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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission) Empty Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission)

Sat May 09, 2020 3:28 pm  <-----mission being completed

Keita had been in a slight slump lately, not entirely sure where his journey through the world of shinobi was going to take him, and he was studying a great number of things in his spare time, which seemed to be a lot. This morning, however, was a special one, as he was going to go and do a mission with his friend Kizmaru. The mission this time seemed pretty easy, at least for him, as it only really required a mask and some gloves, which he already had prepared, so all he needed to do was make his way towards the area where the mission was to be carried out. There was a small pasture out near the Dead Drop Cliff, which was an area to the north west of Kirigakure, but still within its territory without leaving towards the greater area of island country, so it was the best spot for the mission.It would still take Keita some time in getting over there, as he was not very fast in terms of running, although he had a great amount of stamina at his disposal. He started jogging to the location, opting not to use one of the transportation services of Kiri, as he did not want to become lazy, and it was the little things that one did that constantly piled up to form either a good habit or a bad one, and a bad one was a bit too easy to slip into and a bit too hard to break once one had gotten into it. Keita was going to meet Kizmaru at the site and begin helping him, and the mission this time was to collect some poisonous plants for some farmers that were short handed, or perhaps they always asked shinobi to get the plants as they were poisonous, and so the plants would hinder normal people far too much. Either way, this mission this time would reward them with some of the poisonous plants, and Keita was thinking about branching out into the medical field anyways, so having a test sample for this sort of thing seemed very good, even if Kizmaru got the poison in the end. As Keita was jogging along the path that led towards the more remote part of the village that was far more rural and had the farms and other food production facilities, he admired the cool breeze that was whipping across his face, causing his hair to flutter in the breeze. Keita loved the weather in Kiri, as it was either nice and foggy, a bit chilly, or it was raining quite heavily. It always seemed to be sprinkling a bit due to the storm barrier around the village, but the scent of sea water and a slight fishy smell was exactly what exhilarated Keita the most. He loved the great variety of sea food that Kiri had access to, and he even packed a lunch box full of sushi and onigiri that he made himself. He loved to cook, it was a bit of a passion for him, and so he was happy to be able to sit down and enjoy a meal with his friend after working for a bit. The roads were starting to get sparser and sparser of people traveling them, and soon it was simply Keita jogging and middle aged or older men with carts full of good shuffling them too and from the more densely populated areas and restaurants. Keita soon spotted the small herb farm in the distance, and the wind brought along with it the smell of medicine and spices. This was where Kiri cultivated all sorts of medical herbs, and so Keita simply walked to the front of the building that was next to the farm areas, and waited. A man that worked there noticed him and asked him if he was one of the ones sent there for the mission, and Keita chatted with him about some things for a little while, getting the jist of what they had to do before actually going through with the missions. Besides, Keita had to wait for Kizmaru, unless the worker there told him that Kizmaru had already shown up, in which case Keita would meet him and they would get on with the mission. Keita hoped that if Kizmaru was there already, that he did not have to wait very long, as Keita loved being punctual and hated making people wait. Keita was sure that he was there on time, or in fact five minutes earlier than the mission stated they needed to be there, so maybe he was just overthinking things, as he pulled some water out of a scroll and began to take a sip.
788/1500 words
Kizmaru Senju
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Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission) Empty Re: Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission)

Sun May 10, 2020 2:21 am
Staring at the time of day, Kizmaru was feeling a bit anxious to see he had plans to go out and meet a friend of his. Although he wasn't doing work, he had just woken up in his office from staying up night handling paperwork. He severely overestimated how much free time he had lately. Even though he had been ahead in his paperwork filing recently, he realized he wouldn't be able to truly catch up to his self imposed quota. There was so much he had to do in order to get the village back up to speed in a reasonable amount of time. It's not that he was on some sort of deadline that had to be made for a certain condition to happen but, he at least wanted to get a lot of it off of his plate in order to enjoy the rest of his life without having to worry about trivial matters and enjoy what his youth has to offer. Kizmaru currently had his head resting on his desk from when he awoke from his slumber. There was a bit of drool under his veil, hat slightly lopsided on his head. Instead of his eyes being exposed it was more like his chin was if somebody happened to walk in and see him. 

Not alarming enough to be a risk of exposing his identity but enough to where his image might be damaged if somebody walked in and caught him in his dream like state. Raising his head from the desk, Kizmaru began to fix his kage hat up right on his head so he could see out of the veil properly. Wearing his usual attire when he was in his Mizukage persona, the outfit consisted of blue and white robes with a blue and white hat with a white veil, hanging down from around his head in order to conceal his identity. Underneath it was his normal attire that consists of a yellow button down shirt, navy black pants and ninja tabi for comfort and mobility. All he had to do now was shed the Mizukage robe and hat before making his way out of his office. It seems like time was moving by quickly this fine morning as he checked the time once more. Leaning back in his chair, Kizmaru raised both arms into the arm as far as they could go, stretching him as best he could without feeling pain. He stood up from off of his chair while performing the stretch and began to straighten both his legs into a stretch as well.

Nothing like a good stretch to start off his day, or so Kizmaru thought to himself. Well, it was almost time to leave for his destination. He was actually going on a mission with one of his good friends by the name of Keita. He has to leave soon if he wants to be on time. Wasting no more time, he hurried into the common room while taking off his hat and resting it on a rack, followed by undoing his robes and also resting it on the same rack using a different hook. Since he was already dressed in his standard attire, there was no need for him to change into it since he figured he wouldn't be going home yesterday to unwind anyway. Well, at least he might be able to have some fun this time around. Inhaling through his nostrils before exhaling, Kizmaru took a second to clear the drowsiness from his mind. After taking that moment, Kizmaru began to exit the common room back into his office before exiting the office entirely. Walking down the corridor, he made it to the stairwell leading down to the main lobby of the Kage's estate. Giving a nod to his receptionist, Kizmaru made his way out of the building before heading to convent store.

What he had planned for today was to go on a simple mission of great importance. Recently, a plant has been discovered near a certain location called Dead Drop Cliff that can be used to make potent poisons. Making his way to his destination, he decided to stop by a store in order to purchase some supplies for gathering these poisonous plants. He needed a lot of them in order to experiment with certain strains and doses of poisons before giving over to a team of professionals at the hospital. When he entered the store, he picked up some plastic, disposable gloves, a face mask and some goggles in order to protect his face and hands from any detrimental effects the plants may have when picking them. Heading to the counter, he paid for the items in question before leaving the store in order to meet his friend, Keita at his destination. When his destination came into view, he saw a familiar figure in the distance. It was his buddy Keita of course waiting for him. He assumed he's been here for a little while waiting since he was the type of guy to always be early to a special occasion. Well, that was his bodyguard after all whether he knew it or not. 

Walking up to his friend, he placed a hand on his shoulder in order to let him be aware of his presence if he hadn't noticed him walking up to him from a distance already. When he did make it to him, all he said was, "Are you ready to go Keita," as he began to put on the plastic gloves, face mask and goggles he had just recently bought. When they got both of their affairs in order, he would follow Keita to the exact location of where the flowers were located specifically in order to begin their task at hand. He had been looking forward to this since yesterday to hang out with a good friend of his. Even if it was under the circumstances of menial labor. Still it was better than being cooped up in his office.

W.C: 1,002
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission) Empty Re: Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission)

Sun May 10, 2020 11:23 pm
Keita was starting to enjoy the slight breeze, musing to himself about what they would do with the poison, but he assumed that his friend Kizmaru would have some sort of use for it, considering he was the one that put the mission in for them to do. Regardless, Keita was slightly caught off guard when a hand patted his shoulder, and he turned to see his friend Kizmaru smiling at him and asking him if he was ready to go and collect the herbs. Keita watched on as Kizmaru started to affix his protective equipment such as a mask and some gloves, before proceeding towards the building. Keita responded with a quick "Sure, let's do it." and started following Kizmaru through the building, affixing nothing more than a simple mask on his face so that he could resist the effects of the poison should it be slightly airborne. Still, he did not have any gloves, simply because he had no intention of actually using his hands for this mission. He was very adept at using his chakra chains at this point, and sometimes they were even better than his actual hands, they were for sure faster at least, and they could not get poisoned, so it was the ideal and safest method for collecting the samples that they were going to grab for the people working here so that they could process it or dispose of it, Keita was unsure of the details on what they were actually going to do with the herbs once they collected it. 

With a large burlap pouch or sack that was provided to them from the workers of the growing area, Keita followed Kizmaru onto the fields, and headed through a dense patch of other medicinal herbs. The smell was even stronger here, and it was fairly unpleasant for most, but Keita found it soothing, as if his pores were open and his sinuses were unclogged, as he was feeling great as he walked through the field of plants that people who did not know any better would call weeds. "So Kizmaru, how have you been? I hope that your work has been pretty great. Have you gotten training done recently, you're looking healthier." Keita entertained himself and hopefully Kizmaru with a bit of small talk as they made their way to the patch of poisonous plants that seemed to be off to the side quite a bit, away from the other plants, which made Keita believe that they might even be poisonous to the other plants in the area. Keita saw that there were a couple of workers there, seemingly waiting for them to show up[, and they detailed how to pull the plants out of the ground without damaging them. It seemed that the plants had some sort of small blue fruit or berry hanging off of them, and these were poisonous, but fairly useless when they were plucked, as the poison would just slightly unsettle someones stomach. The real poison was the white milky substance that would come out when the leaves were ripped from the sides of the stem. So the worker told them that they needed to rip the plants up, but remove the small berries and keep the leaves intact.

Simple enough, Keita thought, before four equally large chains sprouted from above and below the shoulder blades on his back, without affecting his clothing in the slightest. The bright silvery white chains seemed almost ethereal as they drifted through the air, almost like seaweed drifting through the ocean, it was oddly beautiful. The chains swayed, and started to circle around some of the plants on the ground, and the ends of the chains, which Keita had fashioned into spikes, cut around the plants' root systems and started pulling them up from the ground. A small shake rid the plants of quite a bit of dirt, before he stuffed them into the bag, which he held open with the other two chains that he had. Keita had a rhythm to this, and soon most of the bag was full. During this time he was simply chatting with Kizmaru, making small talk, and enjoying the sushi that he had packed for lunch, as his chains did all of the work for him. Before he even realized it, his bag was full, and the worker told him that he had enough herbs for the completion of his part of the mission, so Keita stopped. After this, he would bid Kizmaru farewell, hoping to see him again for another mission, and then left.
WC 762 + 788(previous post) = 1,550/1,500 words
Claiming 3,500 ryo  500 for jounin
Claiming 7ap from mission
Claiming 100 words towards Clan Pureblood 1000/2000
Claining 500 words towards 10ap with max stat discount
Kizmaru Senju
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Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission) Empty Re: Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission)

Tue May 12, 2020 4:05 am
Now that the two of them had met up, it was time for the to set out on the task at hand. Listenign to Keita's confirmation, he nodded with a smile in response. Quickly reminding himself of what they had to do, he remembered they were here to collect as many hemlock plants as they could before they could finish their mission. Kizmaru had all the necessary gear except some sort of bag or carrying tool he could use one he started to pick up the hemlock plants. Well, he figured he'd grab one somewhere along the line to store the plants in or he'd just share the bag Keita is using. Trailing behind Keita, he was still pondering on running to the worker's area to grab his own bag but in the end, he decided against it since the one Keita is already quite large and he wanted to be out of here by a certain time. Well, he wouldn't want to fill up two large sacks and do more work than intended so he figured they'd share it. Walking along the medicinal herbs of he field, Keita began to engage Kizmaru in some small talk to pass the time, he assumed. 

Responding back, he began to place his hands into his pockets as he normal did. "Oh you know, the usual. Same thing, different day and the like, know what I mean? The repetition gets boring and I can only find fun nowadays in doing menial tasks like the one we're about to start on right now. Well, if I'm doing the tasks with a friend or two anyway, if not, i just consider it exercise. Funny you should mention that though, I've been getting a lot more free time lately due to getting my work done on time and even ahead of schedule so I've been going to the training facility a lot more to keep up with my training. That's about it for me though. Come on, let's get this done so we can hang out a bit more if we finish this quickly."  Making talk with Keita made their travel feel much shorter than it actually was and eventually get got a point here they ran into a group of other workers. They were here in order to give both Keita and Kizmaru the rundown of how to harvest the plants without damaging or destroying the sensitive bits.

Nodding his head at their explanation, Kizmaru took in this new information and began to harvest the poisonous hemlocks. Picking up groups and bushels of Hemlock, he placed them in the burlap sack Keita was holding onto. It was fairly easy to do the job with Keita using his chain ability to quickly gather the plants. Soon they were able to collect the hemlock plants in a timely manner while caching up and talking to each other. Eventually, they were done with their task at had and Keita handed the workers the bag of contents. Keita then bid Kizmaru a farewell to which Kizmaru in kind. Taking of the gloves ad mask, Kizmaru disposed of them in a nearby trash receptacle. before going on with his day.

W.C: 530
T.W.C: 1,532

Claiming 3,000 Ryo, 7 AP and 1x Hemlock
Claiming 1,000 words for 5 Health, claiming 400 words in 4 AP
Claiming 600 words in Great Fire Annihilation
Claiming 900 words in Blast Wave
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
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Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission) Empty Re: Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission)

Tue May 12, 2020 12:54 pm
Pretty Plants, Potent Poison (B Rank Mission) Image118
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