the upper part of his face.

"So, you were the young shinobi who helped put out the fire from last night?" he asked in a friendly tone, a smirk on his face.

WC: 570 (x2 from anniversary) 1140
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:14 pm
soma shin stats

Soma Shin Misaki woke up that morning to the news of another fire in town. He heard that a building was badly damaged in the fire. He thought maybe some of his earth jutsu might be able to help a little so maybe he should gear up and head down to the building to see if he can help. He was very curious to see what had happened. He also heard that Zeo was somehow involved in putting the fire out. So he could maybe meet up with him and help out his old friend. So he had made up his mind to go help out at the burnt building.

He got up and got dressed in his usual outfit for the day. Went down the stairs to eat some breakfasts. He was thinking and questioning how he could actually help. Soma Shin was not particularly strong; he might be able to help somehow though. He did not think that this was going to be too hard of a thing though. After he ate his meal he headed down to the building where he saw his old friend Zeo talking to some men. A medic and another shinobi. Soma would walk down to greet him. He says to Zeo “What did you do this time Zeo, you know in this friendship group Sakuragi is the only crazy person allowed. I came down to see if you needed any help in the reconstruction. I am not super strong but I should still be able to help if you need it.”

WC 259 x2=518

Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:15 am
Zeo felt odd about the masked man, but in a good way. Though masked and seemingly stern, he didn't appear unkind. Upon closer look of his mask, he soon saw the etching of the Star that marked him as a Hoshigakure shinobi. He clearly was a senior shinobi to the village. "Um... yes, sir," he replied, giving a deep bow to him.

The man nodded, understanding that he heard right. "I see. You did a fine job here. I didn't think a genin could master an A rank water jutsu like that at your age." he said clearly impressed but even with his mask, his tone and expression seemed neutral. "Either way, there is no shame in taking it easy. The medic is right. You should rest, and you did a good job. "

"Yeah... but--"

Zeo was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice who soon approached. A frown formed on Zeo's face as he turned to realize it was the green haired shinobi he knew well -- Soma. Soma was indeed a friend to Zeo, though his gung-ho attitude and snide jokes could rub him the wrong way. He also could be oddly impulsive as well. "Really? You're one to talk considering the last mission we did. And why did you say that like I HAD something to do with this?" he said dryly.

Soma had come to help as well with the reconstruction and recovery from the burnt building. The man with the mask turned to him too and then to Zeo. "You're help isn't necessary-- but appreciated. If you wish, why don't you help by aiding with moving the supplies? We salvaged some key items spared from the fire. Secure them away from the site to the med station. " he instructed, " the big issue we need is testing and making sure the support pillars to the building are fixable. If not, the entire building might need to be condemned if it is not salvageable."

Zeo paused at the thought. THe silver lining of all that, there were no casualties. For that, Zeo was grateful. Soma probably could tell, but the tremor of his arms showed he had some issue with that fire.

WC: 366 (x2 from anniversary event) 732
TWC: 1872
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:31 pm
”I am just guessing you helped put out the fire and did something extreme because the medics do not usually yell at people trying to help rebuild damage unless they did something extreme. But you and I are similar in the fact that we are going to normally ignore their recommendations. We are going to do whatever it takes to help out Hoshigakure village in whatever way we need to.” He says to Zeo kind of reassuring. Then he continues “and the last mission was just a little miscommunication and it turned out fine. Nothing went wrong plus you got to meet a really pretty princess right? So it was a good mission all in all.” He says with a chuckle but then he gets a little more serious and continues “I am here to do whatever you need me to do to help but in all seriousness you should take it easy if that is what the doc says. Do not push yourself there is nothing to prove. You have proven you can handle yourself and you are willing to do whatever it takes.

Soma Shin looks at the supplies and grabs what he can for this first trip; he is unsure if he should use any of his jutsu. He knows that if someone from the church sees him they will be upset but he wants to help still as much as he can so if push comes to shove he will use what he has to in order to save as many people as possible if he has to he will in order to save the building but he would rather keep it secret for now but he will look to zeo for instructions on what to do next.

WC 292 x2=584

TWC551 x2=1102

Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:00 am
Zeo paused as clearly Soma surmised that he did something reckless... and while his heart was in the right place, it fell between the ground of stupid and suicidal. Had he not had been so gifted with suiton techniques, he would probably have gotten himself killed. "Well, I kind of... perhaps... might of...-- jumped into a burning window and searched the building till I got everyone out. And... used an excessively dangerous water jutsu to get out of the building..." Zeo said, trying to keep the sound of its light.

Despite the grumpy look from the woman medical ninja, she allowed the other shinobi to direct. "If you insist. That being the case, just help with retrieving the supplies collected and moved to the camp over there, " he pointed to the group where the medical station was. "Do not go into the building. We will be using chunin to get in and out. No sense in having you enter a potential place thatt might cave in."

"Yes, sir" Zeo replied to the older shinobi.

The masked man smiled at Zeo with confidence. "Just take it easy. There is no shame if you need to take a break." he said and left to attend to the other work he had to do.

Zeo looked to Soma, but returned to the task at hand. Finding the boxes, Zeo, one at a time, moved each box to the right place. He kept to the lighter weight boxes as he moved each over. Most of the materials were canned materials, tools, and other objects that were salvaged from the shop. Still, some were sealed anyway to keep them from being open or damaged further. It was tedious but he was encouraged to keep going.

WC: 292 (X2 from anniversary) 584
TWC: 2456
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:11 pm
Soma Shin Loos at Zeo and says “well that was a little extreme. But it got the job done right? Next time though maybe put the fire out before you jump but i am not one to talk. I ran inside a burning stall to save a little girl so I guess I cannot say much.” Soma Shin started to remember all the missions he had done and thought he might have been reckless too. But he snaps back to reality and notices Zeo babying one of his arms and trying to hide the fact that it is bothering him. He thinks about saying something but then he thinks again and will not say anything unless he sees that it is becoming worse. He is worried that if he tries to get Zeo to stop he will be upset with him even though he will only be trying to help. “Hey Zeo, will you help me with this big board to get it over to the construction crew. It is not too bad but it probably needs two people to carry it. We should probably keep our use of Jutsu to a minimum. We would not want to offend anyone while doing official business. But a big strong earth golem would be very useful right now, would it not?”

He will continue to move boxes and wood by hand. He is trying to hide the fact that he is keeping a close eye on Zeo to make sure he does not push himself. He is always ready to jump in if Zeo looks like he is going to hurt himself more but if something does look like it will go wrong he will try to help but do it in a way that Zeo will save face.

WC 297 x2=594

TWC 845 x2=1696
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:30 pm
Zeo rolled his eyes at Soma's response-- both to point out his own flaw as well as Soma's own. It seemed everyone would do something reckless when it came to saving another's life. What was being a shinobi if you were not willing to risk your well being? Still, Zeo realized he had to keep moving ahead. He learned his lesson, so he had to just be more careful and observant in the future.

Returning his thoughts to the task at hand, he put down the box he had-- till he heard Soma request for help as he took on a big box. Zeo quickly rushed over and took hold on a side of it, helping as they backed it over to the others. Soma mentioned the use of an earth golem, which interested Zeo to say the least. "Can you actually make one to do the heavy lifting itself?" he asked, curious as he had no clue how earth-based autonomous constructs operated.

Zeo didn't care too much aboutt saving face, but completing the task at hand as he helped with the boxes and supplies. Luckily, no one needed them to help with the inside work and the building remained intact. Well the only part needing major work was the windows themselves-- and the entrance with Zeo blew apart with a water dragon.

The rest of the afternoon soon finished with the little issue as they were able to remove anything salvageable. Zeo looked to find the shinobi from earlier-- but the man in the mask was gone. He likely was one of the crews inside, or had other duties to perform. Whatever the case, Zeo was impressed by that shinobi.

"I'm exhausted. Any chance you wanna get something to eat before heading home?" Zeo asked Soma.

Having helped with the cleanup and recovery to the fire, Zeo left with Soma to find some food for supper. Perhaps there, they could talk about what was going on...


WC: 328 (X2 due to anniversary event) 656

TWC: 3112

Rewards: 2000 Ryo +5 AP (x2 due to anniversary event) 4000 Ryo +10 Ap.

Stats: +5 to strength, +10 to Chakra, +11 to Vigor

Jutsu: 3112 WC to Uchugan scaling. (Learning: 3612/4000 to Phase 2)

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:16 pm
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:17 pm
Soma Shin Looks at Zeo who seems to be pondering what he had done and says “hey man there is nothing to worry about.” Talking to Zeo makes Soma Shin Think about all the reckless things he has done throughout his time as a shinobi for Hoshigakure village. He had done some very dangerous things in the past but it was all for the village and to help the people he cares for. When Soma asked for help Zeo was quick to respond and help him out with the heavy boxes and pieces of lumber.

At the mention of using a jutsu technique Zeo got really curious and started to ask questions. That Soma Shin was not sure he should answer because Chunin exams were about to start soon and who knows who Soma would be facing. So he was trying to think of a way to answer without giving away too much information to someone who might be able to use it against me someday. “The golem can do a lot of things. It is very strong though. It can do things I need it to do since I am not that strong.” Soma hopes that this answer is enough to satisfy Zeo’s curiosity.

The rest of the day Soma helped Zeo and the rest of the crew and everything went good and there were not any real problems with the rest of the day. “Food I am always willing to go get some good ramen if you want to meet up at the ramen shop.”


WC:256 x2=512

TWC 2208


4000 Ryo +10 Ap.


Learning Jade Crystal Blade 1750/1750

Last edited by Soma Misaki on Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: From the Ashes... (C-Rank Mission)

Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:53 am
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