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Zieg Uchiha
Zieg Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21000

Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Sat May 02, 2020 10:27 am
The sun was only half visible as the rest of it was swallowed by the horizon. The day had been long but not strenuous for the Uchiha shinobi. He returned to the village some hours after assisting the civilians of the now ruined island some distance away from the main village. His honey orbs scanned the village as he walked through. Everyone had begun setting up shop it would seem. Some establishments would remain open for the night folk that resided in the lands. Ninja became famished and exhausted after returning from a mission in the dead of night. Zieg himself was something of a night owl himself. The nightmares he sometimes experienced made him anxious with drifting into unconsciousness. Another motivator would be the moon. It's light seemed to have brought him serenity and tranquility when he was bathed in it. Despite there still being blue and orange in the sky from the setting orb of flame its counterpart could very visibly be seen through the misty sky. It will be full tonight. 

Zieg's travel eventually brought him to the Leader's office where he would find, hopefully what he was looking for. He had landed in front of the door in a flash, lightly landing on his feet from above. He came to a full stand and lifted his hand to bring a fist to his mouth. He cleared his throat audibly before entering the building. The entrance once passed through led him to the front office where a few of the Mizukage's administrators remained. One in particular, a girl about Zieg's height and build minus her large bust would lift her head to see the Uchiha enter. Her blue eyes gazed through round thick glasses that reflected the yellow lights above them. It sometimes hid her eyes completely from Zieg's view at certain angles. With the two acknowledging each other with a glance he approached the desk. The stacks of papers that were stacked absurdly high appeared to have not shrunken by much since the last time Zieg was here much earlier in the day. 

"I have accomplished my task.", he said in his soft syrup like voice. 

"Ahhh yes. I'm assuming you are one of the many shinobi who assisted with the crisis a couple islands over, yes?" Her voice was nasally and high. It definitely reflected her age as her appearance did not. 

"Yes. Uchiha, Zieg." he throated. She nodded slightly as she began to look around at the multiple stacks of papers before her. Once, then another look over. Then a third. Zieg lifted his hand and smiled faintly. "Please. No rush. I am curious to know while you are working, is the Mizukage present at the moment? I would like to speak with him." he curiosity heightened the pitch of his voice slightly at the end of his question. The woman responded.

"Yes. The Mizukage is within his chambers dealing with important matters at the moment." Zieg's eyes looked to the background where the door with the symbol for Mizukage was. Seems he actually managed to catch him today. The Uchiha definitely had things he wanted to know about. Questions he has pondered since their first encounter all those years ago and questions built from his time within Kirigakure. 

"I'll wait outside for him. When he is not busy with anything." The dark haired shinobi said. The woman eyed him with a raised eyebrow at the latter part of his statement, as to say; Isn't busy? You will be waiting a while, child. At least this was how Zieg interpreted the look in his head. Regardless his task for the day was done and his brother was still nowhere to be seen for the day. It was like that sometimes depending on the missions the two took. It was normally for them to not see each other for weeks at a time. It was also normal to see them together frequently as well. Today was not one of those days however. And Zieg was appreciative of that. Upon reflection this would be the first time he met with his kage one on one. Their meetings were always business. Assignments and tasks being given out. Usually to a group of shinobi as well. The thought made Zieg's heart thump harder than usual one time. Would he even want to speak to me right now? He thought to himself. As he stepped outside he looked out at the sun setting. Night would be upon them soon. Zieg leaned his body next to the entrance, folding one of his legs over the other and crossing his arms over his chest. His head tilted downward slightly and his eyes closed. He began meditating. A slight meditation. Not one to take him completely out of this realm but simply to ease his mind and body. The concentration made him become aware of every single ache and pain in his body, faint as they may be. The crickets began to sing their songs to one another as the sky shifted from orange, to dark blue.

WC: 845/845
Kizmaru Senju
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Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Sun May 03, 2020 5:35 pm
Nothing new was going on in Kizmaru's life as the Mizukage. From morning, afternoon until the evening, he found himself holed up in his office, struggling to make a dent in his seemingly endless mountains of paperwork and scheduled meetings with the elders. He wasn't sure when he'd be able to go home to rest and relax, if he even got to go home at all. Sitting at his desk, in a black and blue office chair, was the Mizukage, pen in hand writing on documents. Signing his name on certain projects and proposals and vetoign others that didn't catch his interest or overall sound like a terrible idea, occasionally stamping the bottom with a seal of approval or denial. It wasn't hard work but it was still work that had to be done by some village official and Kizmaru currently fit the bill. He was sincerely contemplating on getting any scapegoat he could find to make them an advisor and have them deal with this headache instead. Even if he couldn't pawn all of it on the scapegoat, at least he could get rid of enough of it to were it would allow him more days of the week and overall free time.

Well, now wasn't the time to complain about trivial matters like this. He decided to give his hand a break, resting the pen down gently on his desk before turning his office chair around and standing up in order to look out the window, overseeing his village. From what he could tell looking through the light mist of his village, the sun was looming over the horizon, slowly descending behind some mountains. Enough light seemingly cracked through as the sun had gone down, which gave a reflection of Kizmaru himself. Looking at himself,  he was dressed in a blue and white cloak with the word, 'Mizukage' in his back that would hide his entire body and attire underneath. Wearing his weapon pouch across his hip and his sword at his side left side. He also wore his Jounin Flak Jacket underneath his robes for some comfort and protection. Lastly there was his Mizukage hat with the white veil that would conceal most of his face, only revealing his eyes as he didn't like his identity being public for the most part. He did grow up in a time of xenophobia and even though it has died down as of late, he wasn't sure if the village was ready for it to be known an outsider was ruling over them. 

Taking another gaze at his village, he was happy to see it thriving and surviving the tests of time. He knew it had gone quite a long time without anybody stepping up to the role of Mizukage or anybody willing to accept the title but he was sure that this was his calling even if it would put him in further deadly situations. For the time being, he'd also stave those thoughts away as he had a lot more pressing matters to deal with. For now, he'd sit back in his chair and turn around to face his desk once more in order to continue his work but before he could, the phone in his office started to ring. Staring at the ringing phone, Kizmaru thought to himself, "What could possibly be the matter now?" After letting it ring for a little while, he reached over with his left hand to press the button that would put it on speaker. Listening to the call, it was the familiar voice of his receptionist informing him that he had guest waiting for him in the lobby. Kizmaru sighed a bit, telling himself there was no point in having them wait there until his work was finished because his work is never 'finished'. Kizmaru cleared his throat before telling them to send the person in so he could get whatever this was over with.

He could only hope it wasn't another group of angry protesters whining about changes, or a face reveal or something trivial along those lines. Its been increasing a bit in traction lately but as long as they don't do anything irrational, he won't have to resort to using force in order to quell them. That was the last thing he'd like to do personally. Reaching for the pen he had rested on his desk, he quickly resumed working on reducing the piles of paper that were laid out on his desk, waiting for his visitor to enter his office.

W.C: 753
Zieg Uchiha
Zieg Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21000

Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Mon May 04, 2020 9:39 pm
The faint gentle breeze that came and went randomly through the evening would kiss Zieg's cheeks and nose. The strands of his long black hair were also fluttering and flirting with his skin. He thought of removing the white ties that kept his hair sectioned in three parts, some flowing down either sides of his shoulders with the rest down his back stopping above his waist. For all that he knew his job as a shinobi would be done right after this small encounter and he had jokingly hoped that had not included any more physical exertion than he already performed earlier. He was by no means drained of his physical strength but it seemed the night would be a good one. He wished to simply enjoy the rest of it with conversation and perhaps later tea before bed. His eyes gazed up at the moon, slowly becoming more and more visible as true night was beginning to start. He often thought about its illuminating light, shining over all the village. He wondered if the Mizukage ever reflected on the moon. They were similar in this regard after all. To be a leader surely meant to have his eyes upon all things he is responsible for leading. At least in his mind he saw this to be a trait of a grand leader. 

“Mr. Zieg,” a voice called out from the lobby just behind the wall Zieg was leaning on. His eyes perked up as the voice of the attendant from before rang true as could be through the entrance. “Lord Mizukage is ready for you.” He let out a small hum from his chest as he came to a full stand to turn and enter the lobby. His eyes swiftly looked the room over once more, a habitual trait he truly felt would have been lost to him had he not decided to become a shinobi following the footsteps of his missing father. The honey brown orbs then floated to the door that led to the Mizukage’s chambers. Zieg began for the door when the attendant with the rounded glasses spoke once again to him for the last time tonight. “Don’t keep him long. Our Lord Mizukage is a very busy man.” And Zieg had hoped so, he thought to himself still making for the door with the symbol on it. 

“I’m coming in.”, Zieg spoke through the door to alert his leader of his presence before entering. Shortly after the door slid to the side, revealing the two men to each other. Before Zieg some few feet away was the leader of Kirigakure, one of the five great shinobi nations. Papers piled high on his own desk just as the papers did on the attendant’s desk. Clearly there was always some sort of work to be done, Zieg noted. He could easily see how one would be within these chambers for the number of hours he was. The pen within his hands etched and flowed along the paper, the sounds somewhat soothing to Zieg’s ears. While he looked down at his paper his entire face would be hidden by the white hate with the kanji for Mizukage on it. However when the two meet Zieg would see the familiar set of blue orbs on the young shinobi’s face. The Uchiha actually never seen all of Kizmaru’s face in all the time Zieg had been an official shinobi of Kirigakure after he was accepted into the village. It was just as he met him the very first time out near the village gates. The white viel kept the lower half of his face hidden. The Uchiha was able to discern the details around the man’s eyes and brow. He thought to himself the two were in the same age range, being within their physical prime in their twenties. Zieg took steps forward toward the desk to stand evenly in the room leaving equal space between the desk and the door. His right arm went under his chest and he bowed his head to Kizmaru, his hair falling over and covering his face completely. 

“Lord Mizukage,” he said softly, yet confidently. “Forgive my intrusion. I hoped you would be willing to indulge me in idle conversation.” At this he rose and stood straight up once more. What stood before the Mizukage was a man no taller than 5’4” with a pale moon-like complexion and dark hair falling down his shoulders and back, with his bangs cut just above his eyes. A buttoned up Kirigakure Jounin Flak jacket rested over a light blue t shirt. Black pants covered his legs. Honey brown eyes peered to the dark skinned blue eyed shinobi before them. The crickets continued their songs outside as flashes of green could be seen outside the window within the office. Fireflies began roaming outside the village casting their green glow every so often as they went.

WC: 817/1662
Kizmaru Senju
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Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Wed May 06, 2020 8:55 pm
Continuing his work, Kizmaru went right back to signing individual sheets of paper at his desk. Writing his name at the bottom of each sheet or, stamping it with the seal of approval from the Kage, whichever the condition was necessary for his actions before moving the completed document to the right side. Now, Kizmaru deduced he'd have to do this at least seven hundred or more times before he could even think about taking it easy later this week. Sitting in his five by four office awaiting his visitor, Kizmaru reached for another unsigned document to work on before hearing the sounds of somebody walking through the corridor, approaching his office door.  As he continued to write, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him, stating he was about to come into the office. Kizmaru continued to sign the current document he was working on before putting it in the finished pile to the right side of his desk, reaching for another unsigned document. Placing it on his desk, he began to read it as his visitor began to open the office door to step right in to state his business. Looking over the document, Kizmaru didn't bother to look up from his work as it would only eat up time he doesn't have and he figured he could just listen to the person at hand.

Feeling the gaze of the familiar person's eyes, Kizmaru slowed down in the way of writing before quickening and returning to his normal pace. Listening to the shuffling of the man's clothing, he briefly shifted his eyes from his paper in order to witness the man bowing in front of him as if he was some sort of king or royalty. Under his veil, Kizmaru released somewhat of a silent scoff at the gesture before focusing his eyes back on the paper. Sure, he was the current ruler of the village hidden in the mist but that didn't mean he wanted people bowing to him as if he was some sort of grand emperor or king. He always treated this position like a job with few benefits as it didn't give him the power to fully do as he pleased. Just a long nod would be appreciated as it was enough for Kizmaru to see it as a sign of respect. Though it embarrassed him a bit, he figured there was no point in doing away with the custom if this is how people felt comfortable  expressing their respects. Continuing his work, he then began to hear his shinobi speak. Something along the lines of him wanting to have a conversation.

"You want idle conversation, you say? A trivial reason to disturb one such as myself but I could use the company since I'll be stuck here for another few hours and you have done a lot for the village in the short amount of time you have existed here so I will humor this request. What would you like to discuss with me, what's on your mind," Kizmaru said, pushing his pen across the document, in a low and robust tone. It's not as if he had anything better to do with his time so he might as well play along. Maybe this would be a report on how his previous mission went, maybe he'll ask for some kind of reward or, it might simply be what he requested and nothing more, an idle chat. Regardless of the flow of their conversation, he'd still indulge this particular person's request for the sake of the little entertainment and company he could afford before he was left to his trivial task at hand. Removing the paper from his desk, he placed the one he had just finished signing, into the 'completed' pile before reaching for another one, awaiting his shinobi's response.

W.C: 638
Zieg Uchiha
Zieg Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21000

Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Thu May 07, 2020 5:56 pm
Yes. Trivial. A slight huff of air exited the Uchiha’s lungs through his nose; eyes lowering ever so slightly as it did, before almost immediately rising back to the village leader. For the Mizukage the conversation would indeed serve as a distraction and waste of time. It was not valuable information Zieg was passing along nor anything of the nature. Simply trivial conversation that would serve to do nothing more than expand Zieg’s knowledge of the village and its leader and calm the wild curiosity that thrashed within his mind any moment it became idle and directionless. Zieg hadn’t even a reason he was sure the kage would even be willing to waste the time with him but either through fate or merely the simple nature of a kage’s business Kizmaru would be within his office for some hours more. The company was even welcomed it would seem. The request was humored. 

The dark haired ninja bowed his head a quarter inch forward, his eyes staying directed forward as he did. The nod was swift, as it was apparent to Zieg the Mizukage had no intention of turning his attention away from his work completely. The dark and toned shinobi’s eyes never left the desk. The scratching of the pen sang its music through the five by four room the two were in. Not a shred of ill will was felt. Zieg was given ample opportunity to take note of the many high piles of documents that were on both the desk of the kage and the desk of his administrators. He wondered how much they were actually contributing to shortening the stack. In the end wouldn’t it ultimately be the lord himself who has the final word and sign of each document? Or were there some matters trivial enough to be handled by another? Perhaps he would have an opportunity to ask. However he had absolutely zero intention of taking up more of the kage’s time than necessary. 

“You have my gratitude.”, Zieg said with a slight smile, though again he figured he would be doing that for no one but himself. He decided he could leave all the visual cues and gesturing he typically liked to put on when conversing. He wondered where to begin exactly for a brief moment before speaking. He voted on asking one of the many questions he thought about asking for some time now but never got around to, due to meetings such as these being rare and very far in between. Zieg noted but didn’t respond to the praise he was given which was likely the strong deciding factor in why the kage even decided to have this conversation this night for no reason other than to pass the time. 

“Does it ever feel too heavy?”, he said softly and with a melancholy to the words. “The responsibility? Knowing an entire nation and its many villages depend on your decision making? No man can see the future so I find it difficult one can be a confident leader. The thought of leading so many down the wrong path seems almost suffocating, crippling does it not?” The words were spoken in earnest and honestly. It's something he himself mused over for many years, how he would feel being the leader of a whole shinobi nation. He awaited an answer, wondering how much of his words the Mizukage would absorb through his writing.

WC: 569/2231
Kizmaru Senju
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Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Mon May 11, 2020 4:15 am
Placing the one he had just taken from the 'unfinished' pile on his desk, Kizmaru began to briefly look over the contents of the file in order to see what it contained. Examining the file for a moment, Kizmaru figured he could give this bill a pass before allowing it to be seen by the village officials. As he continued to skim the document, he decided to give it another once over in case he missed any important details the first time. As he did so, he heard a bit of a huff coming from his shinobi's nostrils but he didn't pay any mind to it. All he did was wait and listen to what would come out of the shinobi's mouth next. At first, he thought they would get straight into the conversation but instead the shinobi had given him his thanks. He wasn't sure what for but he assumed it was for allowing him time to voice his concerns or ideals. Either way, it was nice to know people view him in that light, even if most people were frustrated they didn't know what his true identity was yet. This was understandable but he still didn't have any plans to reveal his identity until the time was right.

For now, he'd get his mind back to the present in order to focus on the conversation at hand as well as the work resting atop of his desk. The next thing that came out of Zeig's mouth was a peculiar question. One in which made Kizmaru pause. Resting his pen down gently on the desk, Kizmaru leaned backwards into his chair, bringing both hands together point for point as each fingertips of both hands made contact with each other. Lifting his head, he now gave Zieg his full attention as he stared directly at him. 'Does the responsibility of an entire nation feel heavy?'  An interesting question to say the least, one that Kizmaru hadn't really given much thought into recently, or at all. He wasn't sure how to respond to it. Everything seems to have come naturally to him up until this point, neither bending nor buckling to difficult choices or situations when they arise. Just dealt with them as he saw fit. So as he's done so before, he'll answer this question with whatever thoughts crossed his mind, not giving a care to how it would sound. To him, it was just like handling another situation that arose when he least expected it and now, he would deal with it as he always had. 

"An intriguing question you present to me, one that's never really crossed my mind until now. Does the responsibility of governing a nation feel heavy. Extremely. It is extremely heavy like no other burden imaginable. It wasn't easy at first, still isn't but I make the best of what I have and get by through willpower and determination. However, there are some matters that I wish to not deal with personally. Having a receptionist is nice but they don't quite have the clearance to completely give the okay to certain tasks and situations. So in the end, I'm stuck with menial tasks that I have to handle. Maybe I should look into hiring an advisor of sorts. Do you know any good candidates, Zieg?"  As much as he would have liked to say more, Kizmaru wasn't sure if this answer was satisfactory for the Jounin or not but it was what he felt was the utmost  truth. It was indeed a big responsibility but so far, nothing urgent has come up in his short reign of being the leader of his nation and he would like to keep it that way for the time being. For now, he would await man's answer before he leaned forward once more, picking up his pen with his right hand and skimming through the contents of the documents he was originally looking at. 

He had already forgotten what was on the sheet of paper initially as he was posed with a question that he deemed most necessary to have his full attention. He also thought to himself if he could inquire about having somebody else fill in the role of 'Kage' from time to time. Not like a deputy kage but somebody who could handle the 'not so important' information and tasks that would know what to do next. He didn't want to strip them of too much of their freedom.

W.C: 744

Last edited by Kizmaru Senju on Tue May 12, 2020 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Zieg Uchiha
Zieg Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21000

Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Tue May 12, 2020 12:05 pm
It appeared Zieg’s inquiry managed to take more of the Mizukage’s attention than he had originally figured he would receive through the night. The thought pleased the ninja more than just a little, though he would not show it on his face. Something to simply feel well about; his thoughts being worth more than an inattentive thought and response. The kage’s face lifted from the dull white papers on his desk, the pen laying horizontal along the sheet he was doubling over. I would appear he really had to give thought to the question, Zieg noting his hands coming together, all fingers connected with its mirror on the opposite hand. This must have been his way of focusing the storm of words within one's brain. As ninja the mind was just as important a tool as any weapon or jutsu. Its effectiveness on the battlefield would usually mean ones death if it was not trained to its maximum potential. Thus both the shinobi minds worked similar to one another in that they were firing off on all cylinders typically most of the day. Even for such mundane tasks as signing and looking over papers. It helped to have something to focus the thoughts, much like the hand seals used to create the mysterious magic of the ninja world was used to focus chakra into being molded into the proper techniques. Zieg himself knew he often took finger and thumb to his chin when he needed to focus himself. The shinobi were now looking to one another, Kizmaru ready to respond to Zieg’s thought. 

It would take him by surprise, the Mizukage’s words. Had he really not given that thought until now, when Zieg would present the thought to him? It was all too strange and too normal and reasonable all at the same time however Zieg started to think to himself. He was crafted from the very same cloth as Kizmaru. Both were trained to carry heavy burdens each and every day. The death they cause, and thus in turn, the death of loved ones around them being one of the biggest. The shinobi was not to show these emotions, show that the weight was beginning to wear. Perhaps the Mizukage knew this far better than he himself had known, simply carrying the weight stacked atop of him and continuing to carry it without question. A vastly wild difference in the two’s way of thinking, Zieg’s mind and desire and know what lies on the path ahead caused him to question these things. Perhaps even to his own detriment. Was it better to never acknowledge the weight of which we carry? No. It didn't seem quite right but that was a thought for another time. 

Kizmaru expressed his new thoughts and Zieg took them in. Leading with stoicism worthy of praise. It was amazing relief washing over him knowing the village was in the hands of one so confident. However he admitted there were tasks he himself felt too mineal in importance for him to handle personally. As he mentioned it Zieg’s eyes once again flickered swiftly over the stacks of papers on the desk before returning them once more to Kizmaru’s blue orbs. It did seem very strange to lock the nation's most powerful and capable shinobi behind a desk for hours on end. It immediately made sense in the Uchiha’s mind. An advisor only seemed wise and Zieg could imagine just what a kage might need when offered the opportunity to present a suggestion for one. His dainty fingers took to his chin as he thought it over carefully. His mind formed a image of the receptionist whom worked the papers in the front lobby and let him in. They did not appear to be shinobi when their appearance was in his head. None of them would be able to offer the mind of a kage because that is the mind of a ninja, not a paper pusher who never lifted a weapon on the field of battle. Their perspectives would simply be too vastly different. He thought at first comically he himself would make for a vastly better Advisor than any one of the people currently in the building at present. Then as the thought settled within his mind the hilarity of it would peel away revealing the core of the matter as bare as it could be. A shinobi. It clicked to him he himself could easily be the very thing Kizmaru needed. A rush of thoughts flooded into his mind, each as persuasive as the last in attempting to convince him to offer himself. More and more the idea made sense and more sense and even more. All he felt in his mind that stopped him from answering how he wanted was the lack of information he had, but that was easily transferable between a few conversations was it not? After all the very ideas and philosophies of leadership was what brought the ninja here tonight and now this opportunity to learn first hand about the very thing he was pondering over had presented itself. Each grain of sand dropping in the hour glass felt as heavy as a rock, that is to say the moments of silence Zieg was letting pass was beginning to emit an energy to him. Only seconds passed but they felt like an eternity in his mind as he would over everything. Softly he began speaking.

“Lord Mizukage,” he said, his hand now finally lowering back to his side, eyes fiercely meeting with the dark toned man. “At the cost of making myself appear crass, I do believe I myself would make for a perfect candidate. All I would simply require is your knowledge. I do believe the documents you find unworthy of your attention will not know the difference of the hand that writes on it. I owe you an absolutely great debt and it would do me the largest of honors to be able to assist you in this manner.”

WC: 1002/3233
Kizmaru Senju
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Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Wed May 13, 2020 2:44 am
Finishing up looking through the the document he was previously skimming, Kizmaru stamped it with his seal of approval before moving it into the finished pile, it seems like Zieg need a moment to process what he 's been told which is fine as Kizmaru also needed a moment to think about what was just said. He's only been the leader of the nation for a short amount of time and so far, he thinks the job is fairly easy if not tedious for the most part. Even though, everyone else in this country may hang onto his every word with certain decisions meaning life or death, he hadn't been put in a truly difficult situation yet to truly test his resolve and leadership. Sure, hes had to pass new bills, attend meetings and approve or deny new laws but he felt those are menial tasks anybody could with a certain conscious. Well, maybe not truly for a long time since the mundane, daily repetition of it all was a very maddening experience. Although he didn't wish for something big to happen to disturb the little peace he could salvage, he still pondered on what future decisions he might have to take to ensure the safety of his village.

For instance, what would it take to end a war started by one of his own villagers, what would the aggressors demand if they happened to be in the mood for negotiation? Would they demand something reasonable, or would they use it as an excuse to suck the village dry of what sustains them. Only time would tell, or so Kizmaru thought to himself. So in truth, he didn't really lie to Zieg but he didn't completely tell him the truth either of how hard it actually is. Hopefully, he can cut through these requests or get another to do so while he focuses on other aspects of the village such as its military might. He'll admit, Kirigakure isn't what it used to be in terms of military might and he aims to change that before something major happens. But with these mild inconveniences and annoyances, he doubt he'd be able to get anything that he would like to work on done. All that hinges on having an advisor though. Maybe when he can finally find an advisor and a possibly somebody he could trust with the role of deputy Kage, he can finally take a break and spend more time with his wife or build up better defenses.

Well, he didn't expect to Zieg to know anybody off the top of his head but it never hurt to ask just in case he could be wrong. Kizmaru reached for another unprepared document, grabbing and placing it on his desk before going through the usual routine of looking it over, making sure there isn't any details left out and minimize loopholes that can be taken advantage off. This work truly was maddening, Kizmaru thought to himself, smirking and chuckling under the veil of his Kage Hat. Reaching for his official seal of approval, Kizmaru picking up with his right hand before stamping the bottom of the sheet of paper and placing it into the finished section. At this point in time, Zeig had began to speak on the matter of the Kage looking for an advisor. The male started off by calling him by his title. Kizmaru briefly looked up once more at the Kirigakure shinobi hailing his attention listening intently on what he had to say next. As it happened to turn out, it seems Zieg himself expressed interest in being the person for the job. Well, Kizmaru did say he'd basically accept anybody that would show interest in it and was capable of doing the job.

"You? You're interested in the job of advisor? I can tell you right now, its not the most glamorous nor the most exciting of tasks as you can see here in front of me," Kizmaru said while tapping the pile of paper that was neatly stacked to his right. "I'm not against the idea of you being my advisor but at the same time, it also means it'll severely limit the amount of time you have if you so choose to take this job. Don't worry about the superficial aspects of the job. That part is easy, I assure you but there are some other tasks you may have to carry out. I can teach you how to operate for the most part and other matters require you to use your discretion as there aren't any right or wrong answers, but each decision you make has an impact on the village itself. I'll still hover over you and double check your work until you get the hang of it though, if you're interested but I have to make sure, are you absolutely sure about this?" He didn't want to discourage him out of taking the job but he felt obligated to let him know what entails beforehand.

W.C: 834
Zieg Uchiha
Zieg Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21000

Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Wed May 13, 2020 6:56 pm
The kage of Kirigakure went over the general information that he felt the Uchiha had to be informed of before allowing him to simply walk into the title and duty of Advisor. None of it in particular bothered the short dark haired shinobi in the slightest after Kizmaru made sure this was something he wanted. He had checked off the important points in his head as they were given to him and none of it seemed too much a sacrifice if it meant the kage of the village could further elevate himself. No great leader can become stagnant. There was always room for some form of improvement in Zieg’s eyes. He truly felt in his heart all of the many hours he spent in the very spot he sat in now were more of a detriment than a help to making himself stronger and wiser. It seemed he would find himself leaving tonight with more than just some wisdom from the Mizukage.

A small smile worked itself on to the smooth pale face of the capable Jounin. His small and slender right hand lifted to his chest, pressing against the material of his jounin flak jacket and into his chest. “I assure you the task will not be too daunting for one such as myself. With your guidance I’ll be more than capable of performing whatever is needed of me, without fail.” The words poured like honey from his lips. His soft spoken tone and overall demeanor might have been soothing to some form of audience tonight; listening to his words as they begin to feel drowsiness take to them. His hand fell from his chest and met with its mirror counterpart behind the back of the Uchiha man, clasping around and holding it still as his shoulders and body relaxed more. “If I may, I must say I do think your time is better served elsewhere. Not behind a desk for so many hours. Such mundane work might cause you to waste potential. Many of us, no,” His eyes lowered for just a second as he sought to correct his statement before rising again to look at Kizmaru. “All of us are counting on you and the strength and wisdom you provide to us. My own time is already spent in service to you and the village. I don’t mind these types of tasks.” 

The statement after leaving Zieg’s lips left a slight aftertaste of sourness. He had not intended to talk himself up in such a manner but none of what he said was false. A lot of his field missions will involve taking the lives of those who have committed injustices on the village and its people. Zieg found no particular pleasure in many of the things he had to do but he always did them, without question and without hesitation, for it was what was expected of him. Some time in a office behind a desk would be a welcome change for him. He knew his brother would not simply allow him to slack off at all in their operations as well so he knew he would have to maintain himself just as well, if not then better than before. And the thought excited him. Becoming more than what he was yesterday. His growth fueled him. He looked to this as a rather important time that would take place in his history.

WC: 566/3799
Kizmaru Senju
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Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru] Empty Re: Aquatic Minds [Private w/ Kizmaru]

Mon May 18, 2020 8:12 pm
Listening to his shinobi's response, he nodded a bit before reaching for another unsigned document on the right side of his desk. Recalling the shinobi's resposne, word for word, in his mind, he insisted the task wouldn't be too difficult for him. He wasn't really worried about the task being difficult for him since he said it wasn't really hard to do and he could have basically anybody do it; it was  the fact that it was time consuming and generally not worth the effort for somebody to do thee sorts of things unless obligated. Personally, he felt it was a waste of time for a man of his status to be shuffled to a desk job but if he's personally volunteering for it, he wouldn't stop him. Placing the the document on his desk again, he skimmed through the contents on the sheet of paper before signing his name at the bottom and placing it in the 'completed' pile. Continuing with his reply, it seems the shinobi had a bit more to say. Apparently, his opinion of the matter was his time was better spent elsewhere than behind this desk. As much as he would like to agree with this statement however, he was still the leader of this nation.

His job is to govern the affairs of the village and if sitting behind a desk for hours on end is the job, then he's obligated to do it. He'd love to have more free time to pursue other ventures like training or exploration for new places to expand personally but that is the reason he has to hand tasks like that out to other shinobi. Although leaders come and go, its a major blow dealt to the morale of  a nation should some detrimental event happens to the leader.  Its understandable to be kept behind the desk for so long but it was equally important for a Kage to stay strong in various ways as well just in case it seems. Well, funnily enough, that's exactly why he was looking for somebody to fill in for him from time to time, to get more training in. Especially if the shinobi in question that wants the job was insisting on taking over for him, he didn't see a reason to deny him. It took a few moments for him before he decided would just make him his advisor since he was sure he wanted the job, not that he had any itnention of denying him but making it look like he was heavily considering it.

"Alright well, can't say you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. We can start your studying on politics, foreign law and the likes later this week. You may hover over my shoulder to get a feel for the kind of work I'm currently doing but its alright if you don't understand it right way. Just familiarize yourself with the bare bones of it for the time being. This was quite the pleasure Zieg, I have a feeling we'll be talking a lot more from now on but for now, that's all the time I can spare idly chatting. If you wish you may take observe what I'm currently doing since I expect you to be able to take over in a month or two or you can spend what little free time you may have left before you are crushed by the weight of the the responsibility, the choice is yours." With that, Kizmaru went back to focusing on the work at hand, placed on his desk. He was sure what option his Jounin would choose but regardless, he had only hoped he had steeled himself for the grueling task that is the mountains of paperwork left undone by the previous Mizukage.


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