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Truth Hidden in Teammates (NK) Empty Truth Hidden in Teammates (NK)

Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:25 pm
The rain poured down upon the forests that surrounded the Leaf Village, the leaves of the trees dripping constantly of the overflowing water coming from above, as Vergil walked along the road that led to the training field as he had said he would. He would be surprised, however, that upon getting there he would notice he was not the first one there as Saori dressed in a hooded cloak stood in the center of the field waiting for him. She shook her head sternly as he walked up to her and wiped the dangling hair back and away from his forehead as heat kept permeating from within his body in order to keep him warm. "Honestly, sir, you're going to wind up giving yourself pneumonia and then what will become of your plans. I had a feeling you might go for a late night training session so I took the liberty of making you some tea to help keep away illness... even if it only proves to delay the inevitable." She held out a couple of thermoses as he took one and gave it a shake to hear it full of hot liquid waiting inside for his consumption as he gave a slight smirk and hooked it to a loop he had built into one of his weapon pouches.

"Thank you, Saori. If I could trouble you for your assistance a bit longer I would be grateful if you could prepare one or two more of these." She looked a bit puzzled as he took the other flask and held on to it. "Expecting to be out training that long, my lord?" He shook his head while looking over to the entrance expectantly. "Not exactly. I don't expect that I'm going to be training alone so it would help if I had something to offer to my guests in case they are in need of keeping warm in this weather." This took Saori slightly aback. Rarely had she seen Vergil actually show care for others personally. She had seen him take on multiple missions that helped people, for sure, such as helping the elderly in the streets or getting cats out of trees. But this was a whole new level of care in comparison to all those times as she smiled and nodded. "Understood. Do you think your guests will like a certain different type of tea to what you prefer?"

Adjusting the collar of his vest and giving a deep sigh Vergil shook his head. "Either they are going to like what I offer or go thirsty. This is a training session not a spa treatment." And there it was. Back to his usual cold self as Saori's smile sank into a pout and her eyes drooped into a look of disappointment. 'Well so much for that.' she thought as she stood back up and brought her hands together to form a hand seal. "I'll return shortly with your tea, sir... Please... TRY to actually be sociable for a change with your fellow shinobi. You never know when they might come in handy as allies." She vanished as Vergil gave a slight scoff upon her departure. 'You would do well to mind your own business, Saori...' he thought as he kept a lazy gaze upon the entrance waiting for the company he was expecting. 'I'll do this my way... as it's the only way I've ever been taught.' He brought his sheathed Yamato around in front of him and stabbed it's tip into the muddy ground that laid under him before putting a hand on the top while putting his free hand atop the end of the hilt and kept a hold on the second thermos with his other hand. He would wait there as the rain kept falling upon him and his chakra kept his body hot while droplets dripped off the coattails of his waterlogged jacket.

(WC 670)
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Truth Hidden in Teammates (NK) Empty Re: Truth Hidden in Teammates (NK)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:13 pm
The night couldnt of been more beatiful to Sai, the rain made had this harmony to it as it hit off of different things in the village. Sai loved nights like these, it was times like this were Sai could just sit back and relax. Sometimes he would even fall asleep to the beatiful sound from the rain. He also enjoyed how the way the rain changed the smell of the Air. If it was up to Sai he would have it rain everyday, probolay not all day long but it would definetly rain atleast once a day. With all this rain the village had been getting i was the perfect oppertunity to train in. 

Sai had been laying on the rooftop for about an hour or two. He had a mat thick enough to block out the cold wet rooftop and a umbrella big enough to keep him and most of the mat dry. Sai released a slight sigh, he wasent completly ready to leave his happy place but duty calls. It was time for him to head over to the training grounds. As he was about to get up, Sai had remember that he told the man Vergil that he would meet him in the training grounds. "Shit", Sai thought to himself. He knew he had made the man wait, something Sai hated doing.

Sai made it his goal to be some where on time, he hated being late. He didnt like when people made him wait, so h always tried his hardest to not make other wait. Sai time was very precious to him and he valued it more than almost anything in the world, besides his own life. Sai quickly un did the umbrella and threw it under his shoulder as he grabbed the mat. He placed both of those inside his house to dry, before leaving out and making his way to the training grounds to meet his new pal Vergil. Sai arrived at the training grounds in no more than 5 minutes . Luckily for Sai there wasent any traffic going on in the village due to the rain.

Upon Sai arrival he would see Virgil standing there with his Sword in te ground "Hey Vergil hows it going", Sai said with a smie as he lookeda the man who was now standing ten meters away.
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Truth Hidden in Teammates (NK) Empty Re: Truth Hidden in Teammates (NK)

Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:32 am
The rain continued to fall around Vergil, his white hair becoming steadily drenched around his forehead, as he had his eyes closed in deep meditation. Thoughts of events he experienced in the past rushed along in his mind, memories of past friends and family now long dead and gone from his life, as he reminisced of all the things he had to go through in order to get to where he was. The trip wire incident when he was a child, the war that raged on when in his teens, the reunion and parting which brought him great sorrow. It had all shaped him into what he had become and he wasn't sure if it was something to be proud of... or cautious of. His life had been shaped by pain which had left him scarred inside to where his cares and troubles seemed so little now. Everything had come to him easier even his strength as he had trained diligently to get to these little break time moments with his fellow ninja. He had met only a few but they had proven themselves worthy of being great ninja during his time with them. Now he was going to go to training with another Uchiha soon which helped in bringing his motivation up as he was looking forward to getting to trade blows with a fellow clan member.

It wouldn't be long before Vergil had heard a voice as he slowly opened his eyes to see Saizou standing some meters away. The heat that was constantly radiating through Vergil's body kept his limbs loose and relaxed even in the cold rain as he gripped his sword sheath and pulled it out of the ground with his left hand. Water dripped from the scabbard, the blue ribbon stiff with droplets constantly dripping from it, as he noticed a noise to his far left which prevented him from speaking. With a sigh he uncapped the thermos he had been holding just as his servant, Saori, appeared in her body length cloak and wearing her ANBU mask. She had been holding two more thermoses as he had asked her for as she looked over to Saizou and gave an enthusiastic "Hi!" as she walked over to him holding out the thermoses. "This is some special tea that I made. Should keep you warm while training out in this weather. If you need anything else from me just let me know ok? I'll be hanging out nearby." She would hand Saizou the two thermos's, if he accepted them, and hang around to answer any questions he may have had before stepping back to a safe distance so she wasn't in the two's way.

Vergil had already taken himself a swig of the tea that was inside his own thermos before he recapped it and put it on another hook on his weapon pouch. He then used his hand to wipe his hair back in it's usual fashion as he watched Saizou closely for any actions. "You can come at me when you're ready."
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