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Kizmaru Senju
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Is this even edible?  Empty Is this even edible?

Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:31 am

Another misty day for Kizmaru as he sat in his four by five square meter office signing off on paperwork as usual. Fortunately for him, his break was coming up soon and if he was really lucky, stayign ahead of his work and all, he would be able to leave his office early in time for him to go home to his wife, maybe even make a few additional trips around town as his Jounin persona. Lost to his daydreams, he pondered on what he would do after getting off early from work, as if he was sure it was set in stone. Moments had passed before he realized he was actually still sitting at his desk attempting to finish the work on his plate before he started to move his right hand again to stamp papers with his seal of approval. quickening his pace, Kizmaru was in a hurry to meet that deadline he set for himself so he could walk away from his office freely without much are in the world until tomorrow when he would be called back to the desk of solitude. After another half an hour, he had finally met he quota he set for himself before he was free from his everyday torment.

As soon as he was done, he got up and ran into the common room to shed his Mizukage Robes and and Hat that has the veil on it and into his normal attire of a yellow button down shirt, navy blue pants and ninja tabi for the standard shinobi. Once he was done changing, he made his exit from the common room and put away the remaining paperwork he'd set aside aside for tomorrow. For now, he was just going to enjoy the extra time he had today.  He decided he would go home to check with the missus at the end since that's where he planned to spend the rest of his free time. For now, he figured he find something he could do on his own though that would be fun and engaging. Walking around town, he happened to end up in the area where his favorite seafood bar and grill had been. He wasn't exactly hungry enough to where he needed the food right now but, he figured it couldn't hurt to step inside to hang out a bit and maybe have a few drinks to kill time. He was a local around these parts so maybe he'd even see some of the patrons he's used to seeing every once in a blue moon.

He, himself, didn't come around often as his free time has been left in a less than desirable state. When he does come around though, people do recognize him time and again. Entering the bar, he briefly looked around to see it was filled more than usual. Looking around, Kizmaru wondered what was going on before he has forced to find somebody to fill him in on the situation. Hailing one of the patrons, Kizmaru asked them what all the commotion was all about. He wasn't successful the first few times he tried to get information since most of the ones he hailed were either drunk or too irritable to answer his question. It didn't matter though since eventually he had gotten his information from a worker that happened to be nearby. When asking a worker what the big even was, he was pointed to a small table where there seemed to be a line of people signing up for some big event. He was told the event was a puffer fish eating contest that takes place in this bar bar every now and again. Apparently, everybody signing up, was mainly competing against the current champion of the eating contest since he was the biggest threat.

Eating contest, eh? He wasn't exactly famished but he could grab a bite to eat and he choose to do so. Getting on line, it didn't take long before it came time for him to sign his name on the list. There was a limited amount amount of contestants allowed so it was first come first serve, although if there was an abundance of people, it would have had preliminaries. All he had to do now, was walk to his designated table and wait for the contest to begin. An hour later, it was time for the competition to start. The host of the event introduced everybody that was participating to the rest of the bar patrons currently spectating the event. Shortly after, a count was heard as large plates of what smells like cooked puffer fish was served to the contestants. When the countdown had finished all the plates had been set and ready for the contestants to eat. Another countdown had start in order to ignal when the contestants may begin to eat. 'Three, two, one, go' was heard when all the contestants including Kizmaru himself. The first thing that came to mind when he first put the food in his mouth was, 'This was delicious.' Unfortunately, he didn't have time to savor the taste of this new dish of his.

Since it was delicious, he could easily scarf down just as easily as anybody else. A few minutes had passed and half the contestants had already dropped out. Kizmaru was enjoying the fine meal but he could feel himself getting full. Soon a few more moments had passed and it was only the champion and Kizmaru himself. A few moments passed and Kizmaru eventually gave up. He couldn't eat anymore. The reigning champion had successfully defended his title. He patted Kziamru on the pat before accepting his cash prize. Kizmaru smirked but he wasn't really prepared to eat anyway. he was about to make his way out before he was handed his consolation prize of a smaller cash prize and a set of puffer fish gills. He chuckled a bit and took his prize before setting out of the bar and began to make his way home.


W.C: 1,003

Claiming 1,000 Ryo, 3 AP and Puffer Fish Gills
Claiming 1,000 words in 5 Strength
Claiming 500 words in Exploding Flame Shot
Claiming 500 words in Piercing Darts
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Is this even edible?  Empty Re: Is this even edible?

Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:19 am
Is this even edible?  Imagee58
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