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Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Two Yuki's Make A? ( Ballian )  Empty Two Yuki's Make A? ( Ballian )

Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:18 pm
Furozan was not sure how to react to the invitation to be mentored and he was even further confused as to what it was going to be like with another Yuki. He knew there were others, and he had done a little research, and it seemed the two were distant cousins from way back. Not that it mattered, they shared the same clan, and if his father had anything to say about it he was to treat him the same as he treated his closest relatives. They had to stick together.
That came from the old legends. When their ancestors had been hunted down and killed all those years ago. His father believed that the family was cursed now because of it, but Furo chalked it all up to superstition. An old legend that he hung on to in order to blame his misfortune and lack of direction on something other than himself. It was typical for people to deflect like that. To find anything to hold the blame, other than themselves, so that they could justify their laziness and go to sleep with a clean conscious.
He pushed those thoughts out of his head, for now. He was excited at the prospect of getting trained by someone who was better than he was. He, quite frankly, did not believe that he was worth the training and he guessed that maybe this Ballian Yuki felt some sort of need to ensure that the Yuki clan was strong. He hoped that was the case, at least.
Furozan found himself at the Military Training Academy and ran through a couple of warm ups. The short statured ninja with the bright white hair did a couple of laps around the track and a few push ups and sit ups to get the blood pumping. He was not sure what to expect from this meeting. He could not tell if he was excited or nervous. Probably both.
WC: 323
Stat Page : Icey Healy Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9850

Two Yuki's Make A? ( Ballian )  Empty Re: Two Yuki's Make A? ( Ballian )

Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:54 pm
The day seemed rather less expressive than normal in his eyes, the reflection of the trickling rays of light bounced from the musky dark clouds and would flicker a shine of sun at the oddest moments, Ballian stared into the sky for a periodic time in a form of relaxation to ease his mind before he made through the tedious process of development of a young yuki member, his invitation wasn’t exclusive to any said specific Yuki that resided within Kirigakure, but rather ones who seemed to be up to the task of gaining and to know and understand their families’ legacy. One can truly only know the roots of their own bloodline if they take time to experiment and develop through others.” looking down into his book shortly and taking a glance of the area in front of him as he was sitting on top of the military training area’s housing and watched a young shinobi that seemed to resemble the description of the younger shinobi that was said to be attending today. The moment the boy had arrived and seemed rather perky to an extent. The excitement from the young boy made him interested to stand by temporarily to see what would be displayed, as he began to start doing laps and running around at a normal pace, it seemed he was attempting to warm up. Ballian began to flip to a new page and began to write some minor details that would only be in mention for himself.

“Furozan Yuki, Distant Cousin of the clan, has features that resemble a ‘winter’ child, a teenager between the ages of 15-18, shorter height than normal men, similar to Zieg and seems rather light for weight, which is normal.”

Scribbling the details down in his book, he looked back up and seemed that the Yuki was certainly getting warmed up to get himself either settled from excitement or is just trying to maintain it, most younger kids are always rather full of energy. Well, Ballian thought to himself, guess it is time to introduce himself. Taking a step off the roof and began to float down gingerly with the traces of ice floating below his feet added by the effect of his bloodline, landing softly on the ground about five feet out of the way of the genin who was doing laps, he put his book away and pen into his chest pocket and raised his hand to make a cough like sound to potentially get the genin to stop and then raised his hand as well.

“I believe that you are the young gentleman that is meeting me today? I am Ballian Yuki. We are going to go over a few things in an agenda to evaluate our beliefs about our family, if you are ever so inclined to learn and help discover secrets and so forth, maybe we can get along fairly well.” Ballian spoke and continued to watch as the young shinobi made his way towards him uncertain if he was going to stop or was going to continue on his way past him in an effort to extort that energy he had been witnessing.
WC: 528
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Two Yuki's Make A? ( Ballian )  Empty Re: Two Yuki's Make A? ( Ballian )

Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:32 am
His run was cut short as a voice rang out and a man came.... floating..... down with ice appearing faintly around his feet. He stopped and listened as the man spoke and he realized that this was who he was meeting. Ballian Yuki. He was immediately struck by how much more power radiated from him than any of the other Yuki Clan members he had met. His father and brothers were nothing compared to him and Furo was even further down the list. This immediately made him feel a bit of shame. How far behind was he?
Discover secrets? He perked up at that. Research and studying was what he truly loved to do. Before he had gone to the academy he had wanted to become a researcher or a scholar so that he could truly follow his passions. “That sounds amazing!” Furo said and the excitement was clear in his voice. But he realized he was probably sounding too eager so he readjusted himself and spoke again but quieter. “Yeah, I guess that sounds pretty cool.” He said coyly.
“I am Furozan Yuki,” He said in response to him giving his name. “Youngest of my family.” He was not sure why that fact mattered but it just came out. With an inquisitive look he inquired a bit further. “What secrets are you hoping to learn?” It was a simple question but probably not one that could be answered. After all…. Secrets were secrets for a reason. But in his experience, people who looked for secrets, often had an end game. Something that they were after.

WC: 266
TWC: 589
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