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Momochi Yamanaka
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Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:53 am
Cool blue eyes glanced about the area impassively, mouth twisted into a crude imitation of a soft smile that she wore without falter. The kage tower stood before her, and inside was waiting the Mizukage. To an outside observer, she was simply handing in a mission report. A manila envelope rested comfortably in her unnervingly well manicured hands, though the information inside was largely falsified- nothing of interest to warrant digging. In truth, she was there to give a verbal report on the results of her most recent experiments. Nothing too interesting had been discovered- most of the people given to her had been clanless for confidentiality reasons, as well as the fact that there simply weren't too many kekkei genkai bearing defectors who lived to tell the tale.

She wordlessly entered after being rung in, leaning against the wall. She was roughly five minutes early- as she preferred to be- and waited to be let in. Despite these results, however, she had a few interesting notes- she was beginning to work out the kinks of her family's previously lost hiden jutsu, which would be especially useful for interrogation or long distance communication. Such a development, however, would take a while before they came to fruition. A few other one off pieces of information were discovered as well, but they'd be much more effective in the hands of a medic than the hands of a weapon specialist such as herself. Needless to say, however, life was more or less as normal.

[WC: 251]
[Total WC: 251]
Kizmaru Senju
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Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:24 am
Sitting at his desk, Kizmaru was at work signing off on paperwork that needed to be done. One of the rare few days the pile wasn't massive and he could take his time in thoroughly reading some of the more interesting ones. In the end, he realized now that none of them were particularly interesting, it was just him having to 'yes' or 'no' on matters that should fall under common sense. Letting out an irritated sigh, Kizmaru had resume his usual pace of skimming through each topic and signing off on them. It was a thankless job but somebody had to do it and unfortunately for him, he was the one that volunteered for this position. An odd choice but a choice nonetheless. He wasn't sure how everybody just casually accepted this one day but, nobody questioned it. the only question everybody most likely had was,'who' exactly is the Mizukage. For now, Kizmaru decided he would continue this charade until he was good and ready to come out, or it was discovered. Well, he'd put that thought off for now as his mind roamed onto other matters for today he was expecting company. A kind of 'researcher' he knew for awhile was expected to drop by and hand him a report.

As if he was speaking a devil into existence, Kizmaru was informed that a guest was here to see them from the phone that sits atop of his desk to the right. He had responded, telling them to send them into his office so he can begin right away and hear about the supposed fruits of labor. Finishing up his last piece of work, he decided this was a good place to pause as he awaited his guest to enter. Making sure nothing was out of order, Kizmaru decided to make one last acheck of himself and the office they were sitting in. The office itself was fine, nothing out of the ordinary, three seats directly in front of his desk on the opposite side for visitors to sit down in. As usual, when sitting in his office, he wore his Mizukage attire of a blue and white hat with a white veil concealing his face, only revealing the color of his eyes and blue and white robe concealing his everyday attire. Underneath said attire, was his usual set of clothing he'd wear when masquerading as a Jounin. His attire consisted of a yellow button down shirt, navy blue pants and ninja tabi. He wasn't wearing the tie at this time as he wasn't feeling it at the moment.

Lastly, he was wearing his Jounin flak jacket over his shirt as he'd feel naked without protection. Well, he was ready for his company to arrive at any moment now.

W.C: 462
Momochi Yamanaka
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Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Re: Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:16 am
She was wordlessly rung into the Mizukage's office, which she walked into with the relaxed confidence of someone who knew where she was supposed to be. Her eyes glanced around the office for a moment, taking in the piles of unfinished paperwork. She didn't envy the person before her. "Lord Mizukage," she greeted amiably and respectfully. Momochi couldn't care less who was behind the veil- he got things done quickly and efficiently, and that was all she wanted out of someone who wore the hat. The doors closed shut behind her before she continued. "We both know the folder doesn't contain anything interesting, so let's cut to the chase." Time, after all, was a valuable commodity. She hated wasting time, be it hers or other peoples'. Her posture straightened minutely as she prepared to give her report.

"As you expected, none of the patients displayed unusual talents or bloodlines- otherwise reacting normally to the standard tests and procedures." A pupilless blink as she continued. "As such, I've taken the liberty of studying their chakra coils. I'm much closer to working out the nooks and crannies of my clan jutsu, though with no recorded references remaining things are progressing slower than optimal.

"Most of the issues stem from a lack of resources,"
she admitted. "As a weaponry specialist who rarely sees the front lines, I have limited access to proper instruction in ninjutsu. I would like to request permission to access some of the chuunin restricted files on chakra control and channeling." a pause as she took in a breath through the nostrils. "End report."

[WC: 264]
[Total WC: 515]
Kizmaru Senju
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Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Re: Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Thu Jul 02, 2020 3:39 am
Taking glances at the door, Kizmaru decided he'd resume his work while he waited for his guest to come in. Before he could resume however, his guest has arrived. If he recalled correctly, this woman's name was Momochi Yamanaka. She was a researcher that he had assigned to conduct research and some controversial experiments on the genetic strains and known bloodlines. So far the research hasn't been fruitful but he wouldn't give up on it just yet. All the money and resources he spent on it will not go to waste until something had produced results that he could be satisfied with. Hopefully, he'd get some good news this time around but he wasn't going to get his hopes up. When she walked in the office, she had gave a casual greeting of calling him by his title to which he responded with, 'Yamanaka'. Looking at her approach, she had began to get straight to the point. Listening to what she had told him, Kizmaru began to sigh in disappointment. What little hope he had of finding new or rare strains of DNA were gone for the time being. According to her, none of the patients were displaying and unique traits or talents that he could study.

She continued her report by saying she had lacked resources and experience since she didn't see combat very often and that was indeed somewhat of a problem. Taking this into consideration, he figured he would have honor this request if this was the way to produce results. He'd take almost any measure needed if it's to further his research for betterment of the village. Of course, it wasn't without personal gain but he still held his village as top priority. Now it was time for him to give Yamanaka her response. "I see, well it was to be expected. Thank you for your report and honesty. I will look into getting you the files needed in order for you to better yourself with the Ninjutsu arts as well as human anatomy and hand to hand combat. I don't know if it'll help you in your endeavors but I'll try anything at this point. Even if I have to get somebody to teach you or teach you myself. If there's anything else you'd like to discuss, let me know now. If not, I shall prepare a teacher for you straight away to meet you at the training facility to get you started on your extra training."

With that, Kizmaru listened to hear if there was anymore requests she would liked fulfilled that was within his authority to do so. If not, he would carry on by continuing to fill out paperwork for the masses, dismissing her and telling her she should wait by the military training facility.

W.C: 463
Momochi Yamanaka
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Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Re: Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:39 pm
The young woman bowed her head respectfully as she listened to the Mizukage's reply. Kekkei genkai were more rare than not, so it wasn't completely out of line that her efforts have yet to bear fruit. At the same time, the disappointment settled deep within her bones, leaving behind nothing but the lingering feeling of shame. Whatever task the dictator had for her next, she wouldn't fail him. She nodded intently as he talked a bit about providing her more resources for human biology and hand to hand combat. In truth, this was considerably more than she had expected. Ever since her younger academy days, it'd been generally accepted amongst her peers and teachers that she'd likely never progress beyond genin corps fodder. And since then?

Well, the new Mizukage had noticed her- and not just noticed, he saw something in her that she perhaps didn't yet see. At first, the experiments were a little awkward, though that was likely due to her own inexperience. And now he was offering her training with someone of his choosing. Would Xyxer have done such a thing?

She imagined not.

Momochi understood realistically that she was putting whoever the man behind the veil was on a higher pedestal than was a good idea. Especially considering the fact that she didn't know him that well- nobody did. It may not have been intentional, but some of his actions were reminiscent of old lessons from clan teachers. Many ninja tended to latch on to the first people to show them kindness, given the inherent trauma that came with the trade. Whether she liked it or not, she'd latched on to the stranger before her- and wasn't that something.

She just hoped it wouldn't come back to bite her later.

"Understood, lord Mizukage," she returned attentively as if she hadn't just been lost in thought. "I will be down momentarily."

[WC: 314]
[Total WC: 829]

(Potential exit?)
Claiming: 8 stats
250 words towards
579 words towards
and a slightly unhealthy devotion to the mizukage
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Re: Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:28 am
Kizmaru Senju
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Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Re: Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:08 pm
After he had finished giving out his statement, Kizmaru listened to her say she understood and that she would be down momentarily. He nodded his head as well, not looking up towards her as he was busy signing his name and stamping the documents on the table before him. As soon as she had exited the office, Kizmaru let out a sigh as he knew he wouldn't be able to find somebody to train her  like he would have hoped. So, of course, he himself would be the one to take up the mantle. its not like he was very busy in his recent days but he does seem to have an unconscious habit of putting more work on the table for himself when it wasn't necessary. Still, he assumed he would use this as way to also keep his own power afloat without having to schedule times off. It would be in his best interest to do this, contrary to popular belief. After coming to terms with this, he was a bit happier that he thought of it as a positive than a negative and was even ecstatic to begin right away. Finishing up the meager amount of work that was laid before him, he rose from his seat before walking into the nearby common room in order to change out of his Mizukage robes and hat and into his Jounin attire. He had already been wearing most of it underneath but he still had to tie his headband around his forehead in a bandana. With that addition, his Jounin attire was complete. he then placed his hands into his pockets and prepared to head out of the office himself in order to head to the military training facility as his Jounin counter part, Kizmaru Terumi. What a day this will be.

W.C: 303
T.W.C: 1,228

Ability claims
Using 1,000 words in the Earth Element. (6,000/6,000) (25% Discount)
Using 200 words for the Lava Element. (200/1,500) (25% Discount)

Last edited by Kizmaru Senju on Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Re: Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:03 pm
"Characters with Maxed Stats are able to train their AP at a rate of 2AP for 100 words, however this cannot be done whilst the character is using any type of discount."

Please choose if you're going for the 2AP for 100 words, or the 25% max discount.
Kizmaru Senju
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Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide] Empty Re: Not a mourning person [NK, Aloide]

Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:55 pm
Forgot about that, I'll take the discount then.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

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Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:02 pm
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