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Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Vermin come out to Play Empty Vermin come out to Play

Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:03 am
With every step the barefoot Kaguya took, the Mizukage's building grew larger and larger in the distance. It had been some time since Kotsuzui found himself in there. He could probably count on a single hand the number of times he spent there, although he still knew its layout like it were drawn on the back of his hand. But most of his encounters with Xyxer weren't even within the building. It was almost like the Gyojin hated spending time there and preferred to be out within his village. The two encounters he had with the man that he would likely never forget wer at a waterfall, and a sushi shop. The latter had eventually led to the two training at Xyxer's own monument. With Yashakure walking with the Kaguya, he had been to deep in thought about Xyxer and if this new Kage could compare to him. So deep in thought that the possibility of starting a conversation had not even crossed his mind. Not until he had reached the doors of the building did his mind come back to reality. It wouldn't take the pair very long to get there. Just because the pink haired mohawk man was a foreigner doesn't mean he hadn't learned his way around the village.

He opened the door wide enough so that both he and Yashakure could step in before the door closed shut. He observed his surroundings, noting the shinobi and civilians around. Almost like a ghost, Kotsuzui began making his way to the stairs which lead to the Mizukage's chambers. Attracting no attention at all, the Kaguya was putting to use a skill Xyxer had taught him long ago, the day they were at his monument. A skill few in this village possessed, assuming there were any others at all. The Lost Arts of Kiri. It allowed Kotsuzui to move through the room without making a single noise, drawing no attention to himself except for those who happened to be looking his way. Fortunately, the secretary was too busy with her work to see him. So he silently moved through the room.

In mere moments he found himself standing in front of the doors to the chambers, half expecting to see Xyxer there. What a foolish thought that was. How long had it been since the Gyojin's disappearance? Since he abandoned his village, his people, his ideals. He looked over to Yashakure with a grin, excited to see how this would play out with Boy Wonder. He went to knock on the door, but stopped himself just shy. Instead, his hand drifted down to the door nob and simply opened the door allowing himself in. "So good to finally meet you" Kotsuzui would blurt out as the door opened with a smile on his face, assuming the kid was in fact here. He would grab a chair and take a seat in front of the Kage's desk. "Are there any refreshments? I'm astonishingly parched" he added in a very joking tone. Although he was in all honesty, quite thirsty. Alcohol was very dehydrating when one drank in the quantities the Kaguya did.

If for some reason Kotsuzui did not find the Mizukage in his chambers, then maybe... just maybe the Kaguya would take a seat in the Kage's chair.
Yashakure Hashibira
Yashakure Hashibira
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Ryo : 8500

Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:57 pm
Downing that alcohol probably wasn't the best of ideas. With each step, Yasha took she could feel it spreading through her body and boy was it moving. As the kage building got closer and closer Yasha tried to remember the last time she'd been there since the council meeting, it had been ages. As a chuunin there wasn't much reason for her to go besides Xyxer was the kind of guy that would come to you. That made it harder for people to make excuses as to why they didn't come when summoned but also lessened the intimidation factor of meeting with the village leader. Looking over to the man at her side his face was emotionless, it was like he was sleepwalking. Perhaps he was also feeling the effects of his drink although they were both handling it like pros that they probably were. It was good to see that even in this state he could navigate a foreign village, it meant he was more reliable than most. Upon reaching the building the Kaguya would open the door for the both of them.

Glancing around Yasha would take note of the people present, no one stood out but one did seem to disappear. The pink haired male was suddenly traveling without making a single sound including breathing. He had been taught that ability? Or maybe he was just smart enough to figure it out on his own. Either way, Yasha was impressed it meant he was either rather intelligent or really trusted. And regardless of whether he meant to do it or not the Terumi would follow his lead, there was no one here that needed to remember seeing her. Up the stairs and right outside of the door, the Kaguya looked at her with a grin. She noticed that his hand went high and then low opting not to knock. She couldn't help but smirk at that, anyone worthy of the kage title would've known they were coming long before now.

Upon entrance, the Terumi would let the male do the greeting, she didn't care to introduce herself. He had the files and if he hadn't looked them over yet that was on him. If the boy wasn't in the office Yasha would take a seat on the edge of the desk otherwise she'd stand. And he ought to hurry up if he wasn't there or she'd start reading.

WC: 401
Kizmaru Senju
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Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:36 pm
It was a hard day today of all the grueling training he's done with his friend Gou. He had bid him a temporary farewell before returning back to his office, feeling like he's gained a lot of strength in a short amount of time and even made a friend. He was expecting some company to show up to his office later. Looking down to the right of him, was the companion he decided to pick up and befriend along the way. On his way back however, he thought about stopping for a quick bite to eat as well as feed his buddy, Ram but he had a feeling something awaited him in his office. Well, it wouldn't surprise him if he had a meeting with the feudal lords of the smaller islands and some random messenger or two was sent to badger him. Releasing a small, aggravated sigh, he continued to head back to the Kage's estate in order to see what awaited him. Upon entering his residence, Kizmaru immediately sensed the presence of two fairly powerful shinobi in his presence. Glancing around the lobby, he didn't really take note of anybody that stood out at the moment. So instead, he had approached his receptionist and asked them if they've seen anybody of note come in recently. The receptionist quickly shook their head no before going back to their work. 

This somewhat alarmed Kizmaru but nonetheless, he figured if they wanted to do anything bad, they would have struck already. Still, this was the Kage's estate after all and it was only fair he would go greet them as the current leader of  the village. Going to a nearby room in the lobby, he had to dress the part of the Kage. Only a very select few knew of his true identity as he was currently spending most of his days parading around as a simple village Jounin whenever he steps foot out of his office. Whilst he was in the room, he spent his time drape the Mizukage's robe around himself and putting on the kage hat attached with a white veil to conceal his face, only revealing the color of his eyes. Fastening his katana underneath his cloak as well as wearing his Jounin flak jacket underneath as well. Now, he was in character to be greeting presumably important people waiting in his office. Well, it was time for him to greet his guests he assumed. Now exiting the room with his companion, he walked through the lobby to the back of the room, entering a stairwell taking him up a few flights of stairs until he was in the corridor leading to his office. Upon arriving, Kizmaru noticed the door to his office was open which made him tread slower than before. At this point in time, he didn't need to know where exactly his 'guests' are. 

Following behind him was his new companion, that seems to have picked up on his uncertainty, the bipedal armadillo also followed behind in order to grasp the situation at hand. It could feel the presence of two people in the room they were about to enter. Turning into the office, Kizmaru had stood in the doorway, with his arms behind his back looking onward at the two shinobi, he and his companion, had been sensing. Well, well, what a nice surprise he had come back too. Observing the room, he spotted two individuals he hadn't seen before. One of them was a pink haired male, with a mohawk. Judging by the way he sat down in his chair, he wasn't much shorter than Kizmaru himself but alas there he was wearing some strange white coat that seems to be draped around his frame. Kizmaru's eyes narrowed as he shifted his gaze from one person to the next that happened to be sitting upon his desk as if she were making herself comfortable. A young woman with a slim figure, bangs of forehead length and chin-length as well as two chest long strips of hair that drape either side of her face. She was quite scantily clad as far as the eye could see and there she was, sitting down on his desk within his small five by four square meter office. 

Pointing his chin upwards at a slight angle, which was quite the default for him when he played his role. It was a habit that many of the upper crust learned, a way to simulate looking down on others. Yet beyond that, it placed a mental barrier into those being addressed. As he watched them both, he finally decided to speak, an air of irritation in his voice when addressing them., "Who are you and what are you doing here, don't you two have duties to be attending or is there something you want from me," Kizmaru said in a cold, low tone as he addressed the two in front of him. Though he had a rough day, he wasn't in a foul mood though it did sour a bit after looking at the two shinobi making themselves at home in his place of work.

W.C: 857
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:49 pm
As he entered, his suspicions were confirmed. The Mizukage was not in his office. Shame really. Now the Kaguya had to lounge around doing nothing while he waited for the kid to come around. So he went to do the first thing he thought of, sit in the Mizukage's chair. He slowly approached the chair neatly tucked in behind the desk. As he did so, Yashakure took a seat on the edge of the desk, likely observing whatever it was Kotsuzui was doing. Once reaching the other side of the desk, he gently placed his hand atop the back rest of the chair and methodically slid it out from underneath the desk. He observed the chair, not thinking of it belonging to the kid who called himself Mizukage, but still thinking it belonged to Xyxer. It was clear as day he'd never return to sit in this chair again. But he couldn't help but feel that sitting in this chair now would do nothing but soil his name. Kotsuzui knew he was undeserving of the seat. Even with all his drinking he had enough brain cells left in him to know that much. He ran his fingers along the smoothness of the armrest before pushing the chair back in. Instead he turned to look out the window, get a view of what the village looked like from a Kage's perspective. After a few brief moments, Kotsuzui picked up on the presence of another being. His chakra was quite high. If Kotsuzui had to gauge, it felt more potent than the Chuunin currently waiting in the office. He could only hope it was the Boy and not just an ANBU nin who happened to enter the building. 

But in due time, the presence found its way to the door. "Boy Wonder is finally here" he said to Yashakure as he turned away from the window to observe the door. Still standing behind the desk, he watched as the door swung open revealing the figure of the kid, draped in the traditional garb of the Mizukage. He even went as far as to hide his face with a white cloth. The sight of it couldn't help but make Kotsuzui chuckle a bit. Although he did his best to hold it back. He really did. But he couldn't help but see a boy playing dress up. As the boy analyzed the two Chuunin currently around his desk, Kotsuzui analyzed him as well, excluding the thing following at his heels. It's chakra was so low the Kaguya could barely feel it when he tried. So there was no point in paying it any mind. So his attention remained on the kid. Even covered as he was, Kotsuzui could "see" him. There was no amount of clothing he could wear to hide what he looked like or what he had underneath from Kotsuzui.

Right off the bat, it was not going well for the kid. What with how he was dressed and trying to tilt his head back ever so slightly as if he were trying to intimidate the two. It wasn't working. Once he spoke, it only made things worse. The very first words he uttered informed Kotsuzui that this kid, who called himself Mizukage, had no idea who these two were. Both Chuunin employed by the village he supposedly ran, and he didn't know them? All he had to do was look at the files of his shinobi and he would have seen theirs. But the fact he hadn't even done that lead Kotsuzui to believe he didn't care about his village. A theory for now, he'd use this meeting to prove or disprove it. Hopefully.

"Duties?" Kotsuzui asked rhetorically with a smile on his face, showing the kid how ridiculous that was. "You expect us to work for you... when you don't even know who we are? Now I thought I had jokes, but he takes the cake on this one" he added, that final part of his sentence being said to Yashakure. "We come here to meet you for the first time. See who our new great and brave Mizukage is. But all I find is someone who hides behind a veil and his ugly pet. Why should we perform our 'duties' when you're too afraid to show your face?" Of course Kotsuzui was just enticing the kid, to see what he would do and how he would react. No doubt the kid would take every opportunity he could to test the loyalty of the two Chuunin to him and the village, or so Kotsuzui thought. So the Kaguya was using this opportunity to judge the character of the kid and see where his loyalties were. So for now he played the part, pretending he didn't know who was behind the veil. But he knew.


Skill used: Earth Sight
Yashakure Hashibira
Yashakure Hashibira
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 8500

Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:02 pm
Yashakure held no reservations when it came to taking a seat upon the kage's desk, if she was to be struck down by some almighty force it better aim for the head. Naturally being the only two living beings in the room, Yasha would watch Kotsuzui creep up to the chair, shrugging when the male decided not to sit. He instead looked out the window but the Terumi wasn't currently interested in the view, she could see it any time from the roof. Turning away from the window she checked out the decor of the room, it was nothing special which was kind of depressing. Luckily for someone, a presence making its way to the office could be felt by the woman and of course the male with her. It would be annoying if they were told to leave after coming all this way but they could just lie so it wasn't that much of a worry for Yasha. Seems so. Yasha thought to herself as she swiveled to face the door and immediately she was disappointed in what she saw. Not because the "mizukage" was shorter than she expected, younger than she expected, a nervous wreck, a poindexter, or even some fat slob but because the fool was covered from head to toe. Almost in unison, both Yashakure and Kotsuzui chuckled at his appearance.

Although he had significant chakra this getup and the sloth at his side didn't make him the slightest bit intimidating. Whoever taught him that head tilt should've also clarified that it made one scary-er. Then he only made matters worse by announcing that he had no clue who the two were. Kotsuzui would get the jump and speak first, addressing the ridiculousness of his question and then turning to her with a joke. She couldn't tell if there was any venom in his words but she was getting riled up, it was evident in her grin. Now, this could go two ways: either he takes the bait and proves how Kiri he is or he treats the two like children he has no time for. Neither option would give the kid any positive points but option one could lead to a fight that would if won. However, given his current state if the boy wasn't brave enough to show his face there was no way he'd risk losing the title in a fight. Maybe his pet had more strength than speed but when there was a possibility of a two on one not fighting seemed like the better idea. "Seem" being the operative word, any kage should be able to handle any combination of shinobi beneath him. Thus if he was truly capable of that he'd end all doubts here and now moreover he'd have them spread the word.

As a consequence, Yasha crossed her legs as she sat wistfully on the desk waiting for the boy's response. Surely all these things were running through his head but maybe he'd try to spin it in a funny way and earn their respect.

WC: 507
Kizmaru Senju
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Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:20 pm
Well, well, what a surprise, Kizmaru thought to himself. He was almost certainly sure this situation would happen sooner or later. A mysterious Kage had come to replace the one of old and they would even be dissatisfied with the way he presented himself. It was pretty cute honestly but he wasn't here to prove a point or win favor with the his subjects. They could either, say their grievances or just attack him out of the blue, either way. He didn't have time for this, he figured he would just get to the root of the problem and address their 'concern' about who was currently in charge.  Well, one thing for sure was, it wasn't any of their business who was in charge as long as they followed and obeyed orders but for the sake of the situation, he'll see how they would prefer to handle things. "No, I don't know who either of you are, and quite frankly, I don't care. I have hundreds of shinobi I have to attend to on a monthly basis and can't be bothered to remember every single face I've come across. Now if you were some kind of hero or legend, then maybe but as of know, the only thing I can tell is you're both two unruly shinobi make yourselves at home in my office without an appointment. I don't know how the previous Mizukage ran things but, let's pretend I'm him for a second, how do you think he would handle this situation if two of his shinobi decided to show up, demanding validation?"

Kizmaru said, maintaining his previous posture. Whether they found him intimidating or not, it didn't matter to him in the slightest. All he wanted to see was results and if all it took was some high ranking shinobi's appearance to appear, then they weren't worthy of being a ninja from the village hidden in the mist. As he said this, Kizmaru had brought his hands from behind his back, knowing what the potential answer may be. If they were looking for fight, they would get one. Motioning his companion, he signaled him to back off of him. Ram, gazed at him before gazing at the other two and exiting the room through the doorway they had enter. However, he didn't turn into the corridor but just back away far enough from the doorway to observe. "Answer wisely, my patience wears thin."  As he finished his sentence, Kizmaru's skin began to exude a blue glow which overlapped with the rest of his body, covering his frame. Lowering his head, he looked directly at the two in question, waiting on their response. He wasn't in the mood for games nor was he to be tested by his subject. Not being native to the country, he had to adapt fast and the only way to show people he means business was by revealing his murderous intent. 

W.C: 487

Jutsu used:
Soul Expulsion - 150 AP

850/1,000 AP
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:22 pm
Kotsuzui could not be any more pleased with how things were going. He had expected the Boy Wonder to try and prove himself to the two Chuunin. But his method of doing so was not what the Kaguya expected, but deep down it's what he was hoping for. Nothing could hold back the maniacal smile that found its way onto the Chuunin's face. His response to the matter, even better. Just when he thought things couldn't get better, the false kage was proving him wrong. Now his true attentions were coming to full bloom. No matter how much he tried to hide his true intentions. No matter if he hid behind his veil. He couldn't hide his own intentions. The first few words he uttered proved that his loyalties weren't to the village, but himself. The mention of hero or legend had Kotsuzui burst of laughing. Perhaps the alcohol was making it funnier than it actually was, but the boys presumptions were too much for the Kaguya to hold it back any further. His laugh caused him to miss a portion of what he was saying, something about appointments or such? Didn't really matter at this point. His words meant very little and held no weight behind them. He was glad he hand't missed the rest of his statement however. Pretend he was the previous Mizukage? Now that was gold. Before Kotsuzui made any snarky remarks to the Boy Wonder's silly comments, he saw the boy motion for his pet to back away. That alone was a clear indication things may be getting serious. Although the kid was making a terrible impression, he was making Kotsuzui a happy person.

"Is that a turtle?" Kotsuzui asked rhetorically as Ram started walking down the hall. With its 1 speed, the Kaguya was actually starting to think it may be a deformed turtle. While it made its long trek out the door and a bit further back to keep its distance, Kotsuzui made his way around the desk and in front of it, beside Yashakure. He did this before Boy Wonder made his final comment. Judging by the fact he waited for the Turtle to be out of the way to speak, it gave Kotsuzui ample amount of time to get there before Soul Expulsion was activated. But once it was activated, Kotsuzui's eye lit up like it was Christmas morning. "Oh no, you hear that? His patience is running thin" Kotsuzui whispered to Yashakure, though just loud enough for Kizmaru to hear it.

"Maybe you should have remained in the academy a little while longer if you have trouble remembering, kid" Kotsuzui spoke up, eyes focused on the boy. After all, he was the first Kage to claim he couldn't remember someone because there were too many faces to remember. " 'Let's pretend I'm him' " Kotsuzui said mockingly, clearly repeating what Kizmaru had said just second earlier about pretending he were Xyxer. "I'm sure you'd love that wouldn't you? Then you might actually get some respect around here." At it again, trying to get under peoples skin. He couldn't help it. "I'm starting to think you're not in this for the village. You're clearly in this for yourself. How could a shinobi or Kirigakure, not know how the previous Mizukage ran things? Seems a lil' sus' to me, doesn't it? But I digress. I'm afraid there's no answer to your question. The previous Mizukage would never have had people coming in demanding validation. He earned it. You... on the other hand, are demanding it. Hiding your face like a coward demanding people you don't care about work for a village you don't give a fuck for... well Kirigakure doesn't work like that. Not surprised you don't know that, it doesn't seem like you've even been around long enough to know." The entire time, the smile was still there. Waiting for the smallest movement in the boy's body. Waiting to see how he would react. Hoping.
Kizmaru Senju
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Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:36 pm
Well, clearly there was no talking to this one and the other one hadn't said a word of note for the situation at hand. Despite all the changes, fixes and new establishments he's made, none of them were good enough for the boy and so he decided he would try and issue a complaint with his Kage directly. Well, there was only one thing left to do if they won't cooperate, the only fashion Kirigakure way. He'd have to prove himself to the people around him, starting with these two in order to not have his agenda questioned. The boy had stated the previous Mizukage had earned his respect. Earned it, how? By attacking his previous home and subjugating people who weren't willing to fight back? Heh, that's funny, Kizmaru thought to himself. Not to be confuse his emotions, Kizmaru didn't really care what happened in the past after he came to Kirigakure. He had adapted and decided to make this village his home now. Well, the time for talk was over, he had nothing more to say to the chuunins in front of him. One was mocking him, despite his demands as the other one silently looked on as if she was a deer caught in headlights sitting still.

With no hesitation, Kizmaru had begun to perform his next few actions simultaneously. He began to knead his chakra into his stomach, while performing the hand sign of horse followed by tiger with his right hand. At the same time, he performed a single hand seal of Tiger in his right hand. As he began to weave his hand signs, he bent both knees ever so slightly to prepare himself to push off the ground and maneuver in whatever direction he pleased when he openly presented his hostility. Inhaling through his nostrils, he was able to lift the veil just high enough from over his mouth. Watching the pink haired boy's movements carefully, he began to blow a stream of flames into his office from his mouth. The stream had started as a small inch line coming from his mouth, before expanding into a twenty meter cone, perfectly enveloping and engulfing the entirety of room the two shinobi were currently in. The fire was large enough to completely engulf the room the two were in as the flames were trapped in the room with the window closed the only other means of escape being the doorway he happened to be standing in.

Well, they demanded some form of validation, they got it. Kizmaru had lost is patience and decided he would show them why he deserved their respect although the price he was demanding was far to high. If such an insurgency were to be allowed, he would have been deemed weak. After all, Kirigaure was a village about strength and might. It was only natural a situation like this would occur sooner or later. When all was said and done, he figured it would be in his best interest to hire some bodyguards for matters such as these. It would become too much of a hassle to take on every usurper that crossed his path. Well, he would personally train some bodyguards of his own when the time came. For now, he'd focus on the task at hand.

W.C: 560

[48-houring Yashakure]

Jutsu Used:
Great Fireball - 20 AP (110 Power/Speed)
Upkeep: 75

755/1,000 AP
Yashakure Hashibira
Yashakure Hashibira
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Ryo : 8500

Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:36 pm
Hearing him reiterate his ignorance made the Terumi's brow furrow and to add injury to insult he said he didn't care who they were. Jesus this guy needed media training yet, for now, Yasha would continue listening. God the more this guy talked the more annoying he got. Now maybe it was the alcohol getting to her but did this bastard really just ask how Xyxer ran things? Him admitting to not knowing even that was enough to make Yasha jump off the desk but it was the validation remark that got her. Perhaps he could tell although it was far more likely that he was simply preparing for retaliation caused by the possible mention of the Gyojin. Even inebriated Yasha was sure to never wear her emotions on her face or show them in her body language thus it's needless to mention that her analytical mind was fully intact. And right now it was telling her that he might be talking about Haru Hyuuga, hoping to take advantage of the misunderstanding by using unnecessary force when defending himself. However, regardless of who the boy was mentioning it was no excuse for him not to know how the old kage managed the country, he was more than old enough to remember. The only explanation for him not remembering Haru was if he was a pill popper but Yasha really couldn't care less about that right now. "If you can't remember the faces of your shinobi how can you say we're not heroes or legends?" The kunoichi would interject at the same time her male counterpart insulted the creature.

He would be at her side long before the beast was even halfway down the hallway, antagonizing the wannabe. She smirked again when the pinkette asked if the boy would love to be Xyxer. Whether that did it for the boy or not behind her crossed legs and drape like skirt the Terumi would form the tiger seal as the Kaguya said it. Kizmaru's eyes so damn fixed on Kotsuzui, the second Kizmaru's hand moved to form the horse seal a mist so thick not even light can penetrate would exit Yasha's lips (40 speed) aimed at Kizmaru's eye level. She'd immediately stand as the mist manifested simultaneously Yasha's own hands would perform four more seals. I guess our words were too wise. The Terumi thought to herself about the fact that they were now fighting.

WC: 402
AP: 794-10 ap=784
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Vermin come out to Play Empty Re: Vermin come out to Play

Fri Apr 17, 2020 11:32 am
It was happening just as Kotsuzui had hoped it would. After he had finished replying to Boy Wonder's ignorant question, it seemed he had no more to say. Rightfully so. Everything coming out of his mouth was worth mocking, so why would he continue. Nevertheless, Kizmaru decided to end his foolishness and make a move on the two pestering Chuunin. Upon Yashakure activating her Hidden Mist jutsu, Kotsuzui's body got looser, as though he let go of any and all tension in his body. If one were paying attention, it would almost seem as though he were losing balance and about to tumble. But no one would actually see it happen since Yashakure had activated her Hidden mist. He was well hidden within it from Kizmaru's eyesight. But feeling the vibrations through the floor using Earth Sight, Kotsuzui could still see what it was Boy Wonder was doing and could see his knees also bent ever so slightly. Upon forming the Horse and only Tiger seal, Kotsuzui bent his own knees in retaliation, figuring an attack was coming. Not caring to find out what such an attack may be the Kaguya had every intention of stopping it short. Without making a single sound with the help of Kiri's Lost Arts, the Kaguya would burst out from the mist and towards Kizmaru with a new found speed. With Kizmaru being in the entrance to the office, that only placed him a few meters away from Kotsuzui at best, who was in front of the desk. That left a little gap to cover, one that could be covered relatively easily. 

Kizmaru would likely not see Kotsuzui coming due to him "lifting" his own veil and blocking his own vision. But if he could somehow see through the veil, he'd see the Kaguya with both arms out, looking a little like he was going for a hug all awkwardly. But the oddness of his movement were all intentional to prevent the false Kage from being able to read his movements properly. After being drunk so often, Kotsuzui had perfected how to move like a drunkard at all times. Even in his fighting. It wouldn't look like it, but Kotsuzui was in fact performing a Lariat. Before the flames had time to escape the boy's mouth, the space of Kotsuzui's right bicep/elbow pit would meet the chest of Kizmaru. A couple of things would happen here if successful. First, the wind would get knocked out of him. And with no wind to blow, it would be impossible to blow out his chakra and convert it to fire. Secondly, if successful his chest would collapse, shattering a couple of ribs along with it. The success rate of Lariat colliding only went higher due to the fact Kizmaru was standing right in the doorway of the office. If he attempted to move left or right he'd knock right into the door frame. If he attempted to go anywhere forward, he'd be met with the right or left arm of Kotsuzui, depending on where he tried. That only left the option to move backwards into the hallway. With Kotsuzui running right at him, moving backwards would not avoid the Lariat.

If all were successful, Kotsuzui's Lariat would carry Kizmaru a couple of steps before smashing him right into the floor in front of the Kaguya, cracking it beneath the boys body. The impact into the ground would only cause more injuries to the boy's already injured body. Wobbling where he stood, the Kaguya would watch over the boy to see if there were any indication of movement, or any attempt to make a move to strike. But Kotsuzui was fairly certain that if this landed, the fight was over.


150ap Drunken Fist (+50speed/strength). Reduces Kizmaru's speed by 40 when reacting to Kotsuzui.
30ap Lariat (+30speed/strength)

Speed: 100 +50 +30 = 180
Strength: 115 +50 +30 = 195
AP: 920 -150 -30 = 740

Earth Sight
Lost Arts of Kirigakure
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