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Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Seals of life Empty Seals of life

Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:07 pm
Nakosaki and his twin waited upon the gates of hoshigakure, waiting upon a man who they would meet sometime. The mark of confirmation sealed upon their backs was respectful of them. Now all they had to do was wait for the man to come as Yasaki ordered both of them to meet him at the gates. Both the living clones and as well the so-called person don’t know what would go on as they both wait upon carefully for the young gentlemen to appear. 

Nova Captain
Nova Captain
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:51 am
For some reason, unbeknownst to a certain red haired Uzumaki, the Hogokage had ordered Akaboshi to meet him at the village gates. Regardless of it being such a strange request it was still one coming from Yasaki Uchiha, his Kage. As he was preparing himself to go out the Chuunin noticed it was about time for him to leave and head to the meeting point, being the gates. Dressed in his usual attire, Akaboshi put on his Chuunin Flak jacket before closing the door behind him. Having exited his house he would then make his way to his destination where he was supposed to meet the Hogokage, or so he thought.

Lighting up a cigarette he grabbed earlier when reaching inside one of his side pockets the redhead inhaled deeply before exhaling, blowing away the smoke. It didn't take him all that long to arrive at the village gates, only he didn't expect to notice who was just waiting for him. Twins, two of them, both identical to Yasaki Uchiha were standing at the gates. "What, or maybe better, who do we have here?" Throwing away his cigarette from earlier, putting it out on the ground using the bottom of his boot Akaboshi looked at the pair in front of him. "So, what exactly would be the reason I was called out here?" The red haired Uzumaki was aware the Hogokage could be quite strange from time to time, so he couldn't wait to find out why it was he had to gather around the gates.

(WC: 256)
Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:59 pm
As soon as the red-haired arrived Yasaki too arrived the scene. He would be shirtless and only pants on the scene. The Uchiha decided he needed both good-looking fellas in front of him to be marked away. Since the current one who he sees being active was Akaboshi to plant a seal on both of his clones. He wanted to send them on a mission before it was time to get started. “We’ll I need you to plant these clones of mines with a seal of yours. To keep them in contact and as well know what’s going on.” He shook his head as the old man waited for his response.
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:05 pm
Almost at the same time as the red haired Uzumaki arrived the Kage would make his way to the gates as well. "Lord Hogokage, interesting outfit you have chosen." With a slight bow Akaboshi would comment on the way Yasaki was walking around the village. Assuming the older man would greet him as well he figured the Uchiha was about to explain what it was exactly he expected him to do. It was pretty obvious something was up considering the fact that both the Kage and his clones were out as well. Just as Akaboshi thought, Yasaki had some sort of request. One that involved marking both his living clones as he planned on sending them out on a mission and needed a way to keep in touch.

"Sure, I guess I can do that if you really want." Being part of the famous Uzumaki clan allowed him to know a couple of useful techniques, one of them being Telepathy Seal. Most of the time it would be used in high rank missions to keep in contact with ones squad, and higher ups to report changes in mission status. Akaboshi would motion both of the clones to come closer, assuming they did as told he would then place a small black circle seal behind the ear of the two living clones. "That should do the trick." Once he was finished Akaboshi would suggest placing one on Yasaki as well. "I believe it's for the best if I placed a seal on you as well." Before doing anything he would await the Hogokage's answer. 

(WC: 263, TWC: 519)

[Placing a Telepathy Seal on Ban Uchiha and Nakosaki Uchiha]
Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:25 pm
He needed both of the living clones to be planted with a mark seal. Even though it will contact Akaboshi whatever happens that is clearly seen understandable. So that was the case he needed to and with the up-coming exams in play, it was best for one to stay and the other to be sent out to the wild. The Uchiha watched the red-haired expression as he looked down onto himself, shirtless with pants. “You got a problem with how I wear Akaboshi? ” He let out a chuckle as he took notice seeing two of his beloved clones sealed up with a special Jutsu. 

With the living clones sealed up, it was time for them to exit the location. As one returned back to the village and other pursuing to be exiting the village. Yasaki approached Akaboshi 2 meters away from him,  he would accept his mark seal. “Proceed as you wish.”

Nova Captain
Nova Captain
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:02 am
As expected Yasaki agreed to the red haired Uzumaki's suggestion of marking the Hogokage with a Telepathy Seal as well. Of course this would mean that whenever any of the living clones wanted to get in contact they would have to go through Akaboshi. Following the same procedure he used on both Ban and Nakosaki, the Chuunin placed a small circle seal behind the Uchiha's left ear. Forming 4 hand seals followed by the placing of the seal once Yasaki gave his permission. "There you go, now yours is done as well." In the meantime the two living clones had already left the scene, one exited the village while the other returned. 

Of course in order for each party involved to be able and communicate Akaboshi required one es well. Which is why he simply blaced the exact same circle behind his own left ear in case he needed to get in touch with any of the three Uchiha, or all of them at the same time. Now that all of the seals had been placed the redhead figured he'd take the time to briefly explain how the Telepathy Seals worked. "Basically the only thing you need to do is flow chakra to the seal." The Uzumaki figured it would be better to simply show the Hogokage. 

Flowing his chakra to the seal he suddenly began to speak to Yasaki telepathically. "Don't worry, you're not hearing any voices in your head. It's just me using the Telepathy seal to talk to you." With a smirk Akaboshi demonstrated the use of the seal. 

(WC: 262, TWC: 781)

[Placing a Telepathy Seal on Yasaki Uchiha and myself]
Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:34 pm
The living clones departed the scene as Yasaki gave ban five thousand ryo for the payment of the carriage as they would mark him up with two seals on his neck and ear. This undoubtedly left no questions for the Kage with no hesitation, Ban made his way towards the gate heading to the country borders to start a recent life elsewhere. Before he left Yasaki would give a Kunai to the living clone. He marked it with a flying thunder god seal. Ban disappeared within a flash. Nakosaki went back to the training grounds to train with any individual to get himself stronger. The Uchiha gave permission for the youthful man to proceed with the seal. It would not hurt as he calmly waited to be done. He would be told to flow chakra to the seal. Undoubtedly, he thought he was going crazy for a second hearing voices, realizing the red-haired voice was showing how it was done. He was demonstrated on how it must be done as he himself started to flow chakra to the seal. After his speech, Yasaki decided to depart.

“Perfect the living clones will contact you soon enough but one more thing mark up the gateman Jakosaki he is by the gate fifteen meters away from you. He is a pleasant lad from the same tribe known as the Dosser Tribe.” 


Mid-Thread Claim 
TWC:563 -  Shadow Clone to Nakosaki Uchiha

Telepathy Seal: Ban uchiha, Nakosaki, Akaboshi
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:26 pm
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:48 pm
For some reason the red haired Uzumaki started to feel like he was giving out seals. First the Hogokage's two living clones, then Yasaki himself and now the man even requested for Akaboshi to place another seal on the gateguard. Well, an order was an order so he didn't really see any reason not to oblige. The man in question would be standing fifteen meters from the redhead's current position, so the Chuunin started to walk up to him. Akaboshi would simply greet the man, assuming he heard what was said moments ago. Placing the same small circle seal behind Jakosaki's left ear. "There, now you're all sealed up as well" the redhead said with a smile.

As he returned to his original position the red haired Uzumaki started to wonder what the Kage meant by "the living clones will contact you soon enough". Perhaps Yasaki had something planned for them, who knew. But for now he wouldn't pay too much attention to it since he assumed he would find out soon enough anyway. For now he figured it was time to go home, unless the Kage had another request. "If that would be all I will take my leave and continue making my rounds through the village." Assuming he wasn't stopped Akaboshi would offer a small bow before saying his goodbyes. Wondering how long it would take before one of the living clones, or someone else tried to get in contact with him. But that would be a story for another day. 


(TWC: 1034)
- 20 AP
- 1000/1000 Manipulating Attack Blades

[Don't think I need to claim this but just to be sure, Telepathy Seal on Ban, Nakosaki, Jakosaki and Yasaki Uchiha]
Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Seals of life Empty Re: Seals of life

Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:00 pm
After the seals were completed it was a happy ending.

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