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Ichirō Ishitoya
Ichirō Ishitoya
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Ichiro's Stat Page
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Transform!! (Solo) Empty Transform!! (Solo)

Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:33 pm
It was Kouichi's day off from school and what a better way to spend it than to practice a jutsu. Kouichi had one jutsu in mind, which he performed incorrectly during the lesson....the transformation jutsu. Like always, he had gotten up earlier than normal to get a spot to train before all his favorite spots get crowded. Kouichi ran out the door and looked up towards the sky. The clouds looked darker than usual, which could mean a storm is coming. He hoped he would get some time to train before it rains. Kouichi rushed through town towards the wooded area, which was his top place to train. Luckily, he got there before everyone else. After reaching a small clearing, Kouichi opened up his notebook, which he had taken notes from the lesson and started reading. "Ok...." He said outloud. "The hand signs are....Dog....boar and ram..." Kouichi shut his notebook, stood up and walked to the center of the clearing. Afterwards, he started the hand signs in the exact order: Dog, boar, ram. "Transform!!" He said outloud. Kouichi looked down, only to be disappointed. "Darn!" He exclamed. He went back to his notebook to try to see where he went wrong.

WC: 204

Last edited by Kouichi Nakamura on Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ichirō Ishitoya
Ichirō Ishitoya
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Ichiro's Stat Page
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Transform!! (Solo) Empty Re: Transform!! (Solo)

Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:22 pm
Kouichi read the notes several times, starting to get frustrated. The thoughts of the class looking at him haunted him, knowing how badly he failed. It then hit him. It was the embarrassment that rushed through his head that caused him to fail. Rain started to fall on Kouichi's face with random booms of thunder echoed through the wooded area. Kouichi stood one more time in the middle of the clearing. He blocked the embarrassed thoughts and focused more on his sensei, Nero: What he looked like and what he was wearing. Kouichi made the hand signs: Dog, boar and ram. With a crash of thunder, Kouichi yelled, "Transform!"
Kouichi looked down, and noticed he was wearing a uniform. He said out loud in a deeper voice, "Did it work?" It wasn't his normal voice, but a voice that sounded like Nero's. Kouichi yelled, "I did it!" Turning back into himself. The thunder crackled harder than ever, startling him. Kouichi realized he'd better head home before he gets a cold. He then grabbed his notebook and headed back to the village area.


Total word count: 385

Claim: 250/385 Transformation Jutsu mastery, 100/135 +1 to Vigor stat, 35/35 Added Ryo
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