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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:43 pm
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Only Kuniko may check:
Sakuragi Yuki
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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:49 pm
The loud sound of his alarm woke him up. The hyuuga who had spent almost the entire night studying and mediating  would sure know that waking up late is inevitable. He had a mission to carry out to
today and lateness was not a thing he liked so much. The alarm was set at the loudest tone to trigger him to get out of his bed at all cost. Even if he wanted to resist the alarm, there was no way he could with such thundering sound.

Once the whitehead was out of bed, he would take his bath and do his daily routines. He had scheduled to meet with his teammate, friend and fellow clan member, Hyuuga Kuniko.  It has been a long time since these two did missions together. They failed the last mission they did together with Takeshi before Sakuragi took his long break. Parting away from Team Summer would be due to the tragedy that befell him. He lost his Granny, the only angel left for him in this world. It took months for the spiky haired to regain himself , after which he would return to Team Summer.

The hyuug would be dressed and ready to head out. He would be dressed in  black turtle neck cloak , black pant and black shinobi sandals. He would head out and wait for Kuniko at the entrance of a forest.  The  clearing outside of the forest was only of fine sand, no grasses nor shrub nor any of thing related to such. The hyuuga would lean on a tall tree at the entrance of Forest and would wait for his partner. Hopefully, Kuniko would arrive here in time.

WC: 279
Kuniko Hyuuga
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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:29 pm
Kuniko was meditating on the castle battlements as the sun began to rise. It was back to his typical morning ritual; waking up well before dawn, having a nice hot bath, eating a delicious and nutritious breakfast in the main hall, and going outside to confer with nature. It was peaceful on the battlements, overlooking the village. As the sun began to rise, its warm golden rays illuminated the young Hyuuga's face. He was thinking about the intense training session he and Team Summer had not long ago. Kuniko began to wonder if Tsubaki and Kiryu were doing well. He resolved to write to them, but this morning he had work to do with Sakuragi. 

Standing up on the edge of the castle wall, Kuniko dusted himself off and began walking down the vertical surface before heading out into the woods. He was dressed in his usual muted purple hakama, with black hand wraps to protect his wrists. His long black hair was freshly combed and untied, blowing in the wind. As he walked through the vilage Kuniko would say hello to some of the villagers who were peddling their goods in the early morning. He perhaps spent too much time talking, and bought a magazine describing the economy. It seemed that the newly revitalized Sakura Corporation seemed to be doing well, which was good for the village. Sakura Corp was well known for their expensive clothing line, of which Kuniko was very familiar with. The magazine also mentions a DNA trading scandal where the CEO was selling bloodline secrets. 

Kuniko realized he was about to be late to the meeting with Sakuragi if he stood around reading magazines all day, so he quickly walked off towards the forest surrounding the village. On the way, the young Hyuuga decided to try something new. He parted his hair in such a way that his bangs covered his left eye. He then activated the Byakugan in his left eye which would be hidden from view. He wanted to make sure no one was watching him that he wasn't aware of, after the training indecent at the lake. 

Kuniko would finally meet up with Sakuragi, albeit about twenty minutes late to their meeting. "I apologize for being so late, Sakuragi! I was held up in the village reading a magazine about fashion. This will not happen again any time soon." Kuniko then bowed politely to Sakuragi to express his regret. 

WC: 408

Last edited by Kuniko Hyuuga on Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed typo, received permission from Sakuragi)

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Sakuragi Yuki
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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:05 pm
The Whitehead would let out a smirk the moment he sighted his partner from distance. Kuniko was not used to being late, but most of the time he was. The spiky head would expect such from him and would not be offended  since he already knew kuniko was someone who  easily gets carried away by things around him. At least, that's as much as he knows, he may be wrong.

Sakuragi watched as Kuniko approached him, the Whitehead would move his body away from the tree he was leaning on to meet his partner for this mission. These two had done a lot of missions together and this would not be the third.  Sakuragi would  let out a smile as he listened to Kuniko apologise for arriving late and just as Kuniko would attempt to bow to him, the spiky haired would slam his left palm to the boy's chest such that his chest would meet with Sakuragi's palm as he would  attempt to bow. The palm slam was perfectly timed such that Kuniko's head would not be able to bend over to take a bow. The palm slam was not intended to deal any damage to his partner  , it was just to quickly stop Kuniko from bowing to him. “You're  too soft. No need for apologies, any one could be late” The white head would say with a warm smile as his palm slammed into the boy's chest. 

“So, our mission is to track down and kill the ninja who is hell bent at robbing past heroes of their pride. Our byakugan should be helpful in completing this mission. Where and how do you suggest we begin ?” he would pause to hear Kuniko's opinion. Kuniko had  being the leader of team summer long before Lady Tsubaki of the Senju clan was assigned its' leader. Most of the missions that Team Summer completed were due to Useful tactics and Information  given by Kuniko. He was the coolest of the three, Sakuragi, Kuniko, Takeshi. Now that he was  no longer leader of team summer, the white head saw nothing wrong  if he leads this mission. After all, Sakuragi was ne'er good at leading so he'd just let Kuniko take the lead.

The cloak clothed hyuuga would curiously listen to everything Kuniko has to say and then they may begin the hunt. Another completed mission in view. With their  current team work, no obstacle would be too strong for them to break through.

TWC: 690
Kuniko Hyuuga
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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:11 pm
As Sakuragi slammed his palm into Kuniko's chest, the other shinobi looked up in surprise. After stopping Kuniko from bowing he told Kuniko, “You're  too soft. No need for apologies, any one could be late” with a smile. After a moment of wide-eyed surprise, Kuniko smiled back and quickly nodded instead. Before Kuniko could apologize for his apologies, Sakuragi said “so, our mission is to track down and kill the ninja who is hell bent at robbing past heroes of their pride. Our byakugan should be helpful in completing this mission. Where and how do you suggest we begin?” 

Kuniko took a deep breath to think. He had not had to worry about leading missions for a while now, but it was something he could easily get accustomed to again. Things might not be so dangerous if more members of them team were here, but it would have to be just the two of them. He spoke softly but quickly to Sakuragi, "well, this mysterious vandal that has been robbing and desecrating graves must be both brave and confident that they could get away with the task. They must not know that the defenders of the village posses the Byakugan. Catching him once we find him should not be difficult. We have done a mission like this in the past. If he is going after the graves of past heroes of the village, then there is one grave I would like to check first." Kuniko then paused to collect his thoughts. 

Young Kuniko was still scared of ghosts, and the thought of going to a graveyard made his face go pale, but there was still one grave he knew that was all on its own; it was in a beautiful sunny clearing that Kuniko did not fear to enter. He continued speaking, "If I may suggest a course of action, I believe we should start this mission off by visiting Takeshi. His funeral was widely known in the village, even the Hogokage and Master Ayato attended. His grave is also in a secluded area of the village where a vandal could easily hide. I want to check there first, and if all is well, then we should watch over the graveyard, from afar, and wait until we see someone approach it. What do you think, Sakuragi?" After speaking, Kuniko would politely wait for Sakuragi to speak.

If Sakuragi agreed, then Kuniko would lead the way to where Takeshi was buried. 

WC: 410
TWC: 817

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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:47 pm
It seems to spiky head that kuniko was surprised by the hyuuga's  actions . The white head didn't really care what he  thinks , the message has been passed across even if the method of doing so was not cool enough. They have a mission to dob together and they would rather focus on that than dwell on unnecessary things. Like the good old days, Kuniko would be taking the lead for this mission, the white head  hyuuga had just asked kuniko how to go about the mission and as expected from the intelligent hyuuga, he would give his ideas.  "well, this mysterious vandal that has been robbing and desecrating graves must be both brave and confident that they could get away with the task. They must not know that the defenders of the village posses the Byakugan. Catching him once we find him should not be difficult. We have done a mission like this in the past. If he is going after the graves of past heroes of the village, then there is one grave I would like to check first."  Kuniko would  say to the spiky head and then pause for a while. Obviously it seems like his teammate still has a lot to say,
“If I may suggest a course of action, I believe we should start this mission off by visiting Takeshi. His funeral was widely known in the village, even the Hogokage and Master Ayato attended. His grave is also in a secluded area of the village where a vandal could easily hide. I want to check there first, and if all is well, then we should watch over the graveyard, from afar, and wait until we see someone approach it. What do you think, Sakuragi?"  Kuniko would finally stop talking to hear Sakuragi's Opinion.

“You mean Takeshi died!!?” The whitehead would ask in a loud tone.The white head hyuuga never knew about the death of his teammate. the same hyuuga who considered him a rival. Sakuragi was locked into loneliness and isolated himself from the world, team summer included, immediately after the death of his grandma. His heart could not bear the loss and the sorrow. She was the only family left for him, it took months after her death before the whitehead hyuuga began to recover, months before he could even return to his own team.

With everything Kuniko had said Sakuragi would agree, the success of the mission was what matter to him, it doesn't matter who was leading the mission. The whitehead hyuuga would follow Kuniko to Takeshi's grave where they would decide the next line of operation.

TWC: 1125

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Kuniko Hyuuga
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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:39 am
As Sakuragi exclaimed his shock at Takeshi's death, Kuniko could not help but feel bad that no one had told him. Looking down, and nodding to himself, Kuniko began to explain to Sakuragi, "Yes... I'm sorry that no one told you... I had no idea no one said anything to you. He died several months ago while on a mission with Kiryu and me. We were sent in the forest to investigate a wagon train that was attacked. There was a group of dangerous bandits in the area, and Takeshi ran in to fight them without telling us. Miss Tsubaki arrived in time to help us recover his body... Takeshi fought the entire bandit camp on his own. He took down many of them, but their leader waited until Takeshi was worn out, and then he struck. I would have run in to help him, but I had to protect Kiryu since it was his very first mission." Kuniko tried his best to tell the story in a clam voice. When he was done, he told Sakuragi, "come along, I will take you to meet him."

Kuniko would then lead Sakuragi back towards the heart of the village. Takeshi's grave was off in a secluded grove in the city, in a small clearing surrounded by trees. When the two Hyuuga boys approached it, Kuniko would gesture towards the headstone planted in the earth, surrounded by flowers with a ray of sunlight over it from between the tree branches. The headstone itself was decorated and befitting of a hero. Kuniko made sure his family spared no expense to give him a proper grave. "There he is, many people came to his funeral that he helped on his missions. It really does look like the grave of a hero. Tonight, I would like us to keep vigil over this place, in case the vandal comes here. I will give you some time to be alone with Takeshi now, if you want..." 

If Sakuragi allowed, Kuniko would walk away towards then edge of the clearing and give Sakuragi some time alone with the grave of his team mate. Kuniko would still look around with the Byakugan he had hidden behind his bangs. After all, with everything that had happened, it was important for him to keep one eye open at all times to make sure no one sneaked up on them. 

WC: 398
TWC: 1215

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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:01 am
The story behind Takeshi's death was a rather sad one. If only Sakuragi had been there for him, he probably wouldn't have died. The three were a cool combo and are united in combat even though there were times they would have misunderstandings.  Kuniko would take him to where his mate's grave was.
For a moment the hyuuga was speechless, He didn't know what to say. he just closed his eyes and stood there looking so sad in front of Takeshi's. “You Punk, why did you have to die so early?. We still have a lot to do together” he would say to himself. 

The whitehead would regain himself and would open his eyes. He would turn to kuniko and notify him that he was ready to proceed to his next option, the spiky head would also activate his byakugan to keep watch of his surrounding. He would follow Kuniko to do whatever he says. 

TWC: 1280

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Kuniko Hyuuga
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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:34 pm
Kuniko gave Sakuragi the time he needed to be alone with Takeshi's grave. After some time, the other Hyuuga walked over and said he was ready to follow. Kuniko explained, "this grave vandal likes to break headstones and steal treasures from past heroes. Takeshi is still planted in fresh earth, and his name was spread through the village recently for the last time. The vandal has been active every night for three days, but he seems to only be going for graves that are easy to reach. I say tonight we hide 70 meters away, behind those bushes and trees. The ninja only comes at night. We should meet up here just before sunset." After that, Kuniko would part from Sakurai. 

The young genin would walk around the village, always within a mile of the grave. He would still have his one hidden byakugan active and would glance often towards the grave, to make sure no one had desecrated it. As long as he was within a mile he could see it after all. While walking the streets Kuniko would occasionally go into a store to look for new clothes. Later on he would get dinner at a nice restaurant, and lament that he could not eat at home. Finally, as it was getting close to night, Kuniko would return back to the grave to meet with Sakuragi. 

Once the two of them met up, Kuniko would lead them to a nice hiding spot behind trees and bushes so that they could spy on the grave. It was a strange feeling, watching over the grave, because with the Byakugan active, Kuniko could see below the ground to where Takeshi's remains were. He tried not to look at them too closely, but they were always there on the edge of his attention. 

Kuniko was sitting cross-legged next to Sakuragi when he noticed movement. There was an individual approaching the grave by cover of darkness! They did not walk along the only path that led to it though, rather they darted between the trees like a ninja! Kuniko nodded to himself and made sure Sakuragi was looking. That was there target! 

WC: 360

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What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko) Empty Re: What da' hell are you doing here ? (P, Kuniko)

Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:56 am
The genins would part for a  moment to meet back later at night. Sakuragi would decide to  stay at the grave until Kuniko arrives. He probably wants to enjoy one last moment with Takeshi's soul. His dojutsu would remain active so he would keep watch of the surroundings. He wouldn't let his guard down at any moment in time else he may be end up like Takeshi. Sakuragi could not help but remember all those ugly and beautiful moment when they were still together and Kuniko was the leader. Kuniko had to settle a lot of quarrels between Takeshi and Sakuragi  . There's always those two guys who will quarrel now and play together the next minute. That's the story of Sakuragi and Takeshi. All those moment  were missed by the white head. It's still so many  hours till the night shines. Sakuragi would take sit under the shade of a nearby tree opposite to his former mate's grave. He was in a position such that he would be able to see the grave even if the byakugan was off, no one wants to  turn off their byakugan when an enemy would strike at any time soon. The white head believed Kuniko to be having a good time where ever  he is. It's about time he show up back here and the hyuuga would await his partner's arrival.

Kuniko would finally show his pale face from his long vacation. The spiky head could see how much fun he had. The two would hide somewhere till it was time to strike. Suddenly, the whitehead heard movements. He would look to that the direction and there was a figure approaching the grave. The whitehead would whisper into Kuniko's ears “Should we attack now?” . It was needful to ask that question since he believed Kuniko would know the right time to strike.

TWC: 1588

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