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Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:13 pm
Arc walked through the halls of the estate.  He had been directed to a waiting room.  So far his interaction with the Mizukage had been limited.  He was a busy man after all.  Arc was here on business...kinda.  He was still getting used to the village and he felt that if he made a good impression with master Senju it might have lasting benefits and he could prove useful to the Leader of his village.  But mostly he wanted to rise in the ranks because that meant he would be given more difficult missions.  Not just to regain his old abilities but to improve and learn new ones.  Arc figured it was time to tell the Mizukage about his past.

Arc would wait in the designated waiting area that he was instructed to.  “Being old gives you patience,” Arc thought.  He had been busy the past few days working hard doing missions and training.  He had to constantly remind himself to take it at a steady pace and not to rush the process.  He would be worthless if he broke himself.  But more than anything he needed to return “Home”.  Arc thought of the endless shifting sands that he had spent so long meditating and training in.  the low dim sun never moving as if time stood still.  His castle, that was created by his thought alone, stood looming, casting its shadow across the sands.

His mind snapped back to attention.  He didn’t have the time to lose himself in memories.

WC: 252
Kizmaru Senju
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Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:26 pm
Sitting at his desk as usual, Kizmaru was up to his neck in paperwork. Signing off on papers and stamping them with his seal of approval seems to be all he does nowadays when it comes to his official duties. Sometimes he yearned for more conflict to happen but he kept that desire a secret since he didn't wish any ill will or harm to befall his village. Maybe one of these days, he'll take a trip outside to the open world and discover the endless possibilities that await him. For now, he was just the young leader of the village hidden in the mist. Wearing his Mizukage attire, Kizmaru was draped in his Kage robes and hat with a veil that hid most of his face, only revealing his eyes. Underneath said robe, was his Jounin Flak Jacket and sword that he kept at his hip. As he looked through documents and signed off on papers, a beeping sound was being emitted from his phone, signifying that he had a call. Reaching his left hand towards the phone, he pushed the button that marked 'speaker' on it to answer the call before talking loudly into it. "Mizukage here, what is it," said Kimaru a bit irritated but not at the person through the phone, just the sheer amount of work that he had to put in today. There was a brief pause but the person on the other line had began to speak.

"Sir, you have a guest here that says its urgent to speak with you. It seems he wishes to be a new resident of he village hidden in the mist. What should I do," the person said from the phone. This caused Kizmaru's right hand to stop moving briefly as he found it odd that somebody came all the way here to seek residence. They must not have heard the rumors or something but nevertheless, if people wanted to come and reside in his village, who was he to turn them away. As long as they can serve a purpose and earn their right to live here, that's all that matters. Of course, there was other qualifications but he'd rather not dwell on such a thing at the moment. As he daydreamed, he was snapped back to reality by the sound of his receptionist's voice asking whether to send the new person in or not. Kizmaru cleared his throat before he gave them the 'go ahead' to send them into his office. Here, he would do a questionnaire as he continued his work. Resuming the motion of his right hand, Kizmaru went back to work, awaiting for the person that was to come in and see.

W.C: 450
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:19 am
He was ushered into the room and Arc saw the Mizukage behind a desk working on a stack of paperwork.  Arcanis started to be concerned that he had caught the leader of the village at a bad time.  Though when does the person with the sole responsibility for an entire country have spare time.  Arc supposed he would just have to state why he was here and see if the man would give him the time.   He considered it disrespectful to barge in and start going on about this, that, and the other.  “My name is Arcanis Hedatari, Lord Mizukage”  was all the introduction he gave himself.  He bowed as was the old custom but Arc had no idea what kind of leader he stood in front of.  He wanted to get to know him better but until then he would have to be patient.

In his life, Arc had met many leaders.  He had met kings, and presidents, and dictators.  The one thing they all had in common, they demanded respect.  Arcanis hadn’t gotten where he was today by pissing off everyone he had come in contact with.  Well, that is to say, that he had learned that was not the way to stay healthy.  But he survived and he learned.  

Arcanis stood perfectly still and waited to be addressed.  He was wearing formal clothes.  The tailored suit that he had traveled in.  It was intended to be formal however it was not necessarily the fashion of the village. 

[WC: 250]
Kizmaru Senju
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Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:29 pm
Continuing his paper work, Kizmaru heard the sound of footsteps from his corridor, a two pairs of feet. The door opened to his office as somebody was ushered into his room before listening to the sound of the door being closed behind them. He assumed this person was the one he was suppose to deal with but he didn't look up to greet them, not yet anyway. Continuing to push his pen across sheets of paper, he began to listen to the male introduce himself. According to the male, he introduced himself as 'Arcanis Hedatari', a traveler to the village hidden in the mist. Pulling out his official seal of approval, Kizmaru began to stamp the papers he had just finishing signing before moving onto the next one. He could hear the shuffling of the male's suit when he bowed and Kizmaru had decided maybe it was time he should address him, pausing his actions for the moment. He placed his pen down, finally lifting his head to take a gander at the person before him. Here a man was, wearing a suit for the occasion which made Kizmaru smirk under his veil. Leaning back in his chair, he decided it was best for him to see what was going.

"So tell me Arcanis, what brings you to my chambers? I hear from one of my subordinates that you are seeking refuge in my village but, I would like to hear that claim directly from your mouth. Of course, this isn't gonna come cheap, so tell me, what benefit can you offer me, my people, if I decide to take you under my village's protection," Kizmaru said as he placed his hands together, fingers clasped in between each other. It seems there's been quite a few people coming to his village as of late seeking refuge which is both good and bad. He isn't sure how to feel about it altogether since they both provide pros and cons. Pros being having more manpower for various tasks, jobs and possibly even military might and cons being more mouths to feed and money being spread thin. Still, he knew he shouldn't turn away perfectly good labor when the chance arises as there was always work to be done in the village hidden in the mist. First, he has to prove himself being worthy or useful to join the village as he didn't want to take anybody what was considered dead weight. 

W.C: 409
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:28 am
After holding still for a moment while his host finished paperwork, he was finally addressed and he was asked what he was expecting.  What does the village get out of letting him stay?  It wasn’t too difficult.  Arc wanted to be a citizen and would contribute to that end.  “Lord, I am not your average wandering layabout.  I am a ninja of a village that seems to have been destroyed in my absence.  The Village in the Earth nation Iwagakure.  As its inhabitants and everything I’ve known is now dust, I have no allegiances to anyone currently.  But I am a hard worker and accomplished at that.  My goal here today is to swear allegiance and offer my services in exchange for permission to reside here.” Pausing for a moment to allow the first chunk of what he had to say to sink in.  “I am willing to submit to tests or integration if you think that necessary. But I assure you I have nothing to hide.  I am at your disposal should you have a need for me.”  

Arc didn’t tell the man everything, but he would tell him, should he be prompted.  Arcanis’ life was not a tale a sane man spew without a raised eyebrow or look of disbelief from the audience.  But his experiences were valuable nevertheless. 

“To be honest Sir, the reason I came to Kirigakure was that I knew someone here once.  I visited all the time and I was hoping, well dreaming, that there was a chance that I’d find her here.  But it has been much longer than I thought initially.  And since this was a place of pleasant memories for me, it was really the only place that I thought I could make a new life.  With your permission of course.”

With that Arcanis would fall silent waiting for the Mizukage’s response to the long-winded proposal.

[WC: 315]
Kizmaru Senju
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Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:32 am
Listening to the boy's response, it seems he had came from a great nation that was no longer a nation to begin with. Maybe it couldn't stand the tests of time and Kizmaru had hoped Kirigakure would stand a far better chance at stability than the once great nation of Iwa. For now, he would would ponder on the proposal at hand. This stray shinobi from a desolate nation journeyed across the ocean, through the barrier in order to take refuge here. He's got to admit, its a pretty bold move he took in getting here the way he did. He figured he'd have to do something about the seal but for now, he has to finish 'interviewing' his future, would be villager. From what else he could gather, he was willing to work, take tests and overall be useful to the village as a whole. Leaning forward in his chair, he figured 'why not' since he could always use the extra help. The more manpower he had at his disposal, the faster he could get his projects and events up. The male claimed he would work for his keep and Kizmaru was expecting him to keep his word, even at the cost of his life.

Fortunately however, he was in need of additional manpower. Lastly, he took note that the male was looking for somebody that he used to know that might till reside in Kirigakure. Of course, he didn't know who it could be exactly but he hoped they'd be successful in finding said person. Well, now that the questionnaire was finished, he leaned back in his chair, reaching  his right hand into a lower drawer and pulled out a few sheets of paper that had been the usual registration forms when a foreigner wished to join his nation. "Alright then, If you're that sure you'll be of use to me then I'll accept you. I expect you to contribute your part to this village, understand? Here is some paperwork that must be filled out. There's an extra pen right there at the corner of my desk, take it and fill it out then when you're done we can move on to where you'll be staying for the time being until I can find you a permanent place of residence," he said as he handed some papers over to Arcanis before pointing at a nearby pen laying on his desk.

W.C: 402
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:29 pm
Arc reached out and took the papers being offered to him.  Reading through the document with the speed and precision of a trained professional, everything seemed to be fairly standard.  Arc reached over and lifted the pen from the corner of the desk where it was indicated to him.  Signing the form took only a moment.  Arc was now a part of the village hidden in the mist.  It had a nice ring to it.  He handed the papers back, “I won't let you down, Sir.  You have done me a great favor today.”  Arc was ready now to get to work.

The days would be long now.  He had a lot of training to do.  As well as his research into the temporal status of the world.  He was surprised he wasn’t able to travel back in time when he first arrived.  He wondered if somehow this was an alternate timeline.  If it was he would have limited access to the past but not shut off entirely.  And why was the world pretty much how he remembered it as well as having all his same leyline points still set up.  There were several questions he had to ask.  And he was sure that the answer wouldn’t come easy.

[WC 209]
[TWC: 1026]
10 stats all in speed
1026 words toward blacksmithing.
Kizmaru Senju
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Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:18 pm
As the Arcanis took the papers from his hand, Kizmaru watched him closely as if he was signing his life away. Signing the papers only took a moment before he handed them back to the Mizukage, being himself of course. Taking the papers from him, Kizmaru looked over them to make sure everything was in order before opening a different drawer to store the papers in. The male then expressed his thanks to him and Kizmaru responded with a slight nod. Watching the man, he wondered what he could be thinking in that head of us but such things weren't for Kizmaru to know he assumed. With that, Kizmaru had picked up the pen he was using earlier and went back to addressing the problem known as his paper work. He had sent for another shinobi to guide the man out so he can get back to work in peace. Hopefully, the guide would show him around Kirigakure enough to get his feet wet before letting him loose. Most importantly, show him where he'll be living from now on. As much as he'd like to do it himself, he couldn't since he was currently preoccupied at the moment. Maybe he'll run into him again in the future, even if he doesn't know it.


W.C: 213
T.W.C: 1472

Claiming 1400 in 14 Stamina
Claiming 1,200 in Soul Expulsion
Claiming 250 in Fire Stream
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Empty Re: Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru]

Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:21 am
Meeting with the Mizukage [-Kizmaru] Imagee47
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